In Orlando, Florida, President Trump has arrived to announce
that he will be running for re-election in the 2020 Presidential Election.
In addition, the President takes the opportunity to address the Democratic party
and the impending impeachment inquiry.
*Crowd Cheers*
Four more years!
Four more years!
Four more years!
President Trump
Thank you, thank you.
Orlando, thank you so much for your support.
What an amazing city, truly amazing.
*Crowd Cheers*
President Trump
But you know why we are here today.
We've done a lot of great things. Some incredible things.
We've made America great again.
But we must continue to keep America great.
We've gotten billions and billions of dollars from China.
We're creating more jobs than ever.
The unemployment rate is at an all time low.
North Korea is our friend.
And trust me, we will build the wall!
*Crowd Cheers*
President Trump
The Democrats want to keep playing games.
They couldn't beat me in 2016.
And they know they can't beat me in 2020.
So they created a bogus witch hunt.
An impeachment inquiry? Over that?
It's bullshit. Believe me.
The Democrats are shaking in their boots.
They're doing everything they can to try and stop me.
They know what I am capable of, if I get a second term.
So they're only hope is to try and impeach me.
What a sick joke!
*Crowd Cheers*
Back at the West Coast Cousins Headquarters,
Coach Rockson watches President Trump's announcement.
Coach Rockson
Do it.
Play the tape.
President Trump
Just relax.
I'll take care of the squealing, wretched pinhead puppets of America.
The Orlando crowd gasps in shock.
The look of horror runs across the President's face.
President Trump
I didn't say that...
Vladmir put me in this position, and I'm going to get the job done.
President Trump looks over to his campaign manager for support.
The crowd begins to boo, shocked at what they're hearing.
President Trump
No! No! No!
That's not me--
You gotta admit, I played this stinking country like a Harp from Hell!
*Crowd Boos*
President Trump
You gotta admit, I played this stinking country like a Harp from Hell!
You gotta admit, I played this stinking country like a Harp from Hell!
President Trump is left speechless in front of his supporters.
*Crowd Boos*
President Trump
Listen, that wasn't me.
CNN doctored that audio.
It's a fake!
The Orlando Crowd begins to throw tomatoes at Trump.
Secret Service arrives and escorts the President off the stage.
Coach Rockson sits back and enjoys the view.
"I ain't no Barksdale." - Kevlo Stanfield
We open Week 9 with Justinmonger approaching
Kevlo Stanfield and his fantasy team.
Seems like you and I, have a mutual problem.
Figure, we can work something out,
seeing as you and I are the youngest in the league.
Kevlo Stanfield
Problem? I don't see no problem.
Jesse Barksdale and Kenneth Bell.
Kevlo Stanfield
I ain't afraid of Barksdale or Bell.
Of course not.
But that don't mean they aren't a problem for you.
I need them gone.
Julio Jones and Devonta Freeman too.
But I need a stronger Fantasy Team to do that.
Kevlo Stanfield
Why would I help you?
Cause you want the connect.
You want full access to the Blue Magic without Prop Vinny.
If you can get to Rocksonberg, you don't need Proposition Vinson anymore.
Cut out of the middle man, you feel me?
Kevlo Stanfield
You're saying you can get to The Greek?
He's already in my back pocket.
You said the word, and I'll hook you up.
I just need your Fantasy Team.
Kevlo Stanfield
Tell you what.
You bring me Victor Oumar's head and you got yourself a deal.
That's the price for my assistance. Victor Oumar.
You want to go after Victor Oumar?
Last season, Jesse Barksdale turned this city upside down
trying to hunt down Victor Oumar.
Kevlo Stanfield
I ain't no Barksdale.
Across the city in Chinatown, Proposition Vinson meets with Hunter Henry.
Prop Vinny
Hate to say it.
But your boss put on a hell of a game last week.
Shame is, I feel I needed that win more than you did.
Hunter Henry
We can't all make the playoffs.
The Greek is undefeated at FantasyMania.
If he gets in, we won't forget your contribution.
Prop Vinny
Can't see how a Championship victory for Rocksonberg does me any good.
Prop Vinny
Be that as it may, I've got bigger problems to deal with.
Feel my own Co-Op is turning against me.
Can't trust nobody.
Worst comes to worst, I may need to leave town.
The Greek still has the number to this vacuum cleaner guy?
Hunter Henry
Of course.
But without you, how would our business continue?
Prop Vinny
I'll worry about the succession plan when the time comes.
Brianna Barksdale
Are you even hearing me?
Jesse. This is blood.
This is family.
And I'm telling you that someone may have done this to our family!
Jesse Barksdale
Man, them cops just saying that shit.
Kenneth Bell
To mess with your head.
Jesse Barksdale
Brianna Barksdale
That cop don't know me for shit.
What the hell am I, to him?
Jesse Barksdale
He know that you gonna want to think this thing.
That you know, D'justin, ain't do what he did.
Brianna Barksdale
But the cop said!
Kenneth Bell
He's lying!
Brianna Barksdale
Jesse. I need to know this more than anything.
Brianna Barksdale
D'justin did not roll on us.
He came to the edge.
But he turned around and walked away.
Brianna Barksdale
And I know he was willing to do what he had to, for his family.
For us.
But I need to know that you know that...
Jesse Barksdale
... What?
Brianna Barksdale
Kenneth Bell
Whatever it is, that happened.
Whatever it is that happened to D'justin.

Det. Minh
We wanted a clean sweep against the SF Cousins.
I'm sorry guys, I did my job.
But Kenneth Bell? He's becoming more untouchable by the week.
Now he's got a stranglehold on first place.
I mean, what can we do?
Det. Joyce
We need a waiver wire on his phone.
But it'll take weeks to even get approval for a wire tap.
By the time we get a tap on his phone, he will probably have tossed it by then.
We need to talk to Lieutenant to see if we can expedite the process.
Det. Minh
The FBI does owe for last season's fuck up.
We were this close to catching The Greek.
Someone gave him a tip, and he skipped town.
We need to call in a favor...
But you think it'll work?
Just like that?

Det. Tai
Yeah. Just like that.
We just need to catch him admitting to a felony on the phone.
The longer we wait, the higher chances he wins it all.
We need to do this.
By any means necessary.

Det. Minh
We wanted a clean sweep against the SF Cousins.
I'm sorry guys, I did my job.
But Kenneth Bell? He's becoming more untouchable by the week.
Now he's got a stranglehold on first place.
I mean, what can we do?
Det. Joyce
We need a waiver wire on his phone.
But it'll take weeks to even get approval for a wire tap.
By the time we get a tap on his phone, he will probably have tossed it by then.
We need to talk to Lieutenant to see if we can expedite the process.
Det. Minh
The FBI does owe for last season's fuck up.
We were this close to catching The Greek.
Someone gave him a tip, and he skipped town.
We need to call in a favor...
But you think it'll work?
Just like that?

Det. Tai
Yeah. Just like that.
We just need to catch him admitting to a felony on the phone.
The longer we wait, the higher chances he wins it all.
We need to do this.
By any means necessary.
Det. Tai
Lieutenant, there's no other way.
Last season, we fucked up.
We let too many roosters in the hen house.
The Mustang Unit.
Brett Kavanaugh, the FBI.
Someone leaked information and because of that, The Greek got away.
We need to call in a favor to get Kenneth Bell.
Lt. Kevin
I can't condone cutting corners.
But I know what this will mean if you can pull it off.
But this is on you, McLuu.
If shit hits the fan, you're taking the fall for it.
It's your call, McLuu.
Det. Tai
Let's go get this son of a bitch.