We are live in Seattle, Washington for WCCF Preview!
Rock Michael's music hits and here comes last season's League Champion.
*Crowd Boos*
Mr. McMahon is already in the ring.
[Mr. McMahon]
Well Rock Michaels, I think I speak for everyone when I ask..
Why attack Nick Foley?
What kind of statement are you sending
when you Superkicked Nick Foley at the end of last night's pay per view?
[Rock Michaels]
Well Vince, last season when I became the WCCF League Champion..
A target was placed on my back.
The entire WCCF Locker Room wanted my title.
Hell, even Single H turned on me earlier this season.
So I just showed Nick Foley, that he isn't safe.
That, yeah, you've made it to the top of the mountain.
But it means absolutely nothing if you can't stay there.
I know the way Nick Foley looks at me.
The two of us, we came into the league together.
Last season, we were rookies.
And when he saw the amount of success that I had..
When I won WCCF Rookie of the Year.
When I beat every single WCCF Veteran at FantasyMania to become the League Champion..
Well, Nick Foley, he became jealous of me.
*Crowd Boos*
Oh yeah, go ahead and boo me.
Because that goes to my next point.
I tried the babyface thing. After I beat Single H, the fans.. they loved me.
They adored me.
I was the Rock Breaking Kid, Rock Michaels...
But what did I get for all that love?
Absolutely nothing.
I lost the WCCF title the following week to Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
And what did the fans do?
They cheered for him.
He became the WCCF's top star.
But what about Rock Michaels?
I've actually won it all.
I should be the WCCF's top star.
But what about Rock Michaels?
I've actually won it all.
I should be the WCCF's top star.
So Vince, I didn't turn on the fans.
The fans turned on me!
*Crowd Boos*
Listen to these idiots, Vince.
Losers that will never amount to anything.
I mean, look at their basketball team.
The Seattle Supersonics.
A great team, but just not quite good enough.
The Seattle Supersonics will always be number 2.
They went up against greatness.
The greatest of all time.
Michael Jordan.
And they lost.
You see? I am the greatest of all time!
I am the Michael Jordan of Fantasy Football!
*Crowd Boos Loudly*
Come on! Is that the best you can do?
You are all losers!
Your city will never have a pedigree of Championships!
They should take your basketball team away!
Nick Foley's Music Plays.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
Rock Michaels.. you are right.
You are right about one thing..
You are right that last season,
I saw you become WCCF League Champion and it made me sick.
It made me sick to watch a Fantasy Manager as talentless as you win the League Championship.
But that was then. This is now.
And right now, I am in possession of the WCCF World Championship!
And if you want it back...
As a certain WCCF Legend would say..
"To Be The Man... You Gotta Beat The Man!"
All you gotta do, is play me for it.

[Nick Foley]
See, unlike you, I am not a coward.
I'll defend this title anywhere. Anyplace. Any time.
So if you want it? Come get it!
I'll play you for it tonight..
Right here... In Seattle, Washington!
*Crowd Cheers*

Rock Michaels pauses for a moment.
Thinking about Nick Foley's offer.
You want to do this?
Right here? Right now?!
You sure about that?!
We're not doing it tonight.
These fans don't deserve to see a Fantasy Manager of my caliber play on free television.
*Crowd Boos*
Any time. Any place. Anywhere?
How about, this Sunday at No Mercy!
You're on! But only on one condition, Michaels...
Ohhhhh... Wow, King!
The camera cuts backstage where we find Jonathan Coachman and The Baugh.
Baugh, this Sunday at No Mercy you face one of the...
The Baugh places his hand up, signaling The Coach is stop speaking.
[The Baugh]
Coach. Do you feel that?
The electricity in the air.
Can you hear that?
They're chanting his name.
[The Baugh]
Coach. Can you smell it?
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Coach, we are just 4 nights away from No Mercy.
One of the biggest matches of The Baugh's career...
The Baugh vs. Santa Clara Lesnar.
Damn Coach, doesn't that just sound good?
Doesn't that sound electrifying?
Yeah Baugh, actually it does.
[The Baugh]
Doesn't that just make you want to get up and dance?
[The Baugh]
No, no, no... go on and dance.
Yeah, there you go!
Shake that candy ass.
[The Baugh]
Now face the camera. Yeah!
[The Baugh]
Now get your monkey ass out of The Baugh's picture!
*Crowd Laughs in Unison*
*Crowd Laughs in Unison*
[The Baugh]
Santa Clara Gold Diggers.. let The Baugh make something perfectly clear.
You and The Baugh have history.
We've done it all..
We've headlined FantasyMania..
We fought each other last season for a playoff spot.
Everywhere The Baugh goes.. there you are.
Just two seasons ago, SC Lesnar, you beat The Baugh.
You beat him for the WCCF League Championship..
The Baugh will never, ever, EVER... forget it.
[The Baugh]
So you bet your ass, The Baugh is focused on the task at hand.
The Baugh is ready for one hell of a match this Sunday at No Mercy.
Because the fact of the matter is this..
The Baugh has worked too damn hard this season to come up short again.
The Baugh has worked to get back into the main event..
To go BACK to FantasyMania..
And right now SC Lesnar, you're standing in The Baugh's way.
So The Baugh says this.. SC Lesnar, you bring your ass to Cleveland, Ohio this Sunday.
You show up at The Q.
You bring that fat Walrus of a manager, Paul Heyman, with you.
You come down that ramp..
you do your little routine where you jump up and down like a retarded little sourpuss.
And then you jump into that ring like you always do..
And The Baugh will proceed to whoop your candy ass all over Ohio!

