Along the coast of Epstein Island,
former President Donald Trump is found enjoying retirement.
A Sunday afternoon at the golf course with his family.

Donald Trump
Another beautiful day on this island.
Isn't it something?
We've got an entire island to ourselves,
the best island that God has ever created.
The United Confederacy of America is doing better than ever.
In the history of our great nation, nothing has ever been as good as it is now.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
It's really something. I've truly done something amazing.
Isn't that right, my children?
Ivanka Trump
Yes, father.
This island is very beautiful.
Donald Trump Jr.
Really amazing job, father.
And do you want to know what the people are saying?
Americans are reporting levels of happiness at all time highs.
The only problem is, the National Media isn't reporting it.
They refuse to acknowledge what you've done.
But if you asked the American citizens,
they'll all tell you how great the country is doing.
Crime is down, the economy is booming.
The United Confederacy of America is the #1 Nation in the world once again.
Donald Trump
What do you mean the media isn't covering it?
Donald Trump Jr.
They don't want to admit that you were right.
The country's morale is at an all time high.
But the media is focusing on their own narrative.
They're telling the American people how terrible things are.
Donald Trump
Well then... something has to change.
That is unacceptable.
Donald Trump Jr.
What do you want to do about it, father?
Donald Trump
If the Fake News media wants to manufacture their stories,
then I guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands.
With the Special Effects Stone,
I will control the Fake News Media.
It is time I used the media to my advantage.
It is time that I do to them, what they've been doing to me for years.
With the Special Effects Stone,
I can make them say and do whatever it is that I like.
They will pronounce me as the greatest President of all time.
The savior of America.
On the other side of the island,
Sandy Orton and the West Coast Cousins have arrived.
Vin Snow
We've located Donald Trump.
My Fantasy Team has created a perimeter and we've scouted the area.
He's all alone. No Secret Service, no security of any kind.
It's just him and his family.
The Baugh
He's still got the Fantasy Stones.
With those, he doesn't need security.
Stay on your toes and get into position.
Let's finish this.
The Baugh
Jerry, you know you don't have to do this.
There's enough of us here.
We'll get the job done, I promise.
We're not leaving here until Donald Trump is dead.
And that's exactly why I'm coming along.
He deported JR, Baugh.
I want to see his face when he realizes that he lost.
I'm going to make sure that he dies for what he's done.
The Baugh
Alright then...
let's go get this son of a bitch!
Episode Three - No Mercy
*The Baugh's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCCF Preview.
As we hear the theme music for the WCCF Champion,
The Baugh making his way down to the ring
accompanied by The Corporation.
And King, what a performance last night from The Baugh.
As much flack as we have given him about last season's FantasyMania,
he has certainly proven himself in the early stages of the new season.
I told you, JR!
Last season was no fluke.
The Baugh is a worthy Champion and he's proving the haters wrong,
including you, JR!
The Baugh
Finally... The Baugh has come back to Montreal!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
Oh? Is that all it took?
Is that all it took for you to kiss The Baugh's ass?
All he had to do was say your city's name?
And now The Baugh has you people eating out of the palm of his hand.
What a bunch of sheep!
Is this the first time that you've ever heard someone mention your city's name?
Ohhh yayy!! Hooray!! He said Montreal!
That's where we live! Wooo!
Ahhh... shut up!
*Crowd Heavily Boos*
The Baugh
Now you want to cheer for The Baugh.
Well The Baugh doesn't need your applause.
Now that The Baugh is back on top,
The Baugh has proven to each and every single one of you,
that he is the absolute best.
The Baugh
And if you don't believe The Baugh,
just look at the standings.
The WCCF League Champion is in 1st place.
The Baugh shot up the Power Rankings after beating the monkey piss out of Kevane.
And, after beating the Big Red Retard to within an inch of his life,
I think it's time The Baugh got a break.
Let's face it, The Baugh has nothing left to prove.
He's beaten all those candy asses in the back.
Before The Baugh defends the title again,
he thinks it's about time these other Fantasy Managers prove
that they're worthy of being in the ring with The Baugh.
