Michael Cole
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the longest running
episodic blog site in Fantasy Sports!
We are live from the Thunder Dome for Wednesday Night Preview!
Michael Cole
Michael Cole here with you this evening,
alongside my broadcast partner, the one and only, Corey Graves.
Michael Cole
Corey, it's been a long year since the ending of last season.
And as we all know, Donald Trump defeated the West Coast Cousins,
deporting half of America live on our broadcast.
Since then, the West Coast Cousins has been preparing
for a relaunch of its Fantasy League.
And no doubt, many fans waiting in anticipation
for what's next in the West Coast Cousins.
Corey Graves
You're absolutely right, Michael Cole.
But let's also not forget to mention that it was Single H,
who turned his back on the entire WCC Universe.
At the conclusion of last season's FantasyMania,
Single H hit The Baugh with a sledgehammer,
delivering the final assist to Donald Trump.
And I think the question on everyone's mind,
begins and ends with the Chief Operating Officer
of the West Coast Cousins.
*Single H's Music Hits*
Michael Cole
And here we go, we won't have to wait long for those answers.
The boss himself, Single H making his way down to the ring.
*Crowd Heavily Boos*
Single H
I understand.
I understand why you're all upset with me.
I've done a lot of terrible things throughout my career.
But what I did to The Baugh last season... was not one of them.
*Crowd Boos*
Single H
You see, unlike many of you,
I believe what Donald Trump did was necessary.
Half of the country is gone and in time, we'll be better off for it.
We've cut the fat and now only the strong will survive.
The United States of America was built on adversity.
We will come through this and America will be great once again.
It's time to come together as one single country.
It's time for a New America.
Single H
And with a New America, brings a new era in the West Coast Cousins.
The weak Fantasy Managers are gone.
The inactive Fantasy Managers are gone.
And now, an opportunity rises for each and every single WCC Superstar
in that locker room.
An opportunity to be this league's next top star.
An opportunity to become the 2021 League Champion!
Corey Graves
Who is it going to be, Michael?
Single H
And as you boo me, I want you to consider this.
Last season's League Champion, failed all of you.
He beat John Seana and then, before he could even put the title
around his waist, he was defeated by Donald Trump.
As far as title reigns go, that's about as pathetic as it gets!
*Crowd Boos*
Michael Cole
Yeah, because you cost him the title, Single H.
Did you forget to mention that?
Single H
So if you want to blame anyone, you should blame The Baugh.
And of course, in typical Baugh fashion,
The Baugh isn't here tonight.
The Baugh decided not to renew his contract for another
season with the West Coast Cousins.
First, he let his country down.
Then, he refuses to show up to work to entertain his millions and millions.
But then again, I guess it's more like half a million these days.
Michael Cole
Oh, come on.
That was completely uncalled for!
Single H
And now, because of The Baugh,
the WCC is without a Championship title.
Because of course, Donald Trump has the belt.
So now, I must make a new Championship title.
I must create the WCC Universal Championship!
Single H unveils the WCC Universal Championship.
Single H
And I can't think of a better Superstar to crown
as the very first Universal Champion....
None other than.... myself!
*Crowd Boos*
Corey Graves
Can you name a better Champion, Michael?
You better watch your tone, that is the man who signs your paycheck!
Single H
And to anyone who disagrees with my decision.
I am laying down an open challenge.
Anyone in that locker room that dares to cross the boss.
I'm giving you exactly 5 seconds to come out here and challenge me!
*Rockson Reign's Music Hits*
Corey Graves
Wait just a second, Michael.
The man who indirectly cost John Seana the League Championship.
And with Paul Heyman at his side,
Is he issuing a challenge to Single H?
Paul Heyman
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman.
And I serve as Special Counsel for the Tribal Chief,
Rockson Reigns!
*Crowd Boos*
Paul Heyman
A lot has been made about Rockson Reigns' actions
at last year's FantasyMania.
And before you point your filthy accusatory fingers at me,
claiming that I somehow corrupted Rockson Reigns.
I want you to be perfectly clear.
It is Rockson Reigns who has corrupted me!
Paul Heyman
It is Rockson Reigns who is now
Head of the Table in this Fantasy League.
Seeing as last year's defending Champion,
The Baugh, is nowhere to be found.
And last season's runner up,
the dearly deported John Seana, is no longer around.
