The Corporation's Music kicks off WCCF Preview.

The Pittsburgh Crowd boos as Vince and Shane McMahon make their way down to the ring.
Just 24 hours removed from what has been one of the biggest screw jobs in recent memory..
Shane McMahon has aligned himself with his father, Vince McMahon!
Screw job?
It was brilliant, JR!
Mr. McMahon and his son was geniuses!
They fooled the entire world at Survivor Series!
Including you, JR!
Haha! Look at all these gullible idiots here in Pittsburgh!
You fell for it too, Jerry.
I knew it all along!
Never doubt Mr. McMahon!
He always has a plan.
[Mr. McMahon]
Ladies and gentlemen...
Last week on Preview, I told the world that a new era was coming.
I told every one watching this show that things would change.
Well that change and that era, has finally come.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Corporate Era.
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
A Corporate Era run by myself.. and my son...
Shane McMahon!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
Last night, my son Shane and I proved that whoever it was that said
'You can't fool all of the people, all of the time.' was a damn fool!
Yeah! Right!
[Mr. McMahon]
A damn fool is someone who insists on doing things the hard way.
A damn fool is someone who someone who embraces middle class ethics and values.
And a damn fool is someone who doesn't pucker up and kiss the boss's ass.
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
Now wait a minute, don't tell me all of you don't kiss the boss's ass.
I know you do!
You find humor in that remark?
No, it's the truth!
[Mr. McMahon]
Now, I would like to introduce you to somebody who certainly isn't a damn fool.
The latest addition to The Corporation.
The 2013 WCCF League Champion...
*Crowd Boos*
Well here is Rock Michaels, who Superkicked Pupstin last night to seal the deal.
And now it appears that Rock Michaels has joined The Corporation.
Rock Michaels poses to a flurry of boos.
Cut my music!
That's right!
The Rock Breaking Kid is now The Corporate Kid...
*Crowd Boos*
Last night... after Shane McMahon brilliantly screwed Stone Cold...
I finished the job when I damn near knocked his head clean off!
And why did I do it?
Well... first of all, I'm not a fool like Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
I am willing to do what it takes to survive...
I'm going to FantasyMania.. and I'm doing it under the guidance of The Corporation!
*Crowd Boos*
[Shane McMahon]
Stone Cold... I know you're back there somewhere.
Probably drinking as usual.
And I know you're angry at me and you're angry at Rock
But who you should really be mad at, is yourself, Stone Cold.
[Shane McMahon]
You're the fool who insists on doing things the hard way...
Unlike this next man that I'm about to introduce...
A Superstar who has what it takes.
A Superstar who has not only the Fantasy ability to win all games..
But the main event caliber to draw crowds from across the world!
Ladies and gentlemen... The People's Champion...
The Baugh's music hits
*Crowd Boos*
And there you see, ladies and gentlemen,
the new WCCF Champion.
A Corporate butt smooching Champion.
The Baugh sold out.
The Baugh took the easy way to get ahead.
Whatever happened to principles and values?
And morales?
Oh, like these people have any values?
These people are ass kissers too!
And another butt smooching comment from you, JR
And The Baugh will come over and lay the smack down on you!
The Baugh makes his way down to the ring.
[The Baugh]
The Baugh....
TO PIT....
[The Baugh]
TO PIT....
*Crowd loudly boos*
[The Baugh]
Now The Baugh says this...
For five long seasons...
The Baugh sat back and be brought it.
He gave it his all...
Week after week... FantasyMania after FantasyMania...
Representing The People.
Raising the People's eyebrow...
Dropping the People's Elbow...
And laying the smackdown...
All in the name of The People.
The Baugh was The People's Champion.
[The Baugh]
But where did that get me?
What good did that do, for The Baugh?
Last year.. when The Baugh missed FantasyMania..
All of you forgot about The Baugh.
And everyone praised Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
[The Baugh]
And in just one night... The Baugh turned the WCCF upside down.
When The Baugh joined The Corporation... and became WCCF Champion.
And so now.. The Baugh is done being The People's Champion.
The Baugh is now The Corporate Champion.
And The Baugh now has his eyes set on the 2014 League Championship.
[The Baugh]
For the past 24 hours... all The Baugh has heard non-stop is .. why?
Why Baughy? Why?
Why did you sell out?
[The Baugh]
Well The Baugh says this...
The Baugh didn't sell out.
The Baugh bought in.
The Baugh bought into Mr. McMahon and The Corporation.
The Baugh says... The People have never done a damn thing for The Baugh.
And Mr. McMahon?
Well he's done everything for The Baugh.
