The crowd goes nuts as The Baugh's music hits to kick off WCCF Preview!
The cheers quickly turn into boos as the crowd realizes it is Single H accompanied by DF dressed up as The Baugh.
[Single H]
.... To boring the living hell out of you!
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
The Crock says this...
This Sunday at No Way Out, I face The Game, Single H.
The Cerebral Sandwich.
[Single H]
The Game is 10 times the Fantasy Manager that I am.
Because I am the People's Chump.
Let me take you back 3 seasons ago, when I faced Single H at FantasyMania.
The Final Round.
[Single H]
The Final Round where Single H hit me with a Family Tree after Family Tree.
Points after points.
It was then, that I realized that I could not beat The Cerebral Sandwich.
That I am not fit to be Fantasy Football and should go off to Hollywood and pretend to play Fantasy Football instead of actually doing it.
Do you smell that P-Dogg?
Do you smell what The Crock is cookin'?
It smells like a bunch of crap..
You support Child Abuse..
and I ain't down with that!
[Single H]
Well P-Dogg... I got two words for ya...
*The Baugh's Music Hits*
Here comes the real Baugh!
[The Baugh]
Single H... you sit there with your phony little glasses and your fake Versace shirt and you want to imitate The Baugh?
Well let The Baugh tell you this...
This Sunday, No Way Out... Single H... you listen carefully.. because you truly will have... no way out.
No Way Out from The Baugh whooping your candy ass and checking you straight into the Smackdown Hotel...
[Single H]
Baugh, I think I've heard this crap a million times before, don't you have anything new?!
[The Baugh]
Anything new? How about this for new...
You sit there, in last place with the worst record in the league and you talk about being The Game.
You talk about being that damn good..
Well The Baugh says your fantasy team is that damn bad.
So let the Baugh tell you what he's about to do..
He's gonna take off his $300 dollar glasses...
He's gonna remove his $700 dollar Versace shirt.
And he's gonna proceed to walk down this ramp.
Step into this ring...
Take off his $400 dollar watch..
And whoops all your monkey asses!
DF pounces on The Baugh!
Oh look out!
Degeneration F jumpin' The Baugh!
And he's in trouble, King!
Why'd he get in the ring?
Who knows? Why does he still have Peterson on his team?
Earlier tonight...
Mr. McMahon, you have a visitor.
[Mr. McMahon]
A visitor? What do you mean I have a visitor?
I want some peace and quiet damnit!
Cobra Kai walks in.
[Cobra Kai]
I came you cheer you up Daddy-O!
[Mr. McMahon]
Oh God..
[Cobra Kai]
Listen Vinny, I know you're not in the best mood.
I saw what Stone Cold did to you last night.
Hell, Stone Cold snub me a few weeks ago.
I feel your pain, Vince!
That's why I brought someone to cheer you up..
[Cobra Kai]
Mr. Aikman!
[Mr. McMahon]
Nick.. please..
[Cobra Kai (Mr. Aikman)]
Hey Mr. McMahon..
So I hear you got the blues!
Don't feel down on yourself, because Cobra Kai will make everything feel alright!
Cobra Kai will be your Corporate Champ!
He'll wear a nice tux, he'll sell your merchandise..
And best of all, he'll beat Stone Cold Steve Pupstin for you!
[Mr. McMahon]
Alright... alright.. I've heard enough..
[Cobra Kai (Mr. Aikman)]
Stone Cold is a big meanie.
He's got a real foul mouth!
But if you make Cobra Kai your Champion..
If you make him the face of the WCCF..
I promise you...
I'll stuff my face into his mouth and shut him up!
I'll make him quit!
And you and the WCCF can live happily ever after!
[Mr. McMahon]
Nick... Nick..
Alright, what the hell do you want from me?
[Cobra Kai]
Well gee Vince, I don't want anything really.
I think Mr. Aikman thinks that I am a good fit to be your Corporate Champion.
To be the brand image of your league.
I mean, just look at me.
[Cobra Kai]
I can be the face of the league.
I can make the little children in the first row smile and tell their daddy's to come to every event.
I can sell tickets, Vince.
All I want is a little recognition.
[Mr. McMahon]
A little recognition?
What do you want? An award?
You want to be recognized?
Alright. How about this...
[Mr. McMahon]
You can be the 2014 Yahoo Fantasy Draft Champion.
This is a real title and it means a heck of a lot more than the WCCF Championship.
It means that you had the best draft in the league.
That you are projected to finish the league in first place..
Nick Foley... I present to you your very own...
Yahoo! Fantasy Draft Championship.
[Cobra Kai]
Oh my God... Vince...
It's beautiful.
I love it so much..
[Mr. McMahon]
It's yours.
And best of all, nobody can take that title from you.
All I want you to do...
is kick Stone Cold's ASS!
We return live to WCCF Preview to find Rock Michaels in the center of the ring.
You know, it seems my rough start to the season keeps getting worse.
I look at the bottom 3 in the standings and I see myself sitting in 8th place with a record of 1-3.
I know I'm better than that.
I see that I'm in league with the likes of Single H and The Underchucker.. both standing at 1-3.
But I'll tell you this.. I am better than those guys.
I deserve better and I can play better than that.
I've dropped 3 straight.. but this Sunday is MUST win for me.
I cannot afford another loss.
I'm the former Champ... last season's Rookie of the Year.
This is no Sophomore slump.
The arena lights go out and ominous music plays.

