Welcome to Week 16 here in the WCC!
We're live in Seattle, Washington for the Season Finale of Wednesday Night Preview!
King, with just one week left, we are just days away from determining the 2013 League Champion!
Will it be Dolph Riggler or CM PUP?
CM PUP's music hits
Out comes CM PUP wearing the WCC Championship belt.
*Crowd Boos*
And remember King, it was CM PUP who turned his back on the WCC Universe last night.
CM PUP joined The Heyman Regime and reunited with the devil himself... Paul Heyman.
Not only that, but CM PUP ordered The Shield to attack WCC Champion, Dolph Riggler and took his WCC Championship belt. I can't believe this guy.
CM PUP enters the ring and grabs a microphone.
No, you're not seeing things.
There's no need to restart Google Chrome...
Don't readjust your television set...
Yes, I am holding the WCC Championship... and no, it's not official mine... yet.
But it will be after Sunday.
And yes... I am standing in this ring with Paul Heyman...
I don't know if any of you people have noticed... but I'm kind of a Paul Heyman Guy...
*Crowd Boos*
Yet, everyone in the WCC Universe was too stupid to realize it.
My master plan worked to perfection.
Did you people really think that Paul Heyman and I weren't on the same page?
You didn't think that this was the plan all along?
The Heyman Regime? It was all my idea.
I am the leader of The Heyman Regime!
Always was and always will be.
I played you all for a fool.
And now I'm leaving.
After this Sunday, I am leaving with your precious WCC Championship and leaving this league without a Champion.
I'm leaving just like the Supersonics left this stupid city!
*Crowd Boos*
Thank you, Paul.
Thank you for tricking the entire WCC Universe and helping me burn this League to the ground.
*Crowd Boos*
Paul Heyman raises CM PUP's hand.
Nyback's music hits.
Nyback gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.
Really, Paul?
This is your guy?
Paul, I trusted you. You told me you were my friend.
You promised me that you would help me win the 2013 League Championship...
But this whole time, you were backing him?
How could you do this to me?
It's pretty easy, Nyback.
I played you, just like I played the entire WCC Universe.
You are as gullible as these idiotic fans.
You have no charisma.
You have no talent.
You aren't capable of being Champion.
CM PUP is everything that you aren't.
That's why I chose him over you.
John Seana's music plays.
CM PUP... the biggest coward this league has ever seen!
So you're just gonna walk out on the WCC?
You're just gonna win this Sunday and leave the the title?
You're gonna turn your back on the WCC Universe!
You're not a true Champion.
You're just some punk who can't win it on his own!
John, you really think I give a damn what you think?
You think I give a damn what these people think?
Is this the so-called "12th Man"?
I don't care what what anybody thinks of me.
The fact of the matter is, I will win this Sunday.
I will walk away with the WCC Championship...
I will be the first San Francisco winner in this league.
I will be the best.
And don't get me wrong, John.
You're a good Fantasy Manager.
You're just not as good as I am.
CM PUP is cut off by Chief Operating Officer, Single H, who gets in PUP's face.
[Single H]
You think you're some hot shot, don't you PUP?
The fact of the matter is, I don't think you can win on your own.
I don't think you have what it takes to be League Champion.
This Sunday, you're gonna choke.
And when you lose..
You won't be welcomed back here in the WCC.
So it's all or nothing, PUP.
This is it. This is your one and only opportunity.
If you win, you walk out and you embarrass the entire league.
But if you lose... you lose everything.
[Single H]
Oh and one more thing... PUP.
If The Shield or anyone else in The Heyman Regime interfere in this Sunday's match...
You will be disqualified and you will lose the match.
But just to make sure The Shield stays busy...
I'm going to put them in a match tonight...
Tonight, The Shield will play Fantasy Football in a 3 on 3 Tag Team Match...
Against John Seana, Nyback and Dealmus!
*Crowd Cheers*
As we come back from Commercial, Dolph Riggler arrives at the CenturyLink Field.
Dolph, we just heard from CM PUP earlier tonight. I think I speak for the entire WCC Universe, when I ask you what your thoughts are after last night? How will you respond to CM PUP and what do you plan on doing tonight?
You know, Josh. CM PUP thinks he's so clever.
