CHF Wednesday Nitro
A limousine pulls up to kick off Nitro.
Oh my goodness!
That is an nWo limousine!
Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay.
We are live in the Superdome and this is CHF Nitro.
And here is the rat pack known as the New World Order.
That is an nWo limousine!
Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay.
We are live in the Superdome and this is CHF Nitro.
And here is the rat pack known as the New World Order.
Get ya cameras ready, because the Champions have arrived here in the Silverdome!
Get ya cameras ready, because the Champions have arrived here in the Silverdome!
Dennis Rodman! That's Dennis Rodman!
The Worm is here.
The Worm is here.
And the nWo has the WCC Championship belt.
They crashed the party at WCC SummerSlam and captured their Championship title,
and it appears as if they've brought the title here to Cameron House Fantasy Football.
*nWo's Music Hits*
Hogan makes his way down to the ring with the graffitied WCC Championship belt.
I'm a bad... bad man... brother.
Don't adjust your television set, you are tuned into CHF Wednesday Nitro
and you are watching the New World Order!
and you are watching the New World Order!
And yes, your eyes aren't deceiving you, brother.
This is the WCC Championship belt and it's sitting quite beautifully over my shoulder.
*Crowd Cheers*
And let me tell you something, brother.
This belt is now property of the nWo.
Because what you're looking at, in this ring, is the New World Order of Fantasy Sports.
And you know something brother, let me tell you.
I made that League up north.
I made that League into a monster and when it all came to pass,
the name Hulk Hogan, the man Hulk Hogan, got bigger than the whole League, brother.
So West Coast Cousins, I know you're watching.
The New World Order comes to you, not as conquerers.
But as liberators, brother.
Martial Law is in effect.
Fantasy Managers of the WCC, I'm only going to say this once.
Abandon ship.
Drop your fantasy players and leave the WCC.
Join the Cameron House Fantasy Football League.
Every League deserves a proper burial.
The nWo is gonna give the WCC a slow, slow death, my brothers.
The nWo is gonna give you as much life as we will allow you to have.
So if you want an end to the suffering, then join the nWo.
Watch as I take apart the West Coast Cousins, Fantasy Manager by Fantasy Manager.
Join or watch your league perish before your eyes, brother.
Single H, let me tell you something, dude.
You want the WCC Championship back?
Then I have a proposition for you brother.
Step down as Chief Operating Officer of the WCC.
Relinquish your power and I will give you this piece of trash,
you call a Championship belt, back to you.
Otherwise, you know where to find me brother.
Right here in the Cameron House Fantasy Football League.
You want it back? Come and get it!
WCC Wednesday Night Preview
Well ladies and gentlemen, you are tuned into the Longest Running Episodic Blogsite in Internet History, but that may no longer be the case.
After the events of last night, the fate of the WCC is in doubt.
As we just saw this past Sunday at SummerSlam, the New World Order has arrived in the WCC and they have delivered a massive blow to the organization after intervening in the main event and taking the WCC Championship title.
Will Single H step down as COO?
We'll find out. Next.

*Single H's Music Hits*

[Single H]
Tonight, I'm here to address the entire WCC Universe.
Let me first start off by saying that yes, I have made a few crucial mistakes as Chief Operating Officer of the WCC.
A few seasons ago, I introduced PPR to the league.
And despite the fact that most of the league didn't care, two jackasses complained week after week until I was forced to remove PPR.
Then, I let CM PUP walk out with the WCC Championship belt last season.
And now the nWo.

[Single H]
I admit, I haven't been the best Commissioner in the world.
But I am not stepping down as Chief Operating Officer of the WCC.
Do you really think I'm going to give up Commissioner rights?
And give it to who? John Seana?
He'll probably take the job too seriously and spend too much time adding weird storylines to it.
No, that's not going to happen.
Hulk Hogan wants me to step down.
He wants me to step down because he fears me.
He fears my ability to rally the WCC together and destroy the New World Order.
If we work together as a team, we can defeat the nWo.
Earlier tonight on Nitro, Hogan asked all of you to walk out on the WCC.
But let's consider the situation.
Should we really give in to this terrorist's demands?
Do we really think that Hogan--
[The Hiz]
Things are worst than ever!
[Single H]
Yes, they are.
But the night is darkest just before the dawn, and I promise you.
The dawn is coming.

