Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Week 15 Recap: FantasyMania Round 2


Back in New York, the West Coast Cousins send their remaining
forces at the President of the United States.

Detective Tai
This is our last chance.
All out assault on Trump,
somebody get a hold of those damn Stones!

Vin Snow charges Donald Trump.

Donald Trump
Ah yes, Vin Snow.
We meet again.
You've gotten stronger. So have I.

Trump once again activates the Fantasy Stones.

The flood knocks Vin Snow off his feet.

Donald Trump
Impeach the President of the United States,
That's how you treat your Commander in Chief?

Donald Trump
Now, I'm left with rebuilding America once again.
Restoring our image and views that align with our founding fathers.

Vic Moxley
We can't just sit back here and watch him use the Stones.
Someone needs to get to him and take those Stones away!

Chris Vinson
Not so fast, Moxley.

Vic Moxley
Chris, You actually support this?
He's going to destroy the world!

Chris Vinson
And when he does, those reaping the benefits
will be the ones who stood by his side through it all.
You chose the wrong side, Vic!

The Inner Circle powerbomb Vic Moxley
before he can get to Trump.

Vin Snow struggles to get back on his feet.

Vin Snow
Can anybody get to Trump?

Coach Justin
I don't have a clear shot and I'm all out of dodgeballs.

Dave Batista
I've got my hands full with the Proud Boys!

Donald Trump
Ezekiel 25:17.
The path of righteous man is beset on all sides
by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness.
For he is truly my brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
And I will strike upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger
those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

Before Trump can use the Stones again,
Joanne Stark comes flying in out of nowhere!

She stabs him, but rather than killing Donald Trump,
it merely annoys him.

Donald Trump
Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me.
Don't you know who the fuck I am?
I'm the Donald, bitch!

Donald Trump grabs the knife
and stabs Joanne Stark repeatedly.

Donald Trump
Imagine being killed off by a 90 pound little girl.
It would never happen.
What terrible writing. Simply a shame.
But now I must put an end to it all.

Joanne Stark bleeds out as we cut
to FantasyMania in the West Coast Cousins.

Jim Ross
We are live in the sold out Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana
for the Semi-Final round of FantasyMania!

Jim Ross
Jim Ross alongside Jerry Lawler to call the matches tonight.
And King, what a night ahead of us.
Two big matches with the four top stars in the league.
We're in for some high intensity Fantasy Football in New Orleans.

Absolutely, JR.
And most importantly when the night is over,
we're going to determine the two finalists in the Championship game!
Who is it going to be?

Jim Ross
John Seana makes his return to FantasyMania for the first time since 2017.
After losing in the Championship game in 2017,
it has been a long road back to this stage for the SeaNation Leader.
But what a season it has been for John Seana.
At 11-2 and earning the first seed,
John Seana has been dominant all season long.
He's beaten every Fantasy Manager in the league... except his opponent tonight.
John Seana looks to even the score against The Hiz.

But I think the question is, when all the chips are on the line..
will John Seana rise to the occasion?
Or does The Hiz have John Seana's number?
It's going to be a crucial matchup.
Honestly, John Seana may be the favorite,
but I personally think The Hiz is going to upset him once again.

Jim Ross
Let's not forget about our main event, King.
The Baugh versus Rockson Reigns.

How would we forget about this one?
Rockson Reigns is playing better than anybody right now.
With 7 straight wins heading into the playoffs,
Rockson Reigns is in prime position to win it all.
But his opponent is no slouch.
The 2018 League Champion has his eyes on becoming
 a multiple time World Champion.

Jim Ross
Well in order to do that, he'll have to get past
the best performer in FantasyMania history.
Mr. FantasyMania, Rockson Reigns, who holds a 8-1 playoff record.
It certainly won't be easy.
But now, we go to a pre-recorded sit down interview
with Renee Young and John Seana!

Renee Young
John, tonight you will be making your 6th FantasyMania appearance.
While no stranger to the playoffs,
I think it's safe to say you haven't performed very well at FantasyMania.
But now, this season you're viewed as a favorite to win it all.
How is this season different from previous years?

John Seana
Well any time you finish the season in 1st place and lead the league in points,
you're undoubtedly going to be viewed as the favorite to win it all.
But I'll tell you this, every thing that I've done in the regular season
doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters is tonight.
This season has been my best performance since joining the WCC.
But if I fall short of becoming League Champion,
it'll be all for nothing.
The expectations are high and the pressure is on.
This is my opportunity to get the monkey off my back,
and it's time to execute.

