We come to you live in the sold out Hartford Civi Center here in Hartford, Connecticut as we get ready for Week 2 in the WCCF.
Ahh JR, I can't wait for tonight's matches.
We have 5 primetime matchups featuring 10 of the WCCF's marquee Superstars.
Which match are you looking forward to the most JR?
Well you can't go wrong with the WCCF Championship match.
Last year's FantasyMania rematch between Stone Cold Steve Pupstin and WCCF Champion Rock Michaels. But if I had to pick a less obvious matchup tonight, I think I'll go with SC Lesnar vs. The Big Red Machine Vane!
Well that's one hell of a matchup, JR.
Both Superstars are 0-1 and will be desperate for a win tonight.
I think both Superstars are gonna put up some points tonight.
But first, we get set for our first match of the evening, Cobra Kai Dojo vs. The Underchucker!
Singles Match
Cobra Kai Dojo vs. The Underchucker
Cobra Kai picks up his first win of the season defeating 4th place Chuckanut 89.94-79.98 with a Cobra Claw.
Winner via Submission: Cobra Kai Dojo
Wow JR!
What an amazing match!
It's too bad all we got to see is that idiot Cobra Kai using the Cobra Claw on Underchucker and nothing else.
Well King, creative already wastes enough time writing these recaps and previews, we're lucky to get that much!
They said last week's SummerSlam recap was underpar from previous seasons. But at least creative is putting in a little more effort this week!
Yeah! At least we're talking more this week, JR.
Singles Match
Chris Waiting vs. Single H
What a Family Tree to Waiting! Chris Waiting is out cold!
Winner via Pinfall: Single H
Waiting is shocked, JR.
A stunning loss for last week's highest points leader.
The crowd cheers, mocking Chris Waiting.
Listen to these idiots, JR!
WCCF Intercontinental Championship Match
The Baugh vs. Kurt Crabble (C)
Now wait a minute, King!
By God, The Baugh using Crabble's own maneuver! The Crab Lock!
And Crabble is tapping!
Winner via Submission and NEW WCCF Intercontinental Champion: The Baugh
What a sudden turn of events, King!
Kurt Crabble was ahead of The Baugh in points for most of the match, but The Baugh with a huge comeback!
I think the People's Champion just sent a message to everyone in that WCCF locker room.
The Baugh is not a joke!
He's the new Intercontinental Champion and he just beat the most athletic Superstar in the WCCF... Kurt Crabble! An olympic gold medalist!
Singles Match
SC Lesnar vs. Vane
W..W.. Wait a minute!
Chokeslam by Vane! Chokeslam by Vane!
133.58 points by the Big Red Machine!
And Vane is going to get his first win of the season!
Winner via Pinfall: Vane
Santa Clara Lesnar now falls to 0-2 after a hell of an effort, scoring 115.58 points, but it's not enough to stop The Big Red Machine. Paul Heyman has a lot of work to do after a rough start to the season for SC Lesnar.
WCCF Championship Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin vs. Rock Michaels (C)
What a huge match this is, JR.
The fate of the WCCF rests on this title match.
The face of the WCCF, Rock Michaels against the foul mouthed Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
JR, can you imagine the public relations nightmare Mr. McMahon would have on his hands if Stone Cold Steve Pupstin became WCCF Champion tonight?
Well Mr. McMahon wouldn't be pleased to say the least.
But if Pupstin wants to become WCCF Champion, he's gonna have to do what he couldn't do last season at FantasyMania. Beat Rock Michaels.

The bell rings and the Championship match is underway!

Michaels with a Figure Four Leg Lock on the challenger, Pupstin.
Pupstin avoids the kick now by Michaels.
Wait a minute now!
Stunner! Stunner!
Stone Cold Stunner on Rock Michaels!
Winner via Pinfall and NEW WCCF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Pupstin
Ahh! Oh no!
He's done it! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!
He's the new WCCF Champion, King!
And from out of no where, Iron Mike Tyson comes and lifts Pupstin's arm up!
What a moment for Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
*Mr. McMahon's Music Plays*
Wait a minute, what the hell is this?
It's the owner of the WCCF, JR!
Mr. McMahon!
I know who he is! But what is he doing here, King?

*Crowd Boos*

[Mr. McMahon]
Settle down...
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
Congratulations on winning the WCCF Championship.
You are now the top dog in the WCCF!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Mr. McMahon]
But there's just one problem.
I don't want you to be the top dog in the league.
And seeing as I am the owner of the League..
We're gonna play by my rules.
*Crowd Boos*

[Mr. McMahon]
As WCCF Champion, you are the face of the WCCF.
You are the brand image that our league represents.
And quite frankly Stone Cold, you just aren't the image that I'm looking for.
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
Do you understand, the type of corporate image I'm setting for this league, if I let a foul mouthed redneck who drinks on the job and uses four letter words represent our league?

Think of the image he's setting JR!
[Mr. McMahon]
It would be a disaster if I let you be WCCF Champion, Stone Cold.
Which is why you're gonna defend the WCCF Championship.
And you're gonna defend it... RIGHT NOW!
Waiting from behind!
Chris Waiting with a cheap shot on Pupstin!
*Crowd Boos*
And now Waiting is pummeling away on Pupstin.
Aw come on! This isn't fair.
Chris Waiting is relentless, King.
And now he's using a chair to attack Pupstin!
King, this isn't right.
You heard him, JR!
He can't have this red neck Pupstin representing the league!

I can't believe what I'm seeing, King.

[Mr. McMahon]
Come on! Get a referee down here!

[Mr. McMahon]
Come on! Start the match!

Here comes a referee.
This is sickening, King.

Mr. McMahon throws the referee into the ring as the Connecticut crowd continues to boo.

This is last year's FantasyMania all over again, King.
Winner via Pinfall and NEW WCCF Champion: Chris Waiting

Son of a bitch!
Mr. McMahon has just screwed over Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, just minutes after winning the WCCF Championship, Pupstin was forced to defend it against Chris Waiting.
And now Chris Waiting is our new WCCF Champion.
*Crowd Boos*
Pupstin should no chance after a grueling head to head match up against Rock Michaels, Stone Cold was attacked from behind by Chris Waiting.
Mr. McMahon laughs on stage.
This is wrong in every way imaginable King.
Tune in tomorrow night on WCCF Preview to see what unfolds next week here in the WCCF!
Mr. McMahon and Chris Waiting celebrate as Breakdown goes off the air.
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