[Wade Barrett]
Single H.
If you aren't going to step down,
then I'm afraid you're putting all of your WCC Superstars in danger.
You saw what the nWo did to everyone in that ring last night.
With the nWo lurking around, the WCC is an unsafe work environment.
You can't protect us, you can't even protect yourselves.
Single H, I think you should be removed from power.
And the fact that I have never been included in the storylines, is a complete sham.
I think I speak for everyone standing around this ring, when I vote..
No Confidence.

[The King]
Single H, I've been in this League for a very long time.
Since it's inception and I have all the respect in the world for you.
But I'm afraid, these Fantasy Managers are right.
The nWo has us right where they want us.
I didn't sign up for this.
I'm sorry Single H, but I have to say, no confidence.
I fear for my life knowing that the nWo can strike at any moment.
So reluctantly, I'm walking out on the WCC.

WCC Superstars begin to walk out.

*Crowd Boos*

[Single H]
Well you know what? That's just fine.
You want give in to the demands of the nWo?
Then go ahead and walk out.
I'll take on the nWo by myself.
I can still do it.
And to prove it to ya, I'll play Fantasy Football against a broomstick for 2 hours!
Hell, I've played Fantasy Football with most of the guys in the back and the broomstick will give me a better matchup than most of the guys!
*Single H grabs a Broomstick*

Vince McMahon appears on the titantron.
[Mr. McMahon]
Ah, Single H.
I like the fact that you're taking an initiative.
But thank God, playing a broomstick won't be necessary.
[Mr. McMahon]
As my Son In-Law, Single H,
I gave you control league and you've damn near run it into the ground.
Well Single H, consider yourself bailed out.
Because I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon,
have made an executive decision that may very well save the WCC Universe.

[Mr. McMahon]
I have acquired the rights to Cameron House Fantasy Football.
Which means I now own the CHF!
I've got that League in the palm of my hands..
And this Sunday at No Way Out, I will finalize the deal with CHF.
Ted Turner himself, will walk down to my ring this Sunday and sign over his league to me!

[Mr. McMahon]
And since I am know the new owner of the CHF, this means that I now own the nWo.
The WCC Championship is back in my possession.
The best way to beat the competition is to kill the competition.
Tonight, I killed the CHF.
I killed the nWo.
The Age of New World Order is over!
[Joe Rogan]
CM PUP, Joe Rogan here.
Fans across the globe want to know, how is training been so far? What position do you plan to play
And how soon can we expect to join a Flag Football League in the UFC?
Well Joe, training has been great.
I'm out on Sundays every week training to play the Quarterback position and my coaches are telling me that I'm making significant strides every week.
I've spent countless hours studying YouTube videos and watching throwing motions of some of the elite NFL Quarterbacks and I think I've made real improvement in my throwing technique.
I was recently named the Starting Quarterback for my Flag Football team so I believe I'm making progress.
There isn't a time table for my UFC Debut but me and my team think a year of preparation is appropriate.
[Joe Rogan]
Well PUP, I know you're sick of the Fantasy Football questions, but I have to ask.
Have you kept up with the WCC Storylines?
Have you been reading the programs?
No, Joe. I haven't read any Previews and I haven't communicated with anyone within the WCC.
[Joe Rogan]
So this must be news to you, when I say that the New World Order arrived in the WCC last night and they stole the WCC Championship belt.
How do you feel about that PUP, and will we ever see you in a WCC Ring ever again?

