Alexander Wayne
The locals are scarred from the rising crime.
They stay indoors, hiding in the shadows.
The city is shut down for the holiday.
Alexander Wayne
3 years in the West Coast Cousins have turned me into a nocturnal animal.
Staying up late after the waivers clear.
But 12 weeks ago, I was sent to this world.
Sent to San Francisco.
Now at 6-5, I find myself fighting for a playoff spot.
Alex Wayne's Season Objective:
Catch the Riddler (Play in Championship Game)
Alexander Wayne
The environment is new, but the goal remains the same.
If I'm to catch the Riddler,
I'll need to play in the Championship Game of FantasyMania.
Alexander Wayne
But for now, it's Week 12.
And I've got to beat Luke's Lunch Money.
Selina Kupp
About time that I found you.
I've been busy.
Selina Kupp
You're gonna wanna take a look at this.
Selina Kupp
We found it.
Jason's suit, all bloodied and destroyed.
It came with a riddle...
"He's full of wonder, he's black, he's red.
Often on the side, he's left for dead."
Did you find a body?
Selina Kupp
No.. but it's obvious who did this.
This isn't the Riddler.
Selina Kupp
How do you know?
It's too simple. Too straight forward.
The Riddler would never leave something like this behind.
And I doubt he'd get the better of Jason.
Selina Kupp
So what are you saying?
Selina Kupp
You think someone else is behind this?
I don't know.
Much to the surprise of the Batman,
we find the bat signal beaming in the sky.
Who could be signaling the Batman?
Selina Kupp
Looks like you're needed elsewhere...
Batman heads over to the signal.
Oh, wow. That actually worked?
It's like fetching a dog with treats.
This isn't a toy.
Really? Then why does it feel like one?
Besides, given that we never exchanged numbers.
I didn't have any other means of contacting you, Wayne.
Don't call me that.
Oh, right.
Your secret identity.
Boy, that sounds like such a hassle.
The mask isn't for me.
So what am I supposed to call you?
While you're out there lurking around in the shadows,
the Riddler has a new victim.
This time, he's addressed it to you.
"I can be charming or cruel. Mistaken for a fool.
I come in twos, but often left in the box. With each turn, I can pop.
I can make you laugh, I can make you cry, but I can also make you die.
Who am I?"
Any idea what that means?
The Joker.
I'm sorry, the who?
It doesn't matter. It's a red herring.
The Riddler is just wasting our time.
Where can I find the Joker?
Where I left him. Inside the box.
But you won't gain anything from talking to the Joker.
Yeah, well it's a lead.
Maybe I can learn more about how you all got here.
And while I'm doing that, what exactly are you doing?
I've been meaning to ask.
I'll find the Riddler.
I just need more time.
You're running out of it, Twilight.
I'm putting you on the bench.
I'll let you know when it's safe to go home.
Stark, you don't know what you're getting yourself into.
Sorry, can't hear you!
You'll have to speak up next time.
MarthaMan blasts away as AC/DC's Thunderstruck plays from his speaker.
Mark Andrews
The six of us in this room.
These are the six of us that will escape in 3 weeks.
Lalo Salamanca
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
This was not part of the deal, Andrews.
In my experience, I learned to never trust a black inmate.
Chris Olave
Excuse me?
Lalo Salamanca
And Captain Covfefe over there?
Forget about it.
If he knows about the plan, so do the COs.
This plan is screwed from the beginning, Fish.
Captain Covfefe
Yeah? Well I don't feel great about bringing you along either, Lalo.
Lalo Salamanca
Is that the same guilty conscience you had when you shot the President?
Ex-West Coast Cousin turned assassin.
That's quite the heel turn, my friend.
Hey, why don't you know your role and shut your mouth?
Because you don't know anything about heel turns.
Lalo Salamanca
Hahaha... and what are you gonna do about it, gringo?
We can take this to the yard, if you like.
Because the way I see it, you could use an attitude adjustment, pal.
Mark Andrews
That's enough!
Cut it out! Both of you.
This is the six of us and that's that.
Kenneth Bell
Nah, hold on just a minute.
We ought to at least talk about it.
The more escapees, the more liability.
I'm not on board with bringing along the cartel boss.
Mark Andrews
Deal with it.
Mark Andrews
Because this is not your call.
It's my plan.
And I need Lalo.
I don't need you.
Kenneth Bell
Is that right?
Mark Andrews
That's right.
Mark Andrews
And if you don't like it.
You're welcome to stay here at Fox River.
Kenneth Bell
You are putting us all at risk.
This is on you,
if we get caught because you didn't want to cut down on the guest list.
And if we don't get out of here, you better believe you're gonna pay.
Because we're all gonna be stuck here for another season if we don't get out.
Come on, Olave. Let's go.
Lalo Salamanca
Don't screw this up, Fish.
Captain Covfefe
You sure you can trust them?
Mark Andrews
They'll play nice for now.
At least until we get over that wall.
Captain Covfefe
There's one thing you didn't tell the others.
