Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WCC Wednesday Night Preview Week 2 "Money in the Bank"

The intro plays as the camera pans across the sold out crowd in Sacramento, California! 

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Wednesday Night Preview!
I'm Michael Cole and as always, I'm alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler.
And King, we are just one night removed from the SummerSlam pay per view, and what a night it was.

That's right, Michael. Two WCC Rookies won in their debuts when Nyback defeated Chuckanut, and Dolph Riggler beat CM PUP. Single H got his revenge on The Hiz, and Santa Clara Gold Diggers is still WCC Champion!

Who knows what is in store for us tonight as we get set for Week 2 in the WCC!

 John Laurinaitis alongside assistant, David Otunga, makes his way down to the ring as the Sacramento crowd boos.

My name is Mr. John Laurinaitis and I am the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and the Commissioner for both Seattle and San Francisco.

*Crowd Boos*

It is my job as League Commissioner to provide the best possible entertainment for the WCC Universe, and this Sunday at Money in the Bank... we will have a Money in the Bank Ladder Match!

Here comes CM PUP and he does not look too pleased.
Last night at SummerSlam, it appeared as if PUP had the match won, when Commissioner John Laurinaitis interfered in the match, causing PUP to lose by just 1 point.

PUP enters the ring and immediately gets in Laurinaitis' face.

PUP, before you say anything. I just want you to know, that you did this to yourself.
Last week on Preview, I gave you the opportunity to be on my side. I asked you to give me a chance as Commissioner. And what did you do?
You pretended to punch me!
You lost your match on your own.
John Laurinaitis didn't screw CM PUP.
CM PUP screwed CM PUP! 
Because of that, you will never be WCC Champion again!

Never be Champion again? Let me tell you something Johnny Boy..
There is nothing you can do to stop me from becoming WCC Champion. If you never give me a title shot, that's fine. I'm going to take it.
I care far too much about this business... and far too much about Fantasy Football for you to stop me.

I'm going to sign the best players.
I'm going to make the best transactions. Drop the worst players.. and I will become the best once again.
And it starts this Sunday at Money in the Bank.
I'm going to climb that ladder.. and I'm going to have the most Fantasy Points this week. And I will be Mr. Money in the Bank!

That sounds like a good plan, PUP.
But I haven't announced this year's participants in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match..
This year's 6 man Money in the Bank match will include...
What's Your Deal?, Lufa, In Manning We Trust, Rock's Rad Team, Team Howardo...

Ahhh!! He's back! Bus Drivers!

Bus Drivers enters the ring.

[Bus Drivers]
I guess you can take the weekend off Junior.. because it is my time to show the entire world that I am the best in the league at what I do.

Bus Drivers hits a Code Breaker on CM PUP!

What a maneuver! Bus Drivers looks better than ever and primed for a great season in 2013!


Oh no! Now Bus Drivers is drenching CM PUP in his biggest weakness! Alcohol!



John Seana makes his way down to the ring.

Seana enters the ring and picks up a microphone.

I only have one thing to say...

Oh my... ask and you shall receive! 


[The Crock]

Oh no... no... we're not going to listen to all 50 of your tired catch phrases, Crock.
You wanted me. Here I am!

 Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa.. WHOA!
Seana.. You think The Crock wants you?
No... no... no... no... no!
The Crock wants the WCC Championship.
And The Crock was 2 seconds away from it last season.
2 Seconds away from becoming League Champion!
But then you had to bring your Fruity Pebble butt down to the ring and hit me with an Attitude Adjustment!
No... The Crock simply returned the favor last night.
An eye for an eye...

Well if that's how you feel...
I cost you the WCC Championship...
and you cost me....
So I say... let's settle this once and for all!
This Sunday at Money in the Bank!
The headline of all headlines...
John Seana versus The Crock!
Never before... and never again.
Once in a lifetime..... again!

   [The Crock]



Chief Operating Officer, Single H makes his way down to the ring.

Last night, What's Your Deal? turned his back on the WCC Universe when he sided with WCC Champion, Sandy Orton. Let's see what the Chief Operating Officer has to say.

Single H enters the ring to a chorus of boos.

[Single H]
First off... at this time, I would like to welcome the youngest WCC Champion in League history..
The new face of the WCC...
Santa Clara Gold Diggers!

*Crowd Boos*


[Single H]
She is the future of the WCC.. and she continues to defy all odds.
The Reign of Gold Diggers is here.
I have passed the torch to the next best Fantasy Football Player.
If I couldn't win the League Championship for the 4th time in a row, then I couldn't have picked a better WCC Champion than Santa Clara Gold Diggers.
A fellow Seattle Division Superstar. 
The new face of the WCC...
The hand picked Corporate Champion..
Sandy Orton!

*Crowd Boos*

[Single H]
Last night... we sent a message to anyone who dares to cross Santa Clara Gold Diggers.
We sent that message when we murdered Chuckanut on live television!
So I want the entire WCC Locker Room to look at our Champion.
Do any of you dare cross her now?!
 Who wants a piece of Sandy Orton now?!

   [Single H]
That's what I thought.
Nobody wants to be the next Chuckanut.


Lufa makes her way down to the ring.

[Single H]
Lufa... You want a piece of Sandy Orton?
Let her come to the ring.
Shield guys, let her speak her mind.

Lufa runs into the ring to confront Sandy Orton.

What a VICIOUS RKO to Lufa!

The entire WCC Locker Room watches in shock as Sandy Orton beats down Lufa.

Let that be a lesson to all of you watching right now.
I am the Champion.
And I am not afraid of anyone.

Suddenly the arena lights turn off.


Purple lights go on throughout the arena and an ominous music plays.

Wait a minute... it can't be...
Sandy Orton looks like she's just seen a ghost!


Oh my God...
Th-Th-That's... gotta be The Underchucker!

Druids bring out a casket to the ring.

It can't be... 
Sandy Orton killed Chuckanut last night at SummerSlam!

The druids open the casket to unveil the body of Chuckanut.


Underchucker Tombstones Santa Clara Gold Diggers!

Single H and The Corporation retreat as the fans are going crazy.

Chuckanut has come back from the dead and he's coming for the WCC Championship!

What will happen next?! Find out live at Money in the Bank! Live on Pay Per View!