Folks, this is Week 14 here at the West Coast Cousins which means
we are just four nights away from the start of what could possibly be...
the last FantasyMania ever.
With 6 Superstars clinching a playoff spot, we will soon find out whether or not
the NWO will walk away with the WCC League Championship and killing
the Wrestling Storylines in the process.
*Mr. McMahon's Music Hits*
Here we go, King!
We saw the Chairman of WCC, Mr. McMahon return last night at the Royal Rumble.
We all thought Mr. McMahon had died earlier this season,
but as you can see, Mr. McMahon, alive and well.
[Mr. McMahon]
Surprised to see me?
You see, when my son Shane took over the Cameron House Fantasy League.
I had two options.
I could've stayed there and fight.
But knowing what Shane had up his sleeve, I knew my best course of action..
was to fake my own death so that I could create a plot to take back the WCC.
But you see, now that Donald Trump is the new authority of the WCC..
I had no choice but to come back from my hiatus.
Because there is nothing more I hate than politicians.
So Donald, get your ass out here!
[Mr. McMahon]
Thank you Donald for taking the time out of your busy Presidential Campaign trail to run the West Coast Cousins. But earlier today, I met with the Board of Directors.
And the Board of Director's primary responsibility is the financial well being of the WCC.
Above and beyond anything else, that's what they're responsible for.
And as a result of that, they're concerned that you may not be able to withstand the New World Order.
They're concerned that the WCC will not go beyond this season.
That the creative writers are burned out and quite simply, out of storylines.
The Board of Directors don't believe that you're the man for the job.
That maybe, you can't make the WCC Great Again.
Which is why they have called me back into the story.
[Mr. McMahon]
In other words, Donald.
Your ass is fired.
Get the hell out of my ring.
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
And now that my son in law, Single H has been eliminated from playoff contention.
It is with great pleasure that I reinstate The Authority of the WCC!
Single H and Stephaneah McMahon!
*Crowd Boos*

[Mr. McMahon]
No, don't worry.
Because I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, will oversee all day to day operations
and will ensure that the West Coast Cousins continues on beyond this season.
With the likes of Deez Bryan and Minh Wyatt looking to destroy what I've built.
You can be assured, that I will not go down without a fight.
So let's introduce the six competitors in this year's FantasyMania!
[1] Toman Reigns (10-3)
[2] Deez Bryan (9-4)
[3] Minh Wyatt (8-5)
[4] Santa Clara Gold Diggers (7-6)
[5] Chris Waiting (6-7)
[6] Stone Cold Steve Pupstin (6-7)
[Mr. McMahon]
What an impressive group of Fantasy Managers.
You talk about continuity,
5 of the 6 FantasyMania Superstars are back from last year's playoffs.
The most that we have ever had return from last season's FantasyMania.
Atop the class of Fantasy Managers, we have Toman Reigns!
Quite a performance all season long, with double digit wins.
Another Fantasy Manager, one of which, turned his back on the WCC.
Billed as the Legendary Super Saiyan, Deez Bryan.
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
The actions of Deez Bryan is another reason why I have decided to return to WCC television.
To ensure that my league stays in tact.
Deez Bryan and Minh Wyatt will not win the WCC League Championship.
I can tell you that much.
If either of those two Superstars win the entire thing, well then this whole Universe will implode.
Now let's talk about Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Mr. McMahon]
To be quite frank with you,
it has been well documented what my feelings are about Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
He won the league last season and by God, hell will freeze over before he wins another.
I would rather this Universe implode than to crown Stone Cold Steve Pupstin as back to back WCC League Champion.
After the public embarrassment that Stone Cold/CM PUP put the WCC through last season..
There's absolutely no chance in hell, that I will let that bald headed son of a bitch get anywhere near the WCC Championship.
And that's the bottom line, cause the Chairman said so.
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
So who will win the WCC League Championship?
I know who the Authority is backing.
The one and only..
Beast Incarnate!
Santa Clara Lesnar!
*SC Lesnar's Music Hits*
And here comes the WCC Champion,
Santa Clara Lesnar defeated Deez Bryan last night at the Royal Rumble to capture the title.
She has been absolutely unstoppable these past few weeks, King.
She has definitely looked real good during the final weeks of the regular season.
She will be in contention for the League Championship for sure.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the Advocate for THE BEAST...
Who for the last 3 weeks has put up historic numbers here in the WCC.
101. 156. And 105.
Those are the amount of Fantasy Points my BEAST has scored in the last 3 weeks.
My BEAST has conquered every opponent that has been placed in front of her.
She has steamrawled the competition and goes into the FantasyMania hotter than ANY Superstar in the league.
Hotter than Toman Reigns.
Hotter than Deez Bryan.
And certainly hotter than her opponent this Sunday, Chris Waiting.
Anyone with half a brain would know not to bet against SC Lesnar.
SC Lesnar is on her way to winning her second League Championship.
And that is why the Authority have placed their bets on a proven winner.
That is why the Authority have chosen SC Lesnar as the one to end the invasion of the CHF.
The one to destroy the NWO.
The one to end the reign of Minh Wyatt and Deez Bryan.
The one behind the one in 22 and 1!
The WCC Champion!
The Authority pose for the cameras,
officially naming SC Lesnar as their favorite to win the League Championship.
[Mr. McMahon]
Well then it is settled.
Chris Waiting vs. SC Lesnar this Sunday in the first round of FantasyMania.
And just to show you a little preview of that matchup this Sunday,
we're going to place your opponent, Chris Waiting, in a match tonight.
And his opponent...
