Outside the Iceberg Lounge,
Detective D'Vincent Davis arrives onto Chesa Boudin's crime scene.
Detective D'Vincent-206
What do we have?
Detective Tucker
Boudin was last seen leaving the Iceberg Lounge.
Witnesses say he was pretty wasted,
but managed to get into his car and drive off.
Detective D'Vincent-206
Did anyone see where he went?
Detective Tucker
Nothing yet.
Detective D'Vincent-206
Surveillance cameras?
Detective Tucker
We're still looking.
Detective D'Vincent-206
We need to find the last person who saw Chesa.
This Riddler might have an accomplice,
someone knew where he would be and followed him to his car.
Kendrick Stark
I'm pretty sure The Riddler is working alone, your majesty.
Kendrick Stark walks onto the scene.
Kendrick Stark
But I'm more interested in why the King of Wakanda
is looking into the Riddler?
Detective D'Vincent-206
Mr. Stark.
This is an active investigation, we can't have you on the premises.
Doesn't matter if you're a vigilante.
Kendrick Stark
Is that what we're calling ourselves these days, Macavity?
What about you?
If I'm not allowed to be here, what gives you the right?
Detective D'Vincent-206
Can someone escort Mr. Stark out of here?
We don't have time for tourists.
Kendrick Stark
That's strange coming from a Wakandan King on American soil.
Detective D'Vincent-206
Mr. Stark, clearly you've done your homework.
But if you are trying to get me mad by
bringing up my home country, it is working.
My family fled Wakanda after N'Jobu's coup.
Many lives were lost, including my father's.
Kendrick Stark
Wait, what?
So respectfully, Mr. Stark.
Until our investigation is complete, you cannot be here.
Kendall Holmes-1187
On the contrary, Detective.
If you want to solve this case, you'll need my help.
Detective D'Vincent-206
Mr. Stark... are you feeling okay?
Kendrick Stark
I'm sorry.. what?
Kendrick Stark
I've got this massive headache...
What were you saying?
Detective D'Vincent-206
I was saying....
Detective D'Vincent and the entire police force disappear
right before Stark's eyes.
Kendrick Stark
...what the hell was that, Jarvis?
What was what? Sir?
Kendrick Stark
Where did he go? And why was he dressed as a police officer?
Sir, you've been alone at this crime scene for several minutes now.
Did you have another hallucination?
Vital signs appear normal.
Kendrick Stark
We don't have time to work that out.
We're on the clock.
Show me what happened here.
Initiating virtual reconstruction of the crime scene.
Hold on sir, you are receiving an incoming call from Happy Hogan.
Kendrick Stark
Put him through.
Happy Hogan
Kendrick, you're giving the kid the Ultron Project?
Are you nuts?
Kendrick Stark
Relax, Happy.
I'm just keeping the kid busy.
I'm not going to approve anything on Ultron,
just wanted to string him along and make him feel important.
I've got enough on my plate and don't need another Ultron right now.
Besides, I heard the kid didn't even show up to Martha Industries last week.
He's given up already.
Alright, I've got to go. I'm really busy, Happy.
Jarvis? Let's get back to work.
Certainly, sir.
I've compiled data from the night Chesa Boudin was kidnapped,
its contents come from surveillance footage found by the FBI and SFPD.
Kendrick Stark
Wait, you see that?
The Iceberg Lounge, why have I never heard of it?
Opened in 1992, the Iceberg Lounge is a nightclub in Gotham City,
owned and operated by one, Oswald Cobblepot.
Kendrick Stark
Gotham City.
There it is again, why haven't I heard of this city?
Because it doesn't exist in your world.
It exists in mine.
And so does The Riddler.
Kendrick Stark
Jarvis, I'm not hallucinating again, am I?
Because there is a giant bat standing in my crime scene.
I see him as well, sir.
You're not hallucinating.
But you are slipping through time. Across the multiverse.
I know, because it's happening to me too.
Kendrick Stark
You're the Batman.
Kendrick Stark
How is this happening?
I'm not sure.
But our universes are colliding, Mr. Stark.
I was brought here to your world, along with the criminals of Gotham City.
Kendrick Stark
None of this should be possible...
It shouldn't.
But somehow the multiverse has been broken.
And now the Riddler is on the loose.
He will kill again.
Unless I find him and take him back to my world.
Kendrick Stark
What can you tell me about the Riddler?
He left a cipher.
Kendrick Stark
Jarvis, let's take a look at this.
Kendrick Stark
So what else do you have?
I know he's your guy, but this is my world.
And I'd like to run point on this...
Kendrick Stark turns around to find that the Batman is gone.
Kendrick Stark
What an asshole...
Episode Five - Kings and Gods
On Treasure Island, we find the F-Men exploring the underground base.
Trevor Lawrence
Let's keep our eyes sharp,
we don't know exactly what we're going to find down here.
Kevan rushes ahead.
Trevor Lawrence
Kevan! Slow down.
It doesn't take long for Kevan to discover the labs.
Christina 'Storm' Watson
Kevan, I'm so sorry...
Why can't I remember any of this?
Jean Addison
...they must have wiped your memory.