It would only make sense that the first ever Universal Champion,
be the only Fantasy Manager worth a damn in the West Coast Cousins.
The Tribal Chief, ROCKSON REIGNS!
*Crowd Boos*
Rockson Reigns
So, you're the boss around here, huh?
You're the one everyone comes to when they have a problem.
Well Single H, let me tell you who I am.
Let me tell you who the real Rockson Reigns is.
I'm the man that solves problems.
I'm the man that tore this league apart last season.
Rockson Reigns
You told these fans that they should blame The Baugh.
Nah. You should blame me.
I'm the man responsible for everything that has come to be.
I gifted Jeff Wilson Jr. to The Baugh.
I screwed John Seana.... and I liked it.
Corey Graves
Someone might need to pause Rockson Reigns.
Rockson Reigns
Yeah, I did it.
So what? I broke the rules.
I broke the system.
What is John Seana gonna do about it?
Absolutely nothing.
Because John Seana is gone along with half of this country.
The status quo has been destroyed.
And I'm responsible.
Rockson Reigns
Meanwhile you... while you might have something to do
with the WCC Championship falling into Donald Trump's hands.
You're also the same type of man that'll cheap shot The Baugh
with a sledgehammer.
But that ain't me. That ain't my M.O.
When I beat a man, I look them dead in the eye and tell them
exactly what I'm going to do to them.
Rockson Reigns
And what I'm going to do to you...
well for you, I'm going to make you regret ever lacing up
those boots ever again.
You should've retired after your 3 League Championships.
You could've rode off into the sunset and retire as a legend.
But now? The mere memory of you is a washed up old man,
who can't hang in the West Coast Cousins any longer.
Rockson Reigns
Let's face it, Single H.
You're finished.
Just look at your performance in the draft.
You were better off auto drafting, my man.
And the way you budget your team,
it's no wonder how you've managed to run this
Fantasy League into the ground.
Rockson Reigns
But don't worry, I'm going to solve your problems, Single H.
You see, I am tired of pretending.
I am tired of pretending that I'm not the best
Fantasy Manager in this league.
I am tired of pretending that I get along with the Luu's.
I've been around one too many of you,
and you want to know what I've learned about the Luu's?
Their entire family is chalk full of egotistical narcissists.
They don't care about anyone other than their own.
They applaud themselves, they champion themselves.
They write stories about their own victories,
pushing themselves and creating false narratives.
But you see, I'm not about that.
Rockson Reigns
From now on, no one else is going to write my story.
I am going to write my own story.
I am going to determine my own destiny.
I am done trying to earn respect in this league.
I am taking my respect.
My bloodline, will tear this entire league apart week by week.
My cousins, Christian McCaffrey and Alvin Kamara will show
you exactly why this Sunday, you will acknowledge me.
Single H
Well, isn't that cute?
Rockson Reigns finally grew some balls
and now he thinks he can hang with the big dogs.
Now he's got a little bit of an attitude and for the first time ever,
he has some buzz going on. He thinks he's hot shit.
Well, Mr. Big Shot.
You maybe be the Head of the Table,
but I am the Head of this Business!
Single H
I am The King of Kings.
The most decorated Champion this league has ever seen.
And to this day, no Fantasy Manager has been able to even come close
to accomplishing what I have accomplished in my first 3 years.
So if you want to step to me, give it your best shot.
I accept your challenge!
Rockson Reigns
Well Mr. COO, it's like I said.
We're not here to talk about what you've done
and all that you've accomplished. That's in the past now.
You're an old washed up man.
And you are way out of your depth here.
You think I'm coming to the table to hang with the big dogs?
No, I'm taking you out to the deep end.
And when you can't take it anymore,
when those old tired legs start to give out and your body tells you
that enough is enough.
I'm going to make you pay some more.
Only when your will to continue is no longer there.
Only then, will I put you out of your misery.
And then... you can finally acknowledge me.
Michael Cole
My God... Rockson Reigns with the stern
warning ahead of Sunday's matchups.
Single H vs. Rockson Reigns for the
WCC Universal Championship.
What a matchup, Corey.
Corey Graves
What a matchup, indeed.
Rockson Reigns not holding anything back,
not afraid to mince words for the
Chief Operating Officer of WCC.
I can't wait for the opening week of matches, Michael.
What a SummerSlam this is going to be,
what a season this is going to be!
Michael Cole
Don't go anywhere, folks.
We are just getting started on Wednesday Night Preview!
