*Crowd Cheers*
Jim Ross
And there is Shane McMahon!
Tonight, McMahon will invade Trump Tower
and confront the President of the United States!
Single H
Hey, what the hell are you doing?
You can't go to Trump Tower.
Shane McMahon
Already going. Limo's already arrived.
You're welcome to join me.
Single H
We've got a show to run, Shane.
Shane McMahon
Then run it.
You'll be fine without me for one night.
I'll be back next week.
Single H
I'm highly advising that you don't go to Trump Tower.
The man just lost an election, there's no telling what
his mental state is right now.
Shane McMahon
Look, I get it.
This might not be personal for you,
but it's personal for me. Vince was my father.
My actual father, not my father in law.
My job isn't done until he's done.
So stay here, run the show.
I'll be back.
Shane McMahon leaves as Single H watches.
After losing a narrow race in the 2020 Presidential Election,
Donald Trump, sporting a new wig,
makes a surprising visit to Silicon Valley.
Tucked away in the SOFA district in San Jose, CA,
Adobe Headquarters is one of the innovators of
advanced technology with its Photoshop platform.
I've heard great things, tremendous things.
You've got some really fine people working for you here at Adobe.
We've never seen anything like it.
But if I'm being honest, I'm surprised to see you here.
I would think after losing the election, you would
have other priorities on your agenda.
What brings you to Adobe, Mr. President?
Donald Trump
This is the only priority, Mr. Narayen.
Donald Trump
This is the only priority, Mr. Narayen.
Now more than ever, we need this.
America needs this.
Shantanu Narayen
I'm not sure I understand, Mr. President...
Donald Trump
I like what you've done with your company.
Your industry has created millions and millions of jobs.
Isn't it something?
Adobe Photoshop is one of the single
greatest piece of software known to mankind.
But sadly, as great as your software is..
It can be abused and taken advantage of.
Donald Trump
Some nasty people can take Photoshop and make fake photos.
It's paved the way for new technology and the spread of fake news.
You have people editing videos, things like,
I think they call them Deep Fakes.
Videos and audio that you can make up out of thin air.
They're very convincing, they look very real.
And you can virtually make anyone say anything or do anything.
It's very dangerous.
It has already permanently damaged my reputation.
There is this video, made from this laptop from hell.
It's on the internet now and it led to my impeachment.
It's very bad and it's very sad.
With the power of Photoshop, you can do anything.
You can essentially alter reality.

Shantanu Narayen
Mr. President, we here at Adobe have simply created a photo editing software.
What people choose to do with it, is not our problem.

Donald Trump
So you take no responsibility?
Shantanu Narayen
What do you want me to do, Mr. President?
Why have you come here?
Donald Trump
I want you to show the world, that this video is fake.
It's fraud. It cost me the election.
If I can prove this video is fake,
we can restart the election and my supporters will be on my side.
The audio is not real, I never said those horrible things.
Joe Biden is running a smear campaign from his laptop from hell.
I want to you prove it to everyone, that this video is fake.
President Trump
You gotta admit, I played this stinking country like a Harp from Hell!
You gotta admit, I played this stinking country like a Harp from Hell!
Shantanu Narayen
I-...I'm sorry Mr. President.
But taking a look at the source code for this audio file..
It hasn't been edited at all.
It's real audio.
Donald Trump stares at Mr. Narayen angrily.
Donald Trump
Very good Mr. Narayen.
You are as advertised, a brilliant man.
You're right, the audio is real.
I did say those things. And I meant every word.
In 2016, I played this country like a harp from hell.
But now in 2020, they've voted me out of the office.
I need you to make things right.
Show me how your software works.
Shantanu Narayen
Mr. President, I don't know what you mean.
How can a photo editing software help you?
Donald Trump
We both know where the power of Photoshop comes from.
Let's not be coy, Mr. Narayen.
Donald Trump flexes the Power Stone.
Donald Trump
Show me where you're keeping the CGI Stone.
Episode Ten - The Survivor Series
*Sandy Orton's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Good evening folks, and welcome to Wednesday Night Preview.
We come to you live from Madison Square Garden here in New York City!
As we are greeted by the entrance music of The Viper, Sandy Orton.
Sandy Orton
In four nights, the West Coast Cousins hosts one of the biggest
Pay Per Views of the year.
The Survivor Series.
And with that, I'm reminded of our ongoing battle.
As we near the playoffs, the incoming conflict draws near.
Team West Coast Cousins, needs to continue to get stronger.
It's time to unite the family.
*John Seana's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Here comes the 1st place, John Seana.
Who last night, was defeated for the first time this season,
by The Hiz.
Not to mention, the beating he received from The Fiend!
We saw him quit for the first time in his career.
Jim Ross
Quite frankly, I'm surprised to see John Seana is even here tonight.
