Present Day WCC 2014.
Welcome to the longest running episodic Fantasy Football League in internet history!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Wednesday Night Preview!
After a historic and unprecedented FantasyMania, we have a new WCC League Champion!
Yes we do Michael! And tonight we're gonna celebrate with the new Champion, Dolph Riggler!
It was a controversial FantasyMania as Dolph Riggler has been seemingly hand picked by The Authority to be the face of the WCC.
We're going to hear from The Authority, Single H and Stephaneah McMahon, later tonight as they present the League Championship to our new Champion...
Dolph Riggler!
Meanwhile backstage...
[AJ Lee]
He's out of control.
Ever since Dolph won the League Championship, he hasn't stopped talking about it.
His ego has gotten the best of him.
We have to put a stop to this.
We have to put a stop to this.
AJ is right. And we have to act quickly.
Mr. McMahon is out of control in the other timeline.
He just screwed you over for the WCCF Championship.
How do you know this?
Because right now, I am the only character in both timelines.
Now listen PUP, I have an idea.. it may or may not work.. but in theory, if Single H and Stephaneah McMahon never meet... Single H can't become part of the family.
AJ is right. And we have to act quickly.
Mr. McMahon is out of control in the other timeline.
He just screwed you over for the WCCF Championship.
How do you know this?
Because right now, I am the only character in both timelines.
Now listen PUP, I have an idea.. it may or may not work.. but in theory, if Single H and Stephaneah McMahon never meet... Single H can't become part of the family.
If he never joins the family, he never gets put into the position of power.
Single H never becomes Commissioner of the WCC.
Single H never becomes Commissioner of the WCC.
And if Single H is stopped, Dolph Riggler never becomes Champion.
So if we use AJ's powers to send our consciousness back in time to prevent Single H from ever being in power, we can prevent the screw job.
In theory, yes. We can prevent a screw job before it ever begins.
We can change history.
So are you volunteering to be sent back in time?
Me? Hell no.
I hated that era. I was stuck managing an 0-2 SC Lesnar.
I rather stay back here.
And plus, if I run into my former self, we could create a time paradox that could destroy the WCC Universe.
So are you volunteering to be sent back in time?
Me? Hell no.
I hated that era. I was stuck managing an 0-2 SC Lesnar.
I rather stay back here.
And plus, if I run into my former self, we could create a time paradox that could destroy the WCC Universe.
Alright. Then I guess it's gonna have to be me.
AJ, can you send me back in time?
AJ, can you send me back in time?
[AJ Lee]
No, it's too much. I can only send your mind's consciousness back a few hours. Maybe days.
But what we're talking about is sending you back a couple of decades...
[AJ Lee]
Your mind would be ripped into shreds.
What if you had someone whose mind heals just as quickly as it's being ripped apart?
What if you had someone who always kicked out at 2? No matter the finisher.
What if you had someone who never sells a maneuver and can heal faster than any normal WCC Superstar?
You can send my mind back in time because I can handle it.
Because I am the Champion this league deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
You can send my mind back in time because I can handle it.
Because I am the Champion this league deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
[AJ Lee]
It may work.. but any instability could cause you to lose your mind.
Sending you back is risky.
Wait, time out. This doesn't make any sense.
Since when did you get the power to send people back in time?
How does this even work?
[AJ Lee]
You're right. It doesn't make any sense.
But it's the only way to make the story work.
The plot can only continue if we throw in something completely ridiculous like sending someone's consciousness back in time to fix years of bad storylines.
But it's the only way to make the story work.
The plot can only continue if we throw in something completely ridiculous like sending someone's consciousness back in time to fix years of bad storylines.
Alright. I'm ready.
So what? I wake up in my younger body and then what?
Find me. Convince me of all of this. John, I was a very different man.
Lead me, guide me. Be patient with me.
Patience isn't my strongest suit.
You'll need me as well.
And where do I find you?
It's complicated.
You're going to have to do for me what I once did for you..
John, this isn't going to be easy.
We need you to remain calm no matter what happens.
Any stress could permanently damage your brain.
So I need you to relax.
I need you to Go To Sleep.
Find me John.
Save the WCC, be the Supehero you were meant to be.
The entire "WCC Universe" is counting on you.
AJ, send his mind back in time.
[AJ Lee]
Alright everybody. Hold onto your butts..
WCCF 1998

