CHF Championship Match
Vic Ambrose vs. Tai Rollins (C)

Vic Ambrose with the 115.38 to 81.22 over Tai Rollins
Winner via Pinfall and NEW CHF Champion: Vic Ambrose
Vic Ambrose has captured the CHF Championship!
Although he looks at the title in disgust.
Team WCC picks up a huge victory over the CHF.
Singles Match
Deez Bryan vs. Chris Waiting

Deez Bryan enters the ring to a huge pop.
Does this mean..?
Does this mean Deez Bryan is back?!
Has he found the power to become Super Saiyan once again?
I don't like this guys..

Deez Bryan attempts to lock in the Yes Lock.

But Single H blasts Bryan with a knee to the face!

[Single H]
You are finished, Deez!
Your season, your run, your career.
It's over!
There's no going back to Super Saiyan status.
You've lost it.
So tell me, Deez.
Who are you? Are you the Legendary Super Saiyan?
[Deez Bryan]
Deez Bryan nails Single H with a kick of his own!

[Single H]
Wrong answer.
The Authority beating Deez Bryan up.
Waiting locks in the Walls of Waiting and Deez Bryan passes out. Refusing to tap out.
Winner via TKO: Chris Waiting
The good news, Deez Bryan is back. However, the bad news is he has dropped another match.
How does this hurt his FantasyMania chances?
Singles Match
John Seana vs. Minh Wyatt
Seana starting fast, throwing steel steps at Wyatt before the match even begins!
Seana continues his onslaught sending Minh Wyatt through the stage, burying Minh Wyatt.
John Seana celebrates as if he's won the match...
Wait a minute.. no! It can't be!
Oh my God! It's The Underchucker!
Rising from the dead.

John Seana is in absolute shock as The Underchucker makes his presence known.
Chokeslam to Seana!
Winner via Pinfall: The Underchucker
With the return of The Underchucker, Seana's season may have just ended.
He has now dropped 2 straight.
Singles Match
Toman Reigns vs. Santa Clara Lesnar
SC Lesnar dropping Toman Reigns over the top rope.

Suplex City on Reigns and the WCC's #1 Ranked Superstar looks to be in big trouble.
SC Lesnar tearing up the arena now for no apparent reason.
SC Lesnar loses focus for a second and Toman Regins takes advantage!
Sending her into the steel post.
Superman Punch!
Winner via Pinfall: Toman Reigns
Toman Reigns continues his hot streak, winning 6 straight and looking strong as we near the final few weeks of the regular season.
WCC Championship Match
CM PUP vs. Dolph Riggler (C)
FantasyMania rematch between the leagues last two Champions.
The titles will be merged after this one.
WCC vs. CHF.
Back and forth between the two former Champions.
Huge elbow by PUP.
CM PUP going for the GTS!
I mean come on, brothers.
How many times have we seen this match before?
It was boring in 2013, boring in 2014 and guess what?
It's still boring in 2015.
And you know something, brother?
These wrestling storylines have really gotten old, brother.
I mean, Shane McMahon, he promised me movies.
Shane McMahon promised me good storylines.
Shane McMahon promised me world caliber matches.
Shane McMahon promised me millions of dollars.
And as far as Shane McMahon goes, Single H, and Stephaneah McMahon..
And the whole CHF/WCC Storyline goes..
I'm bored, brother!
So then, you're probably wondering..
Where the hell has the NWO been these past couple of weeks?
All I've been witnessing, is Shane McMahon and the Authority, taking all the credit.
Well I'll tell you something, brother.
I've been doing my research and I've been doing a little digging.
And it turns out, the Infinity Stones are real, brother.
And I just wanna let the entire WCC Universe know..
And that includes you CM PUP.
I have collected the last 2 remaining Infinity Stones!
So Minh Wyatt, I want to talk to you, brother!
Man to man, face to face.
And maybe, we can go about destroying the entire WCC Universe once and for all!
Putting an end to these ridiculous wrestling storylines.
So when you get a chance, Deadman.
Give me a call!
PUP, distracted by Hogan's promo, runs into a Jack Knife powerbomb by Kevin Nash!
Winner and STILL WCC Champion: Dolph Riggler
Riggler picks up his 3rd win of the season.
The CHF continue to hold the WCC Championship title, but what was Hulk Hogan talking about?
Does he really have the Infinity Stones?
Find out next time on the West Coast Cousins!
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