And now The Baugh is standing here.. your WCCF Champion!
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
The Baugh is cut off by Kurt Crabble's music.
*Crowd Cheers*
Crabble gets a big pop from his home town of Pittsburgh, PA.
Oh yeah, congratulations Baugh.
You're real great!
Starting Cam Newton, Kelvin Benjamin, Zach Ertz and Chris Polk down 15 points on Monday night.. and you aren't able to take the lead until the 4th quarter?
I mean, who the hell is Chris Polk anyways?
We all know that I should be WCCF Champion.
I had the most points out of any Superstar last week!
And while The Corporation may have all the gold...
None of you will EVER have Olympic Gold!
None of you will EVER win the Clarendon Walk-a-thon Trophy!
But if you want to be a man, Baugh.
Step up and put that title on the line this Sunday!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
So you think The Baugh is a fraud?
You want a piece of The Baugh?
Didn't you get enough when The Baugh whooped your candy ass last night at Survivor Series?
Oh no.. Baugh...
I'm not through with you yet.
As a matter of fact...
I'm not only going after your title, Baugh.
But I want your playoff spot!
I'm looking through the standings... 1 through 6.
And Baugh, quite honestly, I don't think you belong!
So you can hide behind your Corporate coat tails to FantasyMania...
Or you can earn it!
The choice is yours!
[Shane McMahon]
Well... not so fast there, Kurt.
How dare you question the integrity of The Baugh's success.
How dare you question whether or not he belongs in the Top 6.
The Baugh deserves everything he's been given... and this Sunday at Baugh Bottom...
The Baugh is gonna prove it to you.
You'll get your title shot Kurt!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
But not until you get some action tonight on Preview!
Because tonight you'll be in tag team action!
When you and Stone Cold Steve Pupstin face your respective opponents this Sunday at Baugh Bottom!
[Shane McMahon]
The Rock Breaking Kid, Rock Michaels!
And the WCCF Champion, The Baugh!
Oh.. and just one more thing, Kurt.
It's gonna be a Lumber Jack match!
With the Lumber Jack consisting of Degeneration F and The Corporation!
Backstage Segment
Pupstin, I'm so glad I found you.
Let's talk about tonight and our Lumber Jack match.
What do you want to do?
What kind of strategy do you have in mind?
What?! Strategy?
Yeah, strategy Steve.
We gotta work together to beat these guys.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
You want to work as a team?
I don't give a rat's ass about you Kurt.
I had your ass beat last night.. 1, 2, 3!
I'm not your friend.
I'm just gonna go out there and I'm gonna get a piece of Rock Michael's ass.
You'll get your shot at Michaels this Sunday.
But if we've got to work together if we're gonna survive against The Corporation.
Survival? Why should I give a damn about you?
Or anybody else in that locker room.
No, I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna look out for myself
and I'm gonna get mine.
You see, man?
That's the worst attitude I've ever heard.
Attitude reflect leadership, Kurt.
We cut now to Nick Foley who's talking to himself in the boiler room.
[Nick Foley]
Ah-ha... eh... eh....
Bray Wyatt....
[Nick Foley]
Bray Wyatt cost me the title...
Vince McMahon...
Vince McMahon doesn't love me.
Back to back losses...
Nick Foles is out....
Bray Wyatt.... Someone's gotta stop Bray Wyatt...
Outside The Underchucker is leading an army to the boiler room.
The Underchucker knocks.
Who is it?
Nick Foley opens the door to find The Underchucker who chokes him!
[Paul Bearer]
Nick Foley!
Will you commit?
Will you give in?
The Underchucker's army begins pummeling away on Nick Foley.
It starts with Foley.
Together we form an army to take the souls of those in the Top 6.
Someone's spot will be mine.
They will join me... or die.
For this is the Ministry of Darkness.
Tag Team Lumberjack Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin & Kurt Crabble
Rock Michaels & The Baugh
The Baugh and Pupstin kick off the match.
Pupstin looking for the tag.
In comes Crabble against Michaels!
Crab Lock!
But now it's the Lumberjacks! Degernation F with the interference!
Family Tree! and Crabble is down!
Pupstin in to help.
But Single H from behind!
Baugh Bottom on Pupstin!
Winner via Pinfall: Rock Michaels and The Baugh
Vine and Shane celebrate on the outside.
Crabble looks to be seriously hurt!
What condition will he be in going into Sunday's Championship match?
Bossman continues the attack on Pupstin.
The Corporation has set the tone!
Playoff spots will be at stake!
Championships on the line!
How will Week 11 play out?
Goodnight everybody!