Week 10 kicks off with the owner of the WCCF!
Mr. McMahon!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Week 10 in the WCCF!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
And welcome to the dawning of a new era!
An era where the WCCF's Champion isn't some deranged freak with a mask on his face.
An era where the WCCF is represented by a worthy Fantasy Manager.
An era where a bald headed S.O.B. doesn't run around doing whatever he wants, when he wants.
[Mr. McMahon]
An era run by me!
After all, this is a business and I won't have my league destroyed by ungrateful ingrates!
So without further adieu, I'd like to bring out the WCCF's new era.
The present and future of the WCCF!
Your Undisputed WCCF Champion!
Chris Waiting!
*Crowd Boos*
The new WCCF Champion poses in front of a sold out crowd in New Orleans.
Chris Waiting absorbs the sounds of boos filling out the Silverdome.
[Mr. McMahon]
Give it up!
Give it up for your Champion!
Look at him! He's the perfect face for the WCCF!
From top to bottom, THE best Fantasy Team in the league today.
Big Ben, putting monster numbers together in back to back weeks!
Matt Forte, one of the most consistent running backs this season.
Antonio Brown, perhaps the BEST wide receiver in the league!
It's no wonder Chris Waiting is the league's points leader!
*Crowd Boos*
Thank you Mr. McMahon!
And thank you New Orleans for that lovely reception!
Finally the WCCF has it's hero.
Finally the WCCF has a Champion worthy of carrying the title.
For years, my character has been considered a joke!
From the league's lowest points leader to the HIGHEST!
It's no question that I, Chris Waiting, will be this season's Rookie of the Year!
*Crowd Boos*
Last night, when I beat Nick Foley's ass...
There was nothing more satisfying than beating that piece of lard to a bloody pulp!
I mean, let's be serious for a second.
I am everything that a Champion should be.
I am charming, I am smart, I am physically gifted.
Let this be a warning to the rest of that Locker Room...
Don't let me make it into the Top 6.
Because while I am currently in 7th Place, know that I am the most dangerous Superstar in the league.
I have by far, the most points in the league.
Even higher than Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, who has been sitting in first place for far too long.
And I think it's about time, that I took that spot!
*Crowd Cheers*
It's The Underchucker, King!
Last night, he helped his brother Vane beat Stone Cold!
But what does he want, JR?!
Last night, I did you a favor.
I cost Stone Cold his match against Vane.
I didn't do it for you.
I didn't do it for Vane.
I did it for me.
Because you said that you would reward whoever made sure Stone Cold lost.
So now I'm cashing in.
I want my reward.
I want a shot at the WCCF Championship.
And I want it.. TONIGHT!
*Crowd Cheers*
The glass breaks and Pupstin makes his way down to the ring.
I don't know what kind of flawed logic goes through your dead ass brain of yours, Underchucker.
But if you think costing me a match at last night's Pay Per View automatically puts you next in line for a title shot, you've got another thing coming.
Through all the crap that son of a bitch right there *pointing at Mr. McMahon*
has put me through, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is still in first place.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is still the best damn manager in the WCCF.
So you can crown this pony tailed son of a bitch *pointing at Chris Waiting*
as the future of the WCCF.. but if anyone deserves a shot at the title,
it's Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
*Crowd Cheers*
And if you don't understand that, you dead son of a bitch..
Maybe you'll understand this.
Nick Foley's music hits.
The former WCCF Champion gets a huge pop as he makes his way out to the entrance way.
[Nick Foley]
Steve.. I don't mean to interrupt you.
But I think we're missing the big picture here.
It's me, Nick Foley, who has held onto that title the longest.
And if it weren't for Bray Wyatt, I'd still be standing here tonight as WCCF Champion.
[Nick Foley]
And what I have right here in my hands..
Is a contract that states that I am entitled to a rematch for the WCCF Championship.
And Mr. McMahon, I have elected to invoke my rematch this Sunday at The Survivor Series!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
So whether it be Chris Waiting, Underchucker and Stone Cold Steve Pupstin..
I am facing the WCCF Champion this Sunday!
The Game, Single H, makes his way down to ringside accompanied by Stephaneah McMahon.
[Single H]
All this talk about the WCCF Championship, it's about time that the WCCF's greatest Superstar in League history came into the picture.
I mean, let's look at the big picture.
There is no one in this league that has been more successful than I.
When you talk about the greatest of all time, there's no doubt, you're talking about The Game.
Vince, we already know, that you're gonna hand the keys to the WCCF to me.
[Single H]
So why delay the inevitable?
Give me a shot, Vince.
The season hasn't gone my way, but it can still be salvaged.
Put me in the title picture and I promise you, I won't let you down.
Hell will freeze over before this son of a bitch gets a title shot before Stone Cold.
You can talk about all the accolades and League Championships,
but this piece of crap is doing his best Bus Drivers impersonation!
Only difference is, he's actually trying.
[Single H]
Listen, Steve.
You're about to turn this into a whole separate issue.
I kicked your ass a few weeks ago and I left you lying face up in a pool of blood.
It doesn't matter how the season has played out.
You're looking at the best in the damn business.
And I'm back on top of my game.
I am the best WCCF Superstar of our generation.
I used that high waiver priority and I picked up the best running back of our generation.
Adrian Peterson.
So if you want to step to me, Pupstin.
I'll have leave you lying flat on your ass again!
Whoa.. whoa... whoa...
I don't always agree with Steve, but if Single H gets a title shot before anyone else in this league..
Something is seriously wrong.
Let's be rational here.
Yeah, I'm in 9th place at the bottom of the barrel with the so called "Greatest Superstar" in WCCF history..
But I'm a whole 150 points higher than Single H.
And seriously? Adrian Peterson?
We're gonna give this criminal another shot?
This child abuser?
You know what's child abuse, Single H?
Every time somebody plays you in Fantasy is child abuse.
Because you simply aren't in our league, Single H.
Matter of fact, I'm better than most of you "Superstars" in the ring.
And it's about time I started earning your respect!
*Crowd Boos*
I mean, don't get me wrong H.
You had your time.
In your prime, you may have been the best in the league.
But it will now have been 3 seasons in the WCCF since you've won the League Championship.
Your FantasyMania magic?
It doesn't exist anymore.
Hell, I kicked your ass last season for 3rd place!
The Baugh's music hits.
Listen to this ovation!
Every single person is standing here in the Silverdome!
For the People's Champ! The Baugh!
[The Baugh]
The Baugh says this..
For the past 15 minutes... The Baugh has heard nothing but a bunch of jabroni's
bitchin' and moanin'!
[The Baugh]
'But ohhhh... The Wyatt Family screwed me over!'
'I did Vince McMahon a favor!'
'Mr. McMahon doesn't like me because I'm a piece of Texas Trailer Park Trash!'
'But ohhh... I'm The Game... and I won all these Championships 15 years ago!'
'And I have all these shiny gold medals that I like to shine up real nice... and stick up my candy ass!'
All you pieces of monkey crap had your shots.
The Baugh worked his ass off to get back into the Top 6 and The Baugh'll be damned if he didn't work this hard not to make it back to FantasyMania.
And through all the grinding and hard work The Baugh has put in this season...
The Baugh has yet to receive a title shot at the WCCF Championship.
So if anyone deserves to be the number 1 contender for the WCCF Championship,
It's The Baugh!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
So Chris Waiting...
Waiting places his hand in front of The Baugh's face. Silencing him.
The Baugh and Waiting square off.
You can cut the tension in the air with a knife!
These two are about to explode any second!
Co-Owner Shane McMahon's music hits.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
Well we have quite the quandary here tonight on Preview.
Everyone vying for a shot at the WCCF Championship.
And I think that every one in that ring made a serious argument on why they should get the next title shot.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is still the league's leader in standings.
Nick Foley is entitled to a rematch.
And Kurt Crabble does deserve a higher ranking based on points.
[Shane McMahon]
So what is the best solution to this problem?
As Co-Owner of the WCCF...
It's my job to determine who should get the title shot.
After all, I am fair man. Unlike my father, Vince McMahon.
[Shane McMahon]
So this is what we're gonna do.
Underchucker, you should know by now, my father is not a man of his word.
He won't grant you any time of reward for costing Stone Cold his match last night.
And me? Well, personally I don't think helping your brother Vane win his match constitutes
a title shot at the WCCF Championship.
There's a conspiracy going around that you and Vane are in cahoots.
That you two are working together.

