Tuesday, August 27, 2024

West Coast Cousins: No Way Holmes Prologue

Kendrick Stark
Rhodey.... we have to go.
Morgan... TURN IT OFF!

Morgan Stark
But... but the news is saying we should stay indoors...

Kendrick Stark
I don't care what the news is saying, we have to go NOW!


Anderson Cooper
This is Anderson Cooper for CNN with late breaking news.
On October 27th, 2027, exactly 21 days ago,
a militant group known as "The Fireflies"
unleashed a biochemical weapon on the city of Seattle.
The chemical compound known as the "Oryctolagus" virus
has caused mass hysteria and pandemonium as the virus has quickly spread across the globe.

Anderson Cooper
The World Health Organization has now learned that
the virus has adverse health effects that can genetically modify human DNA.
They've released a study in the last 24 hours that the virus
can cause mutations within the human genome,
resulting in involuntary and erratic behavior.
World governments around the world have issued
a emergency order to shelter in place.
Folks, if you are watching this, please stay at home.
Stay indoors and keep your distance from others.
We here at CNN have also been advised to leave the studio
and return home to our family and loved ones.
And as such, CNN will no longer be broadcasting from our television studio.
This is an unprecedented event and we advise you to take this seriously.
Live from CNN, this is Anderson Cooper signing off
and wishing safety to everyone out there.
Godspeed and goodnight.

Kendrick Stark
Damnit Morgan, I said we have to go!

Morgan Stark
But daddy, I'm scared...

Kendrick Stark
Honey, I know.
But we don't have a choice.
Everything is going to be alright, I promise.
Uncle Rhodey is here and we're just gonna take a little trip.
Everything will be fine. I promise.

The White Rabbit
Oh, little one.

The White Rabbit
The little lies we tell ourselves...
After a while, we start to believe them.
Don't we?
Tell her the truth.
Tell her what's about to happen...
The sooner you accept her fate, the better off we'll be...
We believed.... and we lost.

Kendrick Stark
Goddammit... everyone and their mother had the same idea.
Come on, there's got to be another way.

James Rhodes
What do you want me to do?
There's nowhere to go.

Kendrick Stark
Go around! Over there, off the road.

We see a man getting attacked by an infected.

Morgan Stark

Kendrick Stark

James Rhodes
Hang tight, I'm getting us out of here!

As Rhodes frantically drives off,
he's hit by another car!

Morgan Stark
My leg... I think I hurt my leg.

Kendrick Stark
I'll carry you, come on.
Daddy's got you.

James Rhodes
Get her out of here!
I'll hold them off and catch up with you!

Kendrick Stark
We're just gonna be up on the road!
Stay close and stay safe, Rhodes!

Stark runs off as infected chase after him.


Kendrick Stark
Oh, thank god.

Kendrick Stark
Hey! We need help.
It's my daughter, I think her leg is broken.

I said stop right there!

Kendrick Stark
We're not sick.

Dispatch, I've got a couple of civilians in the outer perimeter.
Please advise.
Sir, there's a little girl.
...Yes, sir.

Kendrick Stark
Listen, buddy.
We've just been through hell.
Okay, we just need..

The soldier opens fire!

Kendrick Stark
Oh, shit!

Stark and Morgan fall down the hill as the soldier runs towards Kendrick.

Kendrick Stark
Please, don't...

James Rhodes appears, shooting and killing the soldier.

James Rhodes
Oh no...

Kendrick Stark

Kendrick Stark
Oh, God...
Please don't do this.
You're okay... you're okay.
Please.. Morgan... don't do this to me. Come on...
No, no...
Oh, no, no, no....