Week 9 kicks off with the WCCF World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Foley!
What an ovation for the WCCF World Champion, Nick Foley,
who has now defended his title 2 weeks now,
making him the longest reigning WCCF Champion on the season so far.
What an impressive season Nick Foley has put together at 6-2.
How much longer can he hold onto the title, King?
Not much longer, JR!
In fact, I think he's gonna lose this week!
You know Mr. McMahon has it out for him.
Nick Foley's luck is about to run out!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
Thank you! Thank you!
It feels real great to be here... live on Preview... right here in Chicago, Illinois!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
It's been an incredible run.
I've been WCCF World Champion for 3 weeks now..
And with each win, Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy is becoming more and more confident!
I mean.. just the other night.. I saw a crowd in the sign that said Foley is God.
Well.. I haven't always been the greatest speller, but I think you may have been missing an "O" because I don't know about being God... but I know I'm pretty damn Good!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
I've been hit with sledgehammers...
I've been thrown off Hell in a Cells...
I've torn my patellar tendon...
I've torn my patellar tendon...
But still I stand here before you... WCCF World Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
And I promise you all.. every one sitting in this arena... right here... in CHICAGO, ILLINOIS!
That I will...
*Nick Foley is cut off by Chris Waiting*
*Crowd Boos*
You know, Nick.
I was sitting in the back, watching you speak.
And I almost threw up listening to what you call a promo.
So I couldn't help myself, Nick.
I had to come out here and ask you...
*Crowd Boos*
All I hear is your bitching and moaning...
'Oh, I fell off a Hell in a Cell..'
'Oh, I fell off a Hell in a Cell..'
'I torn my little patellar tendon...'
Nick, I've got news for you...
Nobody gives a crap!
We've seen you carry that title for 3 weeks now..
And I think Mr. McMahon said it best when he said that nobody wants to see
a fat, flabby, ugly, untalented freak like you hold the WCCF Championship.
*Crowd Boos*
You know it's true.
It's about time, that someone with charisma held the title.
That someone who actually deserves it, became Champion.
I mean, let's look at the facts here, Jack.
I may be sitting in 7th place with a 3-5 record..
but I have the most talented roster, up and down.
I am far and away the League's Points Leader.
And what have you done, Nick?
String together a few lucky wins against some of this league's worst talent?
I mean, let's be serious.
I am a whole 100 points ahead of you on the season.
I deserve to be in the main event.
I deserve more storyline time.
Not you!
*Crowd Boos*
I have given new life to this character.
I have brought excitement to the WCCF!
I mean, did you see what I did to Kurt Crabble last night?
I utterly and unequivocally DESTROYED Kurt Crabble.
I was down 65 points!
I started Roethlisberger when everyone else around the nation probably benched him!
Nick, I am the best in the league at what I do.
And I think it's about time, I got a title shot!
[Nick Foley]
Well Chris...
You said a lot of hurtful things about me...
But I don't mind.
People have been saying mean things to me all my life...
But through all of that... all the hurtful words you just said to me...
[Nick Foley]
You want your title shot?
*Crowd Cheers*
My! What an explosive showdown, King!
The WCCF's Leader in Points vs. The WCCF World Champion!
Y2W Chris Waiting vs. Nick Foley for the WCCF Championship.
This Sunday at Fully Loaded!
*The Underchucker's Music Plays*
Underchucker makes his way out on his Harley Davidson!

[The Underchucker]
It's been a long season...
Things haven't exactly panned out the way I had planned.
I've dealt with injuries..
I've lost some games.. and now I find myself near the bottom of the barrel.
So now I need to make a change.
I need to turn things around.
The Deadman just hasn't been getting the job done.
So now I need to bring out the American Badass.
[The Underchucker]
This Sunday is must win.
If I want any shot at becoming the WCCF League Champion,
I've got to put some wins together here in the tail end of the season.
But the only problem is, my opponent, Kurt Crabble is also in a must win situation.
It's do or die...
So this Sunday, Kurt, you will Rest In Peace.
