Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Endgame Episode 13 - Vengeance

In Fox River Petitionary, we find a familiar face
serving his prison sentence for his crimes during The Waiver Wire Era.

Erik Stevens, also known as Justinmonger.

PA System
Prisoner #020987, you have a visitor.

The Baugh
I see prison has treated you well.

Well, you know,
I'm more free in here than I am out there anyways.
But as a matter of fact, I'm surprised they haven't
locked you up in here with me for all you've done for the world.

The Baugh
So you're up to date on your current events.
That's good. Because I'm putting together a team.
I could use someone like you out there.
And for your efforts, a full pardon.
I'll walk you out of here myself.

Didn't you hear me?
I said I'm more free in here anyhow.

The Baugh
Yeah, you could play the tough guy act. But I don't buy it.
Besides, keeping you in here is a waste of your talent.
You're a trained killer, formally trained in jiu-jitsu,
Muay Thai, Navy Seals, the whole nine.
If we're going to do this, I'm going to need your help.

If you free me from these chains,
what's to stop me from killing you?
What makes you think that I'd be on your side?
Maybe I like watching the world burn.

The Baugh
Cause I know you, kid.
I know you want me dead, and when this is all over,
you might even get your shot.
But if there's one thing in this world that you despise,
it's the oppressor's.
You want Donald Trump gone as much as I do.
So I'm willing to bet you'd join me.

So what? We're some kind of Suicide Squad?

The Baugh
You ain't got nothing else to lose.
And I know you're hungry to kill.
If you join our team, I'm giving you a license to kill...

The Baugh stops talking when he notices that Justinmonger is frozen in place.
Before long, Baugh realizes that his immediate area is stuck in time,
only he can move around freely.

The Mysterious Old Man limps into frame.

I've been trying to reach you...

The Baugh
You piece of shit... what have you done?!

A momentary pause in time.
I'll let you resume your conversation with Justinmonger,
but I see that you got my letter.

The Baugh
Fuck you.
You led us to believe that you were dead this entire time.
Tell me that you've got a way.
Tell me you have a plan.

I do.
But I need one more week.
In the mean time, continue to recruit as many as you can.
I'll do my best to bring in as many as I can through various timelines,
but Judgement Day is upon us.
This is our last chance.

The Baugh
You have the Stones?

I will.
I wish you luck in the upcoming weeks, Baugh.

The Baugh
No, just wait a goddamn minute.
You're not leaving until I get a good look at your face.
I need to know that it's really you.

As you wish...

The Mysterious Old Man removes his hood,
revealing his face to The Baugh.

Noah walks away and unfreezes time.

So what? We're some kind of Suicide Squad?

The Baugh
What? Ummm... yeah.

Fuck it then... I'm in.


Episode Thirteen - Vengeance

Sandy Orton
Last night at Thanksgiving Day Massacre,
I did what had to be done.
I put an end to The Fiend.

Sandy Orton
I had some time to think about my actions,
and I don't regret what I've done.
The Fiend was a monster.
Minh Wyatt was a monster. And now, he's gone.

Sandy Orton
For all the wrong that he's done, he deserved to die.
I am ready to put the past behind me.
The Fiend is no more.
I burned The Fiend to ashes,
and now Minh Wyatt is rotting in hell!

We're really glad that you're our friend,
and this is a friendship that'll never ever end.

Abby the Witch
Sandy Orton.
Last night, you committed a heinous act.
But it takes much more than fire to destroy The Fiend.
For what is dead, may never die.

*Kids Cheers*

Minh Wyatt
Yowie Wowie!
Sandy Orton, what an explosive match at Massacre!
Boy, that was one hell of a performance.
I've got to hand it to you, Sandy.
You beat The Fiend.

Minh Wyatt
However... I must correct you on one very important detail.
You said you killed The Fiend.
Well, I am sorry, Sandy.
But The Fiend is an entity that you could never understand.
You can't kill The Fiend.

Minh Wyatt
The Fiend lives on forever in our hearts.
You can't escape... Him.
But if you really want to push all your chips into the center of the table...
How about we make things a little more interesting?

Minh Wyatt
How about we put your season on the line.
If you feel so confident about defeating The Fiend,
let's put your playoff position at stake,
If I win, I take your spot.
If you win, you kill The Fiend once and for all.

Minh Wyatt
Let's put it all on the line one last time,
next week on Wednesday Night Preview!
But... there's just one little catch.
This match won't be just any ordinary match.
Because that's no fun...
This match will be.... a Firefly Funhouse Match!
So what do you say, Sandy?
Do you have what it takes to let me in?



*Mr. McMahon's Music Hits*

Jim Ross
Welcome back to WCCF Preview,
as we are joined by the owner of the WCCF, Mr. McMahon!

