We open in Earth-20007.
Alexander Wayne and his associate, Arthur Fleck,
return to Wayne Manor after a night in the town.
Alexander Wayne
You like Kendrick Lamar?
Arthur Fleck
He's okay.
Alexander Wayne
His early work was a little too new wave for my taste.
But his new studio album 'GNX' and his exceptional execution
in his beef with the famous rapper, Drake.
Well... I really think he's come into his own.
Commercially and artistically.
Arthur Fleck
I didn't know you were such a fan of hip hop.
Alexander Wayne
The whole album has a clear, crisp sound and a new sheen
of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost.
He's been compared Tupac Shakur.
But I think Lamar has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Arthur Fleck
Yeah.. you know, I'm not really in the music mood, Wayne.
But uhh, if you wanna talk a little sports.
I happen to know a thing or two about that.
Arthur Fleck
Hey.. wait a minute.
Aren't we facing off against each other this upcoming week in our work League?
Alexander Wayne
You are absolutely right, Arthur!
Arthur Fleck
Well then, to that, I say good luck to you, sir.
Because my team is stacked, Wayne.
And your team? Well, it's a friggin' joke.
Speaking of which, you wanna hear a new joke I've been working on?
Alexander Wayne
Not really.
Alexander Wayne
Hey, Arthur!
Alexander Wayne strikes Arthur over and over,
brutally murdering Arthur Fleck.
Alexander Wayne
Alexander Wayne
[3] Alex's Awesome Team (8-6)
Scarlet Joyce's Objective
Destroy Earth-1887
(Finish the Season in the Top 3)
Result - FAILED
Scarlet Joyce
I'm sorry.
I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Maybe I'm just not ready for destroy universes.
Kang the Conqueror
No you are not.
Kang the Conqueror
But don't fret about it, my child. I'm not angry with you.
Perhaps... it's my fault.
Maybe I failed you.
Maybe... I haven't taken the right approach.
So how about we try something new?
How about, I give you what you want.
Scarlet Joyce
What are you talking about?
Kang the Conqueror
It's time I take you to your family.
Take you to Vision... and your children.
I know of a world where Vision has been hiding along with your kids.
Scarlet Joyce
Hiding? From what?
Kang the Conqueror
Kang the Conqueror
From me.
But don't worry, Joyce.
I won't hurt them... I simply want to reunite the two of you.
It's about time I showed you where they are.
Ah, Mr. Vinson. Welcome back.
And how did it go with the Omega Level Threats?
Vinpools's Objective:
Kill an Omega Level Fantasy Manager
(Record More Total Season Points Than
Dollar Discount Team, UC Davis Aggies,
#7tormsComing or Luke's Lunch Money
Result - PASSED)
Paradox... oh, what a journey that we've been on!
It's a long story, but we got the Scarlet Joyce.
And we were on the verge of getting Baui too,
but this yellow and blue asshole over here messed everything up!
Hey, go fuck yourself.
Sorry... am I hearing you right?
You managed to kill the Scarlet Joyce?
Yep. That's right.
I ended up with 1344.26 points and she had 1339.10.
I'll admit, we cut it pretty close there at the end, but we got the job done.
That is amazing!
Show me the body.
Of course.
Because there is nothing I like more than showing off my body count.
There you go, signed, sealed and delivered.
Ummm... who is that?
The Scarlet Joyce... you know?
The Wicked Witch of the West?
You know between you and I, I think that might actually be Gamora's mother.
They say she died when Thanos wiped out her planet,
but I don't know... there's a resemblance there.
This is not the Scarlet Joyce...
What? Of course it is!
You asked for an Omega Level Threat.
So me and Kev, we killed a variant of the Scarlet Joyce.
The Wicked Witch of the West.
And if you don't like it, sorry.
There are no take backs. Death is death.
I asked for an Omega Level Fantasy Manager.
And you've brought me a useless variant of the Scarlet Joyce.
I'm sorry, but this does not work for us at all.
That sounds like a you problem, Paradox.
We did what you asked for.
It's not my fault that the TVA didn't specify which variant to hunt.
And I can see that I am going nowhere talking to you.
I want to speak to your manager.
Where's Logan Roy?