Tai Rollins!
Chris, with just four nights away from your FantasyMania debut,
you take on Tai Rollins in singles competition tonight.
Do you feel that is a disadvantage as your opponent, SC Lesnar, has the night off.
You know Renee, it doesn't surprise me at all.
I've been put at a disadvantage my entire tenure here in the WCC.
I've had the toughest strength of schedule, I've been booked to job over and over again.
Earlier tonight, Paul Heyman said SC Lesnar was the hottest Superstar in the league.
Well Renee, I find that extremely ironic.
If you combine total points going back to last year, I am by far the greatest Superstar in the league.
No one is touching me.
Not CM PUP, not Toman Reigns.
For 2 consecutive seasons, I put up the most points of any Superstar.
But you know, ever since I broke the script, I've been unstoppable.
I forced my way into FantasyMania and I didn't listen to the creative writers.
Not since Bill Goldberg in WCW have we seen a Superstar break the script.
So you want to know what's going to happen in my FantasyMania debut, Renee?
I'm not following the story.
This isn't a Fantasy Match up, Renee.
This isn't a wrestling match.
There is no pre-determined outcome.
This is going to be a fight.
And just like I'm about to do to Tai Rollins..
I'm going to kick your ass Santa Clara Gold Diggers.
Singles Match
Chris Waiting vs. Tai Rollins
Waiting leaps off the top rope.
Wasting no time at all, SC Lesnar makes her way down to the ring.
Waiting throws an elbow, but it's not effective.
Code Breaker! But Lesnar laughably shrugs off the attempt.
F-5! F-5 to Chris Waiting!
Well, Waiting may have bit off more than he can chew, Michael.
He wants a fight with SC Lesnar, I don't like his chances.
SC Lesnar walks back up the ramp, but suddenly turns back in the Sandy Orton.
SCGD says nothing for an awkward amount of time.
[Sandy Orton to Paul Heyman]
.... What's my line?
What's my line?
[Heyman to Sandy Orton]
He wants to break the script.
Read your script, damnit.
SCGD says nothing for an awkward amount of time.
[Sandy Orton to Paul Heyman]
.... What's my line?
What's my line?
[Heyman to Sandy Orton]
He wants to break the script.
Read your script, damnit.
[Sandy Orton]
Big Show is mine tonight..
I mean..
Big Show is mine tonight..
I mean..
You want to break the script, Chris?
You want to pick a fight?
You just saw what would happen if you pick a fight with me.
I turn into the Other Guy.
And you do not want to pick a fight with the other guy.
So this is what's gonna happen, Chris.
You're gonna go to FantasyMania.
You're going to follow the storyline.
And then I walk out WCC Champion.
There's no need to get SC Lesnar involved, Chris.
You break the script, I break your neck.
See you Sunday.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music plays as we return to Wednesday Night Preview.
Here is last season's Champion.
The Texas Rattlesnake snuck his way back into the playoffs after a subpar regular season, King.
And you heard it earlier, Mr. McMahon is not happy with Stone Cold.
Of course he's not happy, Michael!
This guys is bad for business.
A public walk out from the league, Stone Cold shouldn't be welcome here.
And I can't wait until he gets eliminated this Sunday.
Well I'm not sure he gets eliminated, King.
He's been one of the top managers for the past few years now.
First thing's first.
Vince McMahon, welcome back from the dead, you sorry piece of trash.
You want to drag my name through the mud, I challenge you to come down to this ring so I can whoop your sorry ass for old time's sake.
You don't want me to win the WCC League Championship, that's fine with Stone Cold.
You've stacked the odds against me ever since I joined this damn league.
I'm going to go out there and I'm going to whoop some ass whether you like it or not!
I said it last season, when I won the damn title, that I'm fixin' on tearing this league up.
Running through my list and cementing my legacy as the greatest Fantasy Manager this league has ever seen.
And this Sunday, a piece of trash called Minh Wyatt stands in my way.
Minh Wyatt, you talk about your poems about society and how you plan on destroying the league with your fairy stones.
And I'll proceed to talk about whooping your ass!
***Wyatt Cut-In***
[Minh Wyatt]
Do you know the history of the West Coast Cousins, Stone Cold?
Most people don't.
You see, history is written by the winners.
But what they neglect to mention is what really happened.
How this league came to be.
You see, there was once a powerful King.
The King ruled the land with great pride.
He is a fair King. A just King.
Until he was murdered by members of his own guard.
[Minh Wyatt]
The King was written off as mad.
His kingdom was taken over.
Ruled by tyrants and treason.
That King, was my family.
My family started this entire league.
But there is no mention of my family in the history books.
No, history was rewritten.
So you see, Stone Cold.
I have come back to exact vengeance on this league.
You took this league from me.
And now I am taking everything back.
When you play the Game of Fantasies, you win or you die.
[Minh Wyatt]
Unless of course, you've been brought back from the dead.
On December 11th, 2014.. you sent me to hell.
Exactly one year ago, you set me ablaze and I met with Lucifer himself.
But you see, Pupstin.
I've come back more powerful than ever before.
The resurgence of the Minhistry of Darkness will result in the end of the West Coast Cousins.
This Sunday at FantasyMania, I don't plan on ending your season.
I plan on ending your life.
You and me, Pupstin.
One last time.
Buried Alive Match.
But I thought this was the PG Era, King!
We can't have a match like that.
I can't believe it!
Even Pupstin looks shocked!
Pupstin, after this, there's no coming back.
You ended my season last year.
This season, I end the entire league.
And then you will...
REST...... IN..... PEACE....