[The Underchucker]
Rock Michaels..
Last season you defeated me at FantasyMania, eliminating my chances of becoming League Champion.
Now it stands, the two of us, 1-3.
Only one of us can come out on top, leaving the other at the bottom of the standings.

[The Underchucker]
Rock, you ruined my chances of becoming League Champion and for that I am going to destroy your soul. I will take you down, Rock.
It doesn't matter if I go down with you, I will make you sure know just how hot it is in the fiery depths of hell.

[The Underchucker]
Rock, I am taking you to a dark, dark place this Sunday.
I am taking you under.. to the point of no return.
Rock Michaels.. this Sunday you will..
Underchucker, you may have everyone else fooled, but you can't fool me.
Behind the scary music and over the top theatrics, at the end of the day, you're just a Fantasy Manager like anyone else.
You don't scare me.
All your mind games.. they don't...
Oh no..
Here he comes JR!
I hate this entrance..
You are now hearing the eerie sounds of The Underchucker..
Don't forget, you can hear this song and all of your favorite WCCF Superstar's when you order
WCCF The Music, Volume 2 at
I don't think this is the right time to be promoting merchandise, JR..
This is serious!

Here comes the demonic Druids.. carrying out a casket, King.
I don't like what I'm seeing.
What is this?
What is this?!
It's Rock Michael's future, JR.
He's staring right at it!
Oh.. real scary, Underchucker.
I'm shaking in my boots.
Let me guess.. You want me to lay in this thing?
Michaels opens the casket.
Oh My!
It's The Underchucker!
He just took Rock Michaels into the casket!
He said he'd do it!
The Underchucker said he'd take Rock Michaels to hell!
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music Hits
Stone Cold joins Jim Ross who is standing in the middle of the ring.

I'm joined by my good buddy Stone Cold Steve Pupstin..
Pupstin, you're standing here less than 24 hours removed from your loss to Kurt Crabble,
and you stand here without the WCCF Championship.
And some could say that you lost the WCCF Championship because of John Seana.
How do you feel about that?

[Stone Cold]
How do I feel about that?
JR, what kind of stupid question is that?
To put it quite simply, I'm pissed off!
As a matter of fact JR, I really don't feel like answering any of your questions.
Well Steve, with all due respect, if you aren't here to answer any of my questions,
then why are you out here?
[Stone Cold]
Why am I out here?
Well for starters, to do this.

*Crowd Cheers*
Pupstin picks up the microphone.
[Stone Cold]
John Seana.. you little piece of trash.
You come on out here last week and you talk a whole bunch of crap about how you're from the future..
But I could give a rat's ass about that.
There's one thing that you don't do and that's mess with my business.
And when you decided last night to interfere in my match, you messed with my business.

[Stone Cold]
Stone Cold doesn't need your help.
Stone Cold doesn't want your help.
You stupid little son of a bitch.
You wanna come out here and talk this future crap..
The only thing that's coming to your immediate future is Stone Cold Steve Pupstin whooping your sorry little ass!
*Crowd Boos*
*Stephaneah McMahon's Music Plays*

Stone Cold.. who the hell do you think you are?!
I've seen you walk around these past couple of weeks acting like you own the place.
Acting like this is your league and you can just do whatever the hell you want.

