In New York, Santa Khalessi's dragons continue to rain fire
on the Proud Boys.
But suddenly, one of her dragons is shot in the neck!
Mike Pence
Great shot! Mr. President.
Dick Cheney would be proud.
Donald Trump
This is why a woman can never lead, Mike.
They act on emotion. Watch this.
Santa Khaleesi rages and sends her dragon
directly at Donald Trump.
But Donald uses the Fantasy Stones to ground her dragon.
Vin Snow continues to fight through the Proud Boys,
making his way towards Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, the chaos continues
as Trump supporters go head to head with the West Coasteros armies.
Chris Vinson and the Inner Circle arrive.
They've come to assist Donald Trump.
But not far behind Chris Vinson,
is the consolation bracket of the West Coast Cousins!
AFW Champion Vic Moxley comes in
and attacks Chris Vinson!
Kenny Omega
You see these guys?
They're here to take all your credit.
They're losers. Consolation tier Fantasy Managers.
Kenny Omega
Fighting for 7th place. Pathetic, isn't it?
But that's not you, that's not us.
We deserve better. We would've won it all had we secured the 6th seed.
Kenny Omega
Look at the gloating.
It's sad, isn't it?
Kenny Omega
You know what you have to do.
Kenny Omega
Finish the job, PUP.
Fulfill Donald Trump's destiny.
Fulfill your own destiny.
Kenny Omega
You know what time it is....
Kenny Omega
Kenny Omega dives head first hitting Vic Moxley!
And now a V-Trigger!
Vic Moxley is down.
Kenny Omega pulls out a gun.
Kenny Omega
Finish him.
Vic Moxley, I bid you adieu.
Goodbye and goodnight.....
No... I'm not you.
And I'm not a heel.
CM PUP drops the gun.
Kenny Omega
What are you doing? Come back here!
Finish the job.
You want this?
Kenny Omega
I do.
Then do it yourself.
CM PUP walks away.
Episode Fifteen - FantasyMania Round 2
Renee Young
Dolph, if you have a second I'd like you ask you
about your thoughts on the actions of Rockson Reigns.
2 weeks ago at Judgement Day, Reigns crashed the main event
and seemingly took the title away from The Hiz.
Do you condone these actions?
Dolph Riggler
I'm glad you brought this up Renee.
I don't respect these actions.
I never told Rockson Reigns to do any of this.
The WCC Championship is sacred,
and we have a tradition in this Fantasy League.
You can't just claim to have won prematurely.
Rockson Reigns is not the Champion.
That's not how this league works.
Dolph Riggler
It devalues the integrity of the Championship.
So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to ask Rockson Reigns
to relinquish the title and I'm going to do that... right now.
Jim Ross
Welcome to Week 15 in the West Coast Cousins!
We are in the Semi-Final Round and it has come down to four.
Live from Baltimore, Maryland.
We present to you FantasyMania Round 2!
[1] John Seana (11-2)
[2] Rockson Reigns (9-4)
[4] #7tormsComing (8-5)
[6] Howard's Team (7-6)
Jim Ross
King, do you have a prediction for League Champion
with the four remaining Superstars?
Well JR, it's hard to bet against John Seana who has been
the favorite all season long.
But he's been MIA, who knows if he's still in game shape?
Meanwhile The Hiz has been playing red hot at the end of the year.
But no Fantasy Manager has been hotter
than Rockson Reigns, having won 7 straight.
I think I have to go with Rockson Reigns, JR.
*Dolph Riggler's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Well speaking of Rockson Reigns,
Mr. FantasyMania himself, Dolph Riggler
is here to confront Rockson Reigns.
Dolph Riggler brought Rockson Reigns into this league.
Let's see what Dolph has to say.
Dolph Riggler
You know the saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you?
Well that is quite applicable to my current situation.
For weeks on end, I've stated that I would be playing at FantasyMania.
Not Rockson Reigns.
But I feel like I've fallen on deaf ears,
because all I see in the promo packages and announcements is
Rockson Reigns' face plastered everywhere.
So let's address this now...
Rockson Reigns, get your ass out here!
*Rockson Reign's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
And there is the de facto WCC Champion.
And he does not look happy, being called out by Dolph Riggler.
Rockson Reigns
Dolph, I know what you're thinking and I know what you want.
But to be frank, it's not going to happen.
I'm the guy now. This is my yard.
And your services are no longer required.
Dolph Riggler
No longer required?
I'm the greatest FantasyMania performer in league history!
8-1 on the big stage! They don't call me Mr. FantasyMania for nothing!
Rockson Reigns
Yeah, but you heard it from Single H himself.
You weasel your way into FantasyMania and get hot.
Not me. I stay hot.
7 straight wins and I earned the first round bye.
When has Dolph Riggler ever earned a first round bye?
This is the best I have ever looked.
They wanted a dominant run... here's my dominant run.