[Shane McMahon]
We can't have that going on the WCCF.
So you won't be getting a shot at the title this Sunday at Survivor Series.
Instead, I'm going to do you one better.
This Sunday you're gonna face off against your brother, Vane.
And you're gonna prove to the world that there is no collusion between you two.
Because the winner of this match will have a guaranteed spot at this year's FantasyMania!
Did you hear that, JR?
The winner goes to FantasyMania!
That's huge!
[Shane McMahon]
Now as far the the Championship match is concerned...
Chris Waiting, you want to prove that you're better than your 7th place spot?
That you truly are the league's Undisputed WCCF Champion?
Well then, this Sunday at the Survivor Series you're gonna defend your title against...
Single H!
*Crowd Boos*
[Shane McMahon]
...... And
Nick Foley!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
And Kurt Crabble!
*Crowd Boos*
[Shane McMahon]
And Rock Michaels!
And The Next Big Thing Santa Clara Lesnar!
[Shane McMahon]
And let's not forget The Baugh!
And last but not least...
Chris Waiting.. because you are the Undisputed WCCF Champion, you should have no problem defending your title in the first ever.. Eight Man Single Elimination Survivor Series Championship Match!
*Crowd Cheers*
He can't do that! Can he?!
He just did, King!
And Waiting looks as if he has just seen a ghost!
[Shane McMahon]
And to give everyone a preview of this Sunday's match..
We're gonna have a Six Man tag match with the team of Stone Cold, Nick Foley and The Baugh against Single H, Kurt Crabble and Chris Waiting!
*Crowd Cheers*
Backstage Segment
Preview returns to a backstage shot of Vane holding up his mask.

