As we open Week 13, Vin Snow catches a glimpse
of Santa Khaleesi's dragons.
Santa Khaleesi
You know dragons are largely misunderstood.
On the surface, people think dragons are dangerous,
unruly and cannot be controlled.
People fear what they do not understand.
They hear stories of dragons burning down cities,
and people are quick to judge, not giving them another chance.
Santa Khaleesi
I'd like to think of myself as a dragon.
The people of West Coasteros have only known
one kind of ruler. Targaryen's, Baratheon's, Luunisters,
they're all the same.
But I am different. I am going to end this cycle of monotony.
One side arguing with the other, it's all the same.
The current regime and system must be overthrown.
The swamp must be drained. That's the type of Queen I can be.
Vin Snow
If you're looking for my endorsement, you can save it until after the war.
If there's any land left to rule, that is.
By the way, Governor Newsom.
He was with you at the council meeting... and you named him a Lord.
Santa Khaleesi
You don't approve?
Vin Snow
He's a politician. Part of the cycle you speak of.
He'll say anything and do anything, as long as he has your ear.
I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
Elsewhere, Lord Newsom is found staring at the Iron Throne.
Ann O'Leary
Lord Newsom, Santa Khaleesi and her armies
have left for America.
Lord Newsom
Very good. When she defeats Donald Trump,
she will surely become Queen of West Coasteros.
Ann O'Leary
But if the rumors are true, with how powerful Donald Trump may be...
Then there's a chance she may not return at all.
Lord Newsom
Even better. With Santa Khaleesi out of the picture,
the path to the Iron Throne is clear.
Ann O'Leary
But Lord Newsom... I thought...
Lord Newsom
You thought what? That I came here to sit on the sidelines?
With Biden winning the Democratic nomination,
I knew my best bet would be to rule elsewhere.
Have you heard that senile old man talk?
He's going to run America into the ground.
And had Trump been re-elected, America would likewise fall.
If America burns, a new nation will rise to take its place.
Lord Newsom
And behind that new nation, a supreme leader.
Ann O'Leary
But what about the West Coast Cousins?
The Circle of Champions will interfere.
Lord Newsom
The Circle of Champions...
Single H, Sandy Orton, Dolph Riggler, CM PUP, The Baugh...
They're all just spokes on a wheel.
This one's on top, then that one's on top.
And on and on it spins.
...I'm not going to stop the wheel.
I'm going to break the wheel.
Episode Thirteen - Judgement Day
*The Hiz's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Wednesday Night Preview.
We are in the final week of the regular season
as we hear the sounds of the WCC Champion, The Hiz.
Who last night defeated Single H in a barnburner of a match.
And you've got to give him credit, The Hiz
has been on a tremendous run as of late.
I told you, JR!
It's about time to gave the Most Must See WCC Superstar
credit for all he's done these last few weeks.
The Hiz
Well... well... well...
Another week, another Preview... and here I am.
Standing before you, still WCC Champion!
*Crowd Boos*
The Hiz
Oh? You don't like it, huh?
Well too freaking bad.
You know who else doesn't like it? The league officials in the back.
They don't want me at FantasyMania, they are afraid of my drawing power.
They are afraid that I will be this league's next big star.
And you know how I know that?
Because after 4 straight wins and beating all the big names in the league,
guys like John Seana, The Baugh and Single H...
I have yet to clinch a playoff berth.
The Hiz
Well that is an absolute joke.
One week left in the regular season and I'm not officially in?
I am the hottest player in the league right now,
and a FantasyMania without the WCC Champion is fraudulent.
Leaving me out of the playoffs will delegitimize this entire season.
Without a doubt, the biggest fraud in league history.
After last night's performances,
The Baugh and Rockson Reigns clinched a playoff berth.
And while I am currently in the Top 6,
there is no guarantee that I will be playing next week at FantasyMania.
The Hiz
But I have a proposal... for the league officials.
Stop the count!
If you want the highest ratings possible,
then you need the WCC Champion in the playoffs.