I would've thought he'd be hospitalized after that viscous attack
from The Fiend.
John Seana
Sandy Orton, I know what a tremendous competitor you are.
The 2x League Champion, the Apex Predator.
And after going to hell and back with you a few weeks ago
at Halloween Havoc,
I want it to be known, John Seana is throwing his name in the hat
and officially joining Team West Coast Cousins.
Because I'll gladly go to war with you and it's about time
the SeaNation got behind this movement to defeat Donald Trump!
*Crowd Cheers*
Sandy Orton
Well John Seana, we're glad to have you.
Despite your loss last night, you're still the lead dog
heading into Week 10.
And now with the likes of yourself, Single H, Rockson Reigns,
Kevin Owens, Justin Styles, CM PUP and myself.
Team West Coast Cousins is as strong as ever.
But of course, we're always looking to improve...
so I'm wondering who else we can bring in to beat Donald Trump.
We're really glad that you're our friend,
and this is a friendship that'll never ever end.
Jim Ross
Here we go again... that damn Minh Wyatt
and his Firefly Funhouse.
This is trouble, JR.
Minh Wyatt walks out into the entrance ramp.
Minh Wyatt
He's got the whole world, in his hands.
He's got the whole world.... in his hands.
He's got the whole wide world...
...in his hands.
Jim Ross
This lunatic is sick.
The man behind the sadistic attack on John Seana.
He'll claim it was The Fiend.
But we all know, Minh Wyatt is the man behind the alter ego.
What does he want, JR?
Jim Ross
Look at the fear in John Seana's eyes.
We've never seen John Seana back away before,
especially not this season.
It's as if Minh Wyatt has a hold of John Seana.
As if he's broken him.
Minh Wyatt
What's wrong, John?
Aren't you happy to see me?
Minh Wyatt
You know, what happened to you last night, was not my fault.
I wanted to help you.
But unfortunately... He had other ideas.
I don't want you to be afraid of me, John.
I just want to extend my hand and reach out to you.
You too, Sandy Orton.
Because you see, you are right about the impending doom.
Donald Trump may have lost the election, but he is still coming.
I've made my political views perfectly clear.
Joe Biden is my guy. And Donald Trump is nothing, but a very bad man.
Which is why I want to help the West Coast Cousins.
I want to join Team WCC.
But most of all, I just want to be your friend.
Minh Wyatt
What's wrong, John?
Don't you trust me?
Would you rather trust an evil, vile,
corrupt conman, like Donald Trump?
Or would you rather settle for Minh?
Sandy Orton
Minh, I don't trust you for a damn second.
You have ulterior motives and you're not out to help
the West Coast Cousins. You're out to help yourself.
You're a snake!
Minh Wyatt
Are vipers not snakes?
It's very ironic coming from you.
That's not a very nice thing to say to someone.
I'm only here to spread the faith and offer some hope.
*Chris Vinson's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
What's this now?
The AFW Champion, Le Champion, Chris Vinson,
making an appearance live on Preview.
Chris Vinson
Why am I not surprised?
You tune into Wednesday Night Preview,
and once again, all I see is a bunch of jackasses bickering with one another.
Chris Vinson
Meanwhile, the Inner Circle stands on a united front.
While you settle for your candidates, we back ours fully.
This Sunday at the Survivor Series, Team WCC will
join forces in a traditional Survivor Series elimination match.
And while you three sit in that ring and decide whether or not
you actually trust one another..
We here at All Fantasy Wrestling, show that the Inner Circle,
isn't the only team that's united.
*Vic Moxley's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
My God, Vic Moxley, entering through the crowd.
All Fantasy Wrestling is surrounding Team WCC.
Vic Moxley
That's right.
Vic Moxley and the Inner Circle together as one.
While you clowns need permission from the McMahons,
before you make a decision,
we here at All Fantasy Wrestling can do what we want,
when we want.
Vic Moxley
But it's not just Chris Vinson and myself coming after the WCC.
Let's not forget about the man behind the scenes,
pulling all the strings to fulfill his master plan.
The Cleaner. Kenny Omega!
Kenny Omega
Team West Coast Cousins.
Never before have I seen such a shameful group of Fantasy Managers.
You're not a team, you're a time bomb.
Kenny Omega
Tick, tick, tick, tick.
Your time is running out and when it's all said and done.
All Fantasy Wrestling will be the only Fantasy Football league left
in the business. West Coast Cousins has become complacent.
Your commissioner has lost the respect of the locker room.
Kenny Omega
Come Survivor Series,
we will show you why we are the superior brand.
John Seana, Sandy Orton, and Minh Wyatt.
The fate of your league rests on your shoulders.
I know the pressure of this burden weighs heavy.
But at least, you've got each others back.
We will see you on Sunday.
