Preview starts with a shot of John Seana wandering around backstage.
The camera pans and we see The Baugh enter the screen.
*Crowd Cheers*
I'm looking for Pupstin.
[The Baugh]
Oh? You're looking for Pupstin?
Tell me something John.
Why are you looking for that piece of trailer park trash?
Is he supposed to save the WCCF?
What about me? The People's Champion.
The Great One.
The new WCCF Intercontinental Champion.
The Baugh just whooped that bald headed son of a bitch at Backlash.
The Baugh is the WCCF.
He bleeds he WCCF. He was born in the WCCF..
And The Baugh will never leave the WCCF.
If you're looking for a savior, John.
You're looking at him.
Baugh. One day you and I are gonna be good friends.
You just don't know it yet.
Seana slams The Baugh down with an AA and continues his search for Pupstin.
Seana arrives to Pupstin's door and knocks on it.
Steve. Listen to me.
I know you don't want to hear what I have to say..
But I have no one else to turn to.
I've heard enough of your crap, son.
I really don't have any more time for it.
Take a look at this photo Steve.
It's a picture of me and you in the future.
You see? Look at my legs Pupstin, they're gone!
I don't know how much more time I have here.
But if I can't continue, you're gonna have to finish what I started.
You're gonna have to save the WCCF.
The Universe is counting on you.
CM PUP, Chuckanut, Nyback, Lufa, Bus Drivers, 49ers WRejects...
Remember those names Pupstin.
Find us. Lead us. Guide us.
Bring the WCC Universe together.
I've had enough practical jokes for one evening, good night future boy!
No, Steve.. You gotta listen to me!
Pupstin slams the door shut on Seana.
No wait, Pupstin!
Your neck!
Your neck! I know how it happened.
You were playing Owen Hart in Fantasy Football..
He set you up for a pile driver, but your head was too low.
He slammed you into the canvas and all you could feel was numbness...
You couldn't feel your arms or legs...
But somehow, you finished the match.
Pupstin comes back out.
I never told anyone that story..
Not yet..
But you will.
Shane McMahon's music hits as we return to WCCF Preview!
*Crowd Cheers*
It's the boy wonder!
25% minority owner of the WCCF...
Shane McMahon!
What is Shane doing, JR?!
He went to the Board of Directors and now he's in play to take control of the league?
How could he do that do his father?
Well King, quite frankly, the Board of Directors hasn't been happy with the job that Mr. McMahon has been doing. I think it's only right that Shane McMahon comes in to balance the scales, so to speak.
They said that he didn't have what it takes!
They said that he wasn't the right fit.
That he couldn't carry the league.
Well after last night, I think that everybody can agree that Cobra Kai Dojo is Championship material!
*Crowd Cheers*
My father Vince McMahon may not agree that Cobra Kai is Championship material, but in my eyes... Cobra Kai is every bit a Champion as I've ever seen.
I mean, what other WCCF Superstar is gonna come back from falling 20 feet in the air from the top of a steel cage, tear their patellar tendon, and still continue to fight?
And not only fight... but win the match!
Come on everybody!
Give it up for your WCCF Champion... NICK FOLEY!
*Cobra Kai's Music Plays*
*Crowd Cheers*
What an ovation.. listen to this crowd!
Cobra Kai celebrates with the fans in Boston, Massachusetts.
[Cobra Kai]
... Thank you Shane.
I really do appreciate your support.. and I promise you!
I won't let you down!
Vince.... Two weeks ago... you promised me that I was gonna be WCCF Champion one day.
And just last week... you spit in my face and said I wasn't fit to be Champion.
Well here I am... whether you like it or not!
WCCF World Champion!
*Mr. McMahon's music plays*
[Mr. McMahon]
Let's not get ahead of ourselves..
Nick, you've been Champion for one day.
The true testament of a Champion is not becoming Champion.. but remaining Champion.
You think that you're capable of being WCCF World Champion?
Well this Sunday at Armageddon, you're gonna have to prove it.
[Mr. McMahon]
Shane, you picked this guy to be your Champion?
You choose to go with him? That thing?
Well.. I've chosen my next Champion..
THE Next Big Thing..
*SC Lesnar's Music Hits*
Oh My!
The hottest WCCF Superstar today.