IT CAN'T BE!!!!!

Cal Bears comes into the screen, sneaking up on Vane.


Cal Bears throws Vane against the door.
Ladies and gentlemen... you are looking at the next WCCF Champion.
All of that nonsense that occurred earlier tonight..
My client and I decided to sit that one out.
And I applaud Shane McMahon, for including SC Lesnar in the title match.
Because quite frankly, everyone knows SC Lesnar is the hottest Superstar in the league today.
Without SC Lesnar, the Eight Man elimination match lacks star power.
Shane McMahon knows this.
Without even stepping foot out into that ring,
Shane McMahon recognizes that SC Lesnar will conquer the WCCF.
[SC Lesnar]
This Sunday at Survivor Series..
I am gonna defy all odds when I become the last woman standing...
Santa Clara Lesnar!
We cut now to ringside where Vane makes his way down to the ring.
Vane makes his way out to the ring accompanied by Paul Bearer.

You see.. I thought I was going crazy.
That someone I knew was dead...
Came back.
You see.. a few seasons ago here in the WCCF...
There was a Superstar by the name of Cal Bears.
He wore a little mask..
And he claimed to have been burned by fire.
Well I know that Cal Bears is gone.
So what I saw earlier.. couldn't have been real.
Isn't that right, Paul?
So now that I have that distraction out of my way..
My focus is solely on The Underchucker.
You see, all of this talk about a conspiracy.
That The Underchucker and I are working together.
It's all lies.
And I will prove it this Sunday when I beat The Underchucker.
And then I will punch my ticket to FantasyMania!
Suddenly Cal Bear's music plays throughout the arena.
*Crowd Cheers*
W-w-wait a minute, King!
That can't be!
Look! He's back!
Th-th-that's gotta be Bears!
Oh my! That's gotta be Bears!

It can't be!
Cal Bears takes down Vane and pummels away!
Chokeslam by Bears!
And now Bears takes off his mask!

It's The Underchucker!
He's dressed as Vane!
And now The Underchucker kneels down!
Has Paul Bearer turned his back on Vane?!
He is now aligning himself with The Underchucker!
The Underchucker will do anything to make it back to FantasyMania!
Even if it means beating his own brother, Vane!
And now that Paul Bearer has switched sides, The Underchucker may very well be on his way to FantasyMania!
6-Man Tag Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, The Baugh & Nick Foley
Single H, Kurt Crabble & Chris Waiting

Stone Cold and Single H kick off the Six Man Tag.

The Baugh is tagged in.
In comes Kurt Crabble!
Crabble and Waiting work together on The Baugh.
Crab Lock on Crabble!

Nick Foley tagged in.

The Baugh takes down both Crabble and Single H!
Stone Cold stomping a mudhole on Crabble!
But The Baugh comes from behind setting Stone Cold up!
Wait a minute!
The Baugh Bottom on Pupstin!
What! But that's his tag team partner, JR!
Not this Sunday, King!
It's every man for himself!
Crabble Slam on the Champion!