Oh, has the nWo taken the WCC Championship belt?
Because last time I checked, the WCC Championship was sitting on my coffee table at home.
They must have stolen the replica that you can buy from
If Hulk Hogan and the nWo want the WCC Championship, they can come play me for it right here in Chicago.
But as far as the WCC is concerned, I don't see myself playing in that league ever again.
I've accomplished every goal I ever had in the world of Professional Fantasy Sports.
It's fake. It's a fantasy sport.
The Ultimate Football Championship is a real sport.
There are no storylines, the outcomes aren't predetermined.
And I'm learning a lot right now.
I have a great team. A great staff working me with every day.
Turtle, Rock, Galileo, Calmania.
And of course the greatest UFC wide receiver of all time, The Jesse.
And I'm really excited for what the future brings, Joe.
[Chris Waiting]
Last night at SummerSlam, my protege, Kevin Waiting absolutely dominated John Seana.
Kevin Waiting was up 30 points heading into Monday night.
But then, suddenly, Minh Wyatt makes his appearance and calls upon some El Guapo voodoo magic
and now Kevin Waiting is missing.
Minh, you're going to pay for your actions and if you don't--
[Minh Wyatt]
Kevin Waiting isn't missing.
Because he isn't lost.
Kevin Waiting has been found.
He is now my chess piece, to do as I see fit.
You see Chris, I am building an army.
I am harvesting a cult!
Resurrecting the dead.
The Second Coming of the Lord.
If you want Kevin Waiting back, all'se you got to do is look around you.
Defeat me this Sunday at No Way Out and I will return your precious Kevin Waiting back into your loving arms.
Lose, and his soul will be mine forever.
*Minh Wyatt blows out the lights and the arena goes completely dark.*
Oh no... oh no...
Waiting, get out of there!

[Nick Foley]
It's good to see the two of you getting along.

We weren't getting along! We were arguing.
You see what I mean?

[Nick Foley]
Okay, okay. Enough.
I can see the two of you still haven't developed the necessary chemistry
to be the ultimate Fantasy Manager.
You're still afraid.
The both of you.
In order to move forward, we must eliminate fear.
Tell me, Nyback. What do you fear?
Show me your most vulnerable moment in your WCC Career.
Then, I want you to overcome it.
Visualize that moment.

[Nick Foley]
Good. Now you, Lufa.

[The Hiz]
Is this some kind of joke?
Lufa? Are you supposed to be the next big WCC Superstar?
When I look at you Lufa, all I see is an overrated, inactive, non-charismatic Indy Superstar that knows nothing about real football and never stood a chance at making it in this league.

[Nick Foley]
Now comes the real test.
Together, you've beaten a former WCC League Champion.
But, that was a simulated matchup and it was a handicap match.
To overcome the next challenge, you must work together as a team to be another former WCC League Champion.
But this time, in a tag team match...
[Nick Foley]
Lufa and Nyback vs. Single H and Tai Rollins.
Welcome back to Wednesday Night Preview and we are live here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Earlier tonight Vince McMahon announced that he has purchased the rights to the CHF and will be finalizing that deal this Sunday at No Way Out.
We're saved, Michael!
Mr. McMahon is our savior!
The nWo threat is over.
I always knew the nWo was no match for Mr. McMahon.
He's Mr. McMahon after all!
The greatest WCC Superstar of all time!
You and the rest of the WCC Locker Room may have been worried that we would be out of a job next week, but I had faith in Mr. McMahon.
I wasn't worried one bit.
Is that why you joined the walk out that happened earlier tonight?
No! Of course not.
I went out for some coffee, I just happened to be walking out of the arena at the same time as you cowards were walking out.
Yeah, right.
*Tai Rollin's Music Hits*

And here is the would be WCC Champion, Tai Rollins.
Would be? Tai Rollins should be WCC Champion.
If not for the nWo with their cowardly attack on Tai Rollins,
he'd be standing here today as WCC Champion!