The Baugh
Wouldn't you agree, Mr. McMahon?
The Baugh has proven that he is the #1 Fantasy Manager this season.
So with your permission, The Baugh would like to ask for Sunday off.
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
Aw, what kind of Champion is that?
It's smart, JR!
It's a long season, The Baugh deserves a break.
Mr. McMahon
Well.. Baugh.
Now that you mention it, you bring up some great points.
You have shown to be a worthy Champion.
So after much consideration, I've decided that you've got it!
This Sunday at No Mercy, you've got the night off!
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
Oh come on!
If this isn't collusion, then I don't know what is.
The Corporation isn't even trying to hide it.
This is despicable.
What kind of Champion runs away from the fight?
The Baugh is a coward, taking the easy route to the top.
The Baugh
Thank you, Mr. McMahon.
And I just wanna say, Mr. Mc-
The countdown hits as Chris Vinson's music hits.
*Crowd Cheers*
What's this idiot doing here?
Chris Vinson
You know, I was just sitting in the back, minding my own business.
When suddenly, I see The Baugh on my television set,
and I couldn't help it.
After all that Corporate ass kissing,
my gag reflex kicked in, and I felt a little vomit come up in my mouth!
*Crowd Cheers*
Jim Ross
The Baugh does not look happy to see Chris Vinson.
Chris Vinson
So, when it was all said and done.
Chris Vinson had no choice but to run to the bathroom.
But as soon as I finished throwing up,
I decided that I better come on out here.
I better come out here so that "The Vinson" could personally
ask if you would PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP!
*Crowd Cheers*
Chris Vinson
I mean, honestly.
If you don't shut the hell up, you're going to have a janitorial problem.
Because I'm pretty sure at least half of the locker room is about to vomit
from what you call a promo.
No, seriously "Baugh." If that is your real name.
You want any of these people to respect you?
After you hide behind The Corporation?
You don't have the respect of these people,
and quite honestly, you don't deserve it.
Chris Vinson
But you know what?
You want to know how you can earn your respect?
I'll give ya one shot to prove that you've got any balls.
I'm challenging you this Sunday at No Mercy for the WCCF Championship!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
Chris Vinson, what are you? Blind and stupid?
The Baugh has Sunday off.
And he's not going to waste it by giving you an undeserved opportunity.
The answer is no.
The Baugh does not accept your challenge.
Chris Vinson
That's fine. I figured you'd say that.
And you've just proven my point, you have no balls.
But that's okay, because I took the liberty of going up the chain of command.
That's right, Chris Vinson went to upper management.
And our match this Sunday, is on!
The Baugh
Vinson, you must have hit your head real hard last night.
Upper management? We are The Corporation.
We are upper management!
We are upper management!
There is no authority figure higher than us.
So get your facts straight, jabroni!
Chris Vinson
Oh trust me, Baugh.
I do have my facts straight.
And I do know that The Corporate assclowns are in the ring.
But I wasn't talking about The Corporation, Baugh.
Come on, don't you read the dirt sheets?
I guess news does travel slow in the McMahon Family.
You see, Vince.
You and your sad excuse for a son,
aren't the only McMahons with power around here.
*Crowd Cheers*
Chris Vinson
That's right, Vince.
I had a chat with your old lady, Linda McMahon.
And I was told that she would be appointing a new Commissioner in the WCCF!
And I believe that Commissioner is on his way out here right now...
*Nick Foley's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Oh my! You've got to be kidding me!
Commissioner Foley has entered the chat.
I can't believe it!
This is a nightmare, JR.
Why would Linda McMahon appoint a homeless man as Commissioner?!
The crowd goes nuts as Nick Foley soaks it in.
Nick Foley
Wow. There is no place like home!
It feels so great to be live on Preview,
right here in Montreal, Quebec!
*Crowd Cheers*
Nick Foley
You see, after being unceremoniously fired by Vince McMahon,
I didn't have a whole lot to do.
Most days I just sit at home collecting unemployment checks.
But there I am one day, sitting on the couch,
when suddenly I hear my phone ringing.
