Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fantasy War Episode 6 - Bad Blood

Anderson Cooper
Breaking news from our command center,
this just in, music mogul and fashion icon, Kanye West,
has been shot and killed at the age of 43.

Anderson Cooper
The rapper was reportedly unarmed and just jogging
when he was shot and killed by a white police officer.

Anderson Cooper
I'm being told that the police officer has been identified as
Officer Howard, who has been placed on adminsitrative leave.
More to follow on this breaking news.
Kanye West dead at 43.


Episode Six - Bad Blood

Single H
Welcome to Wednesday Night Preview.
Things are beginning to heat up in the West Coast Cousins.
The pecking order is beginning to take shape as we near the half way point.

Single H
And as we all know by now,
the war is coming.
Rest assured, Team WCC is growing stronger by the day.
When Donald Trump gets here, we will be prepared.

Single H
You see, in this ring, you're looking at the best.
The Authority and Sandy Orton,
on the same page once again.
In this ring, there is 5 World Championships between us.
Team West Coast Cousins is as strong as it's ever been.
But of course, we are always looking to get stronger.
So who else wants to join Team West Coast Cousins?

*Chris Vinson's Music Hits*

It's the Demo God!
Le Champion!
This is great news, JR!
Chris Vinson and the Inner Circle are joining Team WCC!

Jim Ross
Single H and Sandy Orton certainly look happy to see Chris Vinson.
And I may not necessarily agree with Chris Vinson's methods,
but there's no doubting he's a hell of a competitor.
Team WCC could certainly use the athletic ability of Chris Vinson.

As Vinson's music cuts off, the WCC Crowd continues to sing along.

I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming!
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming!
JUDAS in! JUDAS in my mind!

*Crowd Cheers*

Do you hear that, JR?
These people love Vinson!

Chris Vinson
I think you should sit down and shut up, 
because I've got an announcement to make.

*Crowd Boos*

Jim Ross
I don't think that feeling is mutual, King.

Chris Vinson
Single H, you're looking kind of desperate these days.
You sound afraid of Donald Trump.
I mean, don't get me wrong, you've had a good season.
But for the first time in a long time,
I'm hearing fear in your voice.

Jim Ross
Things could escalate at any minute now.
Single H looks as if he's about to explode.

Chris Vinson
Yeah, that's right.
Don't look so upset, Single H.
I didn't come out here to join Team West Coast Cousins.
I came out here to back the winning horse.
I came out here to tell the world that I'm joining Team Trump!


Jim Ross
Single H is beside himself!
Why would Chris Vinson align himself with Donald Trump?
This is massive, shocking news to kick off Wednesday Night Preview.

Chris Vinson
I'm not even American, jackass!
I hope your country falls apart,
and I hope your Fantasy League does too!
See you Sunday, bitch!



The Hiz
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another edition of HizTV.
Normally, I bring in a guest on this show
and I interview them.
But tonight is a little different.
Because originally, my guest was supposed to be Deez Bryan.

The Hiz
But as we saw a few weeks ago on Preview,
Deez Bryan was attacked and kidnapped by Minh Wyatt.

The Hiz
Now, I'm no friend of Deez Bryan,
but I know a bully when I see one.
Minh Wyatt has been playing mind games all season long,
and I think it's about time someone confronted him.
He poses as a friendly children's television host on the Firefly Funhouse,
but we all know it's a front.
We know Minh Wyatt is pure evil.
He is not to be trusted.
Minh Wyatt is a parasite that is leeching off the lifeblood
of this Fantasy League.
And it's about time someone did something about it.

We're really glad that you're our friend,
and this is a friendship that'll never ever end.

Minh Wyatt frames a photo of Deez Bryan.

Minh Wyatt
Hey Hiz!
You know, you said some really hurtful things about me.
One thing that we don't tolerate in the Firefly Funhouse, is hate speech.
In this climate, we cannot afford these negative thoughts to infect our minds.
And today, I want to teach all my Fireflies a very special word.
Do you know which word I'm talking about, Hiz?
The word I'm looking for, is Apology.
Will you apologize for me, Hiz?

Minh Wyatt
Apologize in front of all my Fireflies and let them know,
that you are wrong for accusing me of being a vile, evil man.
Will you do that for me?

The Hiz
I'm not apologizing for anything.
And I am not playing your games.
I want to know what you did with Deez Bryan.

Minh Wyatt
But I already showed you where Deez Bryan is.
He's in my play place.
I've framed him, so that I can play with him whenever I want.

Minh Wyatt
Oh! But you know what?
I've come up with a really wonderful idea!

Minh Wyatt
Why don't you come play with us too?
You can join Deez Bryan, you and your family.
We can all play together in the Firefly Funhouse!
What's wrong?
Don't you want to play with me, Hiz?

Minh Wyatt
I'll see you soon, Hiz!