[Tai Rollins]
Last night at SummerSlam, I completely dominated the competition in Week 1.
A grand total of 155.82 points, the largest by far of any Fantasy Manager this week.
It's clear, I had the beat down of the week.
I won the WCC Championship title when I defeated four other Superstars in this very ring.
But of course, I don't have the title in my hand.
And that's because of the New World Order.
And now that Vince McMahon has purchased the CHF,
I expect to receive my title this Sunday at No Way Out.
I expect Hulk Hogan himself, to walk down to this ring.
Get on his hands and knees and present me my WCC Championship.
You see Hogan, the attack you placed on me last night was a cheap shot.
And I'll admit, you did what you set out to do.
But that was your only shot.
Because I have hired J & J Security, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury, to protect me from any future attacks from anyone in the league.
I am now the #1 commodity in the WCC.
Which means, I should be protected like one.
[Tai Rollins]
Last week on Preview, The Authority told the world, that I was the best Fantasy Manager in the league.
They named me WCC Champion.
But no, of course the entire WCC Locker Room went into an uproar and said I didn't deserve it.
Well, I guess I proved everyone wrong last night.
Until we get the title back from the nWo, I am the Interim WCC Champion.
And due to this inconvenience, The Authority have given me this.
The Money in The Bank Briefcase.
It's unfair that I should be punished for the attacks of the nWo.
And because of that, I now have a signed contract in this briefcase.
Any time, anywhere.
When I cash in this briefcase, I receive a title shot for the WCC Championship.
[Tai Rollins]
Until then, I am your Interim Champion.
And let this be a message to everyone in the back.
I am the new Single H.
I am the new dominant Fantasy Manager.
Look at the Power Rankings.
I am #1 across the board and I'm coming for the League Championship!
*SCGD's Music Hits*
[Vic Ambrose]
How about a triple threat match instead?
What gives you the right over me, Sandy Orton?
[Vic Ambrose]
I have score to settle with Tai Rollins and as far as I'm concerned I'm not through with you yet!
*Crowd Cheers*
WCC Wednesday Night Preview
Well ladies and gentlemen, you are tuned into the Longest Running Episodic Blogsite in Internet History, but that may no longer be the case.
After the events of last night, the fate of the WCC is in doubt.
As we just saw this past Sunday at SummerSlam, the New World Order has arrived in the WCC and they have delivered a massive blow to the organization after intervening in the main event and taking the WCC Championship title.
Will Single H step down as COO?
We'll find out. Next.

*Single H's Music Hits*

[Single H]
Tonight, I'm here to address the entire WCC Universe.
Let me first start off by saying that yes, I have made a few crucial mistakes as Chief Operating Officer of the WCC.
A few seasons ago, I introduced PPR to the league.
And despite the fact that most of the league didn't care, two jackasses complained week after week until I was forced to remove PPR.
Then, I let CM PUP walk out with the WCC Championship belt last season.
And now the nWo.

[Single H]
I admit, I haven't been the best Commissioner in the world.
But I am not stepping down as Chief Operating Officer of the WCC.
Do you really think I'm going to give up Commissioner rights?
And give it to who? John Seana?
He'll probably take the job too seriously and spend too much time adding weird storylines to it.
No, that's not going to happen.
Hulk Hogan wants me to step down.
He wants me to step down because he fears me.
He fears my ability to rally the WCC together and destroy the New World Order.
If we work together as a team, we can defeat the nWo.
Earlier tonight on Nitro, Hogan asked all of you to walk out on the WCC.
But let's consider the situation.
Should we really give in to this terrorist's demands?
Do we really think that Hogan--
[The Hiz]
Things are worst than ever!
[Single H]
Yes, they are.
But the night is darkest just before the dawn, and I promise you.
The dawn is coming.

[Wade Barrett]
Single H.
If you aren't going to step down,
then I'm afraid you're putting all of your WCC Superstars in danger.
You saw what the nWo did to everyone in that ring last night.
With the nWo lurking around, the WCC is an unsafe work environment.
You can't protect us, you can't even protect yourselves.
Single H, I think you should be removed from power.
And the fact that I have never been included in the storylines, is a complete sham.
I think I speak for everyone standing around this ring, when I vote..
No Confidence.

[The King]
Single H, I've been in this League for a very long time.
Since it's inception and I have all the respect in the world for you.
But I'm afraid, these Fantasy Managers are right.
The nWo has us right where they want us.
I didn't sign up for this.
I'm sorry Single H, but I have to say, no confidence.
I fear for my life knowing that the nWo can strike at any moment.
So reluctantly, I'm walking out on the WCC.

WCC Superstars begin to walk out.

*Crowd Boos*

[Single H]
Well you know what? That's just fine.
You want give in to the demands of the nWo?
Then go ahead and walk out.
I'll take on the nWo by myself.
I can still do it.
And to prove it to ya, I'll play Fantasy Football against a broomstick for 2 hours!
Hell, I've played Fantasy Football with most of the guys in the back and the broomstick will give me a better matchup than most of the guys!
*Single H grabs a Broomstick*

Vince McMahon appears on the titantron.
[Mr. McMahon]
Ah, Single H.
I like the fact that you're taking an initiative.
But thank God, playing a broomstick won't be necessary.
[Mr. McMahon]
As my Son In-Law, Single H,
I gave you control league and you've damn near run it into the ground.
Well Single H, consider yourself bailed out.
Because I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon,
have made an executive decision that may very well save the WCC Universe.