I answer the phone and to my surprise, it's Linda McMahon on the other end.
Nick Foley
And so Vince, there I am on the phone with your wife.
Asking her, to what do I owe the pleasure?
When your wife tells me that her power hungry husband
has lost control of the West Coast Cousins.
And that she needs a civil, level headed, impartial,
maniac such as myself to become the new Commissioner of Preview!
*Crowd Cheers*
This is awful, JR!
Mr. McMahon is about to have a heart attack!
Look at Shane!
He's getting older by the second!
Nick Foley
And so, with my first act as Commissioner,
I am granting Chris Vinson a title shot this Sunday at No Mercy!
Chris Vinson vs. The Baugh for the WCCF Championship!
Jim Ross
Hell yes!
That's what we want to hear.
The Baugh is livid, JR.
How can you celebrate this?!
This might be the worst day in the history of this league.
Nick Foley
So Vince, with that said, I've only got one thing left to say...
Have a nice day!
Mr. McMahon
Hold on, hold on.
Wait just a damn minute!
You very well may be the new Commissioner of Preview.
But that doesn't mean you have all the power.
So I'll tell you what, this Sunday at No Mercy,
Chris Vinson will have his match.
Chris Vinson vs. The Baugh for the WCCF Championship.
But not before we see him in one on one action tonight!
Not before he faces an opponent of my choosing.
And I'm thinking.. there is no better Fantasy Manager
for Chris Vinson to face... than the WCCF's newest sensation...
Jim Ross
That is one hell of a match, King!
John Seana vs. Chris Vinson in our main event.
Jim Ross
And just four nights away from No Mercy,
Chris Vinson taking on The Baugh in Week 3.
What a stacked lineup we have in store for No Mercy.
Tag Team Match
Look like I lost & Chuckanuts
Dollar Discount Team & Dollar General
Jim Ross
Welcome back to Preview, ladies and gentlemen.
We come to you live as we get set for tag team action.
Single H and Victor Angle versus
Steve Pupstin and the Underchucker.
And I have to admit, I am a bit uneasy about this matchup.
I don't know if these pair of tag teams can put their differences
aside and work together effectively in tonight's match.
You can already see the animosity between Single H and Angle!
They don't trust each other one bit, JR.
Jim Ross
With so much riding on the line this Sunday at No Mercy,
it's hard to blame 'em, King.
Jim Ross
And the bell rings and we are underway for this main event.
Underchucker starting off against
Vic Angle as Pupstin waits on the sideline.
Jim Ross
We haven't talked much about the Underchucker in the early going of the season.
But he is currently in 6th place.
Right in the middle of the pack when it comes to points.
His team of Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce is deadly.
We'll see if he can capitalize off that tandem and make an impact as we enter Week 3.
Meanwhile, Victor Angle has looked great so far.
This might be the best he's looked in years.
He missed FantasyMania last year, but already he's in 2nd place.
A strong performance against Rock Michaels,
I think Victor Angle is an early contender as we start the new year.
Jim Ross
Both the Underchucker and Vic Angle looking to return to the playoffs.
For Vic Angle, he finished in 10th place last season.
Meanwhile the Underchucker has had a 2 year absence from FantasyMania.
These two competitors preparing for a hotly contested playoff race
this season. Who knows how the field will shake out this season?
Jim Ross
Stephaneah McMahon, the Billion Dollar Princess,
watching on from ringside as she roots on her husband, Single H.
Pupstin tags himself in.
Uh oh!
The Underchucker didn't seem to like that!
Pupstin just tagged himself in and Underchucker took exception.
Jim Ross
His body language says it all.
Pupstin calling his own number.
And the Underchucker is unhappy with the decision.
Jim Ross
Whoa! And to make matters worse,
Pupstin just gave the Underchucker the bird!
He can't do that, JR!
I knew these two couldn't get along.
Pupstin might be digging his own grave!
Jim Ross
Angle hammering away on Pupstin now.
Pupstin is another one of those Superstars who missed the playoffs
last season. A rare down year for the former League Champion.
He'll look to bounce back and return to form.
