Folks, we are live in Phoenix, Arizona for Wednesday Night Prevew!
We are just four nights away from the start of FantasyMania!
It'll be a 3 night Pay Per View, culminating the crowning of a new WCC League Champion!
The WCC Playoffs starts with the first round this Sunday with 2 huge matches.
John Seana vs. Nyback
And the WCC Champion, Dolph Riggler defending his title against Chuckanut!
John Laurinaitis' music hits we kick off Wednesday Night Preview with the League Commissioner.
My name is Mr. John Laurinaitis and I am the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and the League Commissioner for both Seattle and San Francisco.
*Crowd Boos*
We are just four nights away from the First Round of FantasyMania
And in the next few weeks, we will determine a League Champion for the 2013 Season.
So who will it be?
Will it be the Number 1 Seed and former 3 time League Champion... What's Your Deal? Single H?
*Crowd Cheers*
Or will it be the leader of the Heyman Regime, In Manning We Trust, Nyback?
*Crowd Boos*
Maybe it will be the current WCC Champion, Rock's Rad Team?
*Crowd Boos*
How about, everyone's favorite? Seaddeall Seahawks, John Seana!
*Crowd is Mixed*
What about The Phenom? The Underchucker!
*Crowd Cheers*
Or maybe the League Champion will be CM PUP...
*Crowd Cheers*
I'll tell you right now.... the League Champion will NOT be CM PUP!
*Crowd Boos*
As long as I am League Commissioner, CM PUP will never be League Champion of West Coast Cousins! Can't you all see? If CM PUP wins the League Champion, he is leaving with the WCC Championship.
*Crowd Cheers*
He'll walk away with the title and turn his back on each and every single one of you.
CM PUP doesn't care about any of you in the WCC Universe!
Unlike me, the best League Commissioner the WCC has ever seen!
And I will not allow some punk like CM PUP walk away from the WCC with our WCC Championship!
The Shield's music hits and here comes Paul Heyman.
Mr. Laurinaitis, it seems as if we have a common interest.
I think you're absolutely right when you say CM PUP cannot leave this league with the WCC Championship.
And while I think you've done a great job as League Commissioner this season, I have a bit of a proposal for you.
What do you have in mind, Paul?
I think it's in our best interest that Nyback wins the League Championship.
I think it is best if you back him in your corner, Mr. Laurinaitis.
This Sunday, Nyback faces John Seana in the first round and it is in your best interest to have Nyback win this Sunday. Because Nyback can beat CM PUP. My clients, my collection of Fantasy Superstars are the hottest thing this league has ever seen and I guarantee you Mr. Laurinaitis, if you give me the shot, I will take CM PUP out. I will eliminate him from FantasyMania and end his run here in the WCC!
What do you think, Phoenix, Arizona? Do you want Nyback to be your WCC League Champion?
*Crowd Boos*
Seana's music hits and here comes the SeaNation Leader/
Hey... hey.. hey....
If I didn't know any better, I would say you guys are talking about me!
And if I didn't know any better, I would say that Paul Heyman, you are overlooking John Seana!
As if I am some pushover, as if John Seana can't win it all...
John Seana, you are no match for my client, Nyback.
Let me remind you that it was Nyback that beat you in Week 5.
Let me remind you that it is Nyback that has the higher seed and the favorite to beat you this Sunday!
Oh no! Nyback is the favorite! Nyback beat me before!
What should I do? Maybe I should give up.
Maybe I should forfeit. Maybe I shouldn't even show up on Sunday!
No! That's not how I play Fantasy Football and that's not how I was raised.
John Seana will never back down.
John Seana will never give up!
John Seana is here to fight... so Nyback, why wait until Sunday?
Let's give these people in Phoenix Arizona, what they came to see!
*Crowd Cheers*
You want a piece of me, Seana?
You want me to put you in another ambulance and send you to the hospital?
John Seana, you can't handle me!
FEED... ME.... MORE!
John Seana... don't confuse these moronic fans... they are easily influenced.