[Mr. McMahon]
I have acquired the rights to Cameron House Fantasy Football.
Which means I now own the CHF!
I've got that League in the palm of my hands..
And this Sunday at No Way Out, I will finalize the deal with CHF.
Ted Turner himself, will walk down to my ring this Sunday and sign over his league to me!

[Mr. McMahon]
And since I am know the new owner of the CHF, this means that I now own the nWo.
The WCC Championship is back in my possession.
The best way to beat the competition is to kill the competition.
Tonight, I killed the CHF.
I killed the nWo.
The Age of New World Order is over!
[Mr. McMahon]
And as far as the rest of the Superstars go.
Those of you who chose to walk out on the WCC.
Get your ass back in that locker room, or else your ass is FIRED!
[Mike Goldberg]
Football Fans, do we have a treat for you.
There's a lot of hype around this next guest and we have him exclusively on Fox Sports 1.
Former WCC Superstar and the newest addition to the Ultimate Football Championship roster,
Phil "CM PUP" Brooks!
Phil, thank you for taking the time out of training to talk to us.
It's my absolute pleasure, thank you for having me.
[Joe Rogan]
CM PUP, Joe Rogan here.
Fans across the globe want to know, how is training been so far? What position do you plan to play
And how soon can we expect to join a Flag Football League in the UFC?
Well Joe, training has been great.
I'm out on Sundays every week training to play the Quarterback position and my coaches are telling me that I'm making significant strides every week.
I've spent countless hours studying YouTube videos and watching throwing motions of some of the elite NFL Quarterbacks and I think I've made real improvement in my throwing technique.
I was recently named the Starting Quarterback for my Flag Football team so I believe I'm making progress.
There isn't a time table for my UFC Debut but me and my team think a year of preparation is appropriate.
[Joe Rogan]
Well PUP, I know you're sick of the Fantasy Football questions, but I have to ask.
Have you kept up with the WCC Storylines?
Have you been reading the programs?
No, Joe. I haven't read any Previews and I haven't communicated with anyone within the WCC.
[Joe Rogan]
So this must be news to you, when I say that the New World Order arrived in the WCC last night and they stole the WCC Championship belt.
How do you feel about that PUP, and will we ever see you in a WCC Ring ever again?

Oh, has the nWo taken the WCC Championship belt?
Because last time I checked, the WCC Championship was sitting on my coffee table at home.
They must have stolen the replica that you can buy from
If Hulk Hogan and the nWo want the WCC Championship, they can come play me for it right here in Chicago.
But as far as the WCC is concerned, I don't see myself playing in that league ever again.
I've accomplished every goal I ever had in the world of Professional Fantasy Sports.
It's fake. It's a fantasy sport.
The Ultimate Football Championship is a real sport.
There are no storylines, the outcomes aren't predetermined.
And I'm learning a lot right now.
I have a great team. A great staff working me with every day.
Turtle, Rock, Galileo, Calmania.
And of course the greatest UFC wide receiver of all time, The Jesse.
And I'm really excited for what the future brings, Joe.
[Joe Rogan]
Well Phil, evidently fear is not a factor for you.
We thank you for joining us and we hope to see you on the Gridiron soon.
Good luck to you, brother.
Thank you, Joe.
*Chris Waiting's Music Hits*
Well Phil, evidently fear is not a factor for you.
We thank you for joining us and we hope to see you on the Gridiron soon.
Good luck to you, brother.
Thank you, Joe.
*Chris Waiting's Music Hits*
And we return to Wednesday Night Preview.
Chris Waiting making an appearance here tonight on Preview.
Last night, his protege Kevin Waiting suffered a count out loss to John Seana.
*Crowd Boos*
[Chris Waiting]
You will show me some respect or I will walk out of here right now!
The crowd continues to boo.
[Chris Waiting]
Last night at SummerSlam, my protege, Kevin Waiting absolutely dominated John Seana.
Kevin Waiting was up 30 points heading into Monday night.
But then, suddenly, Minh Wyatt makes his appearance and calls upon some El Guapo voodoo magic
and now Kevin Waiting is missing.
Minh, you're going to pay for your actions and if you don't--
***Wyatt Family Cut In***
[Minh Wyatt]
Kevin Waiting isn't missing.
Because he isn't lost.
Kevin Waiting has been found.
He is now my chess piece, to do as I see fit.
You see Chris, I am building an army.
I am harvesting a cult!
Resurrecting the dead.
The Second Coming of the Lord.
If you want Kevin Waiting back, all'se you got to do is look around you.
Defeat me this Sunday at No Way Out and I will return your precious Kevin Waiting back into your loving arms.
Lose, and his soul will be mine forever.
*Minh Wyatt blows out the lights and the arena goes completely dark.*
The lights come back on and Chris Waiting is surrounded by the Wyatt Family!
Oh no... oh no...
Waiting, get out of there!
The Wyatt Family gang up on Chris Waiting and Minh hits him with Sister Abigail.

