Monday, September 2, 2024

WCC No Way Holmes: Episode 1 - A New Reign


5,000 years ago, a fierce warrior, known as the Scorpion King,
led a great army to conquer the West Coast Cousins.

The Scorpion King's Fantasy Team roars as
they prepare for the upcoming season.

The Scorpion King moves to the front of the army,
leading his Fantasy Team.

The Scorpion King
It has been an honor to fight beside you all.
I thank you, each and every single one of you.
Because each time we step foot on that battlefield,
there is no guarantee that we're coming back.
I've won with you, I've lost with you,
But above all else, I have fought with you.
So let's fight one more time.
Do you accept the Scorpion King's challenge?
Because if you do, then I ask of only one thing...
Follow me into battle!

The Scorpion King

The army rushes forward as they engage in hand-to-hand combat.

The newly crowned 3x League Champion is no stranger to war.
As the defending League Champion,
he has etched his name among the League's Elite.
Now as an Omega Level Fantasy Manager,
he looks to further cement his name in the history books,
by doing what no Fantasy Manager has done in 14 years.
Win back to back League Championships.

The Baugh's Objective:
Enter the History Books
(Win Back to Back League Championships)

After a long, grueling battle, the Scorpion King's team is victorious.
He manages to defeat the opposing army with only one casualty,
Martavis Bryant.
He now has one final task to accomplish.

The Baugh's Fantasy Team surrounds the Sphinx.

The Scorpion King

The Scorpion King
Your men are dead! Your team has lost.
You have no army and you have nowhere else to hide.
It's time for your surrender, false prophet.
Come on out and meet your fate.

Rama-Tut steps out from the Sphinx.

And what makes you think... that I need an army?

You must be the great Champion... so, I've heard.
A hell of a season last year, I'll admit.
10 wins... only 4 losses.
And a hell of a performance in the Championship Game.
What did you score? 140.80?
You were destined to win it all.
But now that I've seen you up close... live and in living color,
only one word comes to mind.

The Scorpion King
Well your candy ass is about to be even more disappointed
when I put your head on a spike!
So The Baugh says this, if you surrender now,
I'll give you a swift death.
No need for suffering.

*Rama-Tut chuckles*

But suffering is the best part.

The Scorpion King
So be it.
I'd be happy to oblige.

I meant for you, Scorpion King!
The suffering will be yours...

Rama-Tut sends a spine-shattering shockwave through the Scorpion King,
killing the 3x League Champion.

Omega Threat eliminated.
I had so much more expectations for a League Champion.
But alas, this universe's League Champion is dead.
Prune it.


Episode One - A New Reign


Agent Hanratty
The escapees...

Agent Hanratty
Who were they?

Agent Abagnale
I've got a list right here.

Agent Hanratty
Read it to me, if you could.

Agent Abagnale
Mark Andrews, all-pro tight end for the Baltimore Ravens.
5 years for armed robbery.

Agent Abagnale
Chris Olave, 3rd-year sensation for the New Orleans Saints.
8 years for possession of stolen goods.

Agent Abagnale
Eduardo Salamanca, Don of the Mexican cartel of the same name.
Life without parole for first-degree murder.

Agent Abagnale
Adrian Toomes, supervillain known as the Vulture,
15 years for stolen goods and destruction of federal property.

Agent Abagnale
Ignacio Varga, cartel member affiliated with the Salamanca family,
10 years for drug trafficking.

Agent Abagnale
Kenneth "Stringer" Bell, second-in-command to the Barksdale organization,
7 years for possession with intent to distribute.

Agent Abagnale
John "Peacekeeper" Seana, Leader of the SeaNation,
30 years for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder.
Currently captured and recovering at San Francisco General Hospital.

Agent Abagnale
And Tai Rogers, formerly known as Captain Covfefe.
Life without the possibility of parole for the attempted assassination of President Biden.

Agent Hanratty
How long has it been since they got over the wall?

Agent Abagnale
8 o'clock last night.

Agent Hanratty
Andrews and Olave, they were drafted by Rogers last season?

Agent Abagnale
That's right.

