Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Waiver Wire Episode 3 - "One of Them Good Problems"

Anderson Cooper
Shocking footage from last season's Explosion in Dallas.
President Trump calls the event a "Necessary Evil" to humble the XFL players for their National Anthem protests.
The public remains in outrage over the controversial finale of last season's WCC Storyline.
Since the incident in Dallas, whereabouts of many former XFL players and WCC Superstars remain unknown.
One particular WCC Superstar seen near the Explosion in Dallas, John Seana, is said to be on the run fearing repercussions from President Trump.

We cut to John Seana who has been watching the CNN broadcast.

The wear and tear of being on the run has caught up to Seana.
Since shutting the XFL and WCC down, President Trump has vowed to finish the job by hunting down any remaining WCC Superstars left.
John Seana included.

Seana's phone rings.

Big E. Langston
John, it's me.
We've found Balor.

John Seana
I'll be right there.

"Point is, they wore it." - Marlo Stealthy

Proposition Vinny takes a look at his Fantasy Team ahead of Week 3.

Prop Vinny
Strong Week 1...
Week 2, lost by 72 points.
We're going to need to step it up if we want to contend this season.
Crabtree, any word from The Greeks?
If we get our hands on the blue meth, I fully expect to make the playoffs.

Victor Oumar busts through the door.

Victor Oumar
That 72 point loss about to be a whole lot worse, Vinny.

Prop Vinny
Hold up now, Oumar.
Heard you killed one of Barksdale's last night.

Victor Oumar
Ain't no thing.
Had a bounty on my head, figured I'd strike first, ya feel me, Vinny?
Now I figure, Barksdale weak. Stringer too.
Thought I'd make my way up north and pay Prop Vinny an ole visit.

Prop Vinny
You sure you want more enemies?
North and south of San Francisco?
A proposition might fall kindly on your ear.
I might be more useful to you as an ally than a rival.
If you really want to test your mettle, there's a poker game going on this Sunday.
Rumor has it, Marlo Stealthy frequents these games.
High takes, low security. No weapons allowed in the game.
Word has it, his muscle won't be around.
Easy winnings.

Victor Oumar
I'll scope this out, Vinny.
But if this don't look right,
don't make me come back on you now.



Detective Minh
I've been studying the movements of the Barksdale organization.
Their player transactions, starting lineups, payphone and pagers.
And it all points to one man.
Kenneth Stringer Bell.
Undoubtedly, the backbone of the Barksdale organization.
If we can somehow bring down Bell. we bring down the entire operation.

Antonio Brown
Yeah? How do we do that?
The man's a 2x League Champion.
The most consistent Fantasy Manager of the last 5 seasons.
We can't even start a paper trail on how to beat his team.

Detective Minh
That's why we start at the bottom.
Use the Waiver Wire against him.
If we can drop players onto the Waiver Wire, maybe Kenneth Bell or one of Barksdale's lieutenants pick them up.
They'll play poorly which can lead to losses.
On top of that, they can report back to us what they've learned.

Detective Tai
A Waiver Wire on the payphones?
It could work.

Detective Minh
Michael Gallup was found dead with shotgun wounds to the chest.
Your boy Oumar?

Detective Tai
Don't know who else it could be.
He's warring with Barksdale's crew.

Detective Minh
Well there's bound to be chatter amount the shooting over the Waiver Wire.
If we can get this set up, it might be game, set, match on Barksdale.
Maybe even round up Stringer too.

Kenny Golladay
How's the team doing?

Marlo Stealthy
Stringer got me in Week One.
But we'll see him again.

Kenny Golladay
You go at him, he's gonna come back on you.
It's not gonna stop.

Marlo Stealthy
I don't want it to stop.
Barksdale weak this season.
And my Fantasy Team is stronger than his.

We cut to Stefon Diggs and David Johnson.