Episode One - SummerSlam
The pyros explode as Jim Ross welcomes us to the final
season of storylines in the West Coast Cousins.
Jim Ross
We are live from the sold out Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio!
Fans filing in from all over in anticipation
for the biggest season in WCCF history.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCCF Preview!
Jim Ross
I'm Jim Ross, calling the action alongside as always,
Jerry "The King" Lawler.
And King, all summer long we have been waiting on the edge
of our seats for this upcoming season.
It is the culmination of everything that has come before,
10 seasons worth of storylines in the West Coast Cousins.
The epic conclusion is about to be underway.
That's absolutely right, JR.
And after the way last season ended,
who knows what we could be in for in this final season!
Jim Ross
Without question, one of the most controversial endings
in our league's history.
The Baugh is the new WCCF League Champion,
and to be quite honest, it is absolutely sickening,
the manner in which he won the WCCF League Championship.
The Baugh saw an opportunity and he took it, JR.
If you were in his shoes, I don't doubt
that you would've done the exact same thing!
Jim Ross
Fantasy Managers in this league used to believe in something.
Honor, respect, human decency for God's sake.
As far as I am concerned, The Baugh's title win
will forever live in infamy.
And I believe many of our fans feel the same way.
*The Corporation's Music Hits*
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
Now here comes The Corporation.
Mr. McMahon and his faction making their way down to the ring,
and as we saw at the end of last season,
The Baugh realigning himself with The Corporation.
I can't believe I'm saying it,
but The Baugh took the easy way out.
He's a snake, in my eyes, he's a cupcake.
Taking the easy route to the Championship title.
How can The Baugh look himself in the mirror
and be proud of who he is?
There's nothing easy about winning a League Championship, JR.
At the end of the day, The Baugh is a Champion.
And that's a heck of a lot more than any of these idiots
in Cleveland will ever be!
Jim Ross
And now we're going to hear from the owner of West Coast Cousins.
Let's see how Mr. McMahon will try and spin this...
Mr. McMahon
At the conclusion of last year's FantasyMania,
there was an unfortunate... incident.
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
That's putting it mildly.
Mr. McMahon
I have heard your concerns,
and I understand that many of you are unhappy.
And it is the mission of the West Coast Cousins,
to entertain our fans from across the globe.
We want to deliver an exceptional product.
Jim Ross
Folks, we do apologize for the language.
Mr. McMahon
But frankly, we're not gonna sit here and take this crap.
You people, will treat us with some damn respect!
*Crowd Boos*
You hear that, JR?
That doesn't sound like respect!
Jim Ross
They're angry King, and rightfully so.
Mr. McMahon
Speaking of respect, this next man that I'm about to introduce,
should have earned the respect of the entire world.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are all in the presence of greatness.
We are all witnesses to a legend in the making.
Last season's WCCF League Champion,
and now the 2x WCCF League Champion...
*Crowd Boos*
The Baugh
Thank you, Mr. McMahon.
The Baugh would also like to thank Shane McMahon
and the entire Corporation.
You all have done one hell of a job.
Really, you all laid down the ground work,
The Baugh just walked down the path to the very top.
*Crowd Boos*
The Baugh
And now, to all of The Baugh's fans.
To every single person here in Cleveland,
and to all those watching at home.
From the bottom of The Baugh's heart,
The Baugh would like to take this time to apologize...
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
Aww.. come on! Show some class!
The Baugh
The 2x WCCF League Champion,
does what the fuck he wants!
Ha ha! That's right, JR!
The Baugh doesn't have to apologize to anybody.
He does what he wants!
The Baugh
Because all offseason, The Baugh has heard it all.
From death threats to little jabroni children
walking up to The Baugh on the street,
asking 'Why Baughy? Why?'
Well let The Baugh tell you why.
When push comes to shove,
you people don't give a rat's ass about The Baugh!
*Crowd Boos*
The Baugh
That's right.
You people don't care about The Baugh.
All you people care about... is Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
Let The Baugh take The People on a trip down memory lane.
Before Stone Cold became the big megastar that he is today,
before the 3 League Championship titles.
It was all about The Baugh.
The Baugh, who in just the 3rd season of this league,
headlined FantasyMania.
FantasyMania III,
Single H versus The Baugh for the WCCF Championship.
The man, the myth, the legend, The Baugh
who was less than 3 seconds away,
from ending Single H's run on top.