Agent Hanratty
And Andrews is the mastermind of this whole thing?

Agent Abagnale
That's what they're saying.

Agent Hanratty
Oh, I want everything they've got on him.

We cut to Agent Hanratty holding a press conference.

Agent Hanratty
I'd like to talk about John Wilkes Booth for a moment, if I could.
Abraham Lincoln's killer.
12 days, that's how long it took to find him.


Detective D'Vincent-1129
In his journal, he wrote that the shadow was his friend.
The night, his domain.

Agent Hanratty-415
He acknowledged that whatever neurosis that drove the criminal
to commit the original crime...

Detective D'Vincent-1129 compounded. Magnified by flight.
By the sounds of dogs at his heels.

Agent Hanratty-415
Fear becomes paranoia.
Paranoia, ultimately psychosis.

Detective D'Vincent-1129
I bring this up because in 140 years,
the fundamental mind of the escaped man has not changed.
The escaped man is still human.

Agent Hanratty-415
He is still afraid and he will stop at nothing at his attempted flight.
Fortunately for us, while our quarry has shadow and night as his ally,
we have something far greater.

Detective D'Vincent-1129
I would encourage everyone who is watching, everyone in this country,
to take a good look at these faces.

Detective D'Vincent-1129
These men right here,
are now the 8 Most Wanted Men in America.

We cut to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital,
where John Seana has been captured and recovering from surgery.

D'Vincent's Objective:
Get Peacekeeper to Cooperate
(Win the QB battle in Week 1 Against HERE WE GOOO)

Detective D'Vincent-1129
He hasn't woken up yet?
I thought these white boys heal quickly.
Didn't they discharge Pearsall already?

Jerome Ford
It's a bit more complicated than that, sir.
Seana's injuries last season were severe.

Detective D'Vincent-1129
I want an update every hour.
When he wakes up, I want to be notified immediately.
He doesn't speak to anyone before he speaks to me.
Do you understand?
In the mean time, send the scouts.
I want to know everything about his Fantasy Team.
Check Yahoo Sports, give me the Fantasy Outlook on each of his players.
We're gonna be ready for Week 1, understand?
When he wakes up, he's going to help me catch the Fox River 8.



Thor Rocksinson
Wait.. wait... what are you doing?

Harrison Butker grabs Thor Rocksinson.

Together, they verse jump to another universe.


Thor Rocksinson
Where in the hell have you taken me, brother?!
Take me back to Wakanda at once!
If you do not-

Harrison Butker
Trust me, you don't want to go back there.
Just hear me out, Thor.
This is going to sound crazy, but try to follow along.
You and I... we've just traveled across the multiverse.
We are now in another universe.

Thor Rocksinson
This is no time for jokes, Butker.
Take me back!

Harrison Butker
I'm afraid it's not a joke.

Harrison Butker
Come on, there is someone we have to go see...

Doctor Strange
Wong, they're here.

Hold your horses, I'm coming.

Doctor Strange
Thor Rocksinson.
My name is Doctor Strange, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Thor Rocksinson
Umm. Right.
Why are you dressed like a wizard?

Harrison Butker
Because he is a wiz-

Because he is a wizard.

Doctor Strange
I'm sorry, is there an echo in here?
Look, Thor. We don't have much time.
And we have a lot to discuss.

Thor Rocksinson
Did my brother put you up to this?
Am I being Punk'd?

What you have just experienced is what we like to call
"Temporal Multiversal Time Travel."
Otherwise known as 'Verse Jumping.'
Think of it like time travel.
But instead of traveling to another point in time,
you've traveled to a parallel universe.
The world that you know of, we call "Earth-415."
This world that we are currently in, it's called "Earth-206."
Earth-206 is another world similar to that of your own.
But there are important differences.
Thanks to Butker, we've been able to travel and learn about your universe.
In your world, the Ancient One is still the Sorcerer Supreme.
But in this world, Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme.

Thor Rocksinson
Alternate timelines...?

Think of the multiverse like this bowl of spaghetti.
Some universes run almost parallel with small, subtle differences.
There are inevitable intersections.
But there are other universes that are wildly divergent from one another.

