[Howard Finkel]
Ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you please rise and remove your caps for the singing of our National Anthem!
*Crowd Cheers and Rises*
The entire FXT Locker Room stands together on stage.
[Lillian Garcia]
Oh say can you see...
As the camera pans, multiple Superstars are seen standing and honoring our country.
Sandy Orton is found to be seated during the National Anthem.
[Lillian Garcia]
And the home of theeeeeee....
Everyone in the building claps for Lillian Garcia except for one person...
JJ Style's Music hits to kick off FXT Preview.
JJ Styles is accompanied by The Bullet Club.
Last night at ARRIVAL, JJ Styles made a shocking debut when he attacked John Seana, costing him the match and perhaps months of his career.
We don't have an update on the health of John Seana but it appears that he will be out of action for some time, Corey.
I think JJ Styles and The Bullet Club sent a message last night when they attacked John Seana.
JJ Styles definitely has a motive for his actions and I can't wait to see what he has to say.
[JJ Styles]
Well... well... well...
What do we have here?
JJ Styles in an FXT ring?
You're damn right.
Last night, I made an IMPACT. Last night, I put the entire FXT Locker Room on notice.
[JJ Styles]
The Bullet Club is here.
Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson.
Two of the most feared Fantasy Managers from across the Narrow Seas.
Oh and you'd better believe it.
There's more coming.
We're just getting started here in FXT.
[JJ Styles]
Now, John Seana.
It's nothing personal, brother.
But you put a target on your back since day one.
The Face That Runs the Place?
No, no, no. You see. I run this place.
The Bullet Club runs this place.
What have you managed to do in your time here in West Coast Cousins?
Zero League Championships to show for someone who claims to "Run This Place."
0-3 to start the season?
John, you are a disgrace for Professional Fantasy Football.
And I'm here to replace you.
I'm turning this ship around.
I'm the captain of the Sea Nation now.
We've Seananough of you, John.
[JJ Styles]
Take a good look at this face, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the Face That Runs the Place.
New Era. New Face.
Trust me, I'm doing you a favor!
*Crowd Boos*
JJ Styles, if I could have a word.
You made your shocking debut last night and now you've stated that you're here to replace John Seana. Now that you've arrived, what are you immediate goals?
[JJ Styles]
My goals? Renee, what kind of stupid question is that.
My goal is to do what John Seana couldn't do.
And that's win matches.
As a matter of fact, we saw John Seana lose his match for the Intercontinental Championship.
I think that'll be my first goal.
Become Intercontinental Champion.
And what do we have here?
There's FXT Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Riggler sitting right there.
[JJ Styles]
Did you hear that? Boy?
I'm coming for your title, Dolph.
If it weren't for me, you probably wouldn't even be Champion right now.
You should be thanking me.
Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you!

[JJ Styles]
Do you know who I am?
I'm the Face That Runs the Place.
And you?
Are you a Fantasy Manager or a singer?
Dolph Riggler head butts JJ Styles and a brawl breaks out between the two.
[Dolph Riggler]
Hey! I can sing better than you!
And this Sunday, I'm gonna play Fantasy Football better than you!
The Authority's Music Hits
Out comes Single H, Stephaneah McMahon, Cal Bears, Tai Rollins and Sandy Orton.
*Crowd Boos*
[Tai Rollins]
Let me start by saying, there's a lot of Championship caliber Fantasy Football Managers in this ring right now. The only, multiple time Champions, myself, Tai Rollins and Sandy Orton.
You talk about a Two Man Power Trip..
Let's take a look at the score board.
The Cousins in Seattle - 5.
The Cousins in San Francisco - 1.
You've only got 2 Champions from San Francisco, and 1 of which,
isn't even a family of the Luu Family.
The Seattle Cousins own the San Francisco cousins!
*Crowd Boos*
[Tai Rollins]
Come on, you know it's true!
We've owned the other cousins so badly, that we shut down Wrestling Storylines last season.
The Authority won.
San Francisco Cousins had a little run with Stone Cold Steve Pupstin winning it all a couple of seasons ago, but that was just one season.
Just like the Seahawks and the 49ers, we've won the war!
And you know, Stephaneah.. Single H.
I don't really blame you guys,
because Shane McMahon acted on his own to bring back Wrestling Storylines.
And because the idiot writers in the back, aren't creative enough to incorporate Game of Thrones storylines into this league, we're all forced to come back to this crap.
And you know, that's fine by me.
Because I fully intend to reclaim the Iron Throne and become this season's FXT League Champion!
[Tai Rollins]
But there's one little issue that I have to address...