And a strong showing last night against Single H.
Pupstin looks ready for another FantasyMania run
as he currently stands in 4th place.
Jim Ross
Tag, and in comes Single H.
These two competitors went to hell and back last night
at Unforgiven and here they are, going at it again.
Jim Ross
Pupstin drops Single H!
And Stone Cold looking for help,
he crawls over to his corner reaching out to the Underchucker.
Look! The Underchucker refuses to tag in!
This is what happens when you try to do it all.
Underchucker not willing to help his tag team partner
and quite frankly, I don't blame him, JR.
Jim Ross
Pupstin is furious, the look on Pupstin's face.
Underchucker is leaving him high and dry.
Jim Ross
And now Pupstin is having a word with his tag team partner.
This isn't good, King.
Jim Ross
Wait a minute!
From behind, Single H plants the Family Tree!
Winner via Pinfall:
Dollar Discount Team & Dollar General
Dollar Discount Team & Dollar General
Stephaneah McMahon jumps into the ring to celebrate
as Vic Angle carries her on his shoulders.
Jim Ross
My goodness!
Here we go again.
Pupstin and Single H going at it after the bell.
Jim Ross
Action spilling out into the crowd now.
Enough is enough, someone get control of Pupstin.
He's lost his cool!
Jim Ross
Oh, look at this now.
The Underchucker getting involved now.
But he's not helping his tag team partner!
He's going after Pupstin.
Single H and Underchucker working together.
Jim Ross
Meanwhile back in the ring, Vic Angle continuing to celebrate
his win with Stephaneah McMahon!
And I think Single H just realized what's going on, JR.
Jim Ross
Single H is livid!
Victor Angle and Single H's wife in the ring.
What is Victor Angle thinking?
This is turning personal between these two Fantasy Managers.
My God, what will happen this Sunday at No Mercy?
We're going to find out.
But stay tuned over the break folks, we will be back for our main event.
Singles Match
John Seana vs. Dalvin's Cookout
Jim Ross
Welcome back from commercial break,
and we are underway live from the Molson Centre here in Montreal.
Our main event for the evening as ordered by Vince McMahon,
Chris Vinson taking on the young up and comer, John Seana.
Jim Ross
A lot of potential in this young man,
John Seana is 2-0 on the season thus far,
and in my eyes an impressive start to kick off the new year.
Yeah, but look at his outfit!
Can he get anymore colorful with his Fantasy Attire?
Who taught this idiot how to dress?
Jim Ross
John Seana tackling Chris Vinson in mid-air!
What power by this young man.
And this is exactly what Mr. McMahon wants.
He wants mileage on Chris Vinson,
an opportunity to slow him down ahead of Sunday's big match.
You've got to give credit to Mr. McMahon.
He's always got a plan and he's always one step ahead.
Jim Ross
Seana looking to put away Vinson now.
Jim Ross
Top rope, high risk maneuver by John...
Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
That's Hedge!
Hedge just jumped in and tossed Seana off the top rope!
And the ref is calling for the bell!
Winner via DQ: John Seana
What's Hedge doing out here, JR?
Jim Ross
I have absolutely no idea, he has no business being out here.
And look at this... measuring John Seana.
Sizing him up and stalking him like his prey....
Jim Ross
A thunderous crash onto the canvas.
Somebody tell me, what is the meaning of this?
My God, what in absolute hell is Hedge doing?
*The Brood's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Oh, now what!
Things might have just gone from bad to worse, JR.
I can't see a thing!
Jim Ross
We saw this a couple of weeks ago,
when Russell Gangrel interfered in the Hedge's match.
Oh look at this!
Jim Ross
What in the hell?
A number of players assaulting someone.
I can't see what the hell is going on.
It looks like a pack of wolves jumping a deer.
What is the meaning of this?
The lights return, and we find a bloody John Seana.
Jim Ross
Oh my God!
Take a look at this.
It appears as if Hedge has aligned himself with Russell Gangrel
and George Kittle.
My God... what in the hell?
A vicious assault from Hedge.
Son of a bitch, somebody check on Seana!