Monday, December 9, 2019

Week 14 Recap: FantasyMania Round 1

Ahead of Week 14's matchup with Victor Oumar, 
Rocksonberg buys a .38 snub from Hunter Henry.

And are you sure this will do the trick?
Against an experienced shooter like Oumar?

Hunter Henry
If you conceal the weapon and surprise him... 
all it takes is 2 or 3 clean shots to the dome.

Rocksonberg practices as we head into FantasyMania.

At Jesse Barksdale's hideout, Kenneth Bell arrives.

Kenneth Bell
Where Jesse at?

Deandre Hopkins
He'll be along shortly.

Kenneth Bell
That's good. Because I came to see you anyways.

Deandre Hopkins
What you need?

Jesse Barksdale arrives, but lurks in the background.

Kenneth Bell
I need you to hit somebody.

Deandre Hopkins
Who we hitting?

Kenneth Bell
Jesse Jackson.

Deandre Hopkins
The Jesse Jackson?
Reverend Jesse Jackson?

Kenneth Bell
That's supposed to mean something to me, man?
That mother fucker need to be got.

Deandre Hopkins
Shit, murder ain't no thing.
But this here? This some assassination shit.

Kenneth Bell
Look, if I tell you that you gettin' someone.
You getting 'em. I ain't askin'.

Deandre Hopkins
Damn, String.. I don't know.

Kenneth Bell
Mother fucker, do I gotta remind you, 
who the fuck you work for?

Jesse Barksdale
Ayo, I think Deandre gonna need to this one out, boss.
So you tryin' to hit a Civil Rights leader, huh?
A former Presidential nominee?

Jesse Barksdale
You kill a celebrity like that, the whole world gonna stand up and take notice.
I'm talking about state police... federal... all that shit.
You need a James Bond or Jason Bourne type motherfucker to do some shit like that.
Not a street dude like Deandre.

Kenneth Bell
That motherfucker took our money, man.

Jesse Barksdale
I seen it coming.

Kenneth Bell
Well... he gotta go.

Jesse Barksdale
Nah, you a fucking business man.
You want to handle it like that.
You don't want to get all gangster wild and shit with it, right?
What did I tell you about playing them fucking away games.

Kenneth Bell gets up to leave.

Jesse Barksdale
They saw your ghetto ass coming from miles away.

Jesse Barksdale
You got a fucking beef with them, that's on you!

Kenneth Bell leaves.

FantasyMania Quarterfinals
[4] Kevlo Stanfield (7-6)
[5] Detective Tai (7-6)

Kevin's Grand Team's FantasyMania Record: 0-0

No Trade League's FantasyMania Record: 8-4

Julio Jones
Yo Devonta, what's the count?

Devonta Freeman
I don't think we're even gonna sell out today.

Across the street, a shadowy figure sneaks behind a car.

Julio Jones notices the movement.
Devonta Freeman looks off to the corner to find someone else approaching.

David Johnson also appears in the distance.

Devonta Freeman
Yo Julio...
We gotta run man.

Julio draws his weapon.

Julio Jones
Nah, this is my corner.
I ain't going no where.

Devonta Freeman
Julio, is you crazy?

As David Johnson and Robby Anderson begin to approach from each corner,
Julio begins to fire in both directions.

Julio Jones
Come on with it mother fuckers!
I don't give a fuck!
I'm right here!
You ain't putting me in any of them empty houses either!

Julio continues to fire diagonally, with Devonta backing him from behind,
setting up a pawn structure.

Devonta grabs Julio in a last effort.

Devonta Freeman
Julio... come on man.

Julio shakes his head, seemingly accepting his fate.

Devonta Freeman takes off, leaving Julio vulnerable from the side.

Jared Cook approaches Julio from behind and fires a shot to Julio's head.

Back at the SFPD, Juju Smith-Schuster speaks to Mark Andrews.

Juju Smith-Schuster
1.40 points? Come on, Mark.
You can do a lot better than that.

Detective Tai arrives for his night shift.

Juju Smith-Schuster
Detective McLuu.

Juju Smith-Schuster
Did you hear about Julio?

Detective Tai
Julio? Julio Jones?
What happened?

Juju Smith-Schuster
Shot dead on his corner.

Detective Tai stares in disbelief.

Juju Smith-Schuster
Midnight shift caught it.
Check Yahoo Sports if you don't believe me.

Detective Tai checks his Yahoo Sports app, confirming Julio's death.
Kevlo Stanfield kills Tai's snitch and wins 144.94 - 82.60.

Winner via Pinfall and ADVANCING to Semi-Finals:
Kevin's Grand Team

Detective Tai's season has come to an abrupt end.
The former World Champion falls short yet again and 
will have to wait until next year to win the grand prize.

Playoff Match
[3] Rocksonberg (8-5)
[6] Victor Oumar (7-6)

Victor Oumar's FantasyMania Record: 2-4

Rocksonberg's FantasyMania Record: 6-0

In the streets, Victor Oumar continues to clean up Kevlo's corners,
destroying Blue Magic along the way.

No longer needing to take corners by force,
corner boys are voluntarily giving up their drugs off name and reputation alone.

Oumar tosses the Blue Magic into the storm drain.

Victor Oumar
1... 2.... 3.... 4!
See, Oumar know where the stash is.
So y'all best save everyone some time and just come with in.

Oumar cocks his shotgun back.

Victor Oumar
I'll be obliged to com up in there, you hear me?

The boarded up door opens and out comes the stash.

Oumar tosses the rest of the stash into the drain.

Victor Oumar
To the entire streets:
Ayo, I thought I told y'all to put the word out.
I thought I told y'all to get word to Kevlo.
I'll burn it all. I'll take each and every single corner until Kevlo got the heart to see me.
I'm in the streets every day. Where he at?
What about The Greek?
Where he at?
I've been calling them out for weeks.
Y'all just gonna let me take your corners?
Y'all not man enough to face me?
Where is your pride?
The Greek is not a Champion for this league.
Neither is Kevlo. You hear me?

Later that day, Victor Oumar walks into a liquor store.

Victor Oumar
Let me get a pack of cigarettes, the Bilal's.

The clerk hands Victor Oumar a pack of cigarettes.

Victor Oumar
Let me get one of those too--


The store clerk screams as Oumar falls to the ground.

A little kid is found to be the culprit.
His hands shaking from what he has just done.

The kid walks over to Oumar's body, confirming his death.

Winner via Pinfall and ADVANCING to Semi-Finals:
Rock's Team

Phone rings.


Saul Goodman
It's done. He's gone.

Rocksonberg hangs up the phone.

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