WCCF Preview pyros goes off as Jim Ross welcomes us to the show.
[Jim Ross]
We come to you live from San Diego, California and we welcome you Week 2 in the WCCF!
[Jim Ross]
King, we are just 5 nights away from WCCF Breakdown.
Oh that's right, JR.
I think WCCF Champion, Rock Michaels showed everyone that last season was no fluke when he soundly defeated Single H last night at SummerSlam.
*Rock Michael's Music Hits*
Rock Michaels makes his way to ringside and poses with the WCCF title.
You know something San Diego...
Last week, I learned a very valuable lesson.
I learned that this WCCF Championship is a gift and a curse.
On one hand, it shows that I am the best in the business.
On the other, it brings out the worst in people.
Last week, I thought I had a friend in Single H.
Together, Single H and I formed the greatest tag team in WCCF History, Degeneration F.
But Single H showed me what jealousy can do to friendship.
Single H showed me that when it comes the WCCF Championship, there are no friends.
And that's why I had to put you in your place Single H.
I had to show you who was boss.
Last season, I showed you in the Semi-Finals of FantasyMania..
and now I did it again.
I am the WCCF Champion and that means that everyone wants a piece of me.
That I am now the most wanted man in the WCCF.
I have a target on my back... and it doesn't stop at Single H.
After Single H, there will be another and another.
This doesn't end until I beat everyone.
Until I climb back up that mountain and defend this Championship against all comers.
Until I become back to back, 2x WCCF League Champion!
*Degeneration F's Music Plays*
Wait a minute JR, what's this?
Single H makes his way out accompanied by Ptown, Space Balls and Fighting Riceballs.
Single H enters the ring.
[Single H]
Rock, you think I'm finished with you?
This isn't even close to being over.
You see these fine gentlemen here with me?
This is the new blood.
This is the new generation.
The New Degeneration F.
I present to you... P-Pac, Road Space and Billy Riceballs.
Together, we are now the best faction in the WCCF.
And if you ain't down with that Rock.
I got two words for ya..
Single H gets in Rock Michael's face.
*Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music Hits*
It seems to me, that every week I tune into WCCF Preview and all I see is you two sons of bitches on my television screen.
Rock, you know it like I know it, if it weren't for SC Lesnar interfering in our match last week on Preview, I would've went on to face you at SummerSlam and I'd be standing here today as the WCCF Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
But Stone Cold ain't here to cry about the past.
All I'm concerned about is right now.
And right now, you got that little shiny belt across your waist and I think it's about time that belt went to somebody who is deserving of that title.
Last year, you beat Stone Cold at FantasyMania.
You won the League Championship.
But I think it's about time, these fans got to see a rematch.
*Crowd Cheers*
So if you wanna see Stone Cold Steve Pupstin go one on one with Rock Michaels for the WCCF Championship, gimme a hell yeah!
*Stone Cold is Interrupted by Chris Waiting's Music*
Well excuse me as I interrupt, but I do believe that you are tuned into PREVIEW is WAITING!
You see, while you two Has Beens argue about who deserves a WCCF title shot...
I have been busy EARNING one.
Last night at SummerSlam, I produced the highest points total of the week.
I told you that I came here to bring life to this character.
I told you that I am not a bus driver, I am the savior of the WCCF!
And last night, I proved to everyone that I am a legitimate contender for the WCCF Championship.
I proved it when I more than doubled The Baugh's points.
I proved it when I earned the SummerSlam Beat Down of the Week!
You see, they call him "The Great One"
But if he's The Great One, I must be The Greater One!
*Crowd Boos*
Rock, you brought me into this league.
I trained in the Rock Michaels School of Fantasy Football.
I learned from the very best.
And I think it's time that the student becomes the teacher!
You see RBK, these two idiots don't deserve a title shot.
You already beat both of them last year!
It's time for a new challenger.
It's time for Chris Waiting!
[Single H]
Hey rook, you want a title shot?
You're gonna have to get in the back of the line.
You want me to get in the back of the line?
What about you?
You just had your shot and you blew it!
Why should you get another title shot? So that you can get your ass kicked again?
Chris, I don't know about a title shot, but I do have a little gift for ya.
And it looks a little something like this.
*Crowd Cheers*
And it looks a little something like this.
*Crowd Cheers*
*Mr. McMahon's Music Plays*
[Mr. McMahon]
We have quite the quandary on our hands, don't we?
