We come to you LIVE from Osaka, Japan.
This is the scene for Week 15 in the WCC!
We are down to the Final Four.
Good evening, Mauro Ranallo alongside a parade of unnecessary commentators.
And we are set to determine our FantasyMania main event of the season!
After impressive victories by Jenni Zayn and Kenn Balor, both competitors will advance to meet Minh Wyatt and Shinsuke Nickamura, who have been waiting to compete after their bye week.
We take a look now at the four remaining Superstars.
[1] Minh Wyatt (10-3)
[2] Shinsuke Nickamura (9-4)
[3] Kenn Balor (8-5)
[4] Jenni Zayn (8-5)
The Osaka crowd boos as Single H's music hits.
Single H and The Authority continue to win...
After removing Vince McMahon from power 2 weeks ago, Single H and the Bullet Club went on to break The Shield.
Now, Kenn Balor advances to the next round.
The Bullet Club accompanies The Authority.
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
There are two types of gamblers in this world.
There's the casual gambler who plays for fun and takes a guess on their bets.
And then, there is the smart gambler.
The smart gambler does his research, the smart gambler studies history.
Because the smart gambler, follows the money.
The smart gambler is cerebral and doesn't back themselves into a corner.
The smart gambler, puts their money on the Authority.
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
That's why I've placed all my chips on Kenn Balor.
That's why I've invested in the Bullet Club.
Because now that the Bullet Club is backed by corporate power...
They truly do whatever they want, whenever they want.
And that's exactly what took place last night at FantasyMania Round 1.
We broke The Shield.
And now we move onto the next round...
Only... Kenn Balor's opponent, Shinsuke Nickamura has been MIA since he lost his Championship title.
Last I heard, Shinsuke Nickamura suffered devastating injuries.
Rumor has it, Shinsuke Nickamura would've only scored 49.46 points had he played in the first round.
And from the looks of it, I don't think Shinsuke will even show up this Sunday at FantasyMania.
Guess that means the smart gambler is placing his money on the Bullet Club.
*Crowd Boos*
[Kenny Omega]
Konichiwa, Osaka!
Since you are unlikely to have understood anything that Single H has just said...
allow me to translate that information to youuuuu....
したがって、Bullet Clubは再び勝利します。おやすみ、さようなら。
[Kenn Balor]
And since my opponent is unlikely to show up, you might as well hand ta title to me now.
I am the most dominant sports entertainer of my era.
Tis'll be my fourth straight trip to the main of event of FantasyMania.
Nobody has been more consistent than Kenn Balor.
You people counted me out on Monday night,
and then Chris Hogan dropped 19 points on his little arse.
I deserve your respect and I deserve to be recognized as the best Fantasy Manager in tis damn league.
Jenni Zayn cuts off Kenn Balor.
[Jenni Zayn]
Kenn, Kenn, hold on there...
If I have learned anything this season, it's that you can't simply walk around demanding respect.
You have to earn respect.
*Crowd Cheers*
はい ! はい ! はい !
はい ! はい ! はい !
[Jenni Zayn]
You know, Balor....
I've come a long way this season.
And I think I've just finally begun to earn people's respect.
They respect me, because I put in the work.
I made free agent signings, I made waiver pickups..
I adjusted my lineup.
I became active and worked my ass off to get the Final Four.
[Jenni Zayn]
And you?
What did you do?
You made it 3 straight FantasyMania main events.
But how many of those main events did you win?
You're the LeBron James of the WCC.
You get to the Finals, you just don't win most of the time.
And when you do...
You need your posse to come and help you.
*Crowd Cheers*
Did Zayn really just say that?
She called Kenn Balor's friends a posse!
She can't do that...
I think she's angered the Demon King.
The Wyatts cut interrupt.
Minh Wyatt and the entire Wyatt Family make their way down to the ring.
Minh gets in Single H's face.
He eyes the WCC World Heavyweight Championship title.
Then stares down Single H.
Minh Wyatt proceeds to point at Jenni Zayn, signaling that she is the next victim.
*Deez Bryan's Music Hits*
[Deez Bryan]
I had to interrupt this party we have going on...
But I have an issue that I have to address.
Single H, you're right.
Shinsuke Nickamura is injured.
Shinsuke Nickamura is not fit to compete this Sunday...
But I am!
*Crowd Cheers*
はい ! はい ! はい !
はい ! はい ! はい !
[Deez Bryan]
You see, I was cleared by Dr. James Andrews.
He says I have passed my concussion protocol and I'm ready to take on Kenn Balor.
And I'll be damned if I sat back and watched you destroy league.
This league that I care so much about...