The Baugh, who fell short of becoming League Champion
by a mere 0.04 points...
The narrowest margin in League history.
You people want to complain about last season's outcome?
No, you people don't have a leg to stand on.
It should be The Baugh bitching about losing by less than a fraction!
The Baugh
But you people didn't fight for The Baugh.
You didn't give a damn about The Baugh losing in the main event.
You people thought it was all over for The Baugh.
But then, The Baugh, being the competitor that he is,
bounced back and the very next season.
Against all odds, The Baugh made it back to the Showcase of Immortals.
Back to the main event of FantasyMania IV against Sandy Orton.
Only for The Baugh to fall short once again.
But then what happened?
You people stopped caring about The Baugh.
The People gave up on The Baugh.
The Baugh
The People moved onto the next big thing.
The People moved onto Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
You cheered him on, with all the love and support
that The Baugh needed from you all.
And as Stone Cold made his run to the top,
you all forgot about The Baugh.
But throughout all of the years, The Baugh has never forgotten.
The Baugh will never forget.
The Baugh won't forget and he won't forgive.
He won't forget how it was The People who turned their back on The Baugh.
And now that The Baugh is back on top,
The Baugh has proven one thing.
And that is, The Baugh never needed The People!
*Crowd Boos*
The Baugh
So now, fast forward to last season.
Once again The Baugh is in the main event of FantasyMania.
Once again, The Baugh is faced with an opportunity to win it all.
And when you've been through what The Baugh has been through...
when you've lost by 0.04 points, you don't leave it up to chance.
So what, if some jabroni drops Jeff Wilson Jr. into free agency?
The Baugh could give a rat's ass why someone would
do something so stupid as to drop an RB1 in Week 16.
The Baugh is going to take that opportunity every single time.
And that is exactly what The Baugh did.
And that is why The Baugh is standing before you,
as the WCCF Champion!
*Crowd Boos*
That's right, JR!
The Baugh didn't do anything wrong.
The Baugh
So now, finally.... order has been restored in the WCCF.
Finally... justice has been served.
*Crowd Boos*
The Baugh
So let this be a lesson to you all.
When The Baugh and The Corporation are on the same page,
there isn't a damn thing that any Fantasy Manager in the back can do about it!
*Hedge's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
Wait a minute, we know about this young man.
The Rated R Superstar... It's Hedge, King!
What's this idiot doing out here?
Doesn't he know that The Baugh was speaking?
You don't interrupt The Baugh!
You know, for someone who just won the League Championship
last season, you really are a crybaby.
*Crowd Cheers*
I mean, you're out here complaining about something that
happened over 10 years ago!
Get over it! And get over yourself.
The Baugh doesn't look too happy,
Hedge better watch his mouth!
Baugh, I watched you go on and on with your long monologue,
and from where I'm standing,
it sounds like you're trying to validate your Championship win last season.
Well, if you want to prove that you deserve to be Champion,
then you'll take on all comers.
And if last season was any indication,
I've come to play.
Over the past few years, I've shown that not only can I hang
in this league, but I am just a few strong moves away
from winning it all.
You want to prove that last season wasn't a fluke?
Well, I'm ready to do the exact same thing.
It's Week 1, and we've all got a fresh start.
So if you want to prove you're the best,
I'm challenging you this Sunday at SummerSlam!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
How dare you roody poo, candy ass!
You have the audacity to interrupt The Baugh on his own show, Preview?
Normally, The Baugh wouldn't enterain a jabroni such as yourself,
and he damn sure wouldn't reward you for interrupting The Baugh.
But you know what we're going to do?
You need to be taught a lesson.
The entire locker room needs to be taught a lesson.
You don't interrupt The Baugh.
You don't mess with The Corporation.
The Baugh is going to show you exactly what happens,
when you fuck with The Corporation!
The Baugh accepts, and he's going to show you
why there are levels to this here Fantasy Game.
Jim Ross
Ask and you shall receive!
Hedge taking on The Baugh for the WCCF Championship
this Sunday at SummerSlam!
Be careful what you wish for!
Hedge is going to regret challenging The Baugh like this, you'll see!
He's made a big mistake!
Steve Pupstin
Alright, future boy.
Tell it to me again, but this time,
cut the bullshit. Because honestly, I don't have any time for it.
John Seana
Look, I don't know how else to tell you.
Whatever happened, happened.
