Good evening folks! And welcome to Over The Edge!
This is Week 4 in the West Coast Cousins Fantasy League and what a card we have for you tonight.
That's right! The standings will surely shift after tonight.
We have Cobra Kai defending the Intercontinental Title against Single H!
JR, remember a few weeks ago when I tried to trade you my Cobra Kai pog for your Single H pog?
Well, we get to see that match up in person!
It's going to be a hell of a match for sure, but what about our other matches tonight?
The Baugh versus The Underchucker. Both Superstars have struggled early on in the season, someone has to pull out ahead and lift themselves from the bottom of the standings.
But what about SC Lesnar and Rock Michaels?
Both these Superstars are in need of a win, but we saw Rock Michaels have his arm broken at the hands of Santa Clara Gold Diggers.
How healthy is the former League Champion heading into Week 4?
But of course, I think everybody is looking forward to the main event.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin defending the WCCF Championship against Kurt Crabble.
Mr. McMahon will do anything to see Stone Cold drop the belt.
Will the Chairman of the Board have anything up his sleeve tonight?
Of course he does! Stone Cold isn't walking out of Over The Edge with the WCCF Championship.
I know that for a fact, JR!
How do you know that, King?
Because this is a recap JR!
Everybody already knows the results to these matches!
Singles Match
The Baugh vs. The Underchucker

Baugh Bottom! Baugh Bottom!
The Baugh with a solid performance against The Underchucker!
Winner via Pinfall: The Baugh
Mr. McMahon Interview

Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time..
The Owner of the WCCF...
Mr. McMahon!
*Crowd Boos*

Mr. McMahon, you've made it clear over the past couple of weeks that you do not want Stone Cold Steve Pupstin representing your league at WCCF Champion.
Is it fair to say that you want Stone Cold to lose tonight?
That you want to see Kurt Crabble as the next WCCF Champion?

[Mr. McMahon]
Let's just say that I think it's in the best interest of the WCCF that we see someone who can carry the League. Someone who can represent the WCCF with pride. Someone who can carry the title with dignity and command the respect of the WCCF Locker Room.
That's why tonight I am adding a special stipulation to tonight's Championship match.
If Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is disqualified, he will be stripped of the title and Kurt Crabble will be the new WCCF Champion.
Well Mr. McMahon that goes to my next question.
What do you say to those who say you have been an unfair League Owner?
To those who say you have stacked the odds against Stone Cold Steve Pupstin?
We saw it two weeks ago when you forced Pupstin to defend the title immediately after winning the title for the first time. And last week, you made the Championship match a Handicapped Match.
[Mr. McMahon]
Let me stop your right there.
If you are insinuating that I am unfair, that I somehow influence the outcome of matches, you're even dumber than you look. This is not the NBA. I don't rig matches. I don't screw anybody.
This league is straight and every match is clean.
Bossman, take care of this imbecile.

Oh My God! Michael Cole!
Bossman just grabbed Michael Cole!
He asked one too many questions, JR!
He's an idiot!
I bet these NFL Players wish they could do the same to some of these media guys out there.
Like who? King?
All the ones making up lies!
Like Deion Sanders and Trent Dilfer!
Singles Match
SC Lesnar vs. Rock Michaels

F-5! F-5!
SC Lesnar with the F-5 on Rock Michaels!
Winner via Pinfall: Santa Clara Gold Diggers
Rock Michaels has now dropped 3 consecutive games. Last season's champ appears to be in trouble heading into the midpoint of the season.
Backstage Segment
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin walks into Mr. McMahon's office.

What's wrong, Vince?
Are you surprised to see me?
You didn't think Stone Cold would have the guts to come step into your office?
[Mr. McMahon]
What the hell are you doing here?
Well Vince, I saw your little interview earlier.
If Stone Cold is disqualified, you're gonna strip me of the title?
Vince, you've made it pretty clear, you don't want me to be your Champion.
So my question to you Vince, is why the hell not?
[Mr. McMahon]
.. Well
Do I intimidate ya?
Do you not like the way I dress?
Is it because I drink on the job?
Or maybe it's because I flipped you off.
So what do you want me to do?
Do you want me to give you a hug?

Oh, I know. You want me to wear funny looking shirts and sell a bunch of merchandise.
Or maybe you want me to put an end to bullying?
How about I sing you a song?

Pupstin brings out his guitar and starts singing to Mr. McMahon.