Earlier in today's broadcast, at the top of the show, we honored our country with the singing of our National Anthem.
But you, Sandy Orton, decided to disrespect our flag.
You sat down and disrespected our military,
those who dedicate their lives to protecting the American people.
Stephaneah, Single H, I can't work with someone who is anti-American, like Santa Rhaegar,
right here.
Just because you were a Champion last season doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
Don't think I don't know what you're doing Sandy.
You're seeking attention, because you haven't started the season off very well.
And this is your only way of making headlines.
Sitting during our National Anthem.
What a joke!

[Single H]
I'm afraid, Tai Rollins has a point.
What you did was the most disrespectful act that an American citizen can do.
You might as well spit on the lives of every military veteran that has lost their lives fighting for our country.
Don't disrespect the flag.
I demand an apology, Sandy.
[Sandy Orton]
You want an apology?
You're quick to call me a traitor.. but haven't even asked about my reasoning for my actions.
I'm doing it, because Inactive Lives Matter.
Ever since the inception of this Fantasy Football league, Inactive Fantasy Managers have been treated like second class citizens.
The active Fantasy Managers think they're better than them.
They look at the schedule, and they think, easy win.
For the past few seasons, Inactive Cousins weren't even invited to play in this league.
Discrimination is still alive.
This past offseason, I fought to bring back The Hiz and Jenni Zayn.
I pleaded with the Commissioner to make this league a 12 player league.
And yes, I had to beat The Hiz last night at ARRIVAL.. but at least he's trying.
At least he was at the draft.
Some active Fantasy Managers weren't even at the draft.
Sidney Reigns wanted to watch a movie instead of finish the draft.
Look at the transactions, Jenni Zayn and The Hiz are making roster moves.
Before we judge Inactives, we have to realize that Inactives are people too.
John Seana is 0-3 just like the Inactives.
I fight for them, because no one else will.
Tai Rollins wants to say he's a Hound of Justice.
Well this here, this inequality, is an injustice.
And I will not stand for it.
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Be that as it may, you will never disrespect our flag ever again.
Inactive Lives Matter, I agree.
But your act of insubordination is unacceptable and can leave a negative impact on the locker room.
If you refuse to stand, we will kick you out of The Authority.
And you can join the San Francisco Cousins and your Squad of Luusers.
Do I make myself clear?
Now shake hands with Tai Rollins and we will move past this issue.
Sandy Orton shakes hands with Tai Rollins, but OUT OF NOWHERE!
The Authority is irate.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Single H]
You son of a bitch, Orton!
You just made the biggest mistake of your life!
Without the Authority backing you, you'll never see another League Championship ever again.
Good luck making the playoffs!
You just got yourself a match this Sunday at Takeover!
Tai Rollins versus Sandy Orton!
FXT Universal Champion, Kenn Balor makes his way out to the ring to a huge pop.
Balor shows off his FXT Championship title.
[Kenn Balor]
FXT. It is such an honor to be the first ever FXT Universal Champion.
Ever since I was a little boy,
I always dreamed of playing Fantasy Football in ta West Coast Coosins.
And now here I am in ta middle of tis ring, your FXT Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Kenn Balor]
I do tis for each and every single one of you.
Tis title means everyting to me.
And I will defend it each and every Sunday until my shoulder cannot bear ta weight anymore.
Tis is your Championship as much as it is my Championship.
*Crowd Cheers*
Jenny Zayn's music hits to a pop from the crowd.
[Jenni Zayn]
Hey man, I respect ya.
It takes a gutsy Fantasy Manager to go out to do what you did last night at ARRIVAL.
Like the FXT Universe said, you deserve it, Kenn.
You are the face of the New Era.
But now that you've got the Championship around your waist, you've got a target on your back.
So how about you face your first test and let me challenge you this Sunday at Takeover for the FXT Universal Championship.
*Crowd Cheers*
Shane McMahon's music hits.
Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ring.
[Shane McMahon]
What's up, Detroit?
Thank you for that.
Thank you, I really mean it.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
Kenn, I think Jenni Zayn makes a great point.
And what Sandy Orton did earlier tonight?
She inspired me with her protest.
I respect her decision and since I'm the only Authority figure that has any say around here..
I've decided that Inactive Lives do matter.
And because of that, I am granting Jenni Zayn a shot at the FXT Universal Championship!
I believe that Fantasy Managers that have been discriminated against deserve a better opportunity.
Which is why I am enacting a new rule in this league.
Affirmative Inaction.
Inactives deserve to play in the WCC just as much as the rest of us.