[Minh Wyatt]
The Minhistry will be Reborn!
I like your moves, kid.
You've got speed and quickness.
But what you lack, is brute strength and heart.
And you know what you lack?
Without that, you'll never win a FantasyMania match.

[Nick Foley]
It's good to see the two of you getting along.

We weren't getting along! We were arguing.
You see what I mean?

[Nick Foley]
Okay, okay. Enough.
I can see the two of you still haven't developed the necessary chemistry
to be the ultimate Fantasy Manager.
You're still afraid.
The both of you.
In order to move forward, we must eliminate fear.
Tell me, Nyback. What do you fear?
Show me your most vulnerable moment in your WCC Career.
Then, I want you to overcome it.
Visualize that moment.

Well look at this kid, Nyan Neeves!
Will he be the winner of Tough Enough?
*Kurt Crabble's Music Hits*
Whoa.. hold on there, Michael.
I don't think Kurt Crabble looks too impressed.

[Kurt Crabble]
What's your name, kid?
[Nyan Neeves]
Nyan Neeves.
[Kurt Crabble]
What kind of stupid name is that?!
You know what? Don't answer that.
Look at you. You've got the build.
You've got the look.
I bet you think you could take me, don't ya?
[Nyan Neeves]
No, sir.

[Kurt Crabble]
You damn right.
Because I'll snap your freakin' ankle, boy.
You don't have what it takes to compete in the WCC.
At best, you'll be a regular season warrior who punches his ticket to FantasyMania, but never win on that stage. You've got first round exit, written all over you.
Oh, you disagree?
Well then you tell me.
What is the one quality that you possess that makes you think that you can walk into the ring and face the very best in the business?!
[Nick Foley]
Good. Now you, Lufa.

[The Hiz]
Is this some kind of joke?
Lufa? Are you supposed to be the next big WCC Superstar?
When I look at you Lufa, all I see is an overrated, inactive, non-charismatic Indy Superstar that knows nothing about real football and never stood a chance at making it in this league.

[The Hiz]
You aren't here to play Fantasy Football.
You aren't here to win the Championship.
You're here for a participation award.
You were only invited because you're apart of the family.
Because Santa Clara Gold Diggers vouched for you.
And all you managed to do in this league, was embarrass Santa Clara Gold Diggers.
You aren't cut out for this league and that's why you'll never be invited to this league again.
Meanwhile, I will be competing every year in the WCC because I'm the Hiz! And I'm...
[Nick Foley]
Now comes the real test.
Together, you've beaten a former WCC League Champion.
But, that was a simulated matchup and it was a handicap match.
To overcome the next challenge, you must work together as a team to be another former WCC League Champion.
But this time, in a tag team match...
[Nick Foley]
Lufa and Nyback vs. Single H and Tai Rollins.
Welcome back to Wednesday Night Preview and we are live here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Earlier tonight Vince McMahon announced that he has purchased the rights to the CHF and will be finalizing that deal this Sunday at No Way Out.
We're saved, Michael!
Mr. McMahon is our savior!
The nWo threat is over.
I always knew the nWo was no match for Mr. McMahon.
He's Mr. McMahon after all!
The greatest WCC Superstar of all time!
You and the rest of the WCC Locker Room may have been worried that we would be out of a job next week, but I had faith in Mr. McMahon.
I wasn't worried one bit.
Is that why you joined the walk out that happened earlier tonight?
No! Of course not.
I went out for some coffee, I just happened to be walking out of the arena at the same time as you cowards were walking out.
Yeah, right.
*Tai Rollin's Music Hits*

And here is the would be WCC Champion, Tai Rollins.
Would be? Tai Rollins should be WCC Champion.
If not for the nWo with their cowardly attack on Tai Rollins,
he'd be standing here today as WCC Champion!