And now here I am in the 90s again.
Steve Pupstin
So let me get this straight.
What you're telling me is, you're from the future?
John Seana
Yes... just like I told you the last time I was here.
Steve Pupstin
Alright future boy, if you're really from the year 2020,
who's the President of the United States in 2020?
John Seana
Donald Trump.
And he's the reason for all of this.
Steve Pupstin
Donald Trump? The real estate mogul?
Now I know you're yanking my chain.
First time around,
you tell me that there's a black President in the future,
and now you're saying that
Donald Trump becomes President of the United States?
I've had enough of your games, future boy.
And to be honest, it's really starting to piss me off!
John Seana
No, listen to me!
Everything that I have told you, is the truth.
The future gets weird.
But I swear to God, I am telling you the truth.
Steve Pupstin
So let me guess, if what you're saying is the truth...
you need old Stone Cold Steve Pupstin
to fix your mess and restore the timeline again.
John Seana
Honestly, Pupstin.
I'm not even sure you can help this time around.
Unless... you have a time machine or something.
Steve Pupstin
A time machine?
Are you trying to be funny?
You think that we're just gonna sit here, run a few diagrams,
and magically invent time travel?
Is that what you think?
John Seana
It would be convenient for the plot.
John Seana
But honestly, I don't know what we can do.
Donald Trump won... and we lost.
End of story.
And now, here I am in 1999 with no way home.
Steve Pupstin
Would you listen to yourself?
You're pathetic!
Mr. Never Give Up sure has given up, hasn't he?
If everyone in the future is like you,
then it's no wonder you lost!
John Seana
You don't know what it's like to face Donald Trump.
You don't know what loss is.
I've lost friends.. I've lost family.
Practically everyone that I have ever known, is gone.
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Steve Pupstin
So what?
You're just gonna sit there and feel sorry for yourself?
Is that what you're gonna do?
Get up off your ass, you're making me sick!
John Seana
Get up and do what exactly?
Steve Pupstin
Get up and train.
John Seana
What's the point of training?
There isn't anybody left to play with.
Steve Pupstin
You sound like you've given up.
I don't accept your weak ass excuses.
You're gonna meet me out there in that ring,
this Sunday at SummerSlam.
You're gonna show me what you got.
We've got a lot to get ready for.
John Seana
Get ready for what?
Steve Pupstin
The endgame.
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*Prince Balor's Music Hits*
Michael Cole
And welcome on back to Wednesday Night Preview,
we are live for the main event of the evening!
Michael Cole
Prince Balor taking on the 2x League Champion,
Sandy Orton!
Corey Graves
This will be our first look Sandy Orton this season.
She finished in 6th place last year,
and it has been a while since Sandy Orton's Championship runs.
We'll have to wait and see if Sandy Orton can return to Championship form.
Michael Cole
And her opponent tonight will no doubt be a test for
Sandy Orton's Fantasy Team.
Founder and former leader of the Bullet Club,
The Prince now rides solo and will look to make a huge impact
tonight on Wednesday Night Preview!
Singles Match
Prince Balor vs. Sandy Orton
The bell rings and Prince Balor immediately rushes Sandy Orton.
But Balor runs right into an RKO!
This could over quick!
1-2... KICK OUT!
Prince Balor trying to rally back after a early RKO.
High flying maneuver, Prince Balor back on the attack.
Sandy Orton is down, Prince Balor takes advantage
and goes for the Coup De Grace!
The fans go nuts as Prince Balor hypes up the crowd.
Suddenly, the lights begin to malfunction,
as Balor looks around in confusion.
The lights shut off.
Corey Graves
Something is happening inside the ring, Michael.
Michael Cole
What is going on?
Prince Balor looked as if he had the match won.
But now...Michael Cole
Oh my God! It's The Fiend!
The Fiend hits the Sister Abigail on Prince Balor
as the ref calls for the bell.
Winner via DQ:
Prince Balor
Sandy Orton is shook at the sight of The Fiend.
Corey Graves
Wait a minute... no...
don't do it.. don't... oh my God!
The Fiend may very well have broken Balor's neck!
Somebody check on Balor!
Michael Cole
Things have taken a turn for the worse here in Week 1.
The Fiend sending a twisted message to Sandy Orton.
What does this all mean?
We'll have to tune in this Sunday for SummerSlam to find out!

The Fiend stares down Sandy Orton
as the credits roll.