Thor Rocksinson
Right. So why have you pulled me from my world?
You must have a Thor in your world.
Why don't you call him?
I'm sure he's a multiple-time League Champion like myself.

Doctor Strange
Our Thor died fighting Thanos.
He made a noble sacrifice and put his life on the line to save this world.
I can only hope that you'll be willing to do the same.

Thor Rocksinson
Died fighting Thanos?
That's impossible.

Thor Rocksinson
What do you want with me?

Harrison Butker
There is a man.
A dangerous Fantasy Manager who calls himself Kang the Conqueror.
He's been traveling across the multiverse and he means to put an end to us all.

Thor Rocksinson
A man? A mere mortal?
You dragged me away from the Black Baugh,
into another universe to fight a man?
We are Gods, Butker. Or have you forgotten?

He is more than just a man.
This man and all his variants are aware of the multiverse.
They're all over it. Each and every timeline.
He is everywhere and he is nowhere, all at the same time.
We have no idea where and when his variants will show up.

Thor Rocksinson
Aren't you wizards?
I'm sure you can find a spell to find all of his variants
and crush them all at once. Easy.
We'll be home before lunch.

We lack the ability and resources to view all universes.
Only the Watchers can do that.

Thor Rocksinson
The Watchers?
Who are the Watchers?

They're the ones reading this story right now on the blogsite.
They see everything.

Doctor Strange
Careful, Wong.
Let's try not to break the fourth wall.
Not every character can do that.

Doctor Strange
Look, Rocksinson.
The fact of the matter is, there is a war coming.
A war across the multiverse and we need as much help as we can get.
Kang is a time-traveling tyrant and he is more knowledgeable
and capable of traveling across the multiverse than anyone.

Thor Rocksinson
I thought you said Butker can travel across the multiverse?

Harrison Butker
I can.
But not nearly as efficiently as Kang can.
He's been doing this for much longer than I have...
And I'm just one man. One variant of Harrison Butker.
The Harrison Butker that you drafted last season, I'm not him.
He can't travel the multiverse like I can.

Thor Rocksinson
He's also getting canceled... but that's another story.
How did you learn how to travel across the multiverse anyway?

Harrison Butker
OB taught me.

Thor Rocksinson
Odell Beckham Jr.?
I thought he retired.

Harrison Butker
He's a scientist from my world.
Earth-1, otherwise known as the Alpha Verse.
It's the original universe where Kang discovered the multiverse.
Kang's origin begins in Earth-1.
Ouroboros spent his entire life studying the work of Kang of the Conqueror.
When Kang discovered the multiverse, it was groundbreaking.
He was lauded as a hero.
But at some point, something corrupted him.
Maybe he discovered something along his travels...
because one day, he decided he needed to destroy the multiverse.
He turned heel...

Harrison Butker
When we discovered Kang's plan, we created the Alpha Force.
A team created to stop him.
We learned how to verse jump just like he does.
But we weren't prepared to go to the lengths of Kang.
He knew far more about time than we ever could...
He destroyed us, one by one.
He unleashed a cancer on our universe.
By the time he was done, Earth-1 was uninhabitable.
I still have nightmares thinking about it...
He killed every single one on the Alpha Force... all of them, except for me.

Thor Rocksinson
So how do you suggest we stop him?

We need to assemble the West Coast Cousins.
But not just your West Coast Cousins.
I mean ALL of them.
Fantasy Managers from across the entire multiverse.

Thor Rocksinson
If what you say is true, then all we need are my variants.
If you put together a team of Thor's,
then we'll make quick work of this so-called conqueror.
Just find me from other worlds and we win. Simple as that.
I'll take my variants over his any day.

Doctor Strange
Unfortunately, Thor.
You aren't considering all the possibilities of the multiverse.
Not all of your variants fight on the side of good.
And I'm willing to bet that Kang will travel across universes to find them.


*Knock Knock*

Rockson Reigns-1316

Rockson Reigns-1316
Go see who's at the door.

Paul Heyman-1316
Yes, my Tribal Chief!
At once...

Kang the Conqueror