Your ankle.
Did you injure it while digging?
Mark Andrews
Lost my footing and rolled it.
Captain Covfefe
Are you gonna be okay?
Mark Andrews
Mark Andrews
I'll be fine.
At least until we get on that plane.
Captain Covfefe
Because in order for us to complete a successful escape, we need to make the playoffs.
But Bell and Seana, they'll be fighting for a playoff spot as well.
And if push comes to shove, if it comes down to one playoff spot,
We might not all make it, Mark.
We might have to dump someone.
Are you prepared for that?
Mark Andrews
We'll cross that bridge when we get there...
Quentin Beck
Christopher... what are you doing here?
We weren't expecting you.
Christopher Parker
What the hell is going on, Beck?

Christopher Parker
I tried to log into my account last week and it says I'm locked out.
And then, I called Martha Industries this morning.
Asked them what was going on with the Meta Project,
and they said there is no Meta Project.
As a matter of fact, you don't even work at Martha Industries anymore!
You were fired 8 weeks ago!
What the hell is happening?
Quentin Beck
What? Slow down, kid.
Who did you talk to at Martha Industries?
This must be some kind of mistake.
You know, I heard rumors of Hydra infiltrating Martha Industries.
We can't trust anyone at Martha Industries.
I have a contact we can talk to, just give me a second to get a hold of him.
Christopher Parker
Stop gaslighting me, Beck!
I know what's going on.
You're trying to take Ultron away from me.
Where is Mark? I want to talk to him.
Quentin Beck
Listen to me, kid.
Zuckerberg is really busy, you don't want to do this.
Let's just calm down and give me some time to work this out.

Christopher Parker-206
I'm done listening to you.
Christopher Parker-206
Quentin Beck
Chris, stop. He's wired in.
Christopher Parker-206
Is he?
Christopher Parker-206
How about now?
You still wired in?
Christopher Parker-206
You're setting me up?!
You took the QB1 glasses and stole Ultron from me!
Mark Zuckerberg
Chris, you gave me the glasses.
Take some responsibility.
Christopher Parker-206
You were never working with Martha Industries, were you?
This was all a ploy to get the code.
Why are you doing this?
It's going to be like I was never apart of the Ultron Project.
Quentin Beck
It's not going to be like you aren't apart of the Ultron Project,
you aren't apart of the Ultron Project.
Christopher Parker-206
My name is on the Senior Project.
Quentin Beck
You might want to check again.
Mark Zuckerberg
Listen Chris. It's not personal.
You can have Ultron. Take whatever credit you want.
Because this has evolved way past Ultron.
This is Metatron now.
It's cleaner, don't you think?
Ultron was associated with Kendrick Stark.
It was a failure and I can't put my name next to that.
Christopher Parker-206
You stole it from me...
You just changed the name.
Mark Zuckerberg
I didn't steal anything.
If you wanted to create Metatron, you would've created Metatron.
Metatron is nothing like Ultron.
Metatron is more powerful, it is more advanced.
Metatron will be the greatest AI to have ever existed.
In all the ways that Ultron failed, Metatron will succeed.
It is the next evolution.
Christopher Parker's Season Objective:
Stop Metatron From Being Created
(Win a Playoff Game)
Christopher Parker-206
I'm going to stop you, you son of a bitch!
I won't let Metatron get off the ground.
I will destroy you and everything that you've built.
Do you hear me, Mark?
Mark Zuckerberg
And how exactly are you going to stop me?
You're just a kid who couldn't even make
the intramural flag football team at UC Davis.
Christopher Parker-206
I'm going to tell Mr. Stark what you've done.
Mark Zuckerberg
Good luck with that.
I don't know if you've noticed, but he's a bit preoccupied with the Riddler killings.
Christopher Parker-206
You've been planning this for months..
Mark Zuckerberg
I've been planning this for years, Chris.
It's the perfect storm.
Captain Covfefe is in jail, Kendrick Stark is going through a losing season,
Wakanda is on the brink of collapse and soon, I will have all the vibarnium that I need.
And all I needed from you, was to get a hold of the QB1 Glasses.
You see, that's the difference between you and I, Chris.
When I set a goal and I accomplish it.
Metatron will launch by the end of the season, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Christopher Parker-206
I'll call the West Coast Cousins.
Mark Zuckerberg
The West Coast Cousins without Captain Covfefe.
That's like the Bengals without Joe Burrow, harmless.
Christopher Parker-206
Someone will stop you.
I'll call the Spiderman.
Mark Zuckerberg
Of all the heroes you could name, you chose to go with Spiderman?
That is laughable.
I don't know what's a bigger insult.
The fact that you think a little friendly neighborhood Spiderman can stop me?
Or the fact that you think that you had any part in building Metatron.
Security, please escort Mr. Parker out of here.
He is no longer welcome on these premises.
Christopher Parker-206
That's okay, I'm leaving.
But you better watch your back, Mark.
Because I will come for you.
Mark Zuckerberg
I'd like to see you try.
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