Welcome to Wednesday Night Preview!
We are live in Oklahoma City, home of one of the best teams in the NBA, the Oklahoma City Thunder!
And this is Week 7 in West Coast Cousins!
John Seana makes his entrance to a mixed reaction from the Oklahoma City crowd.
What a crowd... what a crowd!
*Crowd Boos*
Come on... I can't hear you!
*Crowd Boos*
Ha... there you go!
This is what it's all about!
This is what I love!
You never know what to expect from the WCC Universe..
Whether you ride with the SeaNation... or you embrace the hate..
Whether you love me or you hate me...
One thing is for certain...
*Crowd Cheers*
This title means everything to me.
And I promise all of my fans... for everyone who wears SeaNation proudly on their sleeves.
I will do everything in my power to hold onto this title.
To hold onto this Championship and defend it at all costs.
I'm going to bring the WCC Championship into FantasyMania and become the 2013 League Champion!
Because I'm not doing this for me.
I'm doing this for everyone who has ever dreamed of playing Fantasy Football.
I do this for each and every one of you.
I do this...
Seana is interrupted by the sound of Bus Driver's theme music.
Bus Drivers enters the ring.
[Bus Drivers]
Seana.. Seana... Seana...
Before you bore these fans to death, allow me to interject.
Last week on Preview, I was given the title opportunity against Dolph Riggler, not you.
Therefore, it shouldn't be you standing here as WCC Champion right now.
It should be me!
John Seana... you are a thief!
A petty little thief and I want my title shot.
You talk about inactives not deserving Championship opportunities..
Well, why don't you prove it to me,
right here right now in front of all of your adorning fans that don't even like you!
BUCK BUCK MY BUTT's music plays.
Wait a minute!
What is he doing here?!
Ah! He's back in the WCC!
One of the worst WCC Superstars 2 seasons ago!
John Seana... I don't mean any disrespect.
But last week on Preview, you took a shot at every WCC Superstar that has ever been inactive in this league.
And I took exception to that.
What makes you better than any of us?
Yeah, maybe we don't attend the drafts.
And yeah, maybe we don't pick any players up, or change out our starters during Bye weeks, but so what?
What gives you the right to ask for a competitive league?
This is a family league.. it's about bringing the family together for a little bit of fun.
So I may not actually participate, but I'm still apart of the family.
And I still want to get involved even if I'm not getting involved.
So Seana, I came out here to prove you wrong.
I came to show you that inactives can be Champion.
And inactives can beat you.
[Bus Drivers]
Stay out of this kid.
I was here first and I was the one given a title opportunity by the League Commissioner.
Cal Bear's music hits.
My God King...
That's... That's... That's... Bears!
Cal Bears!
[Cal Bears]
John... Seana...
It is time to embrace the inactives.
This notion of having a complete league.
It is a Fantasy.
Fantasy.... Football.
And last season, I broke records as an inactive.
I made it to FantasyMania.
I wrecked havoc on this league.
If anyone in this ring deserves a title shot, it is me!
The inactives surround Seana.
The Hiz's entrance music hits.
[The Hiz]
Really? Really??
What is this? WCC's Biggest Rejects?
Unlike all of you... I'm actually in this league this year.
Unlike all of you... I have been in every season of the WCC.
If anyone is getting a shot at John Seana, it's me.
Well it seems as if we have a situation at hand.
And as League Commissioner of both Seattle and San Francisco, it is my duty to create the most innovative, entertaining, and fair matches possible.
Which is why, this Sunday at People People, I have given the People what they want.
I have made a match.
Seana, since you are a true Champion that is open to any challenge, and you think that the inactives are too easy. I have decided that you will defend your title in a Gauntlet Match!
You will face all four competitors in Bus Drivers, Buck Buck My Butt, Cal Bears and The Hiz!
And if you do win this week, I will give you the opportunity to pick your next match, next week on Preview! Now that is People Power!
