We are sold out in Cleveland, Ohio for WCCF Preview!
What a capacity crowd in store tonight as we present to you a new WCCF Champion.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
*Pupstin's Music Plays*
Here is the new Champion, King.
I don't like it all, JR.
He is anti-authority. Anti structure!
You can't have a maniac like Stone Cold representing your League!
He attacked our boss!
Mr. McMahon! You can't do that, JR.
Say what you want about Pupstin, but he is a hell of a Fantasy Manager.
Undefeated on the season, 3-0. He sits on top of the standings going into Week 4.
Through all the screwjobs. Through everything Mr. McMahon has tried to throw at me, I'm standing before you tonight... WCCF Champion.
*Crowd Cheers*
I look at the standings. And I look around in that locker room.
And I don't think there's a WCCF Superstar in the back that can beat me.
In a fair fight, Pupstin has beaten every one there is to beat.
SC Lesnar? Beaten.
Chris Waiting? Beaten.
Rock Michaels? Last season's WCCF League Champion? Beaten.
You put another WCCF Superstar in front of me, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is gonna raise hell and whoop some ass.
Any plot you try and throw at me, Vince...
I'll come out on top.
Being on top isn't new to Stone Cold.
Finishing the season in first place. Having the best record in the WCCF.
That ain't new.
But there's just one thing Stone Cold has left to accomplish here in West Coast Cousins...
Become the next WCCF League Champion.
And that's the bottom line...
Cause Stone Cold said so!
*Seana's Music Plays*
Wait a minute, King.
Here is the new guy, John Seana again.
He helped Pupstin overcome Mr. McMahon's plot last night at Judgement Day.
And now Stone Cold is Champion thanks to Seana.
Seana enters the ring and picks up a microphone.
Pupstin. My name is John Seana.
And you're gonna find this hard to believe...
But I'm from the future.
Stay with me, Pupstin.
I have a hard time believing it myself. But I'm from the year 2014.
I was sent here for you. Because I need your help.
In a few years, Single H will rise in power in the WCCF.
He'll become commissioner of this league. He'll remove the F in WCCF.
One day he will lose his commissioner rights, but he will still be COO of the league.
He'll make this league PG. He'll make me the face of the League.
But if we don't stop him..
He's gonna destroy the WCC.
I need your help to stop him.
You actually want me to believe that bull crap?
You really expect me to believe you're from the future?
How about this John Seana.
Why don't you go back in your little time machine and tell whoever sent you, that I'm busy.
Well... the man who sent me... was you.
And if you don't help me, Pupstin.
The WCC Universe will be lost forever.
Well I don't know what the hell a "WCC Universe" is.. but you can take this little fairy tale of yours and shove it!
I wish I was telling you a fairy tale, Pupstin.
But the WCC Universe is real.
It surrounds us. It's everywhere.
It's all these people here in Cleveland, Ohio.
It's the kids watching at home.
It's little Jimmy who gets bullied at school because he doesn't fit in or he's a little different.
The WCC Universe is everything.
And it means everything to me.
And if it means anything to you...
You'll help me.
All I hear is a bunch of crap coming out of your mouth.
Now give it to me straight, you son of a bitch.
You want a shot at the WCCF Championship, don't ya?
You got a nice little win streak going.
You beat Single H last week.
Hell, I don't blame ya kid.
Seize the opportunity.
Get your title shot.
Where I come from... that title means everything to me.
But this is more important than even the WCCF Championship.
Stone Cold, I don't want a shot at the title.
I want to save the WCCF.
And you know what? I'll prove it to ya.
Take a look at my driver's license.
Expires 2017. Look at my birthdate for Christ's sakes.
I haven't even been born yet!
Pupstin, I'm telling you the truth.
You gotta believe me.
Then tell me this future boy, who is the President of the United States in 2014?
Barack Obama.
Barack Obama? The black guy?
Then who's Vice President?
Hilary Clinton?
I suppose OJ Simpson is Secretary of State.
You know what?
Why don't we ask the people of Cleveland, Ohio.
If you think John Seana is full of crap, gimme a Hell Yeah!
Now what is that stupid thing you do with your hands?
What is it?
You can't see me?
Well, I don't think anybody wants to see your sorry ass.
So why don't you make like a tree...
And get outta here.
*Mr. McMahon's Music*
Here comes the boss, JR!
Pay attention!
[Mr. McMahon]
Well it seems you two have become best friends.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin... and John Seana.
John Seana, you made a mistake last night meddling into my affairs.
So you know what we're gonna do?
Since you two are so fond of each other..
We're gonna have a match.
And we're gonna have it tonight!
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin and John Seana will form a tag team....
And the two of you will face...
Oh my!
John Seana and Stone Cold Steve Pupstin against the entire WCCF Locker Room?
That's 2 on 20. This isn't right at all, King.
They should have never crossed the boss, JR!
This is what happens when you go against Mr. McMahon!
They asked for it!
They deserve it!
WCCF Preview returns with the sound of Rock Michael's theme music.
What a thunderous Cleveland ovation for the Rock Breaking Kid, Rock Michaels!
You know something Cleveland...
It's been a rough few weeks for Rock Michaels.
Just a few weeks ago, my best friend Single H stabs me in the back..
I lose the WCCF Championship to Stone Cold Steve Pupstin...
And then I follow that loss up with another loss to Vane.
Clearly, I'm not in the title picture anymore..
I'm sitting down all the way in 7th place.
It would be easy for me to just give up.
To pack my things up and head for the exit.