The Preview Intro Plays and we cut backstage to find Stone Cold Steve Pupstin arriving to he arena.
*Crowd Cheers*
Mr. Stone Cold, may I have a word with you?
Last night, you became the WCCF Champion, and before you could even celebrate, Mr. McMahon forced you to defend the title again, resulting in a loss to Chris Waiting.
What do you have to say about that?
As far as Stone Cold is concerned, I am still WCCF Champion.
Mr. McMahon wants to play games and screw Stone Cold over, well let me tell you this Vince.
That's a path you don't want to cross.
Chris Waiting has something that belongs to me, and I'm gonna sit here in this parking lot and I'll be waiting for Waiting.
And that's all I got to say about that!
[Cobra Kai]
Steve. I saw what happened last night.
I just want you to know that I got your back!
What Mr. McMahon did to you last night was wrong and I have a proposition for you.
You and I can form the best damn tag team duo the WCCF has ever seen.
And together, we can take back your Championship!
You think Stone Cold needs your help?
Let me tell you something kid, Stone Cold doesn't give a rat's ass about you and he doesn't need your help. Why the hell would I want to be your tag team partner?
Now get the hell out of my way, you son of a bitch!

Pupstin walks away.

[Cobra Kai]
Geez. I just wanted to help.
Welcome back to Preview everybody.
And as we just saw before the commercial break, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin has arrived and he is not in a good mood.
He definitely looked angry, JR.
We're going to continue to follow Stone Cold as he waits for the arrival for Chris Waiting.
[The Baugh]
Finally... The Baugh has come back to Atlanta!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
The Baugh knows who the hell you are, you little jabroni.
What in the blue hell are you doing here?
[Cobra Kai]
Well Baugh, quite honestly, I was hoping to ask you if you wanted to be tag team partners.
We could be the best damn tag team duo the WCCF has ever seen!
All we have to do is combine our points each week.
We could call it the Baugh 'N Kai Connection!

[The Baugh]
Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... WHOA!
What makes you think The Baugh wants to be your tag team partner?
The Baugh isn't your friend. Doesn't want to be your friend. Never will be your friend.
So you know what you can do for The Baugh?
You can KNOW YO...
[Cobra Kai]

[Cobra Kai]
I'm one of the millions, Baugh!
I know every line!
Come on! Do another one.
Ask me what my name is.
Come on!
[The Baugh]
[Cobra Kai]
[Cobra Kai]
Hey Baugh, you wanna see something else?
I have this sock that I got from Troy Aikman.
It's never been washed before.
I call it, Mr. Aikman!
[The Baugh]
You know what. Cobra Kai.
Nick Foley.
Whatever the hell your name is.
Just show up this Sunday.
You bring that ass.
I'll bring the whooping.
IF YA....
[Cobra Kai]
[The Baugh]
No! no! no!
This isn't sing along with The Baugh.
The Baugh has had enough of this.
Get the hell out of my way!
The Baugh walks away.
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
For those of you who missed last night's show..
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is no longer the WCCF Champion!
*Crowd Boos*
*The Glass Breaks and Stone Cold is headed to the ring*
Pupstin gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.
I've been waiting all damn night for Chris Waiting to arrive, and I sat in that parking lot for damn near 2 hours and I ain't seen that son of a bitch come through those doors.
So Stone Cold figured, Chris Waiting is too much of a coward to come face to face with Stone Cold.
And then I see your sorry ass on the television screen and I decide that if I can't get my hands on Chris Waiting, I'll settle for the son of a bitch that called the shot.

Pupstin flips off Mr. McMahon and hits him a Stunner!