Kenny Golladay
No doubt that you have a strong team.
Haven't made it to the top yet in the WCC...
But what you gonna do once you're League Champion?
Once you there, you gotta defend it.

Marlo Stealthy
Mmm.. That sounds like one of them good problems.

Kenny Golladay
Prison, and grave yards.
Full of boys that wore the crown.

Marlo Stealthy
Point is, they wore it.
It's my turn to wear it now. 

Marlo Stealthy
We gonna do this.
Right, Stefon?



Over at Jesse Barkdale's clean business, Barksdale and Kenneth Bell discuss their options after an abysmal start to the new season.
Along with them, their attorney, Maurice Levy.

Jesse Barksdale
So, what the fuck?
Last place? Are you serious?
D'justin getting robbed, your team getting shot.
And I'm only averaging
77 Fantasy Points?
This is the worst start I've had in league history!

Kenneth Bell
On top of that, we know the police are onto us.
They investigating Gallup's murder.
That detective McLuu, been snooping around since D'justin's trial.

Jesse Barksdale
Man, what the fuck?

Kenneth Bell
You know.
Word is, Prop Vinny got a new connect.
Guy by the name of The Greek.
Streets is saying Prop Vinny might be slinging the most pure crystal meth on the market.
If we can cut a deal with Prop Vinny, share some territory in exchange for his good shit...
It'll keep the heat off us while maintaining a market share of the dope game.
I mean, seeing as how we lost our last shipment...

 Jesse Barksdale
No. Fuck that.
Oumar punk us in the street and now you talking about giving up territory?

Kenneth Bell
Look b, shit is crazy out there right now.
I'm saying, we lay low for a minute until we can stack some of these wins together.
Especially while the police are watching us?
Then, once we get back on our feet, we hit that mother fucker where he live.
It might be our best move right now.

Jesse Barksdale ponders Bell's advice, but appears unconvinced.

Lt. Kevin
What's the status on the Barksdale case?

Detective Tai
It's going better than we anticipated.
Barksdale is already 0-2.
D'justin looks iffy.
And Bell? Doesn't look as strong as previous years.
Minh is about to set up the Waiver Wire to track down former Barksdale members and if they speak on the Gallup murder, we may be to wrap this up quicker than we thought.

Lt. Kevin
Because my superiors want this case wrapped up quickly.
I want you to put Barksdale in bracelets this weekend.

Detective Tai
This weekend?
Lieutenant, we're making serious progress, but I don't think we can finish the case by this weekend.
Not properly, anyways.

Lt. Kevin
My bosses don't care about properly.
Buy and bust. Make some arrests and call it a day.

Detective Tai
Call it a day?
What the fuck?
You don't catch JesseBarksdale and Kenneth Bell off a fucking possession charges.
These guys don't even touch the product!

Lt. Kevin
Tai, can I trust you?
Rumors are, you like to make waves.
I hear the only reason this unit was created was because you went to Judge Judy complaining about the way this department conducts their police work.

Detective Tai
You're damn right I did.
The way things were, nothing was getting done, sir.
With all due respect...

Lt. Kevin
With all due respect my ass.
Chain of command, Tai.
You don't go above your superiors to get things done.
Even if you don't agree with their decisions.
I agree with you, this case can't be finished by the weekend.
You're not gonna put Barksdale and Bell away though 3 weeks of Fantasy games, even if they're off to a rough start.
But that's what we have.
One week to finish the case.
You either beat Jesse Barksdale this Sunday, or this unit is finished.
It's on you, McLuu.

Detective Tai
Yes, sir.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week 2 Recap: HitMikeJonesUpOnDaLo vs. 281-330-8004

Week 2 opens with a shot of Oumar's van.

He is being watched by Detective Tai and Joyce.

As they're trailing Oumar, Oumar knows he is being tailed and pulls over.

Detective Joyce
An invitation.

Detective Tai
Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Victor Oumar
I'm saying, if you were gonna shoot me, you could've been shot me by now.
Be on the 6 o clock news tonight, police officer shoots unarmed black male.
You'd be out on probation in 6 months.

