The show starts with a backstage segment between CM PUP and Paul Heyman.

I told you, PUP.
I told you not to get involved with Mr. McMahon.
It happened last year and once you get Mr. McMahon involved, things can get very bad for us.
And now we have to deal with The Underchucker?
I mean, this is the last thing we need right now.
With the injuries to Julio and Murray..
and you know that Chuckanut is undefeated as The Underchucker, right?
I don't have a good feeling about this, PUP.
I say we hire The Shield this Sunday.
The Shield?!
The same Shield that cost me a shot at winning Money in the Bank in Week 2?
No, Paul. We stick to the plan.
I can beat The Underchucker. I don't care about his undefeated 2-0 winning streak.
I'm the best in the league. Five straight weeks on top in Yahoo Rankings.
I don't need The Shield.
And as far as Mr. McMahon goes.. I'm not worried.
Nothing is going to stop me from being the 2013 League Champion.
I know, PUP. I'm with you with 100% you know I am.
I just feel..
No, Paul. I can handle this.
Everything is going according to plan.
The Underchucker doesn't scare me.
The pyros hit and we are brought to ringside with Michael Cole and JBL!
Oh man, what a historic night this is gonna be!
It's Week 8 in the WCC, Michael!
That's right John.
We are just 6 weeks away from FantasyMania and the playoff picture is starting to take form.
Unless we see a monumental collapse, the top 3 in the WCC look to secure Playoff spots in Percy PUP Harvin, What's Your Deal? and Chuckanut.
Anything after that, it's up for grabs.
Seeds 4 through 7 all have the same record at 4-3 and we can't forget about The Crock lurking at 2-5.
He will no doubt make a run for the final Playoff spot in the next few weeks.
But what about this guy?
Representing What's Your Deal?, Dealmus made his debut last night and he looks ready for anything that could come his way!
Last night at People Power, I made my mark in the WCC when I defeated the number 1 ranked Superstar in CM PUP!
*Crowd Cheers*
I beat the supposed "Best in the League" and if I must say so myself, that's one heck of an accomplishment!
So each and every week, I'm going to prove to everyone in the locker room and the entire WCC Universe, that I can play Fantasy Football..
Dealmus is interrupted by League Commissioner John Laurinaitis.
Commissioner Laurinaitis makes his way down to the ring alongside his assistant, David Otunga.
My name is Mr. John Laurinaitis and I am the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and the League Commissioner for both Seattle and San Francisco!
*Crowd Boos*
And Dealmus, let me be the first to welcome you to the WCC!
Thank you Commissioner, but let me tell you right now Fella, I'm no stranger to Fantasy Football.
In reality, I'm just Single H in a different...
Did I say you could interrupt me?! I wasn't finished!
You want to prove to everyone that you can play Fantasy Football with the best of them?
Don't prove it to these ungrateful fans..
*Crowd Boos*
Prove it to me!
You haven't paid your dues in this league.
But this Sunday at Unforgiven, I will give you an opportunity to show me exactly how good you really are.
That is why I am giving Nyback the night off this Sunday and representing him will be your opponents for Week 8.
The Shield!
The Shield appears on the Titantron.
I don't know why Sandy Orton is suddenly standing in the ring with you, but we're here to send a message to you Dealmus.
You think you're some big shot cause you knocked down the Number 1 Ranked Superstar.
We're going to show you why we protect the WCC.
This Sunday, you will be fed to the the almighty Nyback.
You will be a victim of the Nyback Revolution.
In Manning We Trust.
Believe in The Shield!
John Laurinaitis leaves the ring, happy with his match making.
Dealmus hits a Brogue Kick on David Otunga.
What's Your Deal, Fella?
You wanna put me in a handicapped match this Sunday, that's fine by me.
Cause I plan on putting scoring a lot of Fantasy points!
*Crowd Cheers*
Over the past couple of weeks, WCC teamed up with the Be A Star Campaign to fight Bullying.
John Seana along with many other WCC Superstars worked with young school children to spread the word against Bullying.
I just really want to help young children stand up to bullies.
I tell them to Rise Above the Hate.
I think it's important that we as Role Models work towards sending the right message to these kids and showing them that you can stand up for yourself.
And I think we show this to our viewers on a weekly basis on our show Preview.
I'm really proud of the product that we show our fans and the message we stand for.
I just really want to help young children stand up to bullies.
I tell them to Rise Above the Hate.
I think it's important that we as Role Models work towards sending the right message to these kids and showing them that you can stand up for yourself.
And I think we show this to our viewers on a weekly basis on our show Preview.
I'm really proud of the product that we show our fans and the message we stand for.
[The Hiz]
I was bullied all the time as a kid.
And I think it is very important to put an end to bullying. It's a growing problem in America, but I just tell these kids to get involved, work hard and be a positive part of the community.
[Single H]
The efforts of the WCC and Be A Star have really made a positive impact on thousands of children around the world. I'm really proud of the work that we've been doing and the dedication of our WCC Superstars. These kids look up to us, so I think it's important that as an Entertainment company, we send the right messages. Our entertainment and our storylines should reflect Anti-Bullying themes. We don't want to confuse our viewers by showcasing that behavior on television.
Absolutely I believe in Anti-Bullying.