And with that, I bid you adieu.
Goodbye.... and Goodnight!
Minh Wyatt smiles, as John Seana and Sandy Orton
contemplate whether or not they can trust him.
Jim Ross
You can feel it in the air,
this match has big match potential written all over it.
Team West Coast Cousins
takes on Team All Fantasy Wrestling.
Will this lead to the end of the WCC?
Jim Ross
Only time will tell, but I got to tell you,
I don't like our chances when AFW comes in on a united front.
We'll have to see if the WCC can work together.
Stay tuned over the break, ladies and gentlemen.
Still to come, Shane McMahon confronts Donald Trump face to face!
*The Hiz's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
And there is the new WCC Champion, The Hiz.
Last night, he pulled of a huge upset.
The first Fantasy Manager to defeat John Seana.
Jim Ross
And you can already tell, his arrogance is back.
I think we're in for another segment of The Hiz
gloating over his victory. But as we saw last night,
The Fiend interfered in the match, giving The Hiz a huge assist.
What are you talking about, JR?
The Hiz looks better than ever!
I think his confidence is back, not his ego.
Maybe Minh Wyatt really is here to help.
He's got The Hiz on the right track now!
*Crowd Boos*
The Hiz
How surprising? You boo your champion.
I wouldn't expect anything less from a dump like New York!
The Hiz
But nevertheless, I've only got one thing to say.
Standing before you, The Most Must See TV Superstar,
that has ever laced up a wrestling boot.
Standing before you, is a God among men.
Standing before you, is the one.
The one, in 8-1, to be more specific.
*Crowd Boos*
The Hiz
Because The Champ... is.... HERE!
How many times do I have to prove to you people,
that I am better than John Seana?
To you people, when you look at John Seana, you see a superhero.
But when I look at John Seana, I see a coward!
The Hiz
Not only am I the first and only Superstar to beat John Seana this season,
I am the first and only Superstar to make John Seana quit!
Did you see him crying? Begging for a stoppage?
Last night at War Games, when I made him quit,
it was the single most defining moment of my career.
When the history books are written, it will say The Hiz made John Seana quit!
It's such a big moment, that I think it should be celebrated and replayed.
The Hiz
Come on, you guys in the video truck.
Find the footage of me making him quit.
Play it for all these people to see. Come on, what are you waiting for?
*The Baugh's Music Hits*
*Crowd Cheers*
Jim Ross
You can feel the electricity in the air, King.
It is deafening here in Madison Square Garden!
These people didn't think they'd see The Baugh!
He's back! Boy, are we in for a treat tonight.
The Baugh
Whoa, whoa, Hiz.
You're looking a little too excited to see The Baugh.
I didn't mean to come out here and rain on your parade.
What's with the long face?
How about you put those sunglasses back on,
loosen up your tie, but make sure you don't lose
those receipts for those cheap ass suits you buy,
because... FINALLY....
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
No, no, but all jokes aside.
The Baugh didn't come out here to rain on your parade.
The Baugh came out here, because we're running out of time.
And The Baugh says this...
The Hiz
Enough about what The Baugh has to say!
How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are?
I am the WCC Champion and you will show me some respect.
I will not let some part timer, washed up has been,
come out here in my ring and take my moment away from me.
This isn't the Attitude Era anymore.
This is the new generation, you old timers need to let it go.
We all love 90s nostalgia, but you've got the let the past die.
Kill it, if you have to.
You're not gonna turn back the clock,
so who are we kidding?
So why don't you tell us why you're really here.
You want a WCC Championship match, don't you?
Well let me tell you this, Baugh.
I would never grant a Championship match to an old man
part timer like yourself.
The Baugh
You know, Hiz. You're right.
The Baugh isn't gonna turn back the clock.
This is your time. This is your generation.
I respect that. It's time for us to step aside,
so that the current generation can continue to get better.
That's why The Baugh is offering you his respect.
The Baugh
You are the current WCC Champion,
and you've got what it takes to take this league to the next level.
The Baugh's got nothing but respect for ya, brother.
The Baugh doesn't want to challenge you for the title.
So why don't we just call it a night
and send these people home?
The Hiz
Just like that?
You're just gonna let me walk?
The Baugh
You're the champion man,
you can do whatever the hell you like.
The Hiz begins to leave, making his way back up the ramp.
The crowd boos as the champion leaves.
The Baugh
Oh, Hiz.
There is just one more little thing, before you go...
Unfortunately for you,
The Baugh can turn back the clock,
and he is challenging for you the WCC Championship.
The Baugh uses the Time Stone to reverse time.
The Hiz is brought back face to face with The Baugh.
The Baugh
See you at Survivor Series, bitch!
How did he do that, JR?!
What did we just see?
Jim Ross
It looks as if he's got the Time Stone!