And I'm just getting started...
You see Dolph, you brought me in a bodyguard, but now I'm the guy.
And when I say your services are no longer required... I mean it.
Because I have a new business advisor.
And under the tutelage of my new business advisor,
I'm going to win the 2020 League Championship.
And that Dolph, is not a prediction.
It's a spoiler!
Jim Ross
Wait a minute!
Rockson Reigns just speared the hell out of Dolph Riggler!
My God, he may be broken in half!
And he's not done yet, JR!
Aaah! Superman punch!
Jim Ross
My God, this is enough!
Setting up for another spear... this is sick.
What has gotten into Rockson Reigns?
Somebody help, Dolph Riggler!
*The Baugh's Music Hits*
The crowd goes nuts as The Baugh runs in to make the save.
The Baugh and Rockson Reigns stare one another down.
But Rockson Reigns decides to step out of the ring.
*Crowd Boos*
The Baugh
Oh yeah... Rockson Reigns.
The Baugh had to come out here and see what kind of man you are.
The Big Dog, everyone's talking about the Big Dog.
Well The Baugh had to see it for himself.
Man to man, eye to eye.
And you know what The Baugh sees?
He doesn't see the Big Dog... no, no, no...
the only thing The Baugh sees is a big pile of dogshit!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
Rockson Reigns you run your mouth,
but at the first chance, you run away.
You're not a cousin, you're not a member of this family.
The Baugh doesn't even know who in the blue hell you even are!
So why don't you tell The Baugh who you are?
Rockson Reigns
The Baugh
*Crowd Cheers*
Rockson Reigns
Predictable as usual.
But you're right, I'm not one of you.
I'm not a stupid Luu and I'm certainly not a cousin.
I'm the WCC Champion.
I'm the Tribal Chief. And it's about time,
my family got involved in this business.
This Sunday, I will embarrass you in front of your entire family.
This Sunday, I will put an end to The Baugh.
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
A strong message sent by Rockson Reigns.
These two will collide in the second round of FantasyMania.
Only one will advance to the Championship game!
Jim Ross
Who will it be?
Find out only on Pay Per View.
*The Hiz's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
As we return to Wednesday Night Preview,
you are listening to the theme music of the #6 seed, The Hiz.
Jim Ross
Another feather in the cap of The Hiz,
after he dethroned the 3x League Champion,
Single H last night in the first round of FantasyMania.
I think we're gonna hear about this for years to come, King.
Rightfully so, JR!
For years they called him an Inactive, but over the past few years,
Hiz has proven that he belongs,
especially after knocking off one of the greatest Fantasy Managers of all time,
the future Hall of Famer, Single H!
*Crowd Boos*
The Hiz
There you go disrespecting me again.
Typical. You people in Baltimore have no class!
*Crowd Boos*
The Hiz
Now that I've beaten the so-called "King of Kings."
I demand your respect.
I've earned my place in this league.
This has become MY show.
Last week, Single H said in order to get my title opportunity,
I'd have to get past him.
Well, that was easy.
What's next? Where's Rockson Reigns?
Oh that's right. He's off playing Family Feud with The Baugh!
So now the league officials are giving m the run around.
How many times do I have to prove myself?
Where is my moment?!
We're really glad that you're our friend,
and this is a friendship that'll never ever end.
Jim Ross
Oh no... what now?
Minh Wyatt
You know Hiz, I agree with you 100%.
You are being overlooked and you do deserve to face Rockson Reigns.
I'm really glad that we've become such good friends, Hiz.
Because friends help each other out.
I mean, that's what friends are for!
Minh Wyatt
According to the "League Officials"
your opponent this Sunday is supposed to be....
John Seana.
*Crowd Cheers*
Minh Wyatt
Well.. as some of you may know,
John Seana and I have also become really good friends.
And I think.. John can save us all some time,
and do us a great big favor.
So come on out!
Introducing the new and improved....
*John Seana's Music Hits*
A dead-eyed John Seana makes his way out to the ring,
as Minh Wyatt laughs hysterically.
Minh Wyatt
Thank you John, for being here tonight.
After weeks of absence, I think your fans have missed you dearly.
And you know.. I think they want to see you in action!
I mean, why wait for FantasyMania?
Why not settle it tonight here in Baltimore?
Minh Wyatt
Lay down, John.
Lay down and let The Hiz pin you 1-2-3...
so that he can advance to the main event as he deserves to.
Lay down so that we can finally bury the idea of John Seana.
Do the right thing, John.
Put him over.
Fulfill your destiny.
The crowd boos as John Seana considers
laying down for The Hiz.
The Hiz
What are you? Deaf and stupid?
You heard the man.
Lay down!
The Hiz
You owe it to me for all the years that you
buried me in the storylines.
For all the years where you pushed yourself as a main event star
while I suffered on the bottom of the card!
You owe it to me, John.
