113,932 in attendance for what could only be...
The Biggest Event in the World!
West Coast Cousins Presents..
It's an honor to call these matches alongside my colleagues Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.
I am Mauro Ranallo and this will surely be a historic night.
What are your thoughts on tonight's matchups?
It is truly a toss up, Mauro.
All four Superstars deserve to be here and have proven themselves all season long.
It comes down to tonight.
Four will enter, but only 2 will advance to the 2nd Round where Minh Wyatt and Shinsuke Nickamura are waiting.
Kevin Waiting versus Jenni Zayn.
There is not a match up on paper more equal than these two.
Kevin Waiting has shown dominance in the regular season in previous years, but has yet to make his big FantasyMania moment. Will tonight be the night?
And Jenni Zayn looks to keep her amazing season going.
She's shocked the world already.
Can she do it again?
But what about our main event of the evening?
It's the Bullet Club versus The Shield.
Kenn Balor taking on Vic Ambrose.
These two have shared the main event stage at FantasyMania before..
Now they FantasyMania main event rematch takes place tonight in Melbourne, Australia!
Kenn Balor won the first matchup, can Vic Ambrose even the score and advance to the second round?
We go live now, to Renee Young who is standing by with Jenni Zayn.
Backstage Interview
[Renee Young]
Jenni, tonight marks your return to FantasyMania.
The last time you played on this stage was in 2011.
How does it feel to be back?
[Jenni Zayn]
Well Renee, it's been a long journey for me.
In 2011, I won my very first FantasyMania match against the Viper, Sandy Orton.
And you know, I'm very proud of that accomplishment.
But two seasons later, I was removed from the league.
Replaced due to "Inactivity".
And the Fantasy Manager that took my spot?
Kevin Waiting.
[Jenni Zayn]
So to answer your question, it feels great to be back.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I get my opportunity to beat Kevin Waiting.
To prove to everyone, that I should have never been replaced.
Now that I have been active all season long,
I know I can compete in this league.
Now, I'm going to do the unthinkable.
Become WCC League Champion.
Promo Package
Jenni Zayn and Kevin Waiting grew up studying the sport of Fantasy Football together.
They trained together.
They scouted together.
These two were practically inseparable during the early years of their careers.
[Kevin Waiting]
What you're looking at right here... is the best tag team in the world.
Jenni Zayn has shocked the world!
The formerly Inactive Fantasy Manager has beaten WCC Veteran after WCC Veteran!
Kevin Waiting could not be more proud of Jenni Zayn.
Don't do it Kevin!
Kevin Waiting may have taken Jenni Zayn out of action indefinitely!
Jenni Zayn may never return to the WCC.
Wait a minute!
Jenni Zayn is back!
Jenni Zayn going after Kevin Waiting!
These two are going at it.
[Kevin Waiting]
Jenni Zayn is not my friend.
Jenni Zayn is my enemy.
I hate Jenni Zayn.
She's overrated, knows nothing about Fantasy Sports.
I will not be beaten by an Inactive.
I think we've all been surprised by the performance of Jenni Zayn tonight.
Picking up win after win, I don't think anybody expected Jenni Zayn to make it this far.
She's been underestimated all season long, but she's earned her way to FantasyMania.
8-5 is very respectable.
But she'll need to rise to the next level if she wants to advance in the playoffs.
Kevin Waiting is a very capable Fantasy Manager.
A former Scoring Champion, Kevin Waiting made an immediate impact when he debuted in 2014.
Defeating former League Champions
And WCC Veterans, Kevin Waiting showcased versatility in his ability to sit and start players.
Now with his best friend Chris Waiting by his side, will this be the year Kevin Waiting gets over the hump and wins it all?
Kevin Waiting's Music Hits.
Introducing first, he is the 5th seed making his 2nd FantasyMania appearance.
With a Professional Playoff Record of 0 wins and 1 loss...
Jenni Zayn's Music Hits
And his opponent, making her way from Seattle, Washington...
With a Professional Playoff Record of 1 win and 1 loss...
The Inactive..
You can cut the tension in the air, Corey.
These two do not like each other.
Playoff Match
[5] Kevin Waiting (8-5)
[4] Jenni Zayn (8-5)
The bell rings and this match is underway.
Why do these two always start off the fight the same way?
Powerbomb by Kevin Waiting!
This could be it.
Jenni Zayn with the finisher!
Winner via Pinfall and ADVANCING to the Second Round:
Jenni Zayn
Jenni Zayn's magical season continues.
She now enters the Final Four.
Can Zayn make history and become the first Inactive to make it to the main event of FantasyMania?
Chris Waiting is distraught that his season has come to an end.
After strong performances in the last couple of years, Waiting's season ends in disappointment.
He'll have to keep waiting for that elusive League Championship.
Look at this Melbourne crowd going nuts for Jenni Zayn.
There are many pulling for her, a true underdog story.
Backstage Interview
Kenn Balor, with 6 Superstars competing in this year's FantasyMania,
you are the only one that is a former League Champion.
Chances are, there could be a new League Champion that has never...
[Kenn Balor]
Wait just a second. Let me stop you right tere.
Ta chances are tat tere will be a new League Champion?
Is tat what you were tryna say?
Renee, ta chances of tere being a new League Champion is zero percent.
The League Champions is an exclusive club.
And I don't intend on letting any of my peers join tat club.
Tat includes my opponent, Vic Ambrose.
Well Balor, many of the WCC Universe has been outspoke on social media saying that they disagree with your decision to support Donald Trump.
Many think you've turned to the dark side.
Some speculate that you've been under mind control.
Are you still a babyface deep down?
[Karl Anderson]
Shut up, Renee.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
You don't just read a couple of words from a book and expect someone to do exactly as you say.
This isn't a comic book.
This is real life.
And tonight, The Shield gets ripped apart by the Machine Gun.
The Shield can't protect you from The Bullet Club.
The Bullet Club gestures at the camera.