From out of nowhere, Rock Michaels with a Superkick on Crabble!

Stunner on Michaels!
And now an F-5 on Pupstin!
Family Tree! Familly Tree!

Nick Foley pulls out Mr. Aikman!
And a Cobra Claw on Single H!
Chris Waiting escapes with the title..
But will he be able to walk out of Sunday with the WCCF Championship when he defends it against 7 other WCCF Superstars?
Find out this Sunday at The Survivor Series!
Backstage Segment
Preview returns to a backstage shot of Vane holding up his mask.

IT CAN'T BE!!!!!

Cal Bears comes into the screen, sneaking up on Vane.


Cal Bears throws Vane against the door.
Suddenly, Cal Bears disappears and Vane is by himself, spooked.
SC Lesnar Interview
Ladies and gentlemen... you are looking at the next WCCF Champion.
All of that nonsense that occurred earlier tonight..
My client and I decided to sit that one out.
And I applaud Shane McMahon, for including SC Lesnar in the title match.
Because quite frankly, everyone knows SC Lesnar is the hottest Superstar in the league today.
Without SC Lesnar, the Eight Man elimination match lacks star power.
Shane McMahon knows this.
Without even stepping foot out into that ring,
Shane McMahon recognizes that SC Lesnar will conquer the WCCF.
[SC Lesnar]
This Sunday at Survivor Series..
I am gonna defy all odds when I become the last woman standing...
Santa Clara Lesnar!
We cut now to ringside where Vane makes his way down to the ring.
Vane makes his way out to the ring accompanied by Paul Bearer.

You see.. I thought I was going crazy.
That someone I knew was dead...
Came back.
You see.. a few seasons ago here in the WCCF...
There was a Superstar by the name of Cal Bears.
He wore a little mask..
And he claimed to have been burned by fire.
Well I know that Cal Bears is gone.
So what I saw earlier.. couldn't have been real.
Isn't that right, Paul?
So now that I have that distraction out of my way..
My focus is solely on The Underchucker.
You see, all of this talk about a conspiracy.
That The Underchucker and I are working together.
It's all lies.
And I will prove it this Sunday when I beat The Underchucker.
And then I will punch my ticket to FantasyMania!
Suddenly Cal Bear's music plays throughout the arena.
*Crowd Cheers*
W-w-wait a minute, King!
That can't be!
Look! He's back!
Th-th-that's gotta be Bears!
Oh my! That's gotta be Bears!

It can't be!
Cal Bears takes down Vane and pummels away!
Chokeslam by Bears!
And now Bears takes off his mask!

It's The Underchucker!
He's dressed as Vane!
And now The Underchucker kneels down!
Has Paul Bearer turned his back on Vane?!
He is now aligning himself with The Underchucker!
The Underchucker will do anything to make it back to FantasyMania!
Even if it means beating his own brother, Vane!
And now that Paul Bearer has switched sides, The Underchucker may very well be on his way to FantasyMania!
6-Man Tag Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, The Baugh & Nick Foley
Single H, Kurt Crabble & Chris Waiting

Stone Cold and Single H kick off the Six Man Tag.

The Baugh is tagged in.
In comes Kurt Crabble!
Crabble and Waiting work together on The Baugh.
Crab Lock on Crabble!

Nick Foley tagged in.

The Baugh takes down both Crabble and Single H!
Stone Cold stomping a mudhole on Crabble!
But The Baugh comes from behind setting Stone Cold up!
Wait a minute!
The Baugh Bottom on Pupstin!
What! But that's his tag team partner, JR!
Not this Sunday, King!
It's every man for himself!
Waiting taking down The Baugh! And now all hell has broken loose!
Crabble Slam on the Champion!

From out of nowhere, Rock Michaels with a Superkick on Crabble!

Stunner on Michaels!
And now an F-5 on Pupstin!
Family Tree! Familly Tree!

Nick Foley pulls out Mr. Aikman!
And a Cobra Claw on Single H!
Now Chris Waiting comes back in with a chair and smashes it on Nick Foley!
*Crowd Boos*
Chris Waiting escapes with the title..
But will he be able to walk out of Sunday with the WCCF Championship when he defends it against 7 other WCCF Superstars?
Find out this Sunday at The Survivor Series!