*Kurt Crabble's Music Hits*
Kurt Crabble comes out to the ramp on a scooter, mocking The Underchucker.
Ah! Look at this JR!
It's a scooter!
I don't think the Underchucker is laughing, King.
Oh, come on! Lighten up, Chucker!
I mean... Seriously? Must win?
It's just a Fantasy Football Game, Chucker!
It's not even real!
Now... if we were to play REAL Football.
We all know who the MVP of the family would be...
Your Olympic Gold Medalist!
Kurt Crabble!
*Crowd Boos*
Oh it's true! It's damn true!
Now, as far as your "American Badass" Character goes..
Are you serious?
What a joke of a character!
I mean... look at you!
You look more ridiculous than I do right now!
I mean.. let's be quite honest here.
Nobody likes the ABA character, Underchucker.
Yeah.. you ride a little motorcycle and that was cool at first..
But at the end of the day, The American Badass just sucks!
So let me do you a favor...
This Sunday at Fully Loaded.. I'm gonna kill your character.
I'm gonna hit your so hard..
it's gonna knock those eyeballs into the back of your head and bring The Deadman back!
I'm gonna win the "Must Win" Game and I'm gonna go onto to FantasyMania!
Oh it's true!
Chucker.. you get in that ring with me...
And I'll snap your FREAKIN' ANKLE!
[The Underchucker]
Boy, I'll shove this Size 13 boot down your throat.
This is my yard... and if you ever come into this ring,
disrespecting me like that again, I'll crush your face in!
I was playing Fantasy Football when you were still playing Pokemon Red on your Gameboy Pocket!
Kurt, you want the Deadman?
Well this Sunday in a WCCF Must Win Match...
You got The Deadman!
Welcome back to WCCF Preview!
And tonight's broadcast is brought to you by... Oh I love these!
Oh! Look JR!
It's the WCCF's favorite fun loving freaks!
The Oddities, JR!
Come on JR!
Put your hands up!
That's okay, King.
Don't be a party pooper, JR!
Everyone's having a good time!
Look at all these fans waving their hands!
Hahaha! Look at these guys!
They're just having a ball out there, JR!
This is great!
*Wyatt Family Cut In*
Chicago, we're here.
The Wyatt Family makes their way down to the ring.
Aw come on! The Wyatt Family just took out The Oddities!
That was uncalled for!
They were just having a good time.
This is all your fault, JR!
If you had just partied with The Oddities,
The Wyatt Family would've never ambushed them!
The Chicago Crowd Boos after the Wyatt Family destroys The Oddities.
I want to share something right now.
I want you to share this with me, my brothers and sisters.
A little secret.
This world is coming to an end.
The WCCF as you know it, is coming down.
It's gonna come crashing down and the destruction.
The destruction, is unimaginable.
But I have good news.
You can be saved.
All of you, my brothers and sisters, can be saved.
Come with me. Join me.
Walk with me as I take you to a safe haven.
You see... I've taken John Seana there.
I've saved John Seana. And I can save you too.
You will come.
Like lambs to the slaughter...
Each and every single one of you will come...
Steve Pupstin. I know you're listening.
My brother, you too, can be saved.
Let me show you a better world, Steve.
Come the light.
I'm right here.. hahahaha...
The glass breaks and out comes Pupstin!
Before Pupstin can make it to the ring, the lights go out.
Vane's Pyro hits and we see Vane with a Chokeslam on Pupstin!
Son of a bitch!
Bray Wyatt looks to have set up Stone Cold!
Like lambs to the slaughter, Steve.
*Crowd Boos*
Like I told you, Steve..
I can get to you whenever I want.
Listen to these fans...
They need you now.
But when they don't...
They'll cast you out.
Like Sammy Watkins, it's a bad fantasy move.
Dropped at the first sign of trouble.
These fans, they're only as good as the world allows them to be.
I'll show you, Steve. When the chips are down.
These civilized people....
They'll eat each other.
You see, I'm not a monster.
I'm just ahead of the curve.
And there is no way, you'll save the future, Steve.
He's all yours, Vane!