Because clearly you are not the real boss here.
Ah, I've had enough of this charade.
I told Stryker that we couldn't trust the likes of you two.
And I was right.
Neither of you are a good fit for the TVA.
Arrest these men, send them to The Void.
The Void?
The fuck is that supposed to be?
Vinpool smacks the TemPad out of Paradox's hand.
Kevan! Quick! Run!
As Vinson's season comes to an end,
Vinpool and Wolverine use the TemPad to jump to another universe.
Narrowly escaping the TVA.
Find him...

Vicki Vale
Mr. Wayne, there's a Mr. Stark here to see you.
Alexander Wayne
Vicki Vale
He says he's a private investigator.
Said he wanted to talk to you.
Alexander Wayne
Alright, send him in.
Kendrick Stark
Mr. Wayne. Sorry to barge in like this.
I know how busy you are.
Alexander Wayne
No worries at all.. Mr. Stark.
But to be honest, I'm not so sure I understand why you're here to see me
Kendrick Stark
I've been hired to investigate the disappearance of Laura Kinney.
You know her?
Alexander Wayne
The... girl on the news?
I thought they said they caught the killer.
Kendrick Stark
Nobody said she was dead.
Kendrick Stark
But yes, they did bring in a suspect.
The police believe the Riddler serial killer was behind her disappearance.
But the identity of the Riddler... remains a mystery.
Kendrick Stark
Tell me, does this look familiar to you?
Alexander Wayne
Hmmm... I can't say it does.
What is it supposed to be?
Kendrick Stark
It's a cipher.
It doesn't mean anything to you?
Alexander Wayne
Alexander Wayne
No. Should it?
Kendrick Stark
Kendrick Stark
I don't know... your colleague Arthur Fleck said you were really into puzzles.
Thought you'd recognize a cipher if you saw one.
Alexander Wayne
Arthur said that?
Kendrick Stark
Yeah he did... that is... before he went missing.
I had a chance to speak with him about a week ago.
But suddenly, he stopped showing up to work.
That's weird, isn't it?
Alexander Wayne
He's missing? I didn't know.
Kendrick Stark
You didn't know he disappeared?
Alexander Wayne
Alexander Wayne
No, not at all.
Kendrick Stark
Well, I find that incredibly surprising.
Alexander Wayne
Why's that?
Kendrick Stark
Kendrick Stark
Because you were the last person to see him, were you not?
Your secretary, Ms. Vale, said the two of you went out for drinks this past weekend.
Alexander Wayne
Oh.. right. We did.
Yes, but I've been so busy that I didn't notice he was-
Kendrick Stark
Mr. Wayne,
do you have an affiliation with an Edward Nashton?
Alexander Wayne
Edward... Nashton?
Never heard of him.
Kendrick Stark
Mr. Wayne, I have to say.
Based on my experience, I find that you are being incredibly evasive.
Sorry, if you'll excuse me.
I have to make a phone call.
Underneath the table, Mr. Wayne reaches for a weapon.
Alexander Wayne
Mr. Stark... I'm going to have to insist that
you put down the phone, please.
Captain Covfefe
Kenny, I need you to stand down.
Whatever it is that you did with the Joker,
I'm sure you have a reasonable explanation for it.
He doesn't.
I told you not to get involved with the Joker.
Oh, wonderful.
The Caped Crusader is here for the rescue.
Perfect timing.
Listen shadow boy, this here is official West Coast Cousins business.
You have nothing to do with this.
So go make yourself useful and file a police report somewhere.
I'm sure there's a missing person out there that needs your help.
I don't know how you do things in your world.
But in my world, the heroes aren't the ones committing the crimes.
The two of you are fugitives.
As far as I'm concerned, the West Coast Cousins are the problem.
Oh God.. is that cowl cutting off the circulation to your brain?
There is more that is at play here, Wayne.
You would've known that, if you had just listened to me about the multiverse.
Tell me where the Joker is.
Afraid I can't do that.
My daughter's life is at stake here.
And unless the Joker gets to a secure location, he won't let my daughter go.
Tell me where he is and I'll help you find your daughter, Stark.
Can't risk it.
Besides, the Joker isn't the real threat here.
You are.