He thinks he caught everyone off guard.
Not me.
CM PUP made this personal last night when he took my title...
When this Sunday, I'll have the last laugh when I beat him.
But for tonight...
I'm taking my belt back.
The camera cuts to Single H who is with Stephaneah McMahon.
[Single H]
I can't believe we're resorting to this...
I don't want to talk to him about this.
I can handle this situation myself.
Well, you know it's best that we consult him first.
[Single H]
I know... well let's bring him in.
Mr. McMahon walks in.
*Crowd Cheers*
The camera now cuts to Renee Young who is standing with Paul Heyman.
Paul, last night you returned to WCC Television with none other than Brock Lesnar.
What does this mean and where will you go from here?
Last night, we shocked the world with the return of Brock Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar will take the WCC by storm...
We all know that CM PUP is leaving the WCC...
He's walking away with the Championship...
But have no fear... because in 2014, the WCC's next biggest star has signed up for the 2014 Season.
None other than... BROCK LESNAR!
Wednesday Night Preview returns with John Seana, Dealmus and Nyback hyping up the crowd as it is now time for the main event.
CM PUP joins the commentary table.
Well PUP, I would say it's nice for you to join us, but in the reality is, I wish you wouldn't be here right now.
Aw, what's wrong King? I'm not welcomed here anymore?
Did I break your heart too, when I apparently "turned my back" on the WCC Universe?
Of course I'm going to sit ringside for this matchup.
It's The Shield. My army.
My team.
And of course they're facing The Legion of Superhereos, John Seana, Dealmus and Nyback.
Every 5 year olds dream team.
But I've beaten all of their heroes.
This is really more like a gathering of WCC's Biggest Losers, if you ask me.
Well, no one asked you PUP.
CM PUP is leaving this Sunday... but we're not leaving until we get a piece of The Heyman Regime...
Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns...
We're right here! Come get some!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Shield makes their way out
Be careful what you ask for Seana...
3 on 3 Tag Team Match
Seadderall Seahawks, In Manning We Trust & What's Your Deal? vs. The Shield
Look at the power of The Shield... working as one.
The Legion of Superheroes aren't as cohesive as these three.
You know, PUP. I don't think you can beat Riggler this Sunday.
I hope you lose and I hope next season, you're not invited to any leagues.
You're just some punk and I think this league is better off without you.
What's your problem, Jerry?
Do you have an issue with me?
Because we can settle this right now.
You're talking to the 2013 WCC League Champion.
Show some respect, before I take off this headset and put Fantasy numbers on you, right here, right now.
The Shield now dominating The Legion of Superheroes.
What power by The Shield!
Down goes everyone's favorite Superstar! John Seana!
Come on, Nyback! You can do it!
How stupid was this guy? To think that The Shield was ever on his side?
Are you satisfied now?
Have you had enough, Nyback?
You were never man enough to be the leader of The Heyman Regime.
I AM the Heyman Regime!
The Shield takes down Dealmus next.
Dolph Riggler's music hits and the crowd goes nuts!
Wait a second! Here comes your opponent this Sunday! The real Champion, Dolph Riggler!
Get him out of here! He's not allowed at ringside!
Riggler gets in the ring and takes on The Shield by himself!
The Seattle crowd is erupting as Riggler takes on the entire Shield!

The Shield surrounded by The Legion of Superheroes now.

Triple Suplex by the Legion of Superheroes!
Winner via Pinfall: Seadderall Seahawks, What's Your Deal? & In Manning We Trust
The Legion of Superheroes celebrates as The Shield retreats.
I've seen enough of this.
CM PUP enters the ring to confront Riggler.
But he's stopped by AJ Lee!
And AJ slaps CM PUP!
Rig Rag by Riggler!
The crowd cheers as Riggler grabs his WCC Championship belt.
Dolph Riggler runs through the crowd holding up his title as CM PUP stares down his opponent.
Who's gonna win this Sunday?
Dolph Riggler vs. CM PUP for the WCC Championship!
Who will be crowned the 2013 WCC League Champion?
What a season it's been... thank you for watching.
And now we're down to the final matchup.
Find out who the Champion will be!
This Sunday during the Final Round of FantasyMania!
Only on Pay Per View!