Kevan focuses on the liquid adamantium
as his memories begin to return.
I remember... I remember pain.
Don't be angry.
William Stryker shows up with a team of soldiers.
William Stryker
It's a gift.
A gift that only I could give you.
I was wondering when you were going to show up, Kevan.
Who are you?
William Stryker
I think you know.
William Stryker
You're a talented human being, Kevan.
Natural athletic ability. Built like a tank.
And of course.. that healing factor. It's magnificent.
William Stryker
Combined with my innovation and knack of science,
you are unstoppable.
It works.
It's a common misconception... that I hate mutants.
No, on the contrary. I admire them.
Oh, what I wouldn't give to have my own powers...
Trevor Lawrence
That's enough.
William Stryker
You see, that's the problem, Cyclops.
Yes, I know you too.
People like you, people like Professor Xavier...
they want to put limits what the human body and mind can do.
He wants to restrict you and control your capabilities.
Do you think Xavier restricts his own abilities?
Of course not.
He wants to keep all the power to himself.
William Stryker
But me? I am much more giving than that.
My only goal is to further enhance your abilities.
You're talented on your own, Kevan.
What I have given you,
will one day lead you to a Championship.
I have made you faster.
Stronger, more powerful.
Because of me, you are a football killing machine.
You are Deebo.
And you have the ability to dominate every single human being on the gridiron.
William Stryker
And all I had to do was pump you up with a bunch of steroids,
adamantium metal.. and the healing factor did the rest.
Only you could've survived my experiments.
Kevan, you are my greatest achievement.
I have given you everything...
I am proud of you, my son.
I didn't ask for any of this.
William Stryker
Wrong again.
You volunteered to be one of my subjects.
You knew the risks and you accepted my gifts.
Oh? Have you forgotten?
That's right. Guilty.
You didn't agree to have your memory wiped, I'll give you that.
But you did volunteer for the experiment.
You wanted to be a football killing machine.
And I gave you what you asked for.
William Stryker
Now, if you can't appreciate that...
well then... you can fuck off.
Oh, I'm going to appreciate your work alright, bub.
I'm going to appreciate it when I rip your fucking guts to shreds!
William Stryker
You were always an animal.
You let your animal instincts get the best of you.
And while it gives you great advantages when it comes to survival...
it doesn't make you the smartest creature in the world.
You'll always lose to a superior being.
William Stryker
I was hoping that I wouldn't have to resort to this,
but so be it.
I wanted you on my side, my son.
I always have.
But I have come prepared.
You've always got to have an ace up your sleeve...
Minhneto appears from the sky.
Christina 'Storm' Watson
We've got trouble...
Trevor Lawrence
Minh.... what are you doing?
I've struck a deal with Stryker.
He will enhance my abilities... and help me win a League Championship.
And finally, a mutant will rule this Fantasy League.
Kevan's Season Objective:
Defeat William Stryker
(Finish the Season with a Better Record Than Chuckanuts)
Grrr.... come on!
Minhneto's Season Objective:
Capture Kevan
(Finish the Season with a Better Record Than Undertaker)
Go on... lift the hammer.
Let's see how worthy you really are, T'Vincent.
Jordana Love
The key is leverage, brother.
It is not about strength. You can do it...
Jordana Love scores 19.64 in a losing effort as T'Vincent's team scores 95.62
As a result, T'Vincent is unable to lift the hammer.
Derrick 'M'Baku' Henry
Just as I had suspected. The King is unworthy.
An ordinary king.
This, I do not respect. Trade me from the team, T'Vincent.

Thor Rocksinson arrives in Wakanda.
Thor Rocksinson
Black Manager.
What are you doing?
It seems you have misplaced your hammer.
Thor Rocksinson
I have not misplaced it, I knew where it was all along.
Then why would you leave it here?
Thor Rocksinson
I didn't leave it here... it's a long story.
I can't get into it now.
Well your hammer has destroyed our monuments.
In particular, a statue of my father.
Honoring his reign as King and Black Manager.
Thor Rocksinson
First of all, my hammer has a name, MjolCaffrey.
Second, why didn't you just build the statue from vibarium?
Jordana Love
That's what I said!
Enough. Your carelessness is unworthy of a God.
If you manage your Fantasy Team anything like you manage your weapons,
it is a wonder how you've made it this far.
Thor Rocksinson
Oh? I know we're not talking about Fantasy Football right now?
My Fantasy Team would destroy your Fantasy Team any day of the week.
But I wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of all your people.
Thor Rocksinson
If they saw what I would do to you,
they would name me the Black Manager.
Pick up your hammer and let's find out.
Thor Rocksinson
Oh, there is no need.
I can beat you without MjolCaffrey.
Pick it up.
It is invading our land and I would like for its prompt removal.
T'Vincent's Week 5 Objective:
Beat Thor Rocksinson
(Win Week 5 Matchup Against Rock Reigns)
Thor Rocksinson
Make me.
Thor Rocksinson's Week 5 Objective:
Beat the Black Manager
(Win Week 5 Matchup Against vincent1469)
Black Manager
As you wish....
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