Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Week 12 Recap: Thanksgiving Day Massacare

 Singles Match
Dollar Discount Team vs. Rock Reigns

A back and forth affair!
Single H squares off against Rock Michaels in a high octane match.

Leonard Fournette goes nuts for 37.10!

Jim Ross
Sweet Chin Music! Sweet Chin Music!
The Game is down... 1...2.. KICKOUT!
Near fall for the 2nd place Rock Michaels.

Jim Ross
A spin shattering chair shot to Michaels!
My God! He may be paralyzed after that.
28.30 from Joe Mixon, The Game is back in this.

And now 15.20 from Dawson Knox seals the deal.

Winner via Pinfall:
Dollar Discount Team

The Cerebral Sandwich is knocking on the doorsteps
of a playoff berth.
Single H jumps into 3rd place and has quietly flown under the radar.

Singles Match
Dalvin's Cook Out vs. Dollar General

A epic battle between rivals,
Chris Vinson takes on Vic Moxley for perhaps the last time.

19.80 from Deebo,
the star receiver continues to shine in Week 12.

Javonte Williams scored 17.10 in response,
Le Champion giving it his all.

Michael Cole
Heavy playoff implications on the line in this one, folks.

12.30 from Gronkowski,
Vinson trying to put Moxley away.

Vinson goes for the Codebreaker,
but Vic counters into the Paradigm Shift!


Winner via Pinfall:
Dollar General

Vic Moxley defeats Chris Vinson in their Week 12 matchup,
a big win for Moxley as he improves to 6-6.

Moxley offers his hand to Vinson, a peace offering of sorts.
Vinson accepts as he gets back onto his feet.

Chris Vinson
I'll tell you what you need to know...
but I wouldn't fight Donald Trump if I were you.
Because you don't stand a chance.

Vic Moxley
With your help, we might.

Chris Vinson
Donald Trump doesn't walk around with much security these days.
The Fantasy Stones and reputation is enough for him.
But he doesn't carry more than 3 Stones on his person at any given time.
His reason is, if all 6 Stones fell into the wrong hands,
all of his work could be undone with a snap of the finger.
That's why he keeps them apart.
But even with 3 Stones, he's unbeatable.

Vic Moxley
Where can I find him?

Chris Vinson
He's at his Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.
And like I said, there's not much security.

Inferno Match
Joyce's Team vs. Chuckanuts

*The Fiend's Music Hits*

Michael Cole
If there was ever an entity that represented pure evil...
The Fiend encompasses that more than any Fantasy Manager
that I have seen before.
As The Fiend makes his way down to the ring.

Corey Graves
It is hot as hell at ringside, Michael.
And for Sandy Orton, this very well could be hell.

*Crowd Cheers*

We are underway!
First Fantasy Manager to burn their opponent wins.

Van Jefferson off to a hot start, 15.30 for the Rams receiver.

Uh oh, this already spells trouble for Sandy,
Fiend tries to break her neck, but she breaks free!

Sister Abigail! The #1 Ranked Superstar is in trouble,
but The Fiend will have to light her on fire to win.

Michael Cole
No.. no... no...
What is The Fiend doing with that gasoline!

Corey Graves
I think he's trying to win the match, Michael.

The Fiend lighting up a trail of fire!

Sandy Orton just barely moves out of the way,
as the rocking chair is lit on fire!

The Fiend apparently lights a snake on fire
and attempts to hit The Viper with it!

Wait a minute! Sandy fighting back now,
11.60 from Kupp.

A reversal of fortunes, The Fiend finds himself behind now.

Austin Ekeler scores 15.90,
as Orton nearly lights The Fiend on fire!

The Fiend powers out into a mandible claw!
Orton is in trouble!

But Sandy pushes The Fiend into a wall of flames!
A burning Fiend runs in but Sandy Orton lands an RKO!

Winner via Burning Opponent:
Joyce's Team

The Fiend no sells the RKO and gets back up on his feet,
going for another Mandible Claw!

But once again, Sandy Orton lands an RKO!

This time, The Fiend is down for the count.

Corey Graves
Wait a minute.... look at Sandy, Michael.
She's having voices in her head.
What is The Viper thinking?

Michael Cole
Don't do this.... Sandy, don't do it!
Somebody stop Sandy Orton!

Corey Graves
My goodness.. what has Sandy Orton done?

Michael Cole
Has Sandy Orton just put an end to The Fiend?
What does this mean, Corey?

WCCF Championship Match
Look like I lost vs. John Seana (C)

*CM PUP's Music Hits*

Jim Ross
We are witnessing the WCCF debut of one, CM PUP.
And right away, PUP will get a Championship opportunity,
it must tell you how highly this company thinks of this young man.
Win or lose, I foresee a bright future for CM PUP in this Fantasy League.

Jacobs and Montgomery exchange Fantasy Points
on Thursday Night Football.

Seana appears well scouted when it comes to CM PUP,
countering moves and knowing what CM PUP is thinking next.
Almost as if he's watched his Public League matches before.

But CM PUP catches Seana by surprise.
8 points from Zuerlein.

CM PUP appears in control.
the Champion is on the ropes as Miami Defense scores 23 points.

CM PUP signaling for the end!
Will CM PUP be the new Champion?

GTS! PUP lands the GTS!

1-2... KICKOUT by Seana!

Seana taking momentum back,
26.28 from Aaron Rodgers.

Followed by an STFU from Seana!
CM PUP is in big trouble!
PUP just able to get to the ropes to break up the hold.

The damage may be done, Lockett scores 9.60 on Monday Night,
but DeAndre Carter does just enough!
F-U from the middle rope!


Winner via Pinfall and STILL WCCF Champion:
John Seana

A big win for John Seana
as he retains the WCCF Championship belt.
FantasyMania is on the horizon for the WCCF Champion
as we head into the final 2 weeks of the regular season!

The Baugh appears on the Titantron.

The Baugh
Whoa, hey. Hey, piece of trash!

*Crowd Cheers*

The Baugh
Yeah, I'm talking to you, fruity pebble bitch!
I'm sure you're wondering, where is The Baugh?
Well let The Baugh tell you exactly where he is.

The Baugh
As you can see, I'm at the top of the Roody Poo Bridge.
Right on the corner of The People's Champ Boulevard
and Candy Ass Lane!

The Baugh
So John Seana, you must be wondering,
why is The Baugh standing here on the Roody Poo Bridge?
Well The Baugh says this,
Last week on Preview, The Baugh heard you crying.
Crying all week, begging and pleading with Commissioner Foley,
Ohhh pleease, please bring me back my WCCF Championship Belt!
I want that one. I want the one that Baughy has!

Ha ha! That sounds like John Seana.

Jim Ross
Well... I don't think that Seana finds this funny.

The Baugh
Ah, shut your mouth! You piece of monkey trash.
Because you're sounding like a little bitch.
Talking about it's more important that we know.
Talking about the fate of mankind relies on this belt.
Well The Baugh said it before and he'll say it again.
You've been smoking one too many funny cigarettes!
But you know what? Since this belt means so much to you,
The Baugh figured he'd take real good care of it.

The Baugh
Oh yeah... he's gonna take care of it alright!

The Baugh heaves the belt over the bridge.

*Crowd Cheers*

Jim Ross
Oh no! The Baugh just threw the belt over the Roody Poo Bridge!
Seana can't believe it, King.

The Baugh
John Seana,
you talk all this trash about history between you and the Baugh.
Well guess what? Now we have history.
Now we have a problem.
And if you want to do something about it,
come see The Baugh!
Now do you smell that? Punk bitch.

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