Stone Cold just hit Mr. McMahon with a Stunner! He can't do that!
You don't cross the boss!
But Pupstin fights back!
Pupstin, you shut your mouth!
Because I beat your ass last night and I can do it again!
Son, I don't know what you consider an ass beating, but I'll show ya what an ass kicking looks like, this Sunday at Judgement Day.
You bring that belt of yours and I'll take it right back from your punk ass.

The Preview Intro Plays and we cut backstage to find Stone Cold Steve Pupstin arriving to he arena.
*Crowd Cheers*
Mr. Stone Cold, may I have a word with you?
Last night, you became the WCCF Champion, and before you could even celebrate, Mr. McMahon forced you to defend the title again, resulting in a loss to Chris Waiting.
What do you have to say about that?
As far as Stone Cold is concerned, I am still WCCF Champion.
Mr. McMahon wants to play games and screw Stone Cold over, well let me tell you this Vince.
That's a path you don't want to cross.
Chris Waiting has something that belongs to me, and I'm gonna sit here in this parking lot and I'll be waiting for Waiting.
And that's all I got to say about that!
[Cobra Kai]
Steve. I saw what happened last night.
I just want you to know that I got your back!
What Mr. McMahon did to you last night was wrong and I have a proposition for you.
You and I can form the best damn tag team duo the WCCF has ever seen.
And together, we can take back your Championship!
You think Stone Cold needs your help?
Let me tell you something kid, Stone Cold doesn't give a rat's ass about you and he doesn't need your help. Why the hell would I want to be your tag team partner?
Now get the hell out of my way, you son of a bitch!

Pupstin walks away.