SC Lesnar is riding a 4 game winning streak and she's currently in 2nd place.
Brilliant JR!
Mr. McMahon is a genius!
Of course Santa Clara Lesnar should be the next WCCF World Champion.
I mean, look at her!
A former League Champion! She has all the tools to be the top star in the league!
[Cobra Kai]
Well it's no secret..
When you look at SC Lesnar.. and then you look at me..
Well.. let's just say I fall a few notches below on the looks category..
But this Sunday, SC Lesnar.. we're not having a beauty contest!
We're having a Fantasy Match!
Whoever posts the higher points total wins!
[Mr. McMahon]
Santa Clara Lesnar is the biggest star in the league today.
After what she did to John Seana last night.. SC Lesnar shot to the top of the Power Rankings.
THIS is what a Champion is supposed to look like.
And seeing as SC Lesnar has been playing Fantasy Football at such a high level..
I've decided to give her the night off.
[Mr. McMahon]
Nick Foley on the other hand...
Seeing as you are the current WCCF World Champion..
Champions should be set to a higher standard.
So tonight you're gonna be in one on one action.. when you face
The Game, Single H in a non-title match!
By the way, Nick, how is that knee?
That's not fair, King.
Cobra Kai has to play Fantasy Football after his hellacious battle against Vane last night and SC Lesnar gets the night off?
Champions are held to a higher standard, JR!
WCCF Preview returns with the sounds of John Seana!
*Crowd Boos*
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our broadcast as John Seana makes his way down to the ring.
King, what do you think of John Seana?
He's nuts, JR!
There's no other explanation.
For weeks now, John Seana has been making claims to be from the future.
He claims that he was sent here to prevent a screw job of some sort.
King, his claims are far fetched to say the least.
He's crazy!
What's this idiot gonna say now?!
The crowd boos before Seana can even get a word out.
I know, I know.
It's a familiar sound, even in my time.
And I know you guys don't want to hear what I have to say..
But it's important that you do.
Because if I have to be booed, if I have to be hated.
That's fine, because I have to do whatever it takes to save this league.
This is no fabrication and this is no exaggeration...
The Authority is real and they are coming.
And if we don't change the past, then our future is doomed.
The integrity of the WCCF is at risk.
I know this, because I am from the future.
*Crowd Boos*
I know, it sounds crazy. I have a hard time believing it myself, but I am telling you the truth.
In 17 years, Single H will take control of this league as Commissioner.
The league will become corrupted.
He'll book himself to win the League Champion 3 years in a row.
He'll force the outcome of matches, he'll add PPR..
He'll recruit a barrage of inactive cousins that result in easy wins.
And worst of all, he won't write Wrestling storylines.
So I came back, from the future, to stop him.
If Single H and Stephaneah McMahon never meet, Single H can never be Commissioner.
Single H never joins the McMahon family and Single H never forms The Authority.
So you can choose to boo me or cheer me.
Love me or hate me.
But what I'm trying to do is bigger than all of that.
It's bigger than me.
It's bigger than the WCCF Championship.
It's bigger than anything that's gonna happen this season.
I have to save the WCCF.
I have to protect our future.
And there's only one man who can help me..
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin..
I know you've had your issues with me.
I know I cost you the WCCF Championship..
But right now, I need your help.
If you don't help me, the WCC Universe as we know it, will be gone forever.
Future WCC Superstars will cease to exist...
Look at my hand... you can't see it!
My time is running out..
John Seana is cut off.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin..
I know you've had your issues with me.
I know I cost you the WCCF Championship..
But right now, I need your help.
If you don't help me, the WCC Universe as we know it, will be gone forever.
Future WCC Superstars will cease to exist...
Look at my hand... you can't see it!
My time is running out..
John Seana is cut off.
...... John Seana ....
Your time isn't running out.
Your time is up.