Those things are real?!
I thought it was jus a myth.
Jim Ross
We'll learn more about The Baugh's whereabouts
and how he came upon the Time Stone.
But up next, Shane McMahon will be live at Trump Tower!
Don't go anywhere!
Shane McMahon arrives at Trump Tower.
Jim Ross
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back on Preview.
Do not adjust your television set, as we are live from Trump Tower.
Shane McMahon has arrived with his camera
and he intends to confront the President of the United States.
I advise everyone watching at home,
this part of our entertainment is not scripted.
It is anybody's guess what will happen,
when Shane McMahon comes face to face with Donald Trump.
My palms are sweating, JR.
I can't believe what we're about to see.
What's going to happen?
Jim Ross
I have no earthly idea, King.
This is uncharted territory, even for the West Coast Cousins.
Inside Trump Tower, we see a wrestling ring has been set up
with a live studio audience full of Trump Supporters.
Jim Ross
Take a look at this, King.
It's as if Donald Trump is inviting Shane McMahon.
Making him feel comfortable.
This can't be good.
Come back Shane!
*Shane McMahon's Music Hits*
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
It may be too late for that, King.
As you can hear the chorus of boos for the owner of the WCC.
Shane McMahon
Isn't that cute?
A wrestling ring inside Trump Tower.
And clearly you still have some influence around the country,
despite losing the election.
Shane McMahon
Well I hope you're ready for an encore,
because after last week's ass kicking from Joe Biden,
you're about to get your ass kicked again.
You can make yourself feel better bringing in all your supporters,
it's not gonna help you when I beat the living crap out of you!
So let's stop playing games.
Where you at, Donald?
I've come a long way and I'm not leaving until I come face to face
with the President of the United States!
*Mr. McMahon's Music Hits*
The crowd goes ballistic.
Jim Ross
It can't be!
I thought Mr. McMahon was dead?!
Jim Ross
Have we all been fooled?
I am in shock, King.
Who could have seen this coming?
I'm seeing it, but I'm not believing it!
Jim Ross
Shane looks as if he's seen a ghost.
He has JR! We've all just seen a ghost.
Mr. McMahon is here at Trump Tower!
Mr. McMahon
Hello Shane.
Shane McMahon
Hold on... stop.
You've been alive this whole time?
Where the hell have you been?
And how are you alive?
We all saw you die on live television.
Mr. McMahon
Shane, did you not think I would return?
I know you have a lot of questions.
Let me first start off by saying, it's good to see you.
There are a number of ways that I can explain this,
but perhaps the best way to say it,
I am... immortal!
Shane McMahon
I saw you die in Dallas.
What the hell is going on, dad?
We saw your body at the funeral for God's sake!
All of us, Stephaneah, Single H, your wife, your grandkids!
I don't understand what's happening.
I want you to explain, right now.
Mr. McMahon
Shane, there are many forms of immortality.
And when I left, I left behind a legacy.
I left behind the McMahon name.
And I wanted you and Stepahaneah to carry it.
You two were supposed to bring this league to new heights!
But I'm ashamed to say it,
you've been nothing... but a goddamn disappointment!
Shane McMahon
Dad, what's going on here?
Mr. McMahon
I want you to walk away.
Leave Trump Tower and hand over the league to Donald Trump.
Sign it over, son!
You aren't worthy of the name McMahon.
And I've been rolling over in my grave
watching this season of the West Coast Cousins.
Mr. McMahon
I'm giving you one last chance to walk away.
And if you don't do as I say,
then you leave me with no other choice.
I'll just have to take this as one last opportunity
to give you... fucking beating.
Shane McMahon
I'm not going anywhere, dad.
Not until you tell me what's really going on here.
And not until Donald Trump comes out here
and faces me like a man.
Mr. McMahon
You son of a bitch!
You are as stubborn as your old man.
I warned you, and now you've got to face the consequences.
Have it your way, Shane-O!
Shane McMahon is suddenly stabbed in the back.
Donald Trump
Is that betrayal, I sense in you, McMahon?
Mr. McMahon disintegrates into thin air,
along with the wrestling ring and live audience.
Trump Tower is left with a bare, empty conference room.
Donald Trump
Reality is often disappointing...
that is, it was.
Donald Trump
Now, reality can be whatever I want.
Donald Trump showcases the CGI Stone.
Shane McMahon bleeds out as Donald Trump watches.
Jim Ross
What have we just witnessed here?
This is sick. Cold blooded murder!
My God, Shane McMahon is dying, someone get him some help.
Call an ambulance, damnit!
I don't know what to say, JR.
Jim Ross
Cut the cameras! Someone in the back call 911.
We've just witnessed a murder.
Shut off the broadcast, this has gone too far damnit.
For God's sake, someone help Shane Mc-