[Cobra Kai]
Geez. I just wanted to help.
Welcome back to Preview everybody.
And as we just saw before the commercial break, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin has arrived and he is not in a good mood.
He definitely looked angry, JR.
We're going to continue to follow Stone Cold as he waits for the arrival for Chris Waiting.
*Kurt Crabble's Music Plays*
Ah! It's Kurt Crabble, JR!
What a true American!
Stand up JR!
Stand up for your country!
I think I'd rather sit, King.
What's wrong with you, JR?
Don't you love your country?
Kurt Crabble makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos.
Cut my music!
I've had it up to here with you people!
*Crowd Boos*
I am a true American hero! And you choose to boo me?
Last night, when I lost to The Baugh, you chose to cheer for him?
The Baugh endorses child abuse and you praise him?
His star player, his very first pick in this year's draft.
Adrian Peterson.
A well known criminal and child abuser!
Everyone knows what a bad person Adrian Peterson is!
And what has The Baugh done to punish Peterson?
Nothing! He's still on his team.
Adrian Peterson needs to be immediately cut from The Baugh's fantasy team!
*Crowd Boos*
Cut my music!
I've had it up to here with you people!
*Crowd Boos*
I am a true American hero! And you choose to boo me?
Last night, when I lost to The Baugh, you chose to cheer for him?
The Baugh endorses child abuse and you praise him?
His star player, his very first pick in this year's draft.
Adrian Peterson.
A well known criminal and child abuser!
Everyone knows what a bad person Adrian Peterson is!
And what has The Baugh done to punish Peterson?
Nothing! He's still on his team.
Adrian Peterson needs to be immediately cut from The Baugh's fantasy team!
*Crowd Boos*
You know what? I'm pissed off!
I want to play Fantasy Football.
But I don't want to play it with anyone in this league.
I already know I can beat everyone in this league.
I want to face an up and comer.
Someone new that I have never faced before!
I'm going to show this new rookie exactly how Fantasy Football should be played.
So come on out, mystery man. Whoever has the GUTS to play be in Fantasy Football, come down to this ring right now!
So come on out, mystery man. Whoever has the GUTS to play be in Fantasy Football, come down to this ring right now!
Come on guys, there's gonna be SOMEBODY in the back who wants to play me in Fantasy Football.
Guys, this is an opportunity of a LIFETIME!
It's not everyday that you get a chance to get in the ring with someone of my caliber.
Come on! Anybody, don't be afraid!
You know what, how about this?
How about I sweeten the deal?
Whoever faces me and can BEAT me....
Can take my spot this Sunday at Judgement Day!
Wow! What a deal JR!
The winner gets to go to Judgement Day?
JR, go on up there!
I think I'll pass King...
Well somebody's gotta do it...
It's too great of an opportunity!
You know what, how about this?
How about I sweeten the deal?
Whoever faces me and can BEAT me....
Can take my spot this Sunday at Judgement Day!
Wow! What a deal JR!
The winner gets to go to Judgement Day?
JR, go on up there!
I think I'll pass King...
Well somebody's gotta do it...
It's too great of an opportunity!
*John Seana's Entrance Music*
What the heck...
Who the hell is this guy, JR?
We've heard of this kid before King.
He's rising in the ranks in the WCCF Developmental league.
It's John Seana!
What the heck...
Who the hell is this guy, JR?
We've heard of this kid before King.
He's rising in the ranks in the WCCF Developmental league.
It's John Seana!
Crabble laughs as Seana makes his way down to the ring.
Well what do you think of Seana's chances JR?
He's brave, I'll tell you that.
Maybe he'll get a chance to show what he's made of.
He has an opportunity to make a name for himself here in the WCCF.
If Seana can beat Crabble, he'll take his spot this Sunday at Judgement Day.
If Seana can beat Crabble, he'll take his spot this Sunday at Judgement Day.
Seana gets in the ring.
Well hold on there, cowboy.
Who the hell are you?
Okay, "John Seana."
What is the one undefinable quality that you have that makes you think that you can play in West Coast Cousins Fantasy League?
Seana winds back and clobbers Crabble with a right hook!
Oh look out!
Seana taking down Crabble!
And Crabble responds right back with a clothesline!
Belly to back Suplex!
Oh, hold on here! What a maneuver by Seana!
Winner via Pinfall: John Seana
He did it! John Seana just pinned Kurt Angle!
What guts by this young kid!
John Seana just beat Kurt Crabble and now he's going to Judgement Day!
Welcome back to Preview ladies and gentlemen and I am now joined by Paul Bearer and Vane.
Vane, last week at Breakdown you posted the highest score of the night when you defeated SC Lesnar.
What's next for you?
Michael Cole... My son Vane showed everyone just how much power he possesses.
Vane dismantled SC Lesnar... and now he has his eyes set on the former League Champion, Rock Michaels!
Cobra Kai interrupts the interview.
[Cobra Kai]
Yeah! Yeah! The Big Red Machine Vane!
I'm a big fan of your work.
If you want to beat Rock Michaels this Sunday, I have an idea.
How about we form a tag team?
We can be the best damn tag team duo the WCCF has ever seen!
Just imagine it! We'll combine points every week.
Nobody will be able to beat us!
C...CoBrAaaaaaa...... KaaAAaiII......
BUrrrrN innn HaLLLL!
Well folks welcome back to ringside. We're still waiting on for the arrival of Chris Waiting.
Until then....
Do you want to see something really scary?
We're coming.
What was that?
I have no idea..
We cut backstage to find John Seana talking to The Underchucker.
Chucker.... I'm looking for Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
It's urgent.
Who the hell are you?
I'm John Seana.. I need to find Pupstin.
Do I look like his mother?
I don't give a damn where Stone Cold is.
Single H walks in.
[Single H]
Hey... you're the new guy? Seana, right?
I think I know where Pupstin is.
Single H...
Well, where can I find him?
[Single H]
He's in the parking lot waiting for Chris Waiting.
But I'd be careful if I were you.
I don't think he's in a very good mood.
Watch your back, kid.
Joining me at this time... The Baugh!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Finally... The Baugh has come back to Atlanta!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Last night The Baugh became the new WCCF Intercontinental Champion... The Baugh did what he set out to do. To show everyone that The Baugh is still a contender.
That The Baugh is and always will be... The Jabroni Beating...
[Cobra Kai]
[The Baugh]
What in the blue hell...
[Cobra Kai]
It's me, Baugh! Cobra Kai!
[The Baugh]
The Baugh knows who the hell you are, you little jabroni.
What in the blue hell are you doing here?
[Cobra Kai]
Well Baugh, quite honestly, I was hoping to ask you if you wanted to be tag team partners.
We could be the best damn tag team duo the WCCF has ever seen!
All we have to do is combine our points each week.
We could call it the Baugh 'N Kai Connection!

