Less than 24 hours removed from one of the greatest FantasyMania's in league history..
We are just four nights away from crowning a new WCCF League Champion!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jim Ross and this is my broadcast partner, Jerry "The King" Lawler. Welcome to the Season Finale of WCCF Preview!
Folks, we are down to just two.
WCCF Veteran, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin and the rookie, Vane.
This is just the second time in league history that the #1 and #2 seeds will face off in the main event. This truly is, the season's two best Superstars going head to head to crown a new Champion.
And for those keeping score at home, Stone Cold returns to the main event of FantasyMania after suffering a devastating loss to Rock Michaels last season.
And now, he faces another WCCF Rookie.
The Big Red Machine, Vane.
Can lightening strike twice, JR?
It was a huge upset last year when Rock Michaels became the first rookie ever to win the WCCF World Championship.
And this Sunday, Vane looks to be the second.
Stone Cold has made it back to the biggest match of the year.
But the question remains, can he finally get over the hump?
Will Stone Cold finally accomplish the one task that has eluded him his entire career.
Winning the WCCF World Championship.
And here comes the rattlesnake.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, who defeated the Underchucker last night in the second round.
Eliminating the last remaining Seattle Superstar from contention.
That means for the second season in a row, a San Francisco Superstar will win the title.
I bet they must be upset in the Pacific Northwest
Well, I think they're more focused on winning real titles, King.
A hearse backs into the arena.
The door swings open and out comes Stone Cold to an eruption of cheers.
Ah! It's a casket, JR!
Who's in it? The Undechucker?
[Stone Cold]
For the last 4 weeks.. the only thing that Stone Cold Steve Pupstin has been hearing is...
'Corporate Minhistry this. Corporate Minhistry that.
The Underchucker is pure evil..
Now that Shane McMahon is backing the Underchucker, there's no stopping him.'
Well Stone Cold says... UH-UH!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Stone Cold]
Last night at FantasyMania, I did exactly what I set out to do..
And that's open up a can of whoop ass all over the Underchucker's ass!
And when it was all said and done..
When all the smoke cleared and all the medieval music came to close..
Stone Cold dropped the Underchucker in the middle of this ring.
And became the WCCF Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Stone Cold]
So now I got the Underchucker's dead ass in that casket.
But it doesn't stop there.
Because as far as Stone Cold is concerned, I got one more burned piece of crap to take care of..
And his name is Vane!
So before the night is over, I'm putting Vane in that casket right there with his brother, the Underchucker!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Stone Cold]
Stone Cold has been here before.
Stone Cold has headlined FantasyMania.
But this time, I'm out to finish the job.
So Vane, I know you're back there..
Wait a minute... that's the bell of the Underchucker.
Last night, we saw the Underchucker burn along with his symbol.
What's going on, JR?
I have no idea.
The Greater Power comes out.
It's the Greater Power, JR!
He's back!
And I think he's about to say something!
The Greater Power lifts a microphone to his face.
You see I told you... that Shane McMahon was not the Greater Power.
.... But you didn't want to believe me.
Shane McMahon walks out.
Well now.. maybe you do.
You see Stone Cold...
While you may have defeated the Underchucker last night..
You did not defeat the Corporate Minhistry.
And you certainly did not defeat the Greater Power.
And now that the Greater Power has returned..
Stone Cold... well let's just say.. I don't like your chances this Sunday.
[Stone Cold]
It sounds to Stone Cold, like the same old crap you've been saying all season.
And since I already know who the Greater Power is..
He can either take off his hoody and shows the entire world who he is..
Or he can get in the middle of this ring.. and get his ass whooped!
So these fans can get their money's worth!
*Crowd Cheers*
.... Well Steve... if you feel that strongly about it.
Let's see what the Greater Power has to say about that...
Once again, the Greater Power lifts the microphone towards his face.
You see.. I told you...
that Vince McMahon was not the Greater Power...
Vince McMahon walks out.
... But you didn't want to believe me.
*Crowd Boos*
Whaat! What the hell?!
So it's not Shane McMahon and it's not his father, Vince McMahon.
Just who in the hell is the Greater Power?!
You see Steve... for weeks I saw my Shane run the league.
Unbeknownst to me, Shane orchestrated the kidnapping of my daughter, Stephaneah.
And while I did not agree with his actions..
After last night.. when you defeated the Underchucker and I saw you carry that WCCF Championship belt once more...
MY Championship belt.
Well... I just couldn't take it.
So now... I'm going to do everything in my power, to make sure YOU don't walk out of FantasyMania this Sunday.. WCCF World Champion.
So tonight Steve..
In the interest of fairness..
You will be in action.
And you will face 4 other WCCF Superstars in a Gauntlet Match!
*Crowd Boos*
Let's just call its a warmup for Sunday.
Mr. McMahon hands the microphone to the Greater Power.
[The Greater Power]
STONE CoLD... ToNight... yoU Will bE ReUniteD WITH THE UnDerChuckeR.
AnD THis SuNdaY...
PrePaRe 4 uS iN 2O15.
Present Day WCC 2014
Singles Match
Bray Wyatt vs. CM PUP
The Wyatt Family's Music plays.
And there is Bray Wyatt.
We now know that Bray Wyatt is the mastermind behind the wormhole theory.
The timeline merge between our world and the WCCF of 20 seasons ago.
We've already seen Sandy Orton jump back into the 90s and interfere in a FantasyMania match.
Will we see more?
My God, Jerry..
I don't know what to say..
He's.. I mean look at the WCC Universe, Michael.
It's as if he's got the soul of the WCC Universe in his hand.
Look at them.
If CM PUP doesn't stop him tonight... our league may be doomed forever.
Bray sits down on his chair.
From behind, CM PUP attacks Bray!
CM PUP is quickly overwhelmed by the force of the Wyatt Family.
Sister Abigail! And PUP is in trouble.
[Bray Wyatt]
Headshot by PUP!
CM PUP rallying from behind, taking out the entire Wyatt Family!
*Crowd Cheers*
Bray Wyatt is in shock!
Signaling for the GTS!
And CM PUP nails it!
Bray Wyatt is down! Bray Wyatt is down....
During the commercial break, Stone Cold was trying to get through the door of Mr. McMahon.
Stone Cold, clearly upset with the odds stacked against him tonight.
And on top of that.. he's got the Big Red Machine to worry about this Sunday.
If I was Stone Cold, I'd be worried about just making it past tonight.
How in the world is he supposed to make it to FantasyMania if he has to face four other WCCF Superstars tonight?
And on top of that, we don't even know who those Superstars will be!
And what did the Greater Power mean when he said that Stone Cold would be reunited with the Underchucker?
I think we're about to find out next!
Gauntlet Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin vs. Single H