John Seana!
The WCC's poster child.
John, John, John...
You see, I'm not a poster child.
I am the unwanted child.
I am the abandoned orphan that was left on the footsteps of a stranger's home
...... John Seana ....
Your time isn't running out.
Your time is up.

John Seana!
The WCC's poster child.
John, John, John...
You see, I'm not a poster child.
I am the unwanted child.
I am the abandoned orphan that was left on the footsteps of a stranger's home
You, John, are the spoiled, spoon fed child.
And now you think you can save the WCC?
Your efforts are for nothing, John.
You can't undo what's already happened.
You can't save a world that's already dead.
The era you once knew is gone.
You came to change the future.
To prevent events that already happened in your past.
But I came to stop you.
You've leaped into a dimension that you don't quite understand.
Hahaha, John, you didn't think you were the only one that could travel through time, did you?
Hahaha, John, you didn't think you were the only one that could travel through time, did you?
You've entered my world.
And in my world John, only the strong survive.
It's pointless to fight.
In my world, you can't win.
Give in, John.
The WCC Universe cannot be saved.
The only way to save them, is to watch them burn.
Destroy the league and rebuild anew.
Bring forth a new vision.
My vision.
My vision.
You claim that we can't see you, John.
But it is you, that can't see us.
You are the one that is blind.
Blinded by your pride.
Why can't you see, John?
The League is Mine.
Boston, we're here.
But it is you, that can't see us.
You are the one that is blind.
Blinded by your pride.
Why can't you see, John?
The League is Mine.
Boston, we're here.
My God! That's Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family!
We've seen the promos for weeks, but Bray Wyatt is here! Live on Preview!
But what does his want, JR?
I think we're about to find out!
My God, somebody help Seana! He's being ambushed by The Wyatt Family.
For God's sake, somebody stop these 3 men!
The Wyatt Family pin Seana against the ropes and place a Sheep Mask over his head.
Follow the Buzzards, John!
*The Lights Go Out*
The lights come back on and The Wyatt's along with Seana have disappeared.
Wh-what the hell is going on, King?
They're gone JR!
The Wyatt Family just disappeared along with Seana, where the hell did they go?
We cut backstage to find Mr. McMahon in his office.
[Gerald Brisco]
Great idea Mr. McMahon!
SC Lesnar is gonna destroy Cobra Kai this Sunday at Armageddon!
[Pat Patterson]
And to place him in a match against Single H tonight?
Simply brilliant!
Single H walks in.
[Mr. McMahon]
Speak of the devil..
Single H! Just the man I wanted to see.
You know what to do out there.
I want Cobra Kai destroyed!
I don't even want him to make it to Sunday!
Finish him tonight!
[Mr. McMahon]
I know it's been a rough season so far, Single H.
But if you stick with me.. if you follow my guidance, I can bring you back to the main event.
Single H, I see you rising in the ranks.. in the coming weeks.. you'll rise from the bottom.
The same way SC Lesnar did.
And hell, maybe you'll make it back to FantasyMania.
But one way or another, if you stay by my side.. I promise you that you'll go far in the WCCF.
Hell, I may even have a spot for you in management one day.
[Mr. McMahon]
By the way, Single H.
Have you met my daughter, Stephaneah?
The camera pans out to find Stone Cold Steve Pupstin watching backstage.
Pupstin takes a look at John Seana's picture.
Cobra Kai's Music Hits and we get set for the main event of the evening.
On less than 24 hours rest from perhaps the most deadliest match in WCCF history...
The WCCF World Champion, Cobra Kai, is scheduled in singles competition against The Cerebral Sandwich, Single H!
*Single H's theme song hits*
Despite the record of 1-5 through the first 6 weeks of the season,
Single H has an impressive track record.
3x League Champion, Single H has made it to FantasyMania for 5 straight seasons.
Ever since the inaugural year of 2009, Single H has made it the WCCF Playoffs.
The only WCCF Superstar to have done so.
2009? I thought we were in 1998.
The timelines are overlapping, King!
It may have something to do with John Seana's time traveling!
Regardless, this could be the first season ever that Single H doesn't make it to the WCCF Playoffs.
He'll have to make a quick turn around if he wants to keep his Playoff streak alive.
Non-Title Singles Match
Single H vs. Cobra Kai Dojo

The bell rings and this match is underway!
Cobra Kai controlling the match early on.