But that's not how Rock Michaels plays Fantasy Football.
Rock Michaels plays to the very end. And I promise you that I'm gonna give it my all to the very end.
Because I'm still The Show Stopper. I'm still the Headliner. The Main Event.
And all I need is one shot.
One shot to make it to FantasyMania and then I can make the magic happen.
I did it last season, one hot streak to finish the season.
Entered FantasyMania as the 6th Seed and shocked the world when I came out on top.
3-0 on the biggest stage of them all.
Mr. FantasyMania.
*Rock Michaels is interrupted by SC Lesnar's Music*
I smell trouble, King.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for The Beast Incarnate, Santa Claaaaaaraaaaaa LESSSSSSSNAAAARR.
And Rock Michaels, these rough few weeks are about to go from bad.... to worse.
Because this Sunday at Over The Edge, you face my client...
And let me tell you something, Champ.
Before you got on your little hot streak last season, SC Lesnar did it first.
SC Lesnar became League Champion 2 seasons ago and destroyed all records by becoming the youngest WCCF League Champion in history.
You see Rock Michaels, you talk about being in the 7th spot.
You talk about being 1-2.
Well SC Lesnar is currently in the same position as you.
And my client needs a win.
My client needs to stay in the Top 6 so that she too can go to FantasyMania and break records again.
You see RBK, SC Lesnar and you are a lot alike..
You see Paul, that's where you're wrong.
SC Lesnar and I are nothing alike.
While our Championship runs may be similar, I am not like you Lesnar.
I'm not new to the world of Fantasy Sports.
You may have been in this League longer than I, but I have been playing Fantasy Sports all my life.
I have been a bigger fan of sports all my life.
I actually know what I'm doing.
I didn't just get lucky one season and have a fluke run to the title.
I earned my way to the top.
I'd be very careful with the next few words that come out of your mouth, Rock.
Because there is no telling what The Beast may do to you...
SC Lesnar grabs the microphone.
... Too late.
[SC Lesnar]
Rock Michaels... let me tell you something.
You are not a member of the Luu Family.
You are not supposed to be in this league.
Last time I checked, this league was called West Coast COUSINS... and you are not a cousin.
It's guys like you that have replaced the spots of actual family members..
And it's about time the cousins took this league back.
SC Lesnar drops Michaels with a vicious right!
My God! My God!
SC Lesnar locking in that Kimura Lock!
SCGD has it locked in!
What kind of condition is Rock Michaels gonna be in this Sunday at Over The Edge?
Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the disturbing image.. we'll continue to upda...
Do you want to see something really scary?
It's a lie.
Everything you think you know.
Everything you want to believe... is a lie.
It's a lie.
Everything you think you know.
Everything you want to believe... is a lie.
A lie used to protect you from the terrifying truth.
The truth that you do not belong to this world.
The truth that you do not belong to this world.
To this society.
To this era.
To this era.
This is not your time.
You are lost.
Tangled in a paradox.
A world that does not exist.
Tangled in a paradox.
A world that does not exist.
It hovers over you like a dark cloud and you can't do anything about it.
This is not your time.
This is not your time.
But don't be afraid.
I have seen it.
A far better place.
I've seen the future.
I've seen it in my head and in my dreams.
This is not your time.
But don't be afraid.
I have seen it.
A far better place.
I've seen the future.
I've seen it in my head and in my dreams.
This is not your time.
It is a far better place.
It is a far better place.
A world without corruption, without the lies used to distort you from the truth.
I will show you the way.
Follow the buzzards.
Follow the buzzards.
I will show you the truth.
They don't want you to see it.
They don't want you to see it.
They blind you in world of fantasy and make believe.
They want you to toe the line. To follow the leader.
People are sheep. They need to be led.
People are sheep. They need to be led.
They want you to see with your ears and do as you're told.
They don't want you to question your surroundings because your surroundings are made to protect you.
They don't want you to question your surroundings because your surroundings are made to protect you.
But what if the walls come crashing down?
What if your world collapses around you and the curtains come down?
What if your world collapses around you and the curtains come down?
And what you see before you is not great and powerful.
But merely a man holding a microphone.
The bells and whistles. The smoke and mirrors.
They use you. To blind you and cover up the simple truth.
This is not your time.
The bells and whistles. The smoke and mirrors.
They use you. To blind you and cover up the simple truth.
This is not your time.
You are living in a world that does not exist.
But I am coming to save you.
Come with me and I will lead you to a safe haven.
But I am coming to save you.
Come with me and I will lead you to a safe haven.
I will protect you from the world of fantasy and show you the real world.
Fear not, child. The time is near.
We're coming.
Welcome back to WCCF Preview folks, and tonight's broadcast is brought to you by Mentos.
Fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life! Mentos, The Freshmaker!
I love mentos, JR! Gets my breath minty fresh!
We now get set for the main event, John Seana and Stone Cold Steve Pupstin versus the entire WCCF Locker Room. And King, you have to wonder how long these two Superstars will last in there.
Well they obviously won't last very long. Mr. McMahon is punishing them and they should have thought about that before they decided to cross the boss!