Pupstin gets up and smashes the guitar over Mr. McMahon's head!
Oh my God!
Ahh! Did you see that?!
I think he just killed Mr. McMahon!
Somebody check on him! Is he alright?!
Well guess what? You son of a bitch.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin will never sell out, so you better find someone else to appeal to your corporate audience.
Until then, I am gonna hold onto the WCCF Championship and ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
And that's the bottom line...
WCCF Intercontinental Championship Match
Single H vs. Cobra Kai Dojo (C)

Cobra Claw! Cobra Claw!
Cobra Kai going for the Cobra Claw and Single H has NO DEFENSE to stop it!
Winner via Submission and STILL WCCF Intercontinental Champion: Cobra Kai Dojo
Cobra Kai may have just made a statement claiming his right to be in the main event.
They may want to get Cobra Kai more involved into the storylines, King.
He looks like a contender this season.
He does, and the Cerebral Sandwich is making a claim to be the worst.
Has the former 3x League Champion fallen on hard times?
This is his worst start to a season yet!
Backstage Segment
Backstage, Mr. McMahon is being attended to as he is carted off to an ambulance.
Accompanying Mr. McMahon is his daughter, Stephaneah McMahon.
Don't worry, Dad. Stone Cold is gonna pay for what he did to you.
Singles Match
Vane vs. Chris Waiting
Walls of Waiting! Walls of Waiting!
Y2W locking in the Walls of Waiting on Vane!
And the Big Red Machine has no choice but to tap!
Winner via Submission: Chris Waiting
Waiting trying to climb his way back into the main event. He just took down the #2 Ranked Superstar, Vane.
WCCF Championship Match
Kurt Crabble vs. Stone Cold Steve Pupstin (C)
Crabble goes down early!
But now Crabble with the Crab Lock!

Pupstin counters and kicks Crabble off! But the referee is knocked out in the process!

Wait a minute, Crabble looking for a chair!

But now Pupstin knocks it away and now he has the upper hand!
Wait a minute! Pupstin with a chair in his hand! If he uses it, he's disqualified and stripped of the title!
Don't do it, Pupstin!
Wait a minute! Crabble reverses and now he's looking to use that chair as a weapon!
But here comes Seana to save the day!

Seana clotheslines Crabble, preventing him from using the chair.
But the referee sees it and calls for the bell!

Winner via Disqualification and NEW WCCF Champion: Kurt Crabble
Crabble celebrates with the title as Seana is in shock!
John Seana just inadvertently cost Stone Cold the WCCF Championship!
I'll tell you what happened, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin just lost the WCCF Championship!
Seana's intentions were good, but Seana cost Pupstin the victory here tonight.
What does this mean for the WCCF?
Where does Pupstin go from here?
Find out tomorrow night on WCCF Preview!
The Baugh vs. The Underchucker

Baugh Bottom! Baugh Bottom!
The Baugh with a solid performance against The Underchucker!
Winner via Pinfall: The Baugh
Mr. McMahon Interview

Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time..
The Owner of the WCCF...
Mr. McMahon!
*Crowd Boos*

Mr. McMahon, you've made it clear over the past couple of weeks that you do not want Stone Cold Steve Pupstin representing your league at WCCF Champion.
Is it fair to say that you want Stone Cold to lose tonight?
That you want to see Kurt Crabble as the next WCCF Champion?

[Mr. McMahon]
Let's just say that I think it's in the best interest of the WCCF that we see someone who can carry the League. Someone who can represent the WCCF with pride. Someone who can carry the title with dignity and command the respect of the WCCF Locker Room.
That's why tonight I am adding a special stipulation to tonight's Championship match.
If Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is disqualified, he will be stripped of the title and Kurt Crabble will be the new WCCF Champion.
Well Mr. McMahon that goes to my next question.
What do you say to those who say you have been an unfair League Owner?
To those who say you have stacked the odds against Stone Cold Steve Pupstin?
We saw it two weeks ago when you forced Pupstin to defend the title immediately after winning the title for the first time. And last week, you made the Championship match a Handicapped Match.
[Mr. McMahon]
Let me stop your right there.
If you are insinuating that I am unfair, that I somehow influence the outcome of matches, you're even dumber than you look. This is not the NBA. I don't rig matches. I don't screw anybody.
This league is straight and every match is clean.
Bossman, take care of this imbecile.

