At Martha & Bros Coffee Company,
Edward Nashton is eerily found by himself.
He's suddenly surrounded.
Police! Hands up!
Nashton complies as the entire SFPD police force
have come to take him in.
Edward Nashton
Did you get my message, Commissioner?
The police push Nashton onto the table and handcuff him.
Stay still!
From a distance,
we find The Batman watching as Nashton is arrested.
Despite early season struggles, Alexander Wayne has remained Top 3 in points.
Now, with his team back on track after 4 straight wins,
The Batman finds himself in 3rd place at 6-4.
But with just a few weeks left in the regular season,
Wayne looks to secure a playoff spot and remain one of the league points leaders.
Although Nashton has been arrested,
he smiles at The Batman.
Perhaps things are not what they seem...
Episode Eleven - The Game is Afoot
The Great Kevan
We did it, Alfred.
After 5 years of hard work and dedication, we've finally done it.
Kevan's American Museum of Curiosity is finally opening.
Alfred Pennyworth
It's a fine achievement, Kevan.
I've watched you grow from a talented magician to a proper showman.
The Great Kevan
I couldn't have done it without all of you...
The Great Kevan
Baker 'The Bearded Lady' Mayfield.
The Great Kevan
Jimmy the Gentle Giant without a Brain.
The Great Kevan
The Amazing Mary Jane.
The Woman that Gravity Forgot.
The Great Kevan
You've all been an instrumental part of my Fantasy Team.
Alfred Pennyworth
It's a great milestone, Kevan.
But let's not celebrate too quickly.
We've still got work to do.
We're still in 6th place and Alex Wayne's show is still outperforming ours.
We faced a tough loss last week and now find ourselves at 5-5.
It's going to be a tight race for the playoffs.
The Great Kevan
Alright, then what are we waiting for?
Let's put on the best performance of the season in Week 11.
The greatest show.
Kevan's Objective:
Out Perform Alex Wayne's Show
(Finish the Season Ahead of Alex's Awesome Team)
Natasha... are you excited?
Our show is on the brink endless possibilities!
And you... I have great plans for you.
You can be more than an assistant.
Natasha Sherryoff
Listen, Kevan.
I have something to tell you...
I'm leaving your show.
The Great Kevan
What are you talking about?
You can't leave. Not now.
The playoffs are about to begin...
Natasha Sherryoff
The playoffs are exactly why I must leave.
...I've started my own Fantasy Team.
The Great Kevan
A woman can't manage a Fantasy Team.
Natasha Sherryoff
Well, I have.
Co-managed by my business partner.
The Great Kevan
Business partner? Who?
Natasha Sherryoff
Jim Moriarty.
And he wants to buy you out.
Take all the players from your team.
The Great Kevan
Take all of my players?
Are you nuts?!
Our season isn't over yet.
We're very much in the playoff race.
Natasha Sherryoff
I'm telling you to get out of it, Kevan.
You don't want to meddle with Moriarty.
For your own sake, drop out of the race.
The Great Kevan
If you want my show? If you want my team...
You're going to have to run me out of business!
Natasha Sherryoff
Fine... then we will.
But don't say I didn't warn you.
As the battle between 1st place Thor Rocksinson and last place Christopher Parker,
Rocksinson sends a strong message on Thursday Night as Ja'Marr Chase scores 44.40,
almost outscoring Parker's entire team by himself.
But despite being heavily outmatched,
Chris Parker has a trick of his own.
Thor Rocksinson
MjolCaffrey... what are you doing?
Looks like someone finally got off IR.
This is awesome!
Thor Rocksinson
...that's not possible.
I've got news for you, almighty Thor.
When the real Thor died, he made me worthy!
You still think I am the fake Thor?!
You may be worthy enough to hold MjolCaffrey,
but you lack the strength to wield him!
Rocksinson has had enough and he drops 139.82,
crushing Christopher Parker in Week 10.
With the win, Thor Rocksinson
becomes the first player to clinch a playoff spot this season.
There are now just 5 remaining spots.
Christopher Parker
Okay! Okay!
Jesus Christ... I guess you are the real Thor.
You didn't have to cause a tsunami at Pike Place.
Thor Rocksinson
Well.. I had to prove to you that I was the real Thor Rocksinson.