Last night at Over The Edge, you went too far...
You went too far when you attacked my dad.
The owner of the WCCF.
Well now that he's been hospitalized, I'm in charge.
And now that I'm in charge, I'm going to make your life a living hell!

And it starts this Sunday..
When you face this man...

Cobra Kai walks down dressed in a tuxedo and holding the Yahoo! Draft Championship Belt.

[Cobra Kai]
Stone Cold.. Before we step into the ring this Sunday at No Way Out..
I want you to know one thing..
I want you to know that I came to you.
That I came to you two weeks ago and I offered you my friendship.
I offered you a chance to be one half of the best damn tag team duo the WCCF has ever seen..
And what did you do?
You turned me away.
I'm sorry that I'm going to have to do this to you..
But you forced my hand, Steve.
You made me have to hate your guts!

[Cobra Kai]
Now you've forced me to be Vince McMahon's Corporate Champion.
You've made me become one of the Suits.
So now when you go against authority, Steve..
You're going against me!
The first ever Yahoo Fantasy Draft Champion!
Cobra Kai!

Stone Cold hits Cobra Kai with a Stunner!
What the hell is wrong with you?!
You can't just do whatever you please!
This is my family's league!
And I will not let you make a mockery of it!

Stephaneah slaps Pupstin!

Stunner to Stephaneah!
Welcome back to WCCF Preview.
We're now joined by Michael Cole who will be replacing JR for the rest of the night because that SOB Stone Cold stunned my broadcast partner.
It's great to be here, Jerry.
Well, don't get used to it Michael!
You'll never replace good ole JR!
Well I'll do what I can, but it's not really a goal of mine to take Jim Ross's job.
I still can't believe that idiot Stone Cold gave JR a Stunner!
Why is JR even his friend? I don't think Pupstin has respect for anyone.
Boy, I hope Cobra Kai kicks Pupstin's ass this Sunday at No Way Out!
*Kurt Crabble's Music Plays*
Now here is a true Champion!
The WCCF's only Olympic Gold Medalist and current WCCF Champion!
Kurt Crabble!
Stand up, Michael!

This capacity crowd of 18,000 showing their disapproval of the new Champion.
What do these idiots know?
They've never seen a real Champion before!
They've never won anything in their lives!
Show some respect!

Red, white and blue confetti falls as the celebration for Kurt Crabble begins.
Crabble continues to celebrate, chugging on milk and handing out cartons to fans.
He tells audience members to drink their milk so that they can be strong just like him.
Oh no!
That could only mean one thing, King...
It's the Big Red Retard coming to ruin Crab's moment!
Vane turns to the Milk Truck.
What? Look!
Vane just set Kurt Crabble's truck on fire, King!
This doesn't look good.
The Champion may be in trouble heading into Sunday!

Vane sets off the pyros in the ring as Preview goes off the air.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music Hits
Stone Cold joins Jim Ross who is standing in the middle of the ring.

I'm joined by my good buddy Stone Cold Steve Pupstin..
Pupstin, you're standing here less than 24 hours removed from your loss to Kurt Crabble,
and you stand here without the WCCF Championship.
And some could say that you lost the WCCF Championship because of John Seana.
How do you feel about that?

[Stone Cold]
How do I feel about that?
JR, what kind of stupid question is that?
To put it quite simply, I'm pissed off!
As a matter of fact JR, I really don't feel like answering any of your questions.
Well Steve, with all due respect, if you aren't here to answer any of my questions,
then why are you out here?
[Stone Cold]
Why am I out here?
Well for starters, to do this.

*Crowd Cheers*
Pupstin picks up the microphone.
[Stone Cold]
John Seana.. you little piece of trash.
You come on out here last week and you talk a whole bunch of crap about how you're from the future..
But I could give a rat's ass about that.
There's one thing that you don't do and that's mess with my business.
And when you decided last night to interfere in my match, you messed with my business.

[Stone Cold]
Stone Cold doesn't need your help.
Stone Cold doesn't want your help.
You stupid little son of a bitch.
You wanna come out here and talk this future crap..
The only thing that's coming to your immediate future is Stone Cold Steve Pupstin whooping your sorry little ass!
*Crowd Boos*
[Stone Cold]
John Seana, I know you're out there in the back somewhere watching this.
So you take a good look.
And you take a look at this face.
Because Stone Cold is gonna find you.
And when he does..
You better run for your life, you sorry son of a bitch.
*Stephaneah McMahon's Music Plays*
Ah! It's the Billion Dollar Princess, JR!
JR? Oh, JR's still knocked out.