[Stephaneah McMahon]
Deez, you may have been cleared by Dr. Andrews...
But our WCC doctors haven't cleared you.
And if our doctors don't clear you... we can't let you play Fantasy Football.
Hell, one more blow to the head, and you may die.
It's simply not worth it.
I hope you understand, it's for your own good.

[Stephaneah McMahon]
But... we aren't going to forget about all your contributions as Fantasy Manager.
Single H and I have discussed this matter at great length...
And we think you'd be a great advisor for the Authority.
Join us... and you can know what it's finally like to win a match at FantasyMania.
If you can't beat 'em... join 'em.
That's what Kevin Durant did.

If Deez wasn't retired already, that Family Tree may have done the trick!
This is absolutely sickening!

[Single H]
You see Deez, you are simply not built for this league.
You're a regular season warrior.
4 seasons in the league and 4 FantasyMania appearances.
It's impressive, yes.
But with no FantasyMania wins to show for it..
It really means nothing.
You're a B+ player, Deez.
And we only accept the best here in the WCC.
*Deez Bryan kicks Single H in the head*
Stephaneah takes her shot at Deez and the Authority have their way.
*Shane McMahon's Music Hits*
[Shane McMahon]
Hold it right there...
I may not be in power anymore.
But as a human being, I know I have the right to step in.
And Steph, since you and Single H are so drunk with power...
I know you won't let your ego get the best of you.
Which is why I have a suggestion for tonight's main event.
Kenn Balor and Minh Wyatt in tag team action...
against the team of Jenni Zayn and Deez Bryan!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Shane, you were never a good League Owner...
But one thing is for sure.
You are a McMahon and you definitely know how to make a match.
Which is why I have accepted your challenge.
However... I wish you the best of luck getting Deez Bryan cleared to play tonight.
Once again, Shane, you've dug yourself in a hole that you can't climb your way out of.
Good luck.
The Water Boy.
Own it now on Bluray or DVD!
[Doctor Strange]
I'm afraid you have a concussion.
There's absolutely no way you can play Fantasy Football tonight and I highly doubt you'll be able to play this Sunday.
[Deez Bryan]
Stephaneah was right.
I can't play tonight, Shane.
I'm sorry I let you down.
[Shane McMahon]
Don't blame yourself, Deez.
You did the best you could.
I'll just have to find a new tag team partner for Jenni Zayn.
Tag Team Match
Kenn Balor & Minh Wyatt vs. Jenni Zayn & ???
Back in the ring, Kenn Balor and Minh Wyatt await their opponents.
Jenni Zayn makes her way down to the ring.
*Period of silence as we wait for Zayn's tag team partner*
Who's Jenni Zayn's tag team partner going to be?
Is she going to have to face these two alone?
It's definitely not an ideal situation with just a few days before the second round of FantasyMania.
Shane McMahon may have perhaps bit off more than he can chew.
It was a risky move putting Deez Bryan in a match after the beating by Single H.
I'm not sure what Shane was thinking!
*Shinsuke Nickamura's Music Hits*
The longest reigning FXT Universal Champion of the regular season!
The King of Animal Style is back!
A look of concern on Kenn Balor's face.
He's back, Mauro!
He's back!
And the Osaka fans are going nuts for their nation's hero!
Even Jenni Zayn marks out.
Nickamura wastes no time and goes after Balor right away.
Kenn gets out of the way and throws his Bullet Club members in the way to avoid the Bomaye.
Nickamura continues to go after the Bullet Club.
Jenni Zayn goes after the Wyatt Family.
The babyfaces are clearing the ring.
Nickamura is back and he is on fire!
Strowman gains control and starts manhandling Jenni Zayn.
But Nickamura comes in for the save.
Nickamura offers a hand to Jenni Zayn.
Jenni Zayn stares as Minh Wyatt, daring him to get back into the ring.
Minh Wyatt and Kenn Balor retreat to regather themselves.
Wyatt vs. Zayn!
Balor vs. Nickamura!
Four will enter but only two will survive.
Who will advance to the main event?
Find out exclusively on the WCC Network!
FantasyMania Round 2!
You don't want to miss this!
Thank you and goodnight.
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