Oh My God! Michael Cole!
Bossman just grabbed Michael Cole!
He asked one too many questions, JR!
He's an idiot!
I bet these NFL Players wish they could do the same to some of these media guys out there.
Like who? King?
All the ones making up lies!
Like Deion Sanders and Trent Dilfer!
Singles Match
SC Lesnar vs. Rock Michaels

F-5! F-5!
SC Lesnar with the F-5 on Rock Michaels!
Winner via Pinfall: Santa Clara Gold Diggers
Rock Michaels has now dropped 3 consecutive games. Last season's champ appears to be in trouble heading into the midpoint of the season.
Backstage Segment
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin walks into Mr. McMahon's office.

What's wrong, Vince?
Are you surprised to see me?
You didn't think Stone Cold would have the guts to come step into your office?
[Mr. McMahon]
What the hell are you doing here?
Well Vince, I saw your little interview earlier.
If Stone Cold is disqualified, you're gonna strip me of the title?
Vince, you've made it pretty clear, you don't want me to be your Champion.
So my question to you Vince, is why the hell not?
[Mr. McMahon]
.. Well
Do I intimidate ya?
Do you not like the way I dress?
Is it because I drink on the job?
Or maybe it's because I flipped you off.
So what do you want me to do?
Do you want me to give you a hug?

Oh, I know. You want me to wear funny looking shirts and sell a bunch of merchandise.
Or maybe you want me to put an end to bullying?
How about I sing you a song?

Pupstin brings out his guitar and starts singing to Mr. McMahon.

Pupstin gets up and smashes the guitar over Mr. McMahon's head!
Oh my God!
Ahh! Did you see that?!
I think he just killed Mr. McMahon!
Somebody check on him! Is he alright?!
Well guess what? You son of a bitch.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin will never sell out, so you better find someone else to appeal to your corporate audience.
Until then, I am gonna hold onto the WCCF Championship and ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
And that's the bottom line...
WCCF Intercontinental Championship Match
Single H vs. Cobra Kai Dojo (C)

Cobra Claw! Cobra Claw!
Cobra Kai going for the Cobra Claw and Single H has NO DEFENSE to stop it!
Winner via Submission and STILL WCCF Intercontinental Champion: Cobra Kai Dojo
Cobra Kai may have just made a statement claiming his right to be in the main event.
They may want to get Cobra Kai more involved into the storylines, King.
He looks like a contender this season.
He does, and the Cerebral Sandwich is making a claim to be the worst.
Has the former 3x League Champion fallen on hard times?
This is his worst start to a season yet!
Backstage Segment
Backstage, Mr. McMahon is being attended to as he is carted off to an ambulance.
Accompanying Mr. McMahon is his daughter, Stephaneah McMahon.
Don't worry, Dad. Stone Cold is gonna pay for what he did to you.
Singles Match
Vane vs. Chris Waiting
Walls of Waiting! Walls of Waiting!
Y2W locking in the Walls of Waiting on Vane!
And the Big Red Machine has no choice but to tap!
Winner via Submission: Chris Waiting
Waiting trying to climb his way back into the main event. He just took down the #2 Ranked Superstar, Vane.
WCCF Championship Match
Kurt Crabble vs. Stone Cold Steve Pupstin (C)
This is the main event of the evening, Kurt Crabble versus Stone Cold Steve Pupstin for the WCCF Championship!
Crabble goes down early!
But now Crabble with the Crab Lock!

Pupstin counters and kicks Crabble off! But the referee is knocked out in the process!

Wait a minute, Crabble looking for a chair!

But now Pupstin knocks it away and now he has the upper hand!
Wait a minute! Pupstin with a chair in his hand! If he uses it, he's disqualified and stripped of the title!
Don't do it, Pupstin!
Wait a minute! Crabble reverses and now he's looking to use that chair as a weapon!
But here comes Seana to save the day!

Seana clotheslines Crabble, preventing him from using the chair.
But the referee sees it and calls for the bell!

Winner via Disqualification and NEW WCCF Champion: Kurt Crabble
Crabble celebrates with the title as Seana is in shock!
John Seana just inadvertently cost Stone Cold the WCCF Championship!
Look at that idiot Pupstin in the ring!
I don't think Pupstin has fully grasped what just happened.
I'll tell you what happened, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin just lost the WCCF Championship!
Seana's intentions were good, but Seana cost Pupstin the victory here tonight.
What does this mean for the WCCF?
Where does Pupstin go from here?
Find out tomorrow night on WCCF Preview!
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