*Crowd Boos*
Oh, come on. You people don't honestly believe that you're gonna see John Seana vs. Nyback tonight for free? No. A match of this caliber can only be seen on Pay Per View.
So, Seana to answer your question... no. No, you won't face Nyback tonight.
But since you came to fight... and since you never back down from a challenge...
How about you face the entire Shield tonight in this very ring in a 3 on 1 handicapped match!
CM PUP's music hits.
You know... I'm no fan of John Seana.
Hell, we went back in forth last night in one of the best matches of the year...
But if there's one thing I hate more than John Seana... it's you, Paul.
And if I can get a shot at one of your henchmen tonight....
Then I'd like to join this handicapped match.
Let's make it 3 on 2!
*Crowd Cheers*
Then it's settled!
Tonight's main event will be John Seana and CM PUP versus The Shield in a 3 on 2 handicapped match!
*Crowd Cheers*
Folks, welcome back to Wednesday Night Preview, over the break, The Shield arrived in a helicopter to the US Airways Center and later tonight, they face John Seana and CM PUP in a 3 on 2 handicapped match!
Folks, welcome back to Wednesday Night Preview, over the break, The Shield arrived in a helicopter to the US Airways Center and later tonight, they face John Seana and CM PUP in a 3 on 2 handicapped match!
Ladies and Gentlemen, joining me is a very special guest...
The 3 time League Champion, Single H!
*Crowd Cheers*
Single H, this season you have secured your spot in the WCC Playoffs with the Number 1 Seed.
And knowing your history, it is safe to say that you are the man to beat here at FantasyMania.
What type of advantage is it to have a first round bye and getting that extra week of rest?
[Single H]
Well Todd, I think it's huge.
Last season, I had to fight from the wildcard round and you never know what could happen.
Having that bye assures that I'll be in the second round. We all know that when it comes to FantasyMania, there is no one better. A 3 time League Champion, I'm here to prove to the world that I am still on top of my game. I will win my 4th Championship and claim my spot as the greatest WCC Superstar this league has ever seen.
[Single H]
When it's all said and done, there can only be one Champion.
There can only be one winner. And I'll tell you this Todd, I do not like losing.
I lost my first ever FantasyMania match last season and I assure you that I am ready for these Playoffs. There is no one that can stop The Game. Because I am that damn good.
Back at ringside, Michael Cole is in the middle of the ring as it is time for the WCC Championship Debate!
At this time, I would like to welcome the WCC Universe in the first ever, WCC Championship Debate! This Sunday, Chuckanut will face Dolph Riggler for the WCC Championship... and tonight these two Superstars are gonna tell us why they will win this Sunday at FantasyMania!
Chuckanut's music hits first and here comes the giant!
The WCC Champion is out next and we are set for the debate!
My first question will go to the challenge, Chuckanut.
Chuck, after losing to Dolph Riggler twice this season, what adjustments are you gonna make this Sunday to ensure that you walk away from Atlanta, Georgia as the WCC Champion?
Well it's pretty simple Michael. I've done my scouting on Dolph. I know his every move and now I'm prepared to execute in ways that I didn't before. My running backs are healthy.... Marshawn Lynch and Reggie Bush, two of this season's most dynamic running back duo this season.
Alshon Jeffery has had a breakout year and we all know what Dez Bryant is capable of.
I fully expect my players to put up huge numbers this Sunday.
Now to the Champion, Dolph Riggler.
Dolph, this Sunday will be your very first FantasyMania match.
Are you nervous? How do you expect to feel as you step out onto that stage for the very first time in front of 30,000 screaming fans at the Georgia Dome?
My client Dolph....
The question was for Dolph Riggler, not his maid.
*Crowd Laughs*
No, it's okay, I got this Vickie.
Michael, am I going to be nervous this Sunday?
Let me tell you something, I've been playing Fantasy Football my entire life.
I was born for this moment.
I've shown the world that I can compete at the highest level and I've beaten Chuckanut so many times, it should be no surprise when I beat him again this Sunday.
And let's not forget last time we met, Chuckanut took a cheap shot at AJ!
What's wrong with you? She's just a girl!