WCCF Jobbers come out onto the stage and surround the ring.
Tag Team Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin & John Seana vs. Entire WCCF Locker Room

The bell rings and we are underway!

Quick F-U by Seana!

Pupstin gets tagged in and immediately faces a double team!

A series of Stunners by Pupstin!

Pupstin and Seana holding their own.. but it's a matter of time before all hell breaks loose!

Seana goes for the pin.

But it's Crabble from behind!

Where did Kurt Crabble come from?!

Crabble locks in the Crab Lock on Seana!
And all hell breaks loose!
Crabble finds Pupstin and locks in the Crab Lock on the Champion!
That ankle is gonna snap, JR!
Kurt Crabble is gonna break Pupstin's ankle!
And Pupstin has to defend that title this Sunday at Over The Edge!
Was this the plan all along?
Did Mr. McMahon set Pupstin up?
Kurt Crabble has his eyes set on the WCCF Championship, King!
Are we looking at the next WCCF Champion?
Find out this Sunday at Over The Edge!
Welcome back to WCCF Preview folks, and tonight's broadcast is brought to you by Mentos.
Fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life! Mentos, The Freshmaker!
I love mentos, JR! Gets my breath minty fresh!
We now get set for the main event, John Seana and Stone Cold Steve Pupstin versus the entire WCCF Locker Room. And King, you have to wonder how long these two Superstars will last in there.
Well they obviously won't last very long. Mr. McMahon is punishing them and they should have thought about that before they decided to cross the boss!

WCCF Jobbers come out onto the stage and surround the ring.
Tag Team Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin & John Seana vs. Entire WCCF Locker Room

The bell rings and we are underway!

Quick F-U by Seana!

Pupstin gets tagged in and immediately faces a double team!

A series of Stunners by Pupstin!

Pupstin and Seana holding their own.. but it's a matter of time before all hell breaks loose!

Seana goes for the pin.

But it's Crabble from behind!

Where did Kurt Crabble come from?!

Crabble locks in the Crab Lock on Seana!
And all hell breaks loose!
Crabble finds Pupstin and locks in the Crab Lock on the Champion!
That ankle is gonna snap, JR!
Kurt Crabble is gonna break Pupstin's ankle!
And Pupstin has to defend that title this Sunday at Over The Edge!
Was this the plan all along?
Did Mr. McMahon set Pupstin up?
Kurt Crabble has his eyes set on the WCCF Championship, King!
Are we looking at the next WCCF Champion?
Find out this Sunday at Over The Edge!