Three WCCF Superstars who say that they deserve a shot at the WCCF Championship.
Well I think there's only one way to settle this...
[Mr. McMahon]
A triple threat match to determine the #1 Contender for the WCCF Championship!
Chris Waiting vs. Single H vs. Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
The winner gets a shot at the title against Rock Michaels this Sunday at WCCF Breakdown!
I am now joined by The Baugh.
Baugh.. last night at SummerSlam you scored the lowest points total in the league with just 66.74 points.
How do you plan to bounce back from such a poor performance?
[The Baugh]
Aw Michael Cole, shut your mouth you little jabroni. Nobody wants to hear you talk!
You think The Baugh doesn't know how many points he scored last night?
[The Baugh]
You need to remind The Baugh?
You want to embarrass The Baugh in front of his MILLIONS... AND MILLIONS?
[The Baugh]
The Baugh will tell you this, Michael Cole, you piece of monkey trash...
The season is still young.
The Baugh promises to play better.
Cam Newton will start in Week 2. The Baugh is not worried.
Because without a shadow of a doubt... The Baugh will continue to be the most electrifying man in Fantasy Sports Entertainment!
[The Baugh]
And The Baugh says this...
Wait a minute, who in the blue hell is this Red White and Blue Jabroni??
Well it looks now as if we're being joined by Kurt Crabble..
Michael Cole.. look at these awards.
Do you think they just give out these medals?
No, you have to EARN these medals.
Michael Cole, I earned this Walk-A-Thon trophy.
And last night, in my very first WCCF match, I struck gold again.
I became the new WCCF Intercontinental Champion!
And last night, in my very first WCCF match, I struck gold again.
I became the new WCCF Intercontinental Champion!
[The Baugh]
Whoa... whoa.. whoa.. whoa... WHOA!
You don't just walk up in the middle of The Baugh's interview on The Baugh's time and gloat about your shiny little medals.
As a matter of fact, why don't you let The Baugh borrow one of your medals.
Shine it up real nice...
Turn that sumbitch sideways and STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!
*Crowd Cheers*
Haha! I know you.
Yeah! You're Mr. Punchline.
You're The Baugh.
The king of making jokes.
Well the only thing that is a joke... was your performance last night at SummerSlam.
And if I recall Baugh, last season wasn't any better.
And if I recall Baugh, last season wasn't any better.
You were the worst active manager in the league.
But you see this gold medal?
It's not a joke.
And I'm not a joke.
And I'm not a joke.
I am the real deal. This is what a Fantasy Manager looks like.
This is what a Champion looks like.
[The Baugh]
You think The Baugh's a joke?
Well then, let's get serious.
This Sunday. Breakdown.
The Baugh is gonna do just that. He's going take your candy ass into that ring and break you down.
Because this Sunday, you go one on one with The Great One.
Now, do you smell that?
[Jim Ross]
Well it looks like we have another match scheduled for WCCF Breakdown..
But ladies and gentlemen, still to come in our main event later tonight....
*Jim Ross is cut off*
[Bray Wyatt]
We're coming.
WCCF Preview returns and SC Lesnar's music plays.
[Jim Ross]
And here is that destructive monster known as Santa Clara Lesnar, accompanied by that snake Paul Heyman.
He's not a snake JR! He's a person!
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for The Beast Incarnate, Santa Clara Lesnar!
*Crowd Boos*
You see, my client, SC Lesnar is the youngest WCCF League Champion in WCCF History.
My client, is the ONLY female League Champion in WCCF History.
My client shocked the world 2 seasons ago when she became WCCF League Champion.
When she underestimated and overlooked.
Upset after upset, Santa Clara Gold Diggers conquered the WCCF.
And I am here to tell you, that she is gonna do it again.
Now the easy thing for you to say, is that my client, SC Lesnar was beaten by Stone Cold Steve Pupstin last night at SummerSlam.
*Crowd Cheers*
And in response, I will tell you that last night was a fluke.
A true act of God!
For most of the match, Santa Clara Gold Diggers was ahead in points.
Santa Clara Gold Diggers had Stone Cold Steve Pupstin right where she wanted him.
But by some divine intervention, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin managed to score over 100 points.
You see, my client SC Lesnar is entering her 4th season in the WCCF.
And in just two seasons, she's already accomplished more than most WCCF Superstars have.
Guys like Kurt Crabble, The Baugh, The Underchucker, and of course Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
Guys that are supposedly "football guys."