Stone Cold.. who the hell do you think you are?!
I've seen you walk around these past couple of weeks acting like you own the place.
Acting like this is your league and you can just do whatever the hell you want.

Last night at Over The Edge, you went too far...
You went too far when you attacked my dad.
The owner of the WCCF.
Well now that he's been hospitalized, I'm in charge.
And now that I'm in charge, I'm going to make your life a living hell!

And it starts this Sunday..
When you face this man...

Cobra Kai walks down dressed in a tuxedo and holding the Yahoo! Draft Championship Belt.

[Cobra Kai]
Stone Cold.. Before we step into the ring this Sunday at No Way Out..
I want you to know one thing..
I want you to know that I came to you.
That I came to you two weeks ago and I offered you my friendship.
I offered you a chance to be one half of the best damn tag team duo the WCCF has ever seen..
And what did you do?
You turned me away.
I'm sorry that I'm going to have to do this to you..
But you forced my hand, Steve.
You made me have to hate your guts!

[Cobra Kai]
Now you've forced me to be Vince McMahon's Corporate Champion.
You've made me become one of the Suits.
So now when you go against authority, Steve..
You're going against me!
The first ever Yahoo Fantasy Draft Champion!
Cobra Kai!

Stone Cold hits Cobra Kai with a Stunner!
What the hell is wrong with you?!
You can't just do whatever you please!
This is my family's league!
And I will not let you make a mockery of it!

Stephaneah slaps Pupstin!

[Stone Cold]
Haha! ...
I really wish you hadn't done that.
But then again...
I'm kinda glad you did!
Stunner to Stephaneah!
Welcome back to WCCF Preview.
We're now joined by Michael Cole who will be replacing JR for the rest of the night because that SOB Stone Cold stunned my broadcast partner.
It's great to be here, Jerry.
Well, don't get used to it Michael!
You'll never replace good ole JR!
Well I'll do what I can, but it's not really a goal of mine to take Jim Ross's job.
I still can't believe that idiot Stone Cold gave JR a Stunner!
Why is JR even his friend? I don't think Pupstin has respect for anyone.
Boy, I hope Cobra Kai kicks Pupstin's ass this Sunday at No Way Out!
*Kurt Crabble's Music Plays*
Now here is a true Champion!
The WCCF's only Olympic Gold Medalist and current WCCF Champion!
Kurt Crabble!
Stand up, Michael!

This capacity crowd of 18,000 showing their disapproval of the new Champion.
What do these idiots know?
They've never seen a real Champion before!
They've never won anything in their lives!
Show some respect!
Thank you... thank you...
There's never been a better time to be a fan of the West Coast Cousins Fantasy League..
Because now for the first time ever, you have a true American hero representing your League.
You have a competitor that can be the perfect role model for your children.
One who doesn't drink on the job..
One who doesn't drink on the job..
One who doesn't rebel against authority..
One that doesn't scream obscenities and upset the younger audience.
No, no. Now you have a true Champion that can entertain you and excite you.
A Champion that has the simple qualities that any true Fantasy Manager should have.
The 3 I's.
Intensity. Integrity. And Intelligence.
My name is Kurt Crabble and I am your WCCF World Champion!
*Crowd Boos*
Come on! Everybody get on your feet and give it up for a True Hero!
The good guy has finally overcome the bad guy.
Remember children, Villains never win.
I stand up to bullies like Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, Rock Michaels,
The Underchucker, and The Baugh..
These are the bad guys. These are the wrong role models to follow.
Be like me and you can never lose.
Don't be a bully, be a star.
It's a celebration! Give it up for your Champion!
*Crowd Boos*

Red, white and blue confetti falls as the celebration for Kurt Crabble begins.
Crabble continues to celebrate, chugging on milk and handing out cartons to fans.
He tells audience members to drink their milk so that they can be strong just like him.
Oh no!
That could only mean one thing, King...
It's the Big Red Retard coming to ruin Crab's moment!
Vane turns to the Milk Truck.
What? Look!
Vane just set Kurt Crabble's truck on fire, King!
This doesn't look good.
The Champion may be in trouble heading into Sunday!

Vane sets off the pyros in the ring as Preview goes off the air.
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