Renee Young
I'm glad you mentioned that John, because it brings me to my next point.
This season, you've faced criticism from Minh Wyatt and The Hiz.
They argue that you're not worthy of main event caliber storylines.
They've called you overhyped, overrated and some would even go
as far as to say that your career as a Fantasy Manager
is the most disappointing of any cousin in the league.
How do you respond to your critics?

John Seana
I try not to pay too much attention to the critics.
Over 10 years in the league and no Championships to speak for it,
I understand where the criticism is coming from.
But like I said, this is my opportunity to quiet the haters.
If I win the League Championship, then the criticism doesn't matter.
But that's a big if.
It comes down to whether or not I can perform to the best of my abilities.

John Seana
Minh Wyatt... The Fiend, whatever you want to call him.
He can say whatever he wants.
He has no effect over how well I play tonight.
This match tonight against The Hiz is the biggest of my career.
And this match is more than just a match.
It's about whether or not John Seana can get the job done.
The Hiz says I'm overhyped and undeserving.
He says that John Seana can't perform at a high level.
So this match isn't just about beating The Hiz.
It's about whether or not he's right.

Jim Ross
The WCC Universe on their feet in heavy anticipation for this one.
The Hiz vs. John Seana up next.
Who will advance to the Championship game?
We're about to find out shortly, King.

WCC Playoff Match
[1] John Seana (11-2)
[6] Howard's Team (7-6)

Justin Roberts
The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL...


Justin Roberts
And it is to advance to the Championship Game of FantasyMAAANIA!

*Crowd Cheers*

*The Hiz's Music Hits*

Justin Roberts
Introducing first, he is the sixth seed.
From Seattle, Washington. Holding a Professional FantasyMania
record of 2 wins and 1 loss..
The A-Lister... The HIIIIIIZ!

*Crowd Boos*

The Hiz looks great, JR.
We talk about the best John Seana has ever looked,
I think without question, this is the best The Hiz has ever looked!

Jim Ross
Without question, The Hiz has been playing well.
But he's never gotten past the Semi-Final Round.
And after being the man to snap John Seana's undefeated streak,
can The Hiz do it once again and beat John Seana here in Week 15?

*John Seana's Music Hits*

Justin Roberts
And his opponent...
from San Francisco, California.
Holding a Professional FantasyMania record of 3 wins and 5 losses.
Making his return to FantasyMania...

Jim Ross
A long run down the ramp to the ring.
A metaphor for John Seana's journey back to the playoffs.

Jim Ross
And the roof is about to explode here in the Superdome!

Look at the focus in the eyes of Seana.
He knows that he has to perform at this level.
The pressure is on,
but is The Hiz going to be John Seana's kryptonite?
Is he in his head?
Is The Fiend in his head?

Jim Ross
The bell rings and this second round matchup is underway!

Seana goes straight for Hiz,
but the Hiz ducks out of the way.

*Crowd Boos*

Mind games from The Hiz, and Seana just fell into his trap!
I don't like the way this has started for John.

20.10 points from Melvin Gordon,
as John Seana is falling into an early hole.

The Hiz continues to lay it onto John Seana.
He really seems to have his number.

The Hiz
I deserve this John!
This is my opportunity!
Tonight, I present to you, the Death of Superman.

18.20 points from DeAndre Swift.
It's been all Hiz so far.

The Hiz
You're not so tough, John...
All this hype for nothing!
You're old and washed Johnny Boy!
You're finished!

Jim Ross
Wait a minute! Seana showing signs of life!
Reverses into an AA!
But Hiz powers out of it and hits a DDT!

11.20 points from Cole Beasley and 18.50 from Fournette,
as we draw back to even. 

21.90 points from Dalvin Cook,
John beginning to take back the momentum.

But 11.40 points from Tyreek Hill.
Hiz not going away.

But John reverses into an STF!
This could be over shortly!

The arena lights malfunction.

*The Fiend's Music Hits*

Jim Ross
My God! We thought this may be coming.
The Fiend making his presence felt here at FantasyMania!

Once again, The Fiend grabs control of Seana.
Mandible Claw, we've seen Seana tap from this move twice now.

John Seana falls unconscious as Minh Wyatt
controls his motionless body.

But wait a minute!
John Seana snaps out of it!
He sets up for the Sixth Move of Doom!

Jim Ross
Seana finally overcoming The Fiend.
John Seana overcoming his fears and
the mounting pressure of winning in the playoffs.

Minh Wyatt is shocked, JR!
He can't believe John Seana outmaneuvered him.

