Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WCC Week 3 Preview "Night of Champions"

Ladies and gentlemen, we are LIVE for Wednesday Night Preview
here in Houston, Texas!
 I'm Michael Cole alongside JBL and this is Week 3!

And what a Week 3 this is gonna be Cole.
We have a new WCC Champion.
A new Mr. Money in the Bank.
This is gonna be awesome.

Here comes Chief Operating Officer, Single H alongside Sandy Orton!

The former Champion does not look too happy.

[Single H]
I'm not out here to waste anyone's time.
So I'll get straight to the point.
Last night at Money in the Bank, Sandy Orton was cheated out of her match with The Underchucker.

*Crowd Boos*

[Single H]
She was cheated and not given a fair opportunity.
And on top of that, as she is entitled to a rematch against Chuckanut.
And that match is gonna happen right here.
Right now.

[Single H]
So come on out Deadman.
No one wants to see you as Champion anyways.

That is not Chuckanut!

It certainly isn't Michael. That's the most electrifying man in all of Fantasy Football!
Carroll's Crooked Nose!

[The Crock]
Whoa.. Whoa.. Whoa.
Single H.
You wanna talk about being cheated out of an opportunity?
The Crock was cheated out of the main event at Fantasy Mania.
The Crock was the one who never got a rematch of Sandy Orton.
The Crock says...

[Single H]
If I were you...
I'd be very careful with what "The Crock" says...

Now here comes The Shield from the crowd!

The Crock is surrounded, it's 5 on 1!

And that attack The Crock!

Here comes John Seana!

The Crock and Seana clear the ring as the crowd is going nuts.


Everywhere I go..
People have been asking me the same question.
Why did I screw The Crock at FantasyMania last year?

And I'll be honest.
I've been asking myself that very same question.
And Crock, I just want to say that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I let that coward Sandy Orton become Champion!

Crock, I don't know what happened last year, but that wasn't me.
Last night.
When we put on a hell of a show for these fans.
When we put on perhaps the greatest match of all time!
And the crowd went crazy!
Crock Bottoms!
 Attitude Adjustments!
That was me!
These fans brought me back.
And the SeaNation is back!

I wanna thank you Crock.
For bringing me back.
I wanna thank the WCC Universe for bringing me back.
You brought the best out of me.
And I say...
We do it one more time.
You and me versus Single H and Sandy Orton!
Tag Team Elimination match for our titles at Night of Champions!
John Seana and The Crock on the same team!
Never before... and never again!

*Crowd Cheers*

[Single H]
You're full of crap Seana!

[The Crock]
  What are you, scared?
You're The Game! The Cerebral Sandwich.
Or.. are you the Cerebral B..

[Single H]
W-whoa.. whoa. Hey!
This is a PG show.
Alright. You're on!
Single H and Sandy Orton vs. 
John Seana and The Crock at Night of Champions.
Tag team elimination for the Intercontinental Championship and the Welterweight Championship!



We welcome you back to Wednesday Night Preview.
And in the right right now, the most must see WCC Superstar of all time!
Th Hiz! 

[The Hiz]
Welcome to Hiz TV.
And tonight I wanna welcome a very special guest.
2013 Mr. Money in the Bank!


[The Hiz]
Welcome Nyback to HizTV!
I wanna first start off by saying congratulations on your win at Money in the Bank.
You played well on Sunday and started the best players.
It was impressive.
But not as impressive as my win last year at Money in the Bank. 

[The Hiz]
You see, a lot of people forget that I won Money in the Bank last year.
And I cashed in my title shot and I became WCC Champion!
So my question to you is, as a former briefcase holder myself,
when are you going to cash in your title shot?
Will it be tonight as Chuckanut?! 

Let me tell you something Hiz.
I beat Chuckanut once already. And I can do it again.
I'll cash in my title shot whenever I feel it is right.
[The Hiz]
That sounds fair.
One more question.
Last night as you climbed up the ladder to grab the briefcase.
You seemed to turn into another character.
I think it's "IMT" you called it.
What is "IMT"?

IMT stands for In Manning We Trust.
And it is my high flying alter ego.
I'm quicker and more explosive than Nyback.

[The Hiz]
So why is it that last night after you won the match.
You decided to do a frog splash on me?
Let's take a look at this clip. 

Cause I do as I please.
It is a lifestyle.

Nyback chants FEED ME MORE as The Hiz steals his Briefcase.

Nyback realizes what has just happened.

Give me my briefcase back!

[The Hiz]
You can fight me for it at Night of Champions!
AND I'M....

Nyback starts to tear down the set.

It might not have been such a good idea to anger the undefeated Nyback.

I don't know..
He did just get himself a match for the Money in the Bank briefcase.
This kid is awesome!   



And here comes the new Champion!

Chuckanut celebrates as the Houston fans cheer him on.

Well here I am... as the NEW WCC Champion!
This has been a dream of mine since I joined this league
and it's especially sweeter than I beat the so-called "face" of the WCC, Sandy Orton!

*Crowd Cheers*

Last night, I beat SCGD as The Underchucker.
And that power, that darkness is still in me.
The Underchucker helped me come back from the dead.
He helped me rehabilitate my neck   
And as long as the Deadman is in me, there is no one that is gonna take this belt away from me!

John Laurinaitis makes his way down to the ring.

My name is Mr. John Laurinaitis and I am the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations
and the Interim Commissioner for both Seattle and San Francisco.

*Crowd Boos*

As Commissioner, it is my duty to ensure the fairness and safety of my Fantasy players.
And last night, you illegally summoned The Underchucker for your match.
I know your neck isn't 100%
And you used Performance Enhancing Points when you called upon The Underchucker.
Now, I don't have the authority to strip you of your title.
But I can put you in a match.   

This Sunday at NOC,
You're going to put your title on the line.
And you're going to have to do it with your damaged neck because
if The Underchucker makes any type of appearance...
So it my pleasure, to introduce to you, your opponent at Night of Champions. 

It's Dolph Riggler!
He makes his way down the ring.

OH! What a knockout punch to Riggler!

Laurinaitis does not look pleased as the show goes off the air.