[Vic Ambrose]
You know, I've heard a lot of talk...
They say we're outnumbered.
We can't beat The Donald.
[Vic Ambrose]
But I'll tell you something.
One versus all.
Or three versus all.
It doesn't matter.
We'll take those odds.
Bring your machine guns.
Bring your semi-automatics.
Bring your shotguns.
[Vic Ambrose]
Because it doesn't matter.
We're bringing the sword.
Believe in The Shield.
The Shield's Music Hits
And here comes the Lunavic Fringe accompanied by his companions.
Stalking through the crowd.
You can see the focus in his eyes, Mauro.
He may be the 6th seed, but he looks to be prepared to do anything it takes to win this match up.
Kenn Balor's Music Hits Next.
And there is this season's Scoring Champion.
Kenn Balor alongside the Bullet Club have caused a surmounted damaged all season long.
The acts of which include murder, assault, bribery and the theft of an election.
The Bullet Club truly does whatever they want, whenever they want.
Say what you want about the Bullet Club, but there is no denying the amount of talent in this young Fantasy Manager.
He's had a proven track record and some could argue that he has been the best Superstar in the Wrestling Storyline/Waiver Priority era.
He's headlined 3 straight FantasyMania's.
Will he make it a fourth straight?
He'll have to get past Vic Ambrose first.
Vic Ambrose points an imaginary gun at Kenn Balor.
Kenn Balor responds by glaring at Ambrose.
Introducing first, by way of San Francisco, California.
Holding a Professional Playoff Record of 1 win and 1 loss...
The Lunvic Fringe!
Making his 7th FantasyMania appeareance...
With a Professional Playoff Record of 6 wins and 5 losses...
Playoff Match
[6] Vic Ambrose [7-6]
[3] Kenn Balor [8-5]
Ambrose gets control early, but Balor counters.
That looks like RVD to me.
Ambrose spilling the action to the outside!
Uh oh! We knew they were coming..
It's The Bullet Club!
Sidney Reigns in for the save, Superman punch to Doc Gallows!
But Karl Anderson responds!
Tai Rollins with the Family Tree!
Wait a minute! Here comes Single H!
Tai Rollins begging for Single H to step into the ring.
It's Balor from behind!
Dirty Deeds by Ambrose! This could be it...
Single H puts an end to it with the Family Tree.
[Single H]
You can't win... just give in.
Ambrose responds with a punch to the face to Single H!

But that only makes the Cerebral Sandwich angrier, as he smashed Ambrose in the head with a sledgehammer!
Hogan's music hits all of a sudden to a HUGE pop.

Yeah, but which side is he on?
What are you talking about!

Single H is beside himself.

Hogan with the Leg Drop on Vic Ambrose!

Winner via Pinfall and ADVANCING to the Second Round:
Kenn Balor
What a comeback from behind win on Monday Night by Kenn Balor!
Balor advances thanks to Hogan!
Aww son of a bitch!
The Clique and The Club have joined forces.
Kenn Balor may now be the most dangerous man in the league.
With just four Superstars remaining, anything can happen.
Jenni Zayn.
Kenn Balor
Shinsuke Nickamura
and Minh Wyatt.
Who will move onto the the Final Round?
Find out on Preview!
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