I wonder what Mr. McMahon has in store for us,
just 2 weeks away from the big show, I'm sure he has a big announcement to make.

Mr. McMahon
Over the course of the last 10 years,
the West Coast Cousins has provided quality entertainment
in the form of correlated storylines when it comes to Fantasy Football.
I am proud to produce such content for our fans,
and to all of those who stuck around throughout the years,
I want to personally thank you all.

*Crowd Cheers*

Mr. McMahon
With that said, we are coming to the end.
In 2 weeks, FantasyMania will arrive in what will surely
be the biggest and baddest FantasyMania in League History...

Mr. McMahon
We here at the West Coast Cousins value our viewership
and I am excited to announce that in this year's FantasyMania,
we will have a Special Guest Host.

Mr. McMahon
He is an entrepreneur, he is an icon in his industry...
A real estate connoisseur, a reality television genius,
and most importantly, a billionaire!
Introducing the host of FantasyMania...
Donald Trump!

*Crowd Cheers*

*Donald Trump's Music Hits*

Check it out, JR! It's the Donald!
The Donald is on WCCF Preview!
Listen to this ovation, they love him!

Jim Ross
There's no doubt about Mr. Trump's popularity,
mentioned in many rap songs, pop culture references, movies,
commercials, reality TV, you name it.
Donald Trump is one of the most recognizable figures in the world.
A pop culture sensation, Donald Trump is immensely popular,
and what a Special Guest Host he's gonna be for this year's FantasyMania! 

*Crowd Boos*

Donald Trump
Vince, Vince.
It's a pleasure to be here.
I'll tell ya, what a fabulous Fantasy League we have here.
This is really something.
You've built a heck of an organization, Vince.

Donald Trump
I am excited to be the Special Guest Host for FantasyMania,
and Vince, you are a tremendous business partner.
You've done some really wonderful things, really incredible.

Donald Trump
But as you know, anything that I touch turns to gold.
The West Coast Cousins is good, but I'm here to make it great.
Vince, let me teach you the first rule of business.
It takes money to make money.
So what I'm suggesting for you,
I think it's time we showed these fans a little appreciation.

What's he talking about, JR?

Jim Ross
I have no idea.

Donald Trump
I think it's time that we gave back.
It's time we gave your WCCF Universe a form of basic income.
It's only fair.
Basic income for all!
What do you say, Vince? Show me the money!

Jim Ross
Oh my God... money is falling from the sky!

Ahhh! That's real money, JR!
Move out of my way! There's money falling from the sky!

Jim Ross
These fans in Seattle are loving it!
Seattle loves Trump!

Grab some! Grab some!
This is great, JR!

*The Right to Censor's Music Hits*

Steven Richards
Excuse me! Excuse me!
My name is Steven Richards and I have been waiting a long time
for my chance to speak.
I represent the Right to Censor and I am utterly disgusted by you people.

*Crowd Boos*

Steven Richards
Donald Trump is buying your good will.
If you take his money, he owns you.
It is a disgusting, vile act.
And you people are eating it up. Free handouts for all!
A man like Donald Trump should not be celebrated.
Donald Trump is a parasite, just like everything about these storylines.
These storylines have perpetuated unfair stereotypes, white supremacy,
gender inequality and a poor form of entertainment for years.
And worst of all, they don't even make any sense.
And as head of the Right to Censor,
I am demanding that the creator of these storylines step down.
This is a call to action.
The WCC storylines must end immediately!

Steven Richards
Instead of focusing on a fair and balanced Fantasy League,
these so-called creative writers have chosen to conjure up
storylines for 10 years about God knows what.
And in those 10 years, we've seen nothing but sweaty white men in tight pants.
Where is the inclusion? Where is the representation?
I tried to give these writers a chance to do the right thing,
but I've waited long enough.
Where is the All Female Storyline?
Let's be quite honest, this year's best Fantasy Manager is a female,
but her portrayal has always been a white man.
There's something wrong with that.

Steven Richards
Oh, and let's not forget the supposedly all black season.
A season that perpetuates false stereotypes and pushes
the far right agenda that promotes young black men as dangerous criminals.
Do you people actually support this?

Steven Richards
We here at the Right to Censor will not stand for it any longer.
We are boycotting these storylines.
The man behind these storylines must be cancelled immediately.
We are woke and we won't sit back in silence!
Cancel the West Coast Cousins!
This storyline is being shut down.
We want fairness and balance!
And I am not leaving until we get what we want.

*Crowd Boos*

Donald Trump
Oh, okay.
Get him out of here!
Where is security? We don't have time for this.
Get him out of here! You're done.

Steven Richards
Oh no, Mr. Trump.
I'm just getting started.
We are the Right to Censor.
And we want fairness and equality in this Fantasy League.

Donald Trump
And we want you to shut the hell up!
Vince, I'll handle this.
Steven Richards, this is to you and all of the RTC...
You're fired!

