Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Week 13 Recap: Regular Season Finale

Across the Bay Bridge, the final weekend of the regular season is here.
Kenneth Bell has traveled to the East Bay for a special request.

Kenneth Bell
It's just precaution.
Can't let this get out.
And I can't go through my people for this.
I need this to be done and it need to look like an accident.

Oakland Drug Dealer
Kenneth Bell coming all the way out to the East Bay for a job?
Must be a first.

Kenneth Bell
Look, whatever you gotta do to get this done.
You do it.
But it can't come back to me and it can't look like no murder.
You get half now, and half when it's done.

Oakland Drug Dealer
No mistakes.
Nothing that'll come back on you.
My cousin works clean.

Singles Match
#7tormsComing vs. Stealthy's Team

We cut to a crime scene.
The Mustangs and the SCGD unit are on the scene at the vacant row houses in the Tenderloin.

The Baugh
What we got?

Det. Minh
Another body found in the vacants.
Looks like our hunch was right.
Marlo Stealthy is no doubt behind these bodies.
And I bet if we tear down a few more houses, we'll find many more.

The Baugh
Then we need to find Marlo Stealthy.

Winner via Pinfall:

Stefon Diggs
Word is the police got to the row houses.
What you want to do?

Marlo Stealthy
Ain't no way they can link that shit to us no how.
But we shutting it down for now.
They onto us.
We'll bounce back next season.

Singles Match
HitUpMikeJonesOnDaLo vs. 281-330-8004

Judge Judy
In the case of the State of California versus Doug Martin.
The jury finds the defendant, guilty on charge of first degree murder.
We will reconvene after lunch for sentencing.

Outside of the court room, Det. Tai McLuu waits for his star witness.

Kenneth Bell steps outside of the court room and notices Det. Tai.

Kenneth Bell
Nicely done.

With Jesse Barksdale, D'justin Barksdale and Doug Martin behind bars, the Barksdale organization's season is effectively over.
Kenneth Bell remains a free man, but with no resources or muscle, Bell is left with nothing to go on.

Kim Wexler comes to congratulation the SCGD unit.

Winner via Pinfall:

Kim Wexler
A rare pleasure. Mr. Victor Oumar, that was the slam dunk we needed to seal the deal.
This here, is a first round bye for the upcoming playoffs.
In addition, I am awarding you a get out of jail free card for anything up to a misdemeanor.

Det. Tai
A first round bye?
That's pretty generous.
You know the only problem is...
We may come face to face in the playoffs.

Singles Match
Minh's Team vs. Justin's Team

At Fox River, D'justin works his part-time job as a library aide.

Another inmate steps inside the room.

D'justin right?
You guys got any more Harry Potter books?
Just finished the Prisoner of Azkaban. 

D'justin Barksdale
Yeah, man.
But you can't be back here.
I'll bring some out, just give me a second.

The inmate walks behind D'justin and strangles him with a belt.

Winner via Pinfall:
Minh's Team

The inmate props D'justin up against the door knob,
 adjusting D'justin's body position.

The inmate steps out of the room, leaving D'justin's lifeless body.

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