The Top 6 should be finalized right here, right now.
Because the fact of the matter is, last night,
The Fiend ate John Seana.
He's gone, there is no more John Seana.
The playoff picture should be set.
And I'm warning you now,
if you don't stop the count, there will be massive fraud
like you've never seen in this league before.
Jim Ross
And here comes Sandy Orton.
She is currently in 5th place, but like The Hiz,
has not clinched a playoff berth with one more week to go.
After suffering a devastating loss to Rockson Reigns,
her FantasyMania future remains in the balance this Sunday at Judgement Day.
Sandy Orton
You know, Hiz.
No one is going to take anything away from you.
Over the last few weeks, you have played like a champion.
You've earned that title.
But what you haven't earned, is spot at FantasyMania.
A fighting champion fights until the end,
and they leave no doubt that they are deserving of the top spot.
Sandy Orton
And that's what I plan to do, Hiz.
Because this Sunday, I am in the exact same situation as you.
I'm going to fight until the very end and I am going to leave no doubt,
that I deserve to go to FantasyMania.
Sandy Orton
But you're right.
What is FantasyMania without the current WCC Champion?
So how about we guarantee the WCC Universe that the WCC Champion
will be playing at FantasyMania.
Why don't we settle it between the two of us?
Which one of us will be playing on the big stage?
The Hiz
Really? Do you think I'm dumb, Sandy?
Because it sounds like you are challenging me for the WCC Championship
this Sunday at Judgement Day.
*Crowd Cheers*
Sandy Orton
If that's how you interpreted it.
Then by all means.
The Hiz
Sandy, that is the stupidest thing you could do.
You just kissed your playoff opportunity goodbye!
*CM PUP's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Now it looks as if we're going to hear from CM PUP,
or as he likes to be called these days, Kenny Omega.
As it stands, Kenny is the odd man out,
but he is not eliminated from playoff contention just yet.
And despite the behest of The Hiz, we're going to keep counting
the standings all the way through the final week of the regular season.
Hold on, hold on.
Stop the count?
I feel like I'm being left out of this little party you have going on.
You talk about playoff ratings, what would FantasyMania be,
without the best in the league?
You want to stop the count, I say count all the weeks!
I won't be cheated out of my FantasyMania opportunity.
Between the remaining Fantasy Managers,
I have the largest hill the climb,
but that's not going to stop me from fighting for my spot.
And now the two of you want to hold a little private
WCC Championship match, and leave me out in the wind.
And I know why, you're afraid of The Best Route Machine,
It's because I have more points than the both of you this season.
And if you give me a little opening, I'm going to take advantage.
Sandy Orton
PUP, you know what else you have more of this season?Losses.
Be that as it may, Sandall....
That can easily be corrected.
All we have to do, is count all the weeks.
Count all the wins and all the losses.
And we will see who is in the Top 6 after Week 13.
But I have a solution to our problem.
A simple solution, really.
You, me, Hiz.
Triple Threat Match for the WCC Championship!
*Crowd Cheers*
The crowd loves it, JR!
Jim Ross
I don't think The Hiz shares the same enthusiasm.
He's absolutely livid at the idea of a Triple Threat Match.
*Single H's Music Hits*
What now?
Jim Ross
Well after early season success, Single H has fallen on rough times,
as he makes his way out to the ring.
It seems as if he hasn't recovered from the death of Shane McMahon,
having lost 3 straight games, his playoff fate
is hanging in the balance this Sunday.
Single H
Well, with one week left to go, it seems like we're at a crossroads.
3 playoff spots remaining and 4 WCC Superstars fighting for those
final 3 spots, we're in for a hell of a finish.
I had a discussion this morning with the Board of Directors,
and we've come to a decision.
Single H
And yes Hiz, it is going to be something that we've never seen before.
Because this Sunday at Judgement Day,
we're going to have a WCC Championship Match.
But not only are we going to have Championship match,
it's going to be a Fatal Four Way Match!
*Crowd Cheers*
Jim Ross
A shocking announcement here on Preview!
