A lot of people have talked about whether or not you should run for President...
Would you ever?
Donald ponders Oprah's question.
His facial expression suddenly lights up.
Donald Trump
My mother, always tells me...
Donald Trump
To smile and make this world a better place.
She told me I had a purpose.
That one day, I will bring prosperity and greatness to this world.
Hey, hey. Ho, ho!
Donald Trump has got to go!
Love trumps hate. Always!
He's a racist!
Worst than Hitler!
Brian Williams
Breaking news.
We now have a report on the shooting of Kate Steinle.
The shooter was identified as Jose Garcia Zarate.
An illegal alien with a criminal background who was released from the custody of ICE,
due to laws protecting illegal immigrants under the sanctuary city of San Francisco.
Donald Trump
Is it just me...
Donald Trump
Or is America getting crazier out there?
Jimmy Durante
Even though it's breakin'
Jimmy Durante
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...
Jimmy Durante
If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
President Obama
And we all know about your credentials and breath of experience.
You make tough decisions everyday, like the ones you made on Celebrity Apprentice.
Tough decisions, that would, frankly, keep the President up at night.
*Crowd Laughs*

Donald embarrassingly smirks.
*Crowd Laughs*

Donald embarrassingly smirks.
Anderson Cooper
Let me ask the room.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump can win the election?
Or how about a better question.
Does he even want to win the election?
Is this some kind of elaborate publicity stunt?
Anderson Cooper
This is a man with no political background.
He's a celebrity and a real estate mogul.
But let's call it what it is.
He has no experience or qualifications to lead a country.
Nobody actually believes that he's going to be the
next President of the United States, do they?
Bill O'Reilly
The West Coast Cousins has lost its way.
Pinheads running the entire league.
Children, listening to Marilyn Manson,
and subjected to this violence on TV.
The WCCF regularly advertises four letter words,
inappropriate gestures and obscenities.
inappropriate gestures and obscenities.
Bill O'Reilly
America is going to hell.
And somebody needs to put this country back on track.
Donald Trump
I used to think I was a Democrat...
But now I realize....
Donald Trump
...I'm Republican.
Jimmy Durante
Send in the clown...
Jimmy Durante
Send in the clown...