Detective Tai
Unarmed huh?
Oumar with no gun on the street.
Must be a first.

Victor Oumar
Sometimes who you are, is enough, dog.

Detective Tai
Unfortunately for Greg Olsen, your reputation wasn't enough for him, huh?

Victor Oumar
Don't know what you're talking about, officer.

Detective Tai
Of course not.
Though the streets say otherwise.
Sounds like we have a problem in common.
Jesse Barksdale.

Victor Oumar
Nah, he ain't no problem.

Detective Tai
Word is that he has a bounty on your head.

Victor Oumar
Well, if you put it that way.
I guess he could be a little problem.
But um, I just can't really come out and help y'all.
Personally, I don't think the game is played like that.

Detective Tai
We respect that.
But if you do run into trouble...
I'm Tai, that's Joyce.
Give us a call and we'll sort something out.

Victor Oumar
Well, I'm sure your snitch got you.
Shit. Kareem Hunt know the streets well.

We cut to Kenneth Bell prepping his team.

Kenneth Bell
That's $4000 for Oumar.
$2000 for his bitch.

David Njkoku listens in on the game plan for the hunt on Oumar.

Kenneth Bell
The streets is watching fellas.
And we gonna let them people know.
Barksdale ain't to be fucked with.
The nerve of that faggot thinking he can come into our house and take our shit?

 Dalvin Cook and Brandin Cooks, the Cook Brothers, are ready to put it on the line to kill Oumar.

Kenneth Bell
Hell no.
No fucking way.
We're putting a hit out on that bitch.
Tonight, Oumar dies.

Erick Stevens
Man, these shits is right, yo.
Good with the hot sauce too, though.
Yo, D. You want some nuggets?

D'justin Barksdale
Nah. Go ahead, man.

Erick Stevens
Man. Whoever invented these...
He off the hook.
Mother fucker got the bone, all the way out the damn chicken.

D'justin Barksdale finds Week 2 to be much smoother than last week.
Despite benching Desean Jackson, D'justin finds himself on the winning end.
Selling lots of drugs and scoring lots of Fantasy Points.

Devonta Freeman
You think the man got paid?
The man who invented these?

Erick Stevens
Shit. He richer than a mother fucker.

D'justin Barksdale
You think he get a percentage?

Erick Stevens
Why not?

D'justin Barksdale
The dude who invented them things, just some sad ass down in the basement of McDonald's.
Thinking up some shit to make money for the real players.

Devonta Freeman
Nah man, that ain't right.

D'justin Barksdale
Fuck right.
It ain't about right, it's about money.
Now you think Ronald McDonald gonna go down that basement and say
'Hey Mr. Nugget, you the bomb.
We selling chicken faster than we can tear the bone out.
Some I'ma write my clowny ass name on this fat ass check for you.'

D'justin Barksdale
The dude that invented them things still working in the basement working for regular wage, thinking of ways to make the fries taste better or some shit like that.

Erick Stevens
Still had the idea though...

D'justin Barksdale is unimpressed.

Later that evening, Victor Oumar's team is found selling Barksdale's product.

Dalvin Cook
There go Oumar's team.
And they still selling our shit.

Michael Gallup
So how we gonna play this?

Dalvin Cook
We gonna catch one of them dudes.
And they gonna tell us where that faggot is.

Cook walks to the other side.
Michael Gallup leaves the car.

Victor Oumar
Hey now.

From out of nowhere, Victor Oumar lets off a shotgun blast to the chest of Michael Gallup.

In a mad scramble, Cook and Oumar go head to head in a shoot out.
Oumar clips Cook in the hamstring.

Oumar whistles to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell

Dalvin Cook
What the fu....

Victor Oumar
Ayo, lesson here, Dalvin.
You come at the king, you best not miss.

Winner via Pinfall: 281-330-8004