Guys that have been playing Fantasy Football for years.
SC Lesnar has done something that none of those Superstars have ever done.
Win the WCCF League Championship.
*Crowd Boos*
Does it hurt inside?
To know that a Fantasy Manager will less experience than you, has accomplished more than you ever could?
Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the next WCCF League Champion.
Because quite frankly, we are only getting started.
SC Lesnar will leave a legacy that will never be matched.
You see, last week SC Lesnar had a player on her team.
A player by the name of Ray Rice.
And as you all know, Ray Rice is known woman beater.
Ray Rice is guilty of domestic violence.
As a result, Ray Rice's contract on our fantasy team has been terminated.
Domestic violence has no place in the WCCF...
And you who know else beats women?
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
He did it last night when he beat my client, Santa Clara Gold Diggers.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin should be suspended indefinitely!
All of his players should be dropped and immediate action should be taken.
Until then, my client SC Lesnar is going to put an end to domestic violence.
By beating all of the men in the WCCF!
I am Paul Heyman and I am the greatest Manager behind the greatest Fantasy Manager in the WCCF.
I am the mouth piece for SC Lesnar, the conquerer of the WCCF and the Beast Incarnate.
The tandem of Paul Heyman and Santa Clara Gold Diggers is unrivaled...
And Unstoppable.
*Vane's Pyro Explosion*
[Jim Ross]
Oh Dear God!
[Jim Ross]
Paul Heyman may have spoken too soon.
Because here comes perhaps the greatest manager and Superstar tandem in the WCCF today.
Vane accompanied by Paul Bearer.
The greatest Manager behind the greatest Fantasy Manager in the WCCF?
Then I guess it starts with you, Vane.
This Sunday at Breakdown, SC Lesnar will show you why she is the conquerer.
She will show you why the men in the WCCF are weak.
And Paul Bearer, I am going to show you why I am the greatest WCCF Manager in the League Today.
The two WCCF Superstars face off.
[Jim Ross]
Folks, we welcome you back to WCCF Preview.
And tonight's broadcast is brought to you by POGS.
King, it's the latest trend among the kids today.
Oh yeah, JR pogs is the newest craze!
Everyone's nuts about pogs!
I've got my WCCF Pogs, JR.
What about you?
[Jim Ross]
Yup. I got a brand new Single H pog the other day.
I'll trade you for it!
I have that idiot Cobra Kai Dojo.
[Jim Ross]
You gotta play me for it, King.
And don't forget, you can order your own special edition WCCF Pogs on WCCFShopZone.com!
#1 Contender Triple Threat Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin vs. Single H vs. Chris Waiting
[Jim Ross]
Now we get set to find out who will be facing Rock Michaels for the WCCF Championship this Sunday at Breakdown!
Here is the rattle snake, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
What's this idiot still doing here?
Shouldn't he be suspended indefinitely?
[Jim Ross]
For what, King?
For being a Woman Beater!
You heard Paul Heyman! This guy's players should be dropped!
[Jim Ross]
Oh, give me a break!
[Jim Ross]
And we take a look at the 3x WCCF League Champion, the Cerebral Sandwich, looking to get a second title shot against Rock Michaels this Sunday.
The camera cuts backstage to find WCCF Champion Rock Michaels watching the match.
The bell rings and this match is underway.
Chris Waiting off to an early start going after Single H.
But Pupstin takes advantage and tries to hit Waiting with his own move!
Pupstin with the pin on Waiting!
Wait a minute! But Rock Michaels comes from out of no where and pulls Pupstin out of the ring!
[Jim Ross]
What is this?!
It looks like RBK wants no part of Pupstin this Sunday at Breakdown!
That's not it JR!
Rock Michaels wants to put an end to domestic violence!
He's here to stop this woman beater!
[Jim Ross]
Oh stop it, King.
Back in the ring, Chris Waiting goes for the Walls of Waiting!
But wait a minute! It's Degeneration F taking out Chris Waiting!
Chris Waiting gets out of the ring and is distracted, trying to fight off all of Degeneration F.
Stunner by Pupstin! Stunner by Pupstin!
Winner via Pinfall and NEW #1 Contender: Stone Cold Steve Pupstin
[Jim Ross]
And there you have it! Stone Cold is going to Breakdown to face Rock Michaels for the WCCF Championship!
What a hellicious Preview it's been!
We'll see you this Sunday for WCCF Breakdown!
Thank you and good night!