[The Baugh]
Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... WHOA!
What makes you think The Baugh wants to be your tag team partner?
The Baugh isn't your friend. Doesn't want to be your friend. Never will be your friend.
So you know what you can do for The Baugh?
You can KNOW YO...
[Cobra Kai]

[Cobra Kai]
I'm one of the millions, Baugh!
I know every line!
Come on! Do another one.
Ask me what my name is.
Come on!
[The Baugh]
[Cobra Kai]
[The Baugh]
You're right Cobra Kai. It doesn't matter what your name is.
But I'll tell you what does matter.
This Sunday. Judgement Day.
When The Baugh steps inside that ring... and lays...
[Cobra Kai]
[Cobra Kai]
Hey Baugh, you wanna see something else?
I have this sock that I got from Troy Aikman.
It's never been washed before.
I call it, Mr. Aikman!
[The Baugh]
You know what. Cobra Kai.
Nick Foley.
Whatever the hell your name is.
Just show up this Sunday.
You bring that ass.
I'll bring the whooping.
IF YA....
[Cobra Kai]
[The Baugh]
No! no! no!
This isn't sing along with The Baugh.
The Baugh has had enough of this.
Get the hell out of my way!
The Baugh walks away.
[Cobra Kai]
Camera now cuts to John Seana who is in the parking lot looking for Stone Cold.
Where are you?
I need to talk to you.
From out of no where Single H attacks Seana!
What the hell!
Why? Single H attacking Seana from behind!
[Single H]
I told you to watch your back, John.
You made a rookie mistake, kid.
Don't trust anybody.
You think you're tough? Cause you beat Kurt Crabble?
Well, you just opened Pandora's Box when you took his spot at Judgement Day.
Because the man you'll be facing this Sunday...
is ME!
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen and tonight's broadcast is brought to you by Squeezit!
*Mr. McMahon's music plays*
Here comes the boss, JR!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
For those of you who missed last night's show..
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is no longer the WCCF Champion!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
Stone Cold is no longer Champion because quite frankly, he didn't fit the bill.
Because Stone Cold is a man that respects no one.
Stone Cold is a degenerate and an outlaw.
And for that, I will not have my league contaminated by an S.O.B. like Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
Uh oh! Business is about to pick up on Preview!
Pupstin gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.
I've been waiting all damn night for Chris Waiting to arrive, and I sat in that parking lot for damn near 2 hours and I ain't seen that son of a bitch come through those doors.
So Stone Cold figured, Chris Waiting is too much of a coward to come face to face with Stone Cold.
And then I see your sorry ass on the television screen and I decide that if I can't get my hands on Chris Waiting, I'll settle for the son of a bitch that called the shot.

Pupstin flips off Mr. McMahon and hits him a Stunner!


Stone Cold just hit Mr. McMahon with a Stunner! He can't do that!
You don't cross the boss!
Chris Waiting comes from behind and attacks Pupstin!
Waiting pummeling away on Pupstin!
But Pupstin fights back!
Clothesline by Pupstin and Waiting retreats.
Just like I thought.
You ain't got the balls to step in the ring with Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
Pupstin, you shut your mouth!
Because I beat your ass last night and I can do it again!
Son, I don't know what you consider an ass beating, but I'll show ya what an ass kicking looks like, this Sunday at Judgement Day.
You bring that belt of yours and I'll take it right back from your punk ass.
You're on Pupstin!
But you underestimate me!
I am the Champion for a reason.
And this Sunday, I will make you submit the Walls of Waiting!
Well there you have it folks!
A slew of matchups slated for this Sunday at Judgement Day.
Cobra Kai vs. The Baugh for the Intercontinental Championship.
John Seana vs. Single H.
And of course, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin vs. Chris Waiting for the WCCF Championship!
Good night folks and we'll see you this Sunday at Judgement Day!
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