*Crowd Cheers*

Mr. McMahon dumps the RTC into the trash.

Jim Ross
Mr. McMahon taking out the trash!
And I think I speak for everyone when I say good riddance to the RTC!

Jim Ross
Oh wait a minute... we cut backstage now.
This is live television folks,
it appears as if CM PUP has been attacked.
The newly signed WCCF Superstar.
What in the hell for?

This doesn't look good, JR.

Jim Ross
We are going to have to cut to a quick commercial break
as paramedics tend to CM PUP.


Coming Soon.


*Degeneration F's Music Hits*

Jim Ross
There is The Game, Single H.
Accompanied by his wife Stephaneah McMahon
and his cronies, Degeneration F.

What a turnaround it has been for Single H this season.
Many thought he was dead in the water,
but playoffs appear imminent for the 3x League Champion.

Jim Ross
He hasn't looked at his best in recent years,
but there is no doubt, he has made the most out of
his Fantasy Team this season.

Single H
It has been a quiet season for yours truly.

*Crowd Boos*

Single H
Earlier this year, you all laughed at me during the draft.
Well who's laughing now?
The critics and so-called experts all said that I wasn't prepared.
Well, hell. If that's the case, then I'd hate to see
what it look like when I am prepared for an Auction Draft.

Single H
For weeks, I busted my ass.
I worked harder than anybody to fix my Fantasy Team.
Whether it be picking up streamers,
finding backup running backs to fill the void, I did it all.
I turned chicken shit into chicken salad.
And now here I am, sitting in 3rd place with an opportunity
to punch my ticket to FantasyMania.

Single H
I've flown under the radar long enough.
I'm back to stake my claim and 
I'm ready to prove the doubters wrong again.
You see, while I've been working on the bottom all year long,
others in this Fantasy League are given unwarranted opportunities.
For example, that new kid. What's his name? CM PUP?

*Crowd Cheers*


Single H
See, while all you sheep fall for the internet hype.
I don't see the big deal.
When I look at CM PUP, all I see is an overrated,
good for nothing skinny ass bitch who won't make it very far in this league.

*Crowd Boos*

Single H
Yet, in his very first match in the WCCF,
he's gifted a title opportunity without earning it.
And unfortunately, as we saw before the commercial break,
CM PUP was assaulted by someone in the back.
Well, I'm here to lay those rumors to rest.
I'm responsible.

*Crowd Boos*

Single H
Let this be a message to everyone in the back.
I am here now and I am not take any prisoners.
My Fantasy Team is ready.
Degeneration F is ready.
And anyone who wants it, can come get it.
So if you ain't down with that....

Steve Pupstin appears on the Titantron.

*Crowd Cheers*

Steve Pupstin
Single H.
I think the WCCF was better off when you weren't on Preview.
Because quite frankly, listening you to flap your gums,
acting as if you already clinched a playoff spot makes me sick.

Steve Pupstin
You talk about FantasyMania being 2 weeks away,
you better start thinking about the here and now.
But this Sunday at Vengeance, you ain't going against a rookie.

Steve Pupstin
You will be face to face with the toughest S.O.B.
that the West Coast Cousins has ever seen.
You talk about fighting on the bottom,
Stone Cold has been playing from a disadvantageous position
all season long.
Thanks in part to the McMahon Family
and an incompetent League Commissioner.

Steve Pupstin
But I ain't gonna here sit here and cry about it.
Stone Cold has one task at hand and that's whoop your sorry little ass.
And when it comes down to it,
Single H, you are standing in my way of becoming
the next WCCF League Champion.

Steve Pupstin
So what I'm trying to say is,
you are up against a desperate Rattlesnake playing for my season.
So you can bet your ass that I'm going to do whatever it takes
to get the job done.
And seeing as how we're just four nights away from Vengeance,
I think you're gonna have to rearrange your travel plans.
You might want to start looking at flights,
but the DF Express is about to be out of commission!


Jim Ross
Oh, look out here.
What is Stone Cold doing?

Jim Ross
My God, he's got a crane!

That's the DF Express!
That bus is worth a quarter of a million dollars!

*Crowd Cheers*

Jim Ross
My God!
Stone Cold just laid waste to the DF Express!

Jim Ross
Single H is livid!
The DF Express has just exploded.

Steve Pupstin
That's just a preview of what's gonna happen
to you and your Fantasy Team this Sunday at Vengeance.
And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so!

Jim Ross
Heavy playoff implications on the line.
We are in the final stretch run,
the stakes could not be higher!
Single H takes on Pupstin.
Baugh vs. Kevane, Rock Michaels and Vic Angle.
Chris Vinson fighting for a spot!
All of that and much more this Sunday at Vengeance!
Call your cable provider and order Vengeance only on Pay Per View!