This isn't fair, JR!
It's massive fraud! The Hiz was right!
He's being cheated out of FantasyMania.
He said it himself, the league officials don't like him!
Single H
It's going to be The Hiz versus Sandy Orton versus CM PUP...
versus... ME!
But it's not going to be just any Fatal Four Way Match.Because the Fantasy Manager that gets pinned,
will be eliminated from playoff contention.
And the manager who scores the pinfall...
will go onto FantasyMania as the WCC Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
Jim Ross
My God! What an explosive matchup.
King, all roads lead to Judgement Day.
Four Superstars will enter, but only three will survive.
The stakes could not be higher.
The odds have been stacked against The Hiz!
It's fraud! How can Single H allow this to happen?
Jim Ross
It sounds to me as if The Hiz has an equal chance to compete
for one of the remaining playoff spots.
Yeah, but he doesn't have to be pinned to lose his Championship!
How is that fair?
Jim Ross
It's why the Fatal Four Way Match is so unpredictable, King.
Anyone can come out on top.
And anything can happen in the WCC.
Jim Ross
Single H, CM PUP, Sandy Orton and The Hiz!
One of these superstars will be eliminated from contention this Sunday.
Who will it be?
We will find out at Judgement Day.
We will find out at Judgement Day.
Call your television provider and order now.
You do not want to miss this!
Sarah Paulson
I take responsibility.
Carson Wentz
I take responsibility.
Kristen Bell
For every injustice, every wrongdoing,
every time it was easier for me to turn a blind eye.
I take responsibility for helping to promote white supremacy.
Or not doing enough to stop it.
Justin Theroux
I'm so sorry for my privilege.
I'm sorry for my pigmentation.
If you want to blame someone, blame me.
Imagine a world without cops.
I stand against hate.
Carson Wentz
I stand against hate, bitch!
We can turn the tide and it is time to take responsibility.
They can't keep getting away with it!
...they can't keep getting away with it.
Stand with me, and we can end racism once and for all.
In New York, we see empty streets outside of Trump Tower.
The FBI have left on orders of The Baugh.
And now we await the arrival of President Donald Trump.
And now we await the arrival of President Donald Trump.
You're much more orange in person.
Donald Trump
I take it, Yeezus is dead.
Detective Tai
That was like in Week 5, don't you watch the news?
Donald Trump
This season extracts a heavy toll...
Donald Trump
Still, he accomplished his mission.
Detective Tai
You may regret that.
He brought you face to face with the Detective with the Bushy Top..
Donald Trump
And what do you think he brought you?
We pan across an empty New York City.
Detective Tai
Let me guess, your home?
Donald Trump
It was...
...and it was beautiful.
Trump uses the CGI Stone to reanimate New York.
Donald Trump
Before COVID, New York was like most cities.
Busy streets, thriving businesses and excellent tourism.
We had the best tourism. Truly remarkable.
But despite its glory, the city was overrun with illegal immigrants.
They took our jobs, they destroyed our economy.
Murdered our citizens... and when I offered a solution...
Detective Tai
Donald Trump
Only in New York.
And if the new immigration policies worked in New York,
they could then be applied to the rest of the country.
They called me a racist.
And what I predicted... came to pass.
Detective Tai
Congratulations. You're a prophet.
Donald Trump
I'm a survivor.
Detective Tai
Who wants to deport millions.
Donald Trump
It is what it is.
With all six Fantasy Stones, I could simply snap my fingers,
and they'd all cease to be in this country.
I call that... justice.
Detective Tai
...and then what?
Donald Trump
Then I finally rest.
Concede my Presidency to Biden.
Even with all his power, he'll never be able to undo my work.
The stones will be too much and I will make sure
no one else can illegally enter this country again.
Then I'll watch the sunset on a grateful America...
The hardest choices require the strongest wills.
Detective Tai
I think you'll find our will equal to yours.
Donald Trump
The Baugh screams as he charges Donald Trump,
clotheslining the President of the United States.