Because as far as I am concerned,
all of these problems came from your world.
The Riddler, the Joker, all of it comes for you.
I've had about enough of these incursions and it's time to send you packing.

You're making a serious mistake.
And you've seriously been a pain in my ass.
Let's go.
In Earth-42420, we are introduced to Rockson Rake.
A former Special Air Service Regiment operator,
now acting as a high ranking member of the Thunderbolts*.
Rockson patiently waits outside the most secure facility in the world,
Fort Knox.
Ja'Marr Chase
What are we doing all the way out here, Rake?
Rockson Rake
Extraction job.
Valentina wants us to break in and rescue a hostage.
Ja'Marr Chase
A hostage? You don't have any more details than that?
Who is the hostage? And why?
Rockson Rake
We'll find out more once when we get in there.
But I don't see a lot of security.
This is supposed to be the most secure location in the world.
Something is off.
Rockson enters the facility with little resistance.
And as he approaches an interior room, he finds the hostage.
Jobu Tupaki.
Jobu Tupaki
My hero... and right on time.
Rockson Rake
Young lady.
My name is Rockson Rake and I was sent to get you out of here.
Jobu Tupaki
Oh, don't worry. I'll be getting out of here soon enough.
But it's nice to finally meet you.... Thor Rocksinson.
Rockson Rake
I'm sorry?
Jobu Tupaki
What was it? 10-0?
What a start for you. That's very impressive.
And let's also not forget that you tied the record
for the greatest regular season of all time at 12-2.
You might just be as good as advertised.
Rockson Rake
Okay, yeah. I don't know what you're talking about.
But I just know that we have to go.
We don't have time for this.
Jobu Tupaki
We have all the time in the world, Rockson.
So don't worry about it, hun.
You've already accomplished your task.
Jobu Tupaki touches Rockson Rake's arm.
Jobu Tupaki
All I needed... was a single touch.
And now... I know exactly which world, the great Thor Rocksinson is currently in.
Jobu Tupaki
Oh... and one more thing.
You might want to keep your guard up, buddy.
Because you're about to have some company.
Jobu Tupaki verse jumps and disappears from Earth-42420.
What the hell was that?
She just disappeared.
She just disappeared.
Rockson Rake
I don't know... but someone is here.
Tai Rogers
S.H.I.E.L.D. Team, I want everyone on high alert.
Fury said this is a hostage situation. Get in and get out.
I expect the facility to be heavily guarded.
This is a strong Fantasy Team that we're dealing with, so be prepared.
Shoot to kill. Understand?
Tai Rogers
On me!
S.H.I.E.L.D. Team, assemble!
Rockson Rake
Chase, we've got multiple bogeys.
I'll call it in.
This is Special Agent Rake, requesting immediate backup.
Thunderbolts*, do you read me?
We have a Fantasy Team fast approaching.
I repeat, we have a Fantasy Team approaching.
Prepare to engage.
Tai Rogers
Hostiles! We have you surrounded.
Drop your weapons and surrender.
No one needs to get hurt.
We're just here for the hostage.
Rockson Rake
The hostage is gone.
Tai Rogers
You kill her?
Rockson Rake
No. The Hostage disappeared into thin air.
I don't know how else to explain it.
I'm with the Thunderbolts*.
We came here to extract the hostage, same as you.
Tai Rogers
Okay, he's stalling for time.
Get in position and on my signal, we move in!
Alright, just need to grab the Space Needle
and prepare to become an Omega Level Fantasy Manager.
Jobu Tupaki
Are you Thor?
Thor Rocksinson
Oh... why, yes. I am.
I like your cosplay.
There must be a Comic-Con nearby.
Oh no...
She's found him.
She's going to stop him from becoming an Omega Level Fantasy Manager.
Evelyn Wang
We can't help him. He's on his own.
Jobu Tupaki
I'm sorry... this is SO embarrassing.
But I am SUCH a big fan!
I don't want to be annoying, but can I get a photo with you?
Thor Rocksinson
Ah, not at all.
It's been a while since I've been a celebrity of Earth.
Anything for my fans.
Jobu Tupaki
Everyone's gonna DIE when they find out that I got a photo with the great Thor Rocksinson!
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