I had to do something that a mysterious illusion could never do.
Harrison Butker
Thor Rocksinson
Harrison Butker
Look, we haven't much time...
Christopher Parker
Wait, there's still one thing I don't understand.
If you are the real Thor Rocksinson... how did you get here?
Harrison Butker
It's a long story, kid.
A sudden flash, as Earth-206 experiences a multiversal incursion.
Gwen Kelce from Earth-31 flies into frame,
landing in front of Christopher Parker and Thor Rocksinson.
Gwen Kelce
It's me... Gwen!
Christopher Parker
Gwen Kelce
We've been looking for you.
I brought your friends...
Wait.... Gwen.
Who the hell is that?
Jaylen Warren
Jaylen Warren
Yeah... that's not our friend...
Gwen Kelce
Great. We have the wrong universe again.
Christopher Parker
Gwen, how are you alive?
I watched you die... in my arms.
Gwen Kelce
Look, Chris.
While I understand and feel your pain, I'm sorry.
But I'm not your Gwen Kelce.
Harrison Butker
You're from another universe?
Gwen Kelce
Yes... and as I was about to say,
I really don't have time to explain everything.
Harrison Butker
You don't have to.
I'm from another universe as well.
Gwen Kelce
Like the Earth-1. Alpha World?
Harrison Butker
That's right.
What's the Alpha World?
Christopher Parker
Yeah, I'd like to know as well.
Gwen Kelce
It's where all of this started.
Ground zero for this multiversal madness.
It's the universe where Ouroboros is from.
Jaylen Warren
Orange Borgis!
That's the guy that we're looking for!
Harrison Butker
Ouroboros is dead.
Kang killed him and the entire Alpha Force.
Gwen Kelce
No, he didn't.
Ouroboros is still alive...
Harrison Butker
How do you know?

Gwen Kelce
Because he came to my world.
He taught me how to verse jump.
Kang destroyed his physical body in the Alpha World.
But Ouroboros' spirit lives on through continuous dream walking.
He moves from variant to variant across all universes.
Harrison Butker
Are you sure?
Gwen Kelce
I am.
Harrison Butker
Then we need to find him.
We need Ourboros if we're to defeat Kang.
Thor Rocksinson
I've already got Kang under control...
Why is no one listening to my plan?
I become Omega Level, use the Space Needle and stab Kang in the heart.
It sounds like a great plan to me.
Harrison Butker
Gwen, do you know where we can find Ouroboros?
Wait, guys.
We're getting away from why Jaylen and I are here.
We just want to find our Christopher.
Jaylen Warren
Yeah, all of this cyberspace stuff is giving me a headache.
Christopher Parker
You mean, like another Christopher?
...from your world?
That's right.
He... dresses like you. Like Spiderman.
Christopher Parker
If your friend is anything like me...
another Spiderman... then something tells me that I should help you.
Gwen Kelce
We'll find Ouroboros.
But only after we find their friend.
If we don't find him soon, he may be lost in the multiverse for good.
Harrison Butker
Alright then. We have our goals.
Brother, you stay back here and try to win a League Championship.
Thor Rocksinson
Harrison Butker
I'll go with Gwen and their friends to find this other Chris Parker.
And then... we find Ourboros.
Thor Rocksinson
You better hurry, because by the time you go all throughout the multiverse,
Kang will already be dead.
Lt. Gordon
Nicholas Holmes, let's make this quick.
I have tickets tonight to see Kevan's American Museum of Curiosity.
Nicholas Holmes
Then you'd better tell your men to leave.
They'd only slow me down.
Tell me about the victim.
Lt. Gordon
He's one of our own.
Lt. Gordon
Crown Prosecutor, Chesa Boudin.
His wife reported him missing last week and now he turns up on the shore.
Do you think it's related to the Riddler killings?
Nicholas Holmes
It has to be.
The Riddler made his threat to the media and now he's acted on that threat.
You should've put this man in protective custody the moment the Riddler put it in the paper.
Lt. Gordon
Boudin made it a point not to put fear into the community.
Nicholas Holmes
And now he's dead.
Nicholas Holmes
Did the Riddler leave a message?
He usually leaves a clue to taunt us with.