Joining me at this time..
The Next Big Thing, Santa Clara Lesnar!
*Crowd Boos*
SCGD, before the break..
We heard from The Baugh.
He promised to beat you this Sunday at No Mercy.
What do you have to say in response?

[SC Lesnar]
He said that?
Well let me remind The Baugh that time and time again, I have owned The Baugh.
Josh, have you seen me this season?
I'm unstoppable.
There's absolutely nobody that can beat me.
Well the current WCCF World Champion, Nick Foley, beat you..
SC Lesnar slams Matthews against a WCCF truck.
[SC Lesnar]
What'd you say?
[SC Lesnar]
That's what I thought.
I was just doing my job..
SC Lesnar grabs Matthews and throws him into the set!
Back at ringside, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's music hits.
I ain't gonna waste anybody's time, so let me cut straight to the chase.
Bray Wyatt, I got a message for you and the rest of your little inbred family.
Last night, you messed with Stone Cold Steve Pupstin and let me tell you something, that's just something you don't do.
You wanna play your little mind games and talk all this crap.
Well Stone Cold is right here, standing in the middle of this ring.
You bring your sorry little ass out of your abandoned little farm house
and come face to face with Stone Cold.
And I'll whoop your ass all over Seattle.
*Crowd Cheers*
Well Stone Cold is right here, standing in the middle of this ring.
You bring your sorry little ass out of your abandoned little farm house
and come face to face with Stone Cold.
And I'll whoop your ass all over Seattle.
*Crowd Cheers*
Come on, you son of a bitch..
Do your little cut in crap and bring your little lantern out so I can whoop your sorry little ass.
You abducted John Seana and think you can get away with that..
Bray Wyatt, where is John Seana?
I'll be standing in this ring all night until..

Hahahaa... You can't see him.
Can you?

He's got whole league in his hands..
He's got the whole wide league in his hands..
He's got the whole league in his hands..
He's got the whole wide league in his hands.
The Great Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
They one that I've been hearing everyone rave about.
What are you? 5-2?
Standing in first place?
Yeah, that's real good.
But still, you're missing the big picture.
The Great Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
They one that I've been hearing everyone rave about.
What are you? 5-2?
Standing in first place?
Yeah, that's real good.
But still, you're missing the big picture.
You want to know where John Seana is?
John Seana is no more.
I've absorbed John Seana.
I've taken John Seana.
I AM John Seana.
You will never ever see John Seana... again...
*Crowd Cheers*
I've got the SeaNation in my hands...
I've got the whole SeaNation in my hands...
I've got the SeaNation in my hands...
I've got the whole SeaNation in my hands...
Hey, Stone Cold ain't got time to be wasting listening to your ugly ass sing some nursery rhyme.
So you can stop wasting my time and come down to this ring like a man, so I can shove this foot up your ass!
Like John Seana, you lack vision.
You think you're so untouchable.
You feel safe and secure...
Let me tell you something, Pupstin...
You are not safe.
I can get to you whenever I want.
And I proved that to you last night at Armageddon.
You see, I do not act on your terms.
I act on my terms.
And when I do decide to come after you, Steve...
You'll never see me coming.
And when I do.. you will know me as the Reaper of Souls.
This is MY league... and you are my chess piece.
I will use you as I see fit.
Your shattered bones will pave the streets of my kingdom.
But for now, Pupstin...
It's not me who you should be worried about.
It's him.
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Underchucker]
Pupstin... you've been sitting on your throne for far too long.
It's time for the underlings to bring you back down to earth.
[The Underchucker]
This Sunday.
No Mercy.
No Mercy.
[The Underchucker]
First Blood Match.
A bolt of lightning strikes and sends The Underchucker's logo ablaze.
The Underchucker's music plays out Preview.
What an ominous message sent to Pupstin from The Underchucker!
He has his eyes set on Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
But will Stone Cold have to worry about The Wyatt Family?
And what about the main event?
The WCCF World Champion, Nick Foley, defending against last season's
League Champion, Rock Michaels?
Can RBK regain his title heading into Sunday?
Find out in Week 8 of The West Coast Cousins Fantasy Football League!
Only on Pay Per View!