Singles Match
HitMikeJonesUpOnDaLo vs. Minh's Team
In the streets, the SCGD set up a sting operation to take down one of Kenneth Bell's Fantasy Players, Rashaad Penny.
Minh heads the task force with Antonio Brown and Mike Evans.
Playing as drunks, Minh and Tyreek Hill are under cover on the scene.
Penny leaves a nearby complex.
Kareem Hunt places a red hat onto Penny, identifying the target.
Minh surprises Penny and smacks him with a beer bottle.
Penny is down for the count, arrested by Minh's Team.
Winner via Pinfall: Minh's Team
Kenneth Bell has now dropped back to back games 3 weeks into the season.
A troubling start for the former League Champion.
Bell looks to turn it around in Week 4.
Singles Match
Stealthy's Team vs. 281-330-8004

Across the city, Marlo Stealthy is doing his usual Sunday routine.
High stakes poker against some of San Francisco's high rollers.
Phil Hellmuth
Flush. With the Queen.
Marlo Stealthy
Full house.
Marlo collects his winnings, when Victor Oumars busts through the door.
Victor Oumar
Hands. Lemme see them hands.
I don't know about cards, but I think these four 5s beat a full house.
Victor Oumar
Ayo banker, cash me out, yo.
Marlo Stealthy
That's my money.
Victor Oumar
Man, money ain't got no owners.
Only spenders.
Marlo Stealthy
This ain't over.
Victor Oumar
Oh? That's how you carrying it?
Oumar places his gun onto Marlo's chin.
Marlo shows no fear as he stares sternly into the eyes of Oumar.
Victor Oumar
Cause, I could find your people's a whole lot easier than they can find me.
Oumar and his team leave the poker room with the winnings.
Winner via Pinfall: 281-330-8004
Victor Oumar is off to a strong start at 3-0, having beaten D'justin Barksdale, Kenneth "Stringer" Bell and now Marlo Stealthy.
Singles Match
Legion of Whom vs. Covfefe
Elsewhere, the SCGD unit is tracking down Jesse Barksdale.
Detective Tai
This is a fucking mistake.
I can't believe Lieutenant Kevin wants us to bring down Barksdale this week.
Detective Joyce
Well, if he falls to 0-3, his season is all but over.
Detective Tai
It can't be done.
A buy and bust? He wants us to catch Jesse holding a package or weapons?
He probably hasn't touched a package in years!
Lieutenant Kevin
All units, be on alert.
Jesse Barksdale is traveling south on Valencia.
All units keep an eye out, the suspect is driving a black Ford Escape.
Patrick Mahomes
I got eyes on the target.
He's turning onto 23rd.
Jesse Barksdale begins to get suspicious, taking notice of the cars tailing him.
Rex Burkhead
Be advised, the target has stopped.
He's parked on 23rd and not moving.
Lt. Kevin
Do not lose sight of the target.
Rex Burkhead
He's doubling back.
Detective Tai
We're gonna lose him.
Patrick Mahomes
I don't have eyes on him.
Lt. Kevin
All units, stay in position.
I'll take a look.
Barksdale acknowledges the police with his finger wag and escapes the pursuit.
Winner via Pinfall: Legion of Whom
Jesse Barksdale picks up his first win of the season against the first place Covfefe.
With the deadline placed on the SCGD unit, what will the future hold for the SCGD?
Find out next week on the West Coast Cousins.
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