[Tai Rollins]
Last night at SummerSlam, I completely dominated the competition in Week 1.
A grand total of 155.82 points, the largest by far of any Fantasy Manager this week.
It's clear, I had the beat down of the week.
I won the WCC Championship title when I defeated four other Superstars in this very ring.
But of course, I don't have the title in my hand.
And that's because of the New World Order.
And now that Vince McMahon has purchased the CHF,
I expect to receive my title this Sunday at No Way Out.
I expect Hulk Hogan himself, to walk down to this ring.
Get on his hands and knees and present me my WCC Championship.
You see Hogan, the attack you placed on me last night was a cheap shot.
And I'll admit, you did what you set out to do.
But that was your only shot.
Because I have hired J & J Security, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury, to protect me from any future attacks from anyone in the league.
I am now the #1 commodity in the WCC.
Which means, I should be protected like one.
[Tai Rollins]
Last week on Preview, The Authority told the world, that I was the best Fantasy Manager in the league.
They named me WCC Champion.
But no, of course the entire WCC Locker Room went into an uproar and said I didn't deserve it.
Well, I guess I proved everyone wrong last night.
Until we get the title back from the nWo, I am the Interim WCC Champion.
And due to this inconvenience, The Authority have given me this.
The Money in The Bank Briefcase.
It's unfair that I should be punished for the attacks of the nWo.
And because of that, I now have a signed contract in this briefcase.
Any time, anywhere.
When I cash in this briefcase, I receive a title shot for the WCC Championship.
[Tai Rollins]
Until then, I am your Interim Champion.
And let this be a message to everyone in the back.
I am the new Single H.
I am the new dominant Fantasy Manager.
Look at the Power Rankings.
I am #1 across the board and I'm coming for the League Championship!
*SCGD's Music Hits*
Sandy Orton makes her way down to the ring.
I'll give you some credit, Tai.
You came out on top last night.
But as I recall, it took a triple team from The Shield to beat me.
You hide behind numbers.
The Shield has been carrying you your entire career.
And now you've got J & J Security?
We all know, you can't beat me straight up.
One on one.
Especially, if I bring out The Other Guy.
So let's hear it.
I think these fans want a match at No Way Out.
Santa Clara Gold Diggers vs. Tai Rollins for the Interim WCC Championship!
*Crowd Cheers*
Vic Ambrose's theme song interrupts Orton.
[Vic Ambrose]
How about a triple threat match instead?
What gives you the right over me, Sandy Orton?
[Vic Ambrose]
I have score to settle with Tai Rollins and as far as I'm concerned I'm not through with you yet!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Tai Rollins]
Whoa. Now hold on there.
I just went thru hell last night against four other competitors.
We're not doing that again.
Especially after the attacks of the nWo.
I need a week to recover.
I'm afraid Tai Rollins is right.
Per orders of The Authority, Tai Rollins will not defend his Interim WCC Championship this Sunday at No Way Out.
The attacks of the nWo have added significant emotional and physical stress to Tai Rollins.
Instead, Vic Ambrose and Sandy Orton will face each other in one on one competition.
The winner, will be the number 1 contender and receive a title shot at the next pay per view.
*Crowd Boos*
Tai Rollins is happy with that news.
Emotional and physical stress?
Give me a break! Sandy Orton and Vic Ambrose went through the same thing!
You don't know what that man is going through, Michael.
He could be going through a lot of pain and agony for all you know!
Well regardless, it's going to be Sandy Orton vs. Vic Ambrose to be named the #1 Contender for the Interim WCC Championship.
Chris Waiting vs. Minh Wyatt
John Seana vs. Dolph Riggler
Vince McMahon looks to finalize the deal with CHF.
All of that and more this Sunday at No Way Out.
Exclusively on the WCC Network, which you can purchase for only 9.99!
Thank you and goodnight folks!