But here comes P-Dogg!

Degeneration F interfering in the match!

The referee calls for the bell!
Winner via Disqualification: Cobra Kai Dojo
But Single H isn't done yet! A thunderous chair shot to the back of Cobra Kai!
Aw come on!
This isn't right.
Single H never intended on winning the match.
Of course he didn't!
You heard what Mr. McMahon said!
Finish Cobra Kai tonight!
Single H pulls out the sledgehammer and the Champion is in trouble.
*Glass Breaks*
Pupstin runs down to the ring and pummels on Single H!
Cobra Kai's Music Hits and we get set for the main event of the evening.
On less than 24 hours rest from perhaps the most deadliest match in WCCF history...
The WCCF World Champion, Cobra Kai, is scheduled in singles competition against The Cerebral Sandwich, Single H!
*Single H's theme song hits*
Despite the record of 1-5 through the first 6 weeks of the season,
Single H has an impressive track record.
3x League Champion, Single H has made it to FantasyMania for 5 straight seasons.
Ever since the inaugural year of 2009, Single H has made it the WCCF Playoffs.
The only WCCF Superstar to have done so.
2009? I thought we were in 1998.
The timelines are overlapping, King!
It may have something to do with John Seana's time traveling!
Regardless, this could be the first season ever that Single H doesn't make it to the WCCF Playoffs.
He'll have to make a quick turn around if he wants to keep his Playoff streak alive.
Non-Title Singles Match
Single H vs. Cobra Kai Dojo

The bell rings and this match is underway!
Cobra Kai controlling the match early on.

But here comes P-Dogg!

Degeneration F interfering in the match!

The referee calls for the bell!
Winner via Disqualification: Cobra Kai Dojo
But Single H isn't done yet! A thunderous chair shot to the back of Cobra Kai!
Aw come on!
This isn't right.
Single H never intended on winning the match.
Of course he didn't!
You heard what Mr. McMahon said!
Finish Cobra Kai tonight!
Single H pulls out the sledgehammer and the Champion is in trouble.
*Glass Breaks*
Pupstin runs down to the ring and pummels on Single H!
But wait a minute! It's Degeneration F taking down Pupstin!
Pupstin is out numbered.
[Single H]
You're too late, Pupstin.
All this talk of saving the future..
Preventing me from becoming League Commissioner one day..
It's too late.
The wheels already in motion, Pupstin.
A little word of advice for you and John Seana..
The next time you organize a meeting to talk about saving the future, of changing history..
Do it more privately, instead of on National TV where the whole world could see.
Because I've been watching you two talk about me for weeks.
About how you're gonna stop me.
I saw you coming from a mile away, Pupstin.
There's nothing you can do now.
The future is set in stone.
Single H picks up his sledgehammer and smashes it across Cobra Kai's head!
And now a Family Tree planted onto The Champion!
*SC Lesnar's Music Hits*
*Crowd Boos*
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the Advocate for The Beast Incarnate..
Take a good look at that man in the ring.
Take a picture.
Because that is the last time you will ever see Cobra Kai Dojo with the WCCF World Championship.
Because this Sunday at my client, Santa Clara Lesnar will conquer the WCCF.

My client IS the next WCCF World Champion...
And she will hold that title all the way to FantasyMania when she becomes the 2x WCCF League Champion.
That's not a prediction.. that's a spoiler.
Now have a good night, and we will see you all this Sunday at Armageddon!