German Suplex on The Fiend!

And then an Attitude Adjustment!

John Seana locks in the STF and The Fiend is tapping!

But Hiz from behind!
Trying to take advantage of the distraction.

But momentum is all on Seana's side.
37.02 points from Seana's starting QB.

Attitude Adjustment from the middle rope!


Winner via Pinfall and ADVANCING to the Championship Game:
John Seana

The crowd goes wild as John Seana overcomes The Hiz.

Jim Ross
The Hiz, still dazed from that AA.
A strong season comes to an end for the Hiz.
He falls short of going to the Finals once again,
but an impressive run nonetheless.

Jim Ross
Meanwhile, John Seana will headline this year's FantasyMania
as he makes his return to the finals for the first time since 2017.
With just one game left, will John Seana cap off his
best season with a League Championship?
Who will be joining him?
The Baugh or Rockson Reigns?
Stay tuned folks. That match is up next!

WCC Playoff Match
[2] Rockson Reigns (9-4)
[4] #7tormsComing (8-5)

Justin Roberts
The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL...


Justin Roberts
And the winner of this match will move onto headline
FantasyMania XII!

*Crowd Cheers*

*The Baugh's Music Hits*

Justin Roberts
Introducing first...
From San Francisco, California.
Holding a Professional FantasyMania record of 7 wins and 5 losses.
He is the 4th seed and the 2018 League Champion!

Jim Ross
It is electric in here, King!

I can barely hear myself talking, JR.
This is insane!

Jim Ross
The Baugh has made it known all season long.
He'll stop at nothing to become League Champion.
He says the WCC Universe depends on it.
He says it's the only way of defeating Donald Trump.
But standing in his way is his opponent tonight,
the number two seed, Rockson Reigns.

*Rockson Reign's Music Hits*

Justin Roberts
And his opponent...
Also from San Francisco, California.
With a Professional FantasyMania record of 8 wins and 1 loss,
he is the 2013 and 2017 League Champion.

*Crowd Boos*

Jim Ross
A man of controversy as of late...
...an explosive entrance from Rockson Reigns.
I think my eardrums may be shattered, King.

Now I REALLY can't hear myself.

Jim Ross
A man of controversy as of late.
Seemingly taking what he feels is his.
A conquer of sorts, a more aggressive abrasive Rockson Reigns.
Staking his claim and wants the respect
around the league to be recognized as one of the all time greats.
A 3rd Championship belt in his trophy case
would go a long way in his claim for greatest of all time.

Jim Ross
Rockson Reigns making just his 4th FantasyMania appearance
since joining the league in 2013. 
He doesn't always make the playoffs,
but when he does, he is deadly.
7 straight wins to end the regular season.
An 8-1 playoff record, the only blemish coming from 
last year's Championship Game against Kenny Omega.
Can Rockson Reigns return to the Championship Game 
in back to back years?

The Baugh also looking to return to the Championship Game.
The last time we saw him in the playoffs was 2018 when he won it all.

The intensity just kicked up a notch.
We're set to go and you can hear a pin drop here in the Superdome.

Former Champions going head to head.
The bell rings and we are off!

7.10 points from Adam Thielen
as Rockson Reigns jumps ahead.

But 9.60 from Chris Godwin as The Baugh responds.

12 points from Jeff Wilson Jr.!

Samoan Drop! The Baugh is down.

Superman Punch! The Baugh is in trouble!
1-2... KICKOUT!

Spinebuster and The Baugh sets Reigns up for 
the Most Electrifying Move in All of Entertainment!
The Baugh inexplicably takes off his right elbow pad
but hits The People's Elbow on his left padded elbow!

Baugh Bottom! Baugh Bottom!


Winner via Pinfall and ADVANCING to the Championship Game:

Aah!! He did it JR!
The Baugh is going back to the main event!
He's going to headline this year's FantasyMania!

Jim Ross
The look of disappointment on Rockson Reign's face.
He now falls to 8-2 in the playoffs and will come short on
his Championship aspirations.

Meanwhile, it's a party in New Orleans, JR!
The Baugh is going to the Championship Game
and the fans love it! Our main event for the season is set!

*John Seana's Music Hits*

Jim Ross
But here comes John Seana crashing the party.
These two scheduled to face off in one week,
the anticipation could not be higher!

Jim Ross
The biggest main event in League history!
Thank you for joining us for the Semi-Final Round of FantasyMania!
We will see you all for the season finale of Wednesday Night Preview!
Thank you and goodnight!

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