Lt. Gordon
A letter, addressed to you:
Nicholas Holmes,
by now you've found the body of the dearly departed.
Find Renewal if you want to know where all of this started.
Lt. Gordon
He also left a cipher.
I'm guessing the answer will reveal a location to where you'll find 'Renewal.'
Kendall Holmes
No need to solve the cipher, Commissioner Gordon.
I've already solved it.
Oh wait, you're not yet a commissioner in this universe.
Well, I'm sure you'll figure that one out yourself someday.
Lt. Gordon
Excuse me, this is a crime scene.
You aren't allowed on the premise.
And just who in the hell are you?
Kendall Holmes
Who am I?
Why don't you tell him, Nicholas?
I'm sure you've figured it out by now.
Nicholas Holmes
Mr. Holmes.
Nicholas Holmes
Kendall Holmes.
Lt. Gordon
I'm sorry, what? Is this your brother?
Kendall Holmes
Oh, please.
We look nothing alike.
We're more like... variants of one another, isn't that right, Holmes?
Nicholas Holmes
And how long did it take you to figure that one out?
Kendall Holmes
Kendall Holmes
I'll admit, I spent the entire offseason trying to solve that one.
Not nearly as quickly as it took for me to find out
the identity of the Riddler.
Nicholas Holmes
You solved the Riddler case?
Kendall Holmes
Don't tell me that you haven't?
Maybe we aren't variants after all.
Nicholas Holmes
The gloating gets old fast.
John Watson
You're telling me?

Kendall Holmes
Edward Nashton. That's who you're looking for.
That's your serial killer.
It's Nashton!
We all know it's him.
He's got my daughter, my Laura!
And you all are letting him get away with this!
Detective Beck
Listen, Kevan. I understand that you're upset.
Your daughter is missing, of course you're upset.
I would be too.
But I'm going to level with you.
Nashton is a suspect. But he's not the only suspect.
What do you mean not the only suspect?!
It's clear as day, make an arrest Detective Beck.
Detective Beck
Look, we don't have the evidence to arrest Nashton.
We've already brought him in for questioning, but we had to let him go.
What do you mean?
You just let him walk out of here?
Detective Banner
I think what Detective Beck is trying to say is, the investigation is ongoing.
And because of that,
we cannot divulge anymore information than we already have.
Doing so would jeopardize the case and the life of your daughter, quite frankly.
You know what jeopardizes my daughter's life?
It's you two assholes not doing your job!
You're gonna let him walk and he's going to kill her!
Hell, she could already be dead!
How do you not understand that?
My daughter's life is on the line!
Detective Beck
Look, Kevan.
I assure you that we're doing our best.
I will call you when we have more information.
We will find your daughter.
Kevan is forced to leave in frustration.
Kendrick Stark
That Detective Beck is one real piece of work, isn't he?
I used to work closely with him.
Guy's a prick.
I'm sorry?
Who the hell are you?
Kendrick Stark
Kendrick Stark. Private investigator.
I've been looking into your case.
Trying to solve this Riddler thing for a while actually.
I can only imagine what you're going through.
I have a daughter myself... so I feel your pain.
I hope we can find her safe.
So what do you make of all of this?
Kendrick Stark
From what I can tell, the police think Nashton is involved,
but they're not convinced that he's the Riddler.
And what do you think?
Kendrick Stark
Kendrick Stark
I think they might be right.
Nashton is a pawn.
There might be someone else pulling the strings.
But if Nashton is involved, why hasn't he been arrested yet?
Kendrick Stark
Kendrick Stark
The cops probably don't have enough evidence.
I understand they brought him in for questioning?
That's right. But they let him go.
If it were me, I'd beat the answers out of him.
He knows something.
Kendrick Stark
Look, I want to help you.
And, this Riddler son of a bitch has been the bane of my existence for over a year now.
I can help you locate Edward Nashton, but I can't get involved beyond that.
Doing so, would risk impeding the investigation.
But if it'll give you peace, I can give you a little something.
Here, call my guy Rhodes.
Here's his number, he'll be more than willing to help you talk to this kid.
Why are you doing this?
Kendrick Stark
Kendrick Stark
Like I said, I want to catch this Riddler killer
and put an end to this once and for all.
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