Week 1 in the WCC opens up as we get a shot of The Pit.
A local courtyard in Section 8 housing where San Francisco Fantasy Managers look to score Fantasy Points by selling to their customers.
D'justin Barksdale shows up for his first day of work since his murder trial.
Erick Stevens
Well look who it is, D'justin, back from the joint.
D'justin has been assigned to oversee The Pit,
a low end territory of Jesse Barksdale.
D'justin has been demoted due to his recent court trial and now is responsible for his fantasy team
consisting of Julio Jones, Devonta Freeman and Erick Stevens.
D'justin Barksdale
How we lookin'?
How's the projections?
I want them numbers up.
Let's get this Week 1 win.
Julio Jones
We looking aight.
Projections have us down,
But we'll see how the day goes.
D'justin Barksdale
Responding to the move Julio just made on the chess board:
Yo, what the fuck was that?
Castle don't move like that.
Julio Jones
Nah, man. We not playing that.
Erick Stevens
We playing checkers.
D'justin Barksdale
Yo, why y'all playing checkers on a chess set?
Julio Jones
Why you give a shit?
D'justin Barksdale
Y'all don't know how to play chess, do y'all?
Julio Jones
D'justin Barksdale
So nothing. I'll teach y'all.
If y'all wanna learn.
D'justin Barksdale
See this?
This the Kingpin.
Now he the man.
You get the other dude's King? You got the game.
But he trying to get your King too. So you gotta protect it.
Now the King,
He move one space any direction he damn choose.
Cause he the King.
He's the man.
And the rest of these mother fuckers on the team, they got his back.
And he runs so deep, he ain't really gotta do shit.
Julio Jones
Kinda like your cousin.
D'justin Barksdale
Yeah, kinda like my cousin.
D'justin Barksdale
Now you see this?
This the Queen.
She's smart, she's fierce.
She move any way she want, as far as she want.
And she, is the go get shit done piece.
Erick Stevens
Remind me of Stringer.
D'justin Barksdale
And this over here, is the Castle.
It's like the stash.
It moves like this and like this.
Think about it.
How many times we move the stash house this week?
And every time we move the stash, we gotta move a little muscle with it.
To protect it.
Julio Jones
What about them little bald headed bitches right there?
D'justin Barksdale
These are the pawns, they're like the soldiers.
They move one space forward only, except for when they attack.
And they be out in the front line, out in the field.
Erick Stevens
So how do you get to be the King?
D'justin Barksdale
It ain't like that.
See the King, stay the King.
Everything stay who he is, except for the pawns.
Now if a pawn makes it to the other side,
they get to be Queen.
And like I said, the Queen ain't no bitch.
Julio Jones
Alright, so if I make it to the other side, I win.
D'justin Barksdale
If you catch the other dude's King and trap it.
Then you win.
Julio Jones
But if I make it to the other end, I'm top dog.
Nah man, it ain't like that.
Look the pawns, man.
In the game, they get clapped quick.
They be out the game early.
Julio Jones
Unless they some smart ass pawns...
While D'justin goes over the basics of chess,
a Fantasy Manager of note, Victor Oumar and his Fantasy Team,
have been scouting D'justin's team from outside The Pit.

Victor Oumar
Yo, you see that yo?
Yeah, that's the stash house.
Victor Oumar
This some real raggedy ass shit.
Real sloppy.
Elsewhere, unrestricted Free Agent Wide Receiver,
Dez Bryant, has been arrested on a possession charge.
He is with the Seattle Crime and Government Department for questioning.
Detective Joyce
So. Dez Bryant.
Still unsigned and up to no good huh?
But you were briefly on Sarcastaball's team. Better known as Prop Vinson.
Dez Bryant
Prop Vinson?
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Detective Joyce
Don't play dumb.
This'll go a lot better for you if you cooperate.
Dez Bryant
It's Prop Vinny where I come from.
You dumb bitch.
Detective Joyce
Whatever you like to call him,
the fact of the matter remains.
You were signed to his team prior to Week One.
Victor Oumar's team as well.
Tell me what you know about Prop Vinny and we'll let you go.
Who knows, if you're useful enough, maybe we'll have a spot for you on the SCGD.
Dez Bryant
Game ain't played that way, stupid bitch.
I ain't telling you shit about Prop Vinny.
And he gonna whoop your ass in Week One.
Got me trippin' if you think I'm gonna play for the police.
Detective Joyce
Suit yourself Dez.
Remain unsigned.

Later that evening, D'justin Barksdale is off on a food run as Devonta Freeman and Julio Jones are left in charge of The Pit.
Devonta Freeman
Yo, re-up here.
Robby Anderson from Jesse Barksdale's Fantasy Team arrives.
Robby Anderson

As Robby Anderson replenishes the stash house, Oumar busts in through the door.
Sticking up D'justin's Fantasy Team.

Victor Oumar
Where it at, yo?
Greg Olsen
Ain't nothing here, man.
Oumar fires off a shotgun into Greg Olsen's foot.
Victor Oumar
Where it at?
Nelson Agholor
Realizing his foot could be next:
Kitchen. Under the sink.
Victor Oumar
To Jimmy Graham:
Ayo, go and get that.
Jimmy Graham picks up the stash, securing the win.
Jimmy Graham
G Packs.
C'mon let's go.
Victor Oumar
To Nelson Agholor:
Ain't nothing else?
Nelson Agholor shakes his head.
Jimmy Graham
Hey, come on, Oumar.
Let's go!
Graham quickly realizes his mistake by openly mentioning Oumar's name in front of Barksdale's crew.
Victor Oumar
Ayo, what the f..?
Julio Jones and Freeman take notice.
Julio Jones
D'justin Barksdale returns from his food run to find Oumar's van driving off.
Winner via Pinfall: 281-330-8004
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