The Hiz
You, the zero time League Champion.
The overprivileged, undeserved face of the WCC.
The man who started the season 8-0
and beat every single Fantasy Manager this season... except me!
You don't deserve this, John.
But I do.
So do the right thing and let me into the Championship Game.
Let.... me.... in.....
The fans begin to cheer as Seana doesn't budge.
Minh Wyatt
What are you doing John?!
You're under my command!
Lay down... NOW!
Seana surveys the crowd.
John Seana
Minh... it's as I said in the Firefly Funhouse...
I'm... AWAKE!
*Crowd Cheers*
John Seana
You can eat worlds.
You can put the whole wide world in your hands...
You can influence an entire nation.
But you can never destroy what I am.
Minh Wyatt
You...wh-what.... are you?!
John Seana
I am the hope of the WCC Universe!
I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace.
I am protector of the innocent.
Ally to good... nightmare to you!
And my light will forever outshine your darkness!
John Seana powers up.
Minh Wyatt goes for the Sister Abigail,
but is overpowered by John Seana!
The Hiz runs in but gets caught in an Attitude Adjustment!
Minh Wyatt and The Hiz are down!
John Seana
I will never back down!
And I will never give up!
Hiz, if you want that Championship spot,
you're gonna have to take it from me!
I will see you this Sunday for the Semi-Finals of FantasyMania!
*Crowd Cheers*
John Seana salutes his fans one more time
ahead of Sunday's big match.
The arena lights begin to malfunction.
Jim Ross
Oh no.... John Seana's nightmares of
The Fiend may not be over just yet.
John Seana and The Fiend stare at one another
as we cut away to commercial break.
Kenny Omega
How disappointing.
Oh God... get out of my head, mother fucker!
Kenny Omega
Oh no... it's time we settled this.
Alas, we've arrived at our problem... the final problem.
You and I, we cannot co-exist.
Too much internal struggle, pushing and pulling.
We missed the playoffs because every time I brought us two steps forward,
you brought us one step back.
Kenny Omega
It's time we solved this once and for all.
You see, PUP. I'm here to stay. You're old news.
You're no longer "the guy."
You can no longer carry this storyline as a primary character.
You haven't been hot since 2013.
It's time you gave way to the new generation.
It's time you allowed me to be the primary character in this storyline.
As I said, little by little, you're just letting yourself become...
Kenny Omega!
Kenny Omega
So sign on the dotted line, PUP.
Give the writers permission to write you off.
Allow me to be the new character to represent you full time.
And I promise you, in 2021 we will rise once again.
There's no stopping Donald Trump.
The plan's already in motion and there will be a
new America when this is all over.
And at the center of it all... Kenny Omega.
He trusts me, PUP.
He trusts the Bullet Club, he trusts The Elite!
I have the keys to the kingdom.
Kenny Omega
Under Donald Trump's West Coast Cousins,
we can win our 4th League Championship.
All you've got to do... is sign the contract.
Give up your rights... I mean even if you don't sign...
either way, I'm eventually going to take over.
It's just a matter of time.
You've got no more story left to tell, PUP.
It seem as if... I...
I am.... inevitable!
CM PUP thinks for a moment...
and then begins to chuckle.
Kenny Omega
What's so funny? What did I miss?
Donald Trump trusts you?
Which means, he trusts me.
You are apart of his inner circle.
All this time, I thought the only way to beat Donald Trump
was by winning the League Championship.
But that's not the case at all.
I can beat Donald Trump... very easily too.
I can beat him... as long as I've got you.
Kenny Omega
Ohhh.... you think I'm going to do it?
You think I'm going to kill Donald Trump?
Like you said, he trusts you.
You can get to him when he is most vulnerable.
I don't need you to kill him. I'll do it myself.
As long as you're alive, I will always be in your head somewhere.
Because I am you.
Prepared to do anything, prepared to burn.
Prepared to do what ordinary people won't do.
I'm the Best in the League.
The Best Route Machine. The Diamond Status Fantasy Manager.
You want me to shake hands with you in hell, I shall not disappoint you.
Even if it means I have to get myself killed
in order to get to the President... if that's what it takes.
Kenny Omega
Nah... you talk big.
But you're ordinary. You're on the side of the angels.
Oh, I may be on the side of the angels.
But don't think for one second that I am one of them.

Kenny Omega stares into CM PUP's eyes,
reading his intentions.
Kenny Omega
Hmmm... no... you're not.
You're not ordinary.... you're me.
Thank you, PUP.
You've taught me a great deal..
I now know what I must do...
As long as I'm alive, you can get to Donald Trump...
You're right. You've got a way out.
Kenny Omega
Well... good luck with that!
CM PUP, I bid you adieu.
Goodbye... and Goodnight!
Kenny Omega grabs a gun and points it to his own head.
Kenny Omega
Kenny Omega pulls the trigger.