We're really glad that you're our friend,
and this is a friendship that'll never ever end.


Joe Biden
If you're having trouble deciding between me or Trump,
then you ain't black!
I'm Joe Biden and I support this message.


Aboard Air Force One, AOC is held captive.

I guess rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated.


Donald Trump
As is often the case from the Fake News media.
I would offer you something from the Executive Chef menu...
but since your political party has forced me out of the White House,
I had a decision to make.
Do we have no food for you?
or do we give you some little quick salads?
But I said, you aren't into salads.
So I decided to get you some hamburgers.
Big Macs, Burger King. All-American companies.
We have everything that I like, that you like.
Quarter Pounder's with Cheese. Frosties.
We got them for you, Ms. Cortez.
Paid for, out of my own pocket.
Please, eat.

AOC throws a Big Mac against a wall.

I hate hamburgers!
Greenhouse gases, the slaughtering and farming of poor cows.
It's destroying our planet and so are you.

Donald Trump
Destroying our planet by creating a better world
for all Americans?
You have a very loose definition of the word destroy.
But for someone in your position,
I can understand how you view me.
It's a nasty business, this political world.
But what I'm doing, I do for the greater good.
A necessary evil.

You're delusional!
Insane to think that what you're doing is actually the right thing to do.

Donald Trump
It's the right thing for Americans.
Unfortunately, I'm not the President of the World.
I'm not responsible for anyone else on the planet,
except Americans.
And so, I can no longer allow illegal immigrants
to invade our country.

You're responsible for separating families and destroying lives!
You are the leader of the free world,
the most powerful man on the planet.
Don't tell me about what you can and cannot do.
You wield your power like a spoiled child.
When you can do the things that you can, but you don't...
And then the bad things happen... they happen because of you.
You have the power to save lives, to make a real difference in the world.
But instead, you abuse your power for your own gain.
How can you live with yourself,
when you have the power to help poor starving families?

Donald Trump
The United States of America is at capacity.
When a party or club is at capacity, 
what does the bouncer at the door do?
He stops people from coming in.
I am that bouncer, and I must stop them at the door.

When a bouncer turns people away, 
he isn't destroying their lives!

Donald Trump
Allowing people to roam into this country freely
 endangers the lives of the American people.
We are facing a global crisis of overpopulation.
If a ship takes on too many people, it will start to sink.
I understand you want to help everyone and 
give hand outs to people in need.
Sounds good, doesn't work.
The reality is, not everyone can be helped.
I'm sorry that I'm choosing the American people  
over your illegal immigrants.
But like I said, I am not responsible for them.
Believe me, this is the only way.
This will allow for a Greater America.
Trust me, I have her best interests at heart.

You're doing what's in your own best interest!
You and all your white supremacist friends.
The rich 1% rule the world,
and I'm trying to stop people like you.
I'm representing the majority of Americans and 
all the non-citizens affected by your actions.

Donald Trump
But do you really represent the majority of America?
If I recall, I won the election.
The vast majority of Americans believe in my cause.
My supporters understand what I'm trying to do.
They can appreciate my efforts for making 
this country better than what it was.

You're taking extreme measures and endangering the lives of millions.
If your supporters knew what you truly were...

Donald Trump
Sometimes it takes extreme measures to get things done.
I tried to do it your way.
I tried to go through bipartisan political lines.
But there's too much red tape, too many agendas.
No one can succeed when your every effort is 
undermined by the other party.
So I decided to take extreme measures.
I chose to act.
I took matters into my own hands because,
we have no time for politics.
America is on the brink of collapse.

Donald Trump
These illegal immigrants are draining our resources.
A burden to our economy.
At the rate that it's been going, America will cease to exist.
Too many mouths to feed and not enough jobs
to keep the balance in this country.
I'm sorry that I have to be the bad guy and put my foot down.
But we cannot afford to let anyone else into this country.
Overpopulation will bring catastrophe to our great nation.

So instead, 
you deport every single undocumented person out of the country?

Donald Trump
A small price to pay for salvation.

You're insane!

Donald Trump
Little Socialist, it's a simple calculus.
This country is finite, its resources is finite.
If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist.
It needs correction...

You don't know that!

Donald Trump
I'm the only one who knows that...
At least, I'm the only one with the will to act on it.

Donald Trump
And for a time,
I once considered what it would be like
 if you and I were political allies.
You're strong. Beautiful.
Fearless and unwavering in your political views.
Despite being wrong in nearly every aspect of your ideologies,
your passion is admirable.
Which is why, by my side, 
you would've been the most fearsome woman on the planet.
Which is why I also know you'd stop at nothing to find the Soul Stone.

Well that's where you're wrong.
Because I never found the Soul Stone.

Donald Trump
But you did.
If you want a future in politics,
you'll need to learn how to lie better than that.
Now tell me where.