Stone Cold looks ready for action, but who will his opponents be?

And here's his first opponent, JR!
The Game!
Single H!
There is definitely tension between these two.
Single H will do everything he can to make sure Stone Cold doesn't join him among the World Champions of the league.

Pupstin is pouncing on Single H.
Kurt Crabble's music hits.
Before the match is even over, Kurt Crabble makes his way out to the ring!

Stone Cold fighting off both Single H and Crabble.
Chris Waiting is out next!

Pupstin could be in trouble now. The Walls of Waiting locked in!
Pupstin gets away but gets caught with a Superkick by Rock Michaels!
Big Bossman gets in on the action.
Rock Michaels and Single H get a hold of Stone Cold.
It's 5 on 1!
Come on! This isn't fair.
The Baugh's music hits!
The crowd erupts as The Baugh runs down to make the save.

Baugh taking out Single H!
Nick Foley's got Rock Michaels!
Baugh Bottom! Baugh Bottom!
The Baugh 'N Sock Connection clear the ring.

Wait a minute! It's the Underchucker!

The Underchucker is standing in the middle of the ring and Stone Cold doesn't understand.

Or maybe it's Underchucker wearing a Vane mask!
The Underchucker is dead, King.
But hasn't he always been dead?
And look at those tattoos!
That's gotta be the Underchucker!
I think it's Vane!
Vane hammering away on the WCCF Champion.
Pupstin fighting back!
The fight spills outside now into the crowd.
Stone Cold gets the upper hand and throws Vane into the hearse.
Stone Cold goes to open the driver side door.. but it's locked!
It's the Underchucker!
By God! It's the Underchucker!
And the Underchucker is driving off!
It's gonna be Stone Cold vs. Vane!
The WCCF World Championship on the line!
Will we find out who the Greater Power is?!
The Final Round of FantasyMania!
This Sunday, live on Pay Per View!
December 21st at 5 pm est.
Call your local cable provider for more details!
Thank you for joining us this season in the WCCF!
Good night and we will see you at FantasyMania for the Main Event!