It's a serious issue that shouldn't be joked about. It's important to treat everyone with respect and I think what the WCC doing is wonderful. We're showing these kids there is another way. And if I can make a fan smile, if I can make a fan happy, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
I tell these kids all the time... don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something.
Follow your dreams. If you wanna be a WCC Superstar one day, you can do it.
If you want to make it in the NFL.. you can.
Dream big. Think big. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Don't be a bully. Be a STAR!
Preview returns with Renee Young interviewing Nyback.
Preview returns with Renee Young interviewing Nyback.
Nyback. We just heard from Commissioner Laurinaitis that you have the night off this Sunday.
And The Shield will play in your place.
What are you gonna do with the night off?
I don't know Renee... I have so much free time this Sunday.
I gotta find something to do, right?
Who knows, maybe I'll do your job for you.
Maybe I'll interview people.
I think I can do it.
Hey look at this guy... let me interview him.
Nyback grabs a microphone.
You look like you want to be a WCC Superstar.
What is your name?
My name is Ron Mexico. And yes, I want to be a WCC Superstar!
Being a WCC Superstar is hard work.
You think you can handle it?
There's lots of scouting.. and evaluation of your team.
Sometimes you gotta make tough decisions on who to start.
You up for that?
Absolutely I'm up for it!
That's great...
So you think you can beat me in Fantasy Football?
Uhh... I don't know...
Nyback smacks Ron across the face.
The answer is no!
You can't beat me in Fantasy Football.
You're looking at the future 2013 League Champion.
You'll never be a WCC Superstar!
You don't have what it takes..
I would eat you alive.
Your projections would be low.
You aren't cut out for this business.
You'll never be a WCC Superstar!
You don't have what it takes..
I would eat you alive.
Your projections would be low.
You aren't cut out for this business.
Do you have anything else to say?
Back to you guys at ringside.
Well that wasn't very nice...
Nyback had every right to hit that kid.
What do you know? You've never played a Fantasy Football game in your life, Michael.
You don't know the hard work and dedication it takes to change your lineup each and every week.
I didn't say...
Oh, shut up.
Nobody wants to hear you talk.
The arena lights go out and the crowd cheers.
The Underchucker makes his way down to the ring and picks up a microphone to speak.
[The Underchucker]
Last night at People Power, I cost CM PUP his title match.
I sent a message to CM PUP and I sent it loud and clear.
CM PUP, you dug your own grave over the course of the last few weeks.
You claim to be the Best in the League. You argue that no one can defeat you in this League.
Well CM PUP, this Sunday at Unforgiven, I will show you just how vulnerable you really are.
Your lead in first place is no longer safe.
I will show you no mercy as you walk into the depths of hell.
CM PUP... this Sunday... you will..
CM PUP appears on the Titantron holding The Underchucker's urn.
You see Chucker...
You may have everyone in this league fooled, because you've won a few games and you've improved over your record from last season, but I'm not convinced.
I'm not convinced that you're any better than you were last season.
Behind all of the scary music, playing with the lights... behind the smoke and mirrors...
You're still Chuckanut.
You're still the same Fantasy Player that I beat last season.
The same one that missed the playoffs.
The same one who had his head knocked off by me!
All of your "hidden" powers as The Underchucker..
It's an illusion.
And you may be undefeated as The Underchucker at 2-0...
But last season I won 14 straight.
I am the Best in the League.
And I will be the one to snap your streak.
I am the one in 2-1.
Ohhh.... yessss.....
Paul Heyman appears on stage dressed as Paul Bearer.
The Underchucker runs up to the ramp to retrieve the urn.
But wait! It's CM PUP from behind!
He was disguised as a Druid and is attacking The Underhucker!
This Sunday... IT'S OVER!
Your streak...
It's all over Chucker.
I did this to you!
The WCC Champion's music hits and out comes John Seana!
This is gonna be good...
Seana enters the ring to announce his opponent for the WCC Championship this Sunday at Unforgiven.
Last night at People Power... I faced four capable WCC Superstars.. One after another... each Superstar brought it to me. But in the end... The Champ is STILL... HERE!
*Crowd is mixed*
And because I'm still Champion, Commissioner Laurinaitis has given me the opportunity to pick my next opponent. But to be quite honest with you, I can't do that.
I can't decide who I should face at Unforgiven.
So I'm going to let the WCC Universe decide who I should face for the WCC Championship!
What do you guys think?
Ah... I see you guys are getting the hang of this thing.
I want to give the fans the most compelling matchup.
I want to give them the most challenging matchup.
And let's be honest... despite the name of the last pay per view.. that wasn't really People Power.
I want to give the power back to the people.
I want you to decide who I should face!
So... Should I face the 2012 League Champion... Sandy Orton?
*Crowd Boos*
Or maybe Dealmus? How about The Crock?
Once in a lifetime for a third time?
Or what about the Best in the League.. CM PUP?
*Crowd Cheers*
No... I know what you want.
I have decided that this Sunday at Unforgiven..
The person that will face me for the WCC Championship..
Well... I pick...
*Crowd Cheers*
Lufa's music plays.
Out comes Lufa as the crowd cheers.
This Sunday's main event has been set!
It'll be Lufa vs. Seadderall Seahawks for the WCC Championship!