Seana does not look pleased with that decision at all.
[The Crock]
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Crock]
This Sunday at People Power, The Crock goes one on one with Nyback.
The Crock knows all about Nyback. The Crock knows it all.
And The Crock knows without a shadow of a doubt, you are the biggest phony in the entire league.
Your character is a complete ripoff of the one known as Noldberg.
And this Sunday, The Crock would love nothing more than to beat your phony ass..
Wait a minute King...
Is that... is that...
It's Noldberg, Michael!
Oh my goodness...
Is he here in OKC?!
He is!
It's Noldberg in the WCC!
No, King. I think that's Nyback in his purest form!
So, Crock.
I'm a phony? No, no. I'm not a Noldberg ripoff.
I AM Noldberg!
And Crock...
Nyback may have just broken the People's Champion in half!
Out comes the Chief Operating Officer of the WCC, Single H!
[Single H]
Tonight, I am out here strictly on business.
Player safety in the WCC has become a rising issue and one where I must address as Chief Operating Officer of the WCC.
Last night, CM PUP took matters into his own hands when he attacked The Crock well after the match was over. This has been a growing trend for CM PUP and it's time to put my foot down.
Which is why, I am fining CM PUP 100K dollars and further action may lead to a suspension.
CM PUP's music hits but out comes Paul Heyman.
Surely, you cannot be serious, Mr. Chief Operating Officer.
My client CM PUP has not violated any rules or regulations. He is simply playing Fantasy Football by the book. The rule changes are a result of these so-called unsportsmanlike activities. But my client CM PUP will appeal this fine. Single H, you are a hypocrite. Just a few weeks ago on Preview, you flew up to Seattle, Washington and stalked SCGD down into her home and broke in with a sledgehammer. But you deem CM PUP as dangerous?
No. You feel threatened by CM PUP. You're afraid that he is going to win the 2013 League Championship and that is why you are pushing for a suspension.
You shouldn't be suspending PUP. You should be thanking him.
All these fans, they paid to watch him play Fantasy Football.
They paid to watch his dominance over the entire league.
No Mr. Sandwich. You should suspend yourself!
[Single H]
Listen Paul. CM PUP's behavior and attitude are a direct result of this fine and possible suspension.
Former WCC Superstars are suing the WCC over issues concerning player safety and long term health effects of playing Fantasy Football.
Our research team has shown that constant usage of the wrist and fingers can lead to arthritis. Constant adding and dropping of players is no longer deemed safe in Fantasy Football. Staying up late at night until waivers clears to add players can also do long term damage to a players sleep cycle. This is all research being done to shown the health issues involved in this league.
And don't get me wrong Paul. I love this league and I love Fantasy Football.
But is my job as Chief Operating Officer to do what is best for business.
And CM PUP's actions as of late, is not best for business.
Constant adding and dropping of players..
Single H, perhaps you should suspend yourself for your own safety. After all, you by far have the most transactions of all.
Single H grabs Heyman.
CM PUP appears on the titantron.
Hey Sandwich!
Mr. COO.... Mr. ColumbianCityCreation.
Whatever you're calling yourself these days...
I just want you to know how much work I put in for you.
These former WCC Superstars suing the WCC... well Single H, I took the liberty of taking care of that matter for you.
Space Balls and Ptown... I don't think they'll be suing you any time soon.
Wait a minute!
Ah! That's Ptown and Space Balls! Single H's friends! CM PUP has taken them down!
Single H runs backstage to find CM PUP.
[Single H]
Come on... PUP...
Where are you?!
Suddenly a forklift smashes into Single H's car!
[Single H]
Hey! PUP... you don't want to do this.
PUP, don't do something that you're going to regret!
Oh my God, King!
CM PUP has Single H trapped inside his car!
Ah! He's lifting Single H 20 feet in the air!
Somebody stop him!
[Single H]
PUP... PUP... wait.