Hey, I'll take a cheap shot at your face right now.
You used that as a ploy to beat me and you know it, Dolph.
I'm sorry, AJ.
Hey, AJ. Stay away from him.
He might sucker punch you right now!
How about I knock you out right here, right now?!
*Crowd Cheers*
You know what? I'm sick of this crap.
You want to know the difference this Sunday?
You want to know why I'm gonna beat you, Dolph.
There's one difference maker that will end your season, Dolph.
One reason that I'm gonna pin you 1...2...3....
And that reason is.... Him.
Suddenly the arena lights go out.

My client Dolph....
The question was for Dolph Riggler, not his maid.
*Crowd Laughs*

No, it's okay, I got this Vickie.
Michael, am I going to be nervous this Sunday?
Let me tell you something, I've been playing Fantasy Football my entire life.
I was born for this moment.
I've shown the world that I can compete at the highest level and I've beaten Chuckanut so many times, it should be no surprise when I beat him again this Sunday.
And let's not forget last time we met, Chuckanut took a cheap shot at AJ!
What's wrong with you? She's just a girl!
Hey, I'll take a cheap shot at your face right now.
You used that as a ploy to beat me and you know it, Dolph.
I'm sorry, AJ.

Hey, AJ. Stay away from him.
He might sucker punch you right now!
How about I knock you out right here, right now?!
*Crowd Cheers*
You know what? I'm sick of this crap.
You want to know the difference this Sunday?
You want to know why I'm gonna beat you, Dolph.
There's one difference maker that will end your season, Dolph.
One reason that I'm gonna pin you 1...2...3....
And that reason is.... Him.
Suddenly the arena lights go out.
The arena lights turn back on and Chuckanut is no where to be found.
You think that scares me, Chuck?
I'm not afraid of The Underchucker...
I'm not afraid of your little light switch.
A bolt of lightning hits the stage and lights The Underchucker's symbol on fire.
We cut backstage to find CM PUP warming up in his locker room.
John Seana enters the locker room.
PUP... I'm glad I caught you before our match tonight.
I know what you're capable of in that ring and I know the type of Fantasy Player you are.
I know what you're capable of in that ring and I know the type of Fantasy Player you are.
But it's 3 on 2. I think it'd be wise to talk strategy.
Whoa... whoa... whoa..
Let me make one thing clear to you. I am not your friend.
I don't want to be your tag team partner....
I'm only here tonight because I want a piece of The Shield.
And you know what? If you want me to be completely honest with you...
I hope you lose this Sunday.
I hope you lose to Nyback so that I can be the one to beat The Heyman Regime.
I don't need your friendship, John.
And I don't need your help.
CM PUP walks away.
We return now to Wednesday Night Preview and it is time for our main event of the evening.
Tag Team Handicapped Match
CM PUP & Seadderall Seahawks vs. The Shield
CM PUP's music plays and out comes the Number 2 Seed.
Seana's music plays next and John Seana comes running out to the ring.
The Shield makes their entrance through the crowd.
The bell rings and we start out with Dean Ambrose and John Seana.
PUP tags in and takes down Ambrose.
GTS to Reigns!
High risk maneuver! PUP lands it! But Seana tags himself in.
Seana and PUP argue over the tag.
But it's Nyback from behind! A steel chair to the back of CM PUP!
The referee calls for the bell.
Winner via Disqualification: CM PUP & Seadderall Seahawks
Triple Powerbomb to Seana!
Nyback powerbombs PUP through a table.
The Heyman Regime stands tall over Seana and PUP.
The Heyman Regime looks ready for FantasyMania, but who will win this Sunday?
Nyback vs. Seana! Riggler vs. Chuckanut!
Nyback vs. Seana! Riggler vs. Chuckanut!
Only two will advance to the second round of the WCC Playoffs!
Find out who, this Sunday, 4 pm EST LIVE in Atlanta, Georgia!
Only on Pay Per View!
Call your local provider for details and order FantasyMania Round 1!
Good night everybody and thanks for watching the show and see this Sunday for FantasyMania!