John Seana
I lost the belt, I'm sorry.
Baugh just tossed it over the river, there was nothing I could do.
We sent divers down there and searched the entire bed of the river.
It's gone.
Then we need another Stone.
We need the Special Effects Stone.
John Seana
It doesn't exist...
It does.
Adobe has it, you just need to find it.
John Seana
What do you want me to do? Raid their building?
That's exactly what I want you to do.
And I have just the team to help you do it.
John Seana
You better be right about this...
The Nexus Event is tomorrow.
Ain't no do overs.
Then make sure you get it right.
John Seana
What about you?
What will you do?
Joining you to get this last Stone.
John Seana
You sure that's a good idea? Considering your limp and all.
I don't have time to look out for you.
I've seen my fair share of battles.
So you know, I was a soldier in my time..
that is until someone I trusted betrayed me.
Shot me in the leg when I least expected it.
John Seana
If you say so, old man.
Try and keep up. Let's go.
Singles Match
Rock Reigns vs. Dollar General
Rock Michaels fighting for that first round bye,
Vic Angle playing for a playoff opportunity.
15.20 from Fournette,
the most consistent workhorse for Rock Michaels this season.
Goedert goes wild for 22.50 points,
Vic Angle in trouble.
22.50 points from Diontae Johnson may be the lone bright spot
for Angle, as Vic hits the Angle Slam!
1-2.. KICKOUT by Michaels.
Rock Michaels finishes Vic off with a Sweet Chin Music!
Winner via Pinfall:
Rock Reigns
Rock Michaels defeats Vic Angle 99.28 - 53.32.
The Rock Break Kid holds onto his 2nd place position.
He'll need to win next week to guarantee a first round bye.

In West Coasteros,
Vin Snow arrives with a request to meet with Gavin Newsom.
Vin Snow
Lord Newsom,
I come with a message from The Baugh.
He asks that you and entire Northern army send their troops to Florida.
We're planning a final siege on Donald Trump.
Lord Newsom
Vin, I am grateful that you have made the journey to West Coasteros.
But I respectfully decline The Baugh's request.
I believe there is an opportune time to attack, and this isn't it.
Vin Snow
This is the only time to attack.
We have to act quickly.
I'm going to ask that you reconsider your position.
Lord Newsom
Had you stayed in West Coasteros,
the decision would've been yours to make.
Unfortunately, you chose to leave.
I've reconsidered your offer... but the decision remains the same.
I will not risk the lives of my men for The Baugh's cause,
we have to stay safe, especially given the current state of the world.
Traveling to Florida will not only put our men in danger from Donald Trump,
but the corona virus is still out there.
The risk far outweigh the benefits.
Vin Snow
You're a coward!
You're only in this position now
because Queen Santa Khalessi chose to fight last season!
Lord Newsom
And how did that work out for her?
She made a poor decision.
I won't repeat her same mistakes.
I won't be joining The Baugh... and neither will you.
Vin Snow
Pardon me?
Lord Newsom
Vin Snow, you've entered into our territory and we have a strict
policy for travelers outside our land.
Whether you're vaccinated or not, we have a mandate.
I'm going to ask that you quarantine yourself for 14 days.
Trust me, it's for your own good.
You've got to stay safe, we're in this together.
Keep a distance and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
#7tormsComing vs. Kevin's Team
Major playoff implications in this matchup,
Baugh in 10th place trying to fight his way back into the Top 6.
Elijah Moore drops Baugh for 14.60.
But The Baugh has a big day from the returning Kyler Murray,
and Jonathan Taylor. Baugh Bottom puts Kevane down.
Winner via Pinfall:
The Baugh keeping his season alive,
he jumps into 7th place with one final week to clinch a playoff berth.
Singles Match
Alex's Team vs. Dalvin's Cook Out
Alex's Team is playing for pride at this point,
looking to be a spoiler for Chris Vinson.
15 points from Matt Gay.
Vinson pleads with Jalen H asking for mercy.
But Vinson counters 17.80 from Gronkowski.
Jalen H goes for the drop kick off the top right,
but Vinson pushes the referee in the way!
Winner via DQ:
Dalvin's Cook Out
Vinson is now 7-6 as he is now in 4th place.
Still without clinching, he'll need a win in Week 14 to secure a spot.
Singles Match
Dollar Discount Team vs. Look Like I lost
Crucial matchup between Pupstin and Single H.
Pupstin playing for his season here.
An early barrage from Gibson, Single H scores 17.10.
Miles Sanders finally gets going, 14.20 for the running back.
But look at this! Single H looking end Pupstin's season,
he goes for the Family Tree, but Pupstin counters!
Jim Ross
A hellacious matchup here at Vengeance.
Pupstin doing everything he can to hold on.
Sony Michel goes for 18.90!
Pupstin hits the Stunner and this one is over!
Winner via Pinfall:
Look like I lost
Jim Ross
Pupstin lives to fight another day!
What an effort by Stone Cold.
127.02 - 83.60, Stone Cold keeps his season alive..
With 3 playoff spots remaining,
Pupstin will have to earn his way into FantasyMania..
Jim Ross
Hey! What the!
There goes The Baugh!
*Crowd Boos*
Jim Ross
The Baugh just hit the Stone Cold Stunner on Pupstin!
What in the hell?
The Baugh has no business being out here.
What is the meaning of this?
We're going to have to find out this Wednesday on Preview!
At Adobe, John Seana and his Fantasy Team
have arrived to retrieve the Special Effects Stone.
John Seana
Listen up, this is it.
We're not leaving without that Fantasy Stone.
Let's get this right, tomorrow is the Nexus Event.
Dalvin Cook
What's the plan, John?
John Seana
Leave no stone unturned, kill if you have to.
Amari Cooper
Alright Adobe, we don't want to hurt anyone.
But we know there's a Fantasy Stone in here.
The sooner you give it up, the sooner this is all over.
John Warnock
Gentlemen, I have no idea what you're talking about.
The technology for what you're asking for does not exist.
John Seana
Mr. Warnock, I was wondering when I'd see you.
Where's Narayen?
John Warnock
He was last seen speaking to an older man.
Tell me what you want...
John Seana
You know what I want.
And you can stop playing dumb.
John Seana
I won't ask you again, Warnock.
Show me where you're keeping the Special Effects Stone.
John Warnock
This is a big mistake, some kind of misunderstanding.
It must be.. I don't know who told you about this Stone,
but I'm afraid someone has been lying to you.
John Seana
You possess something that can save the lives of millions,
and I need it more than you could ever know.
What's behind the curtain?
John Warnock
No, please don't go back there.
What's behind that curtain is our most valuable asset.
State of the Art technology... it is our intellectual property.
If you're working for our competitors, we will sue you,
John Seana
Open it.
The New Day rip open the curtain.
John Warnock
Adobe's State of the Art technology is revealed.
CGI for the upcoming movie Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.
John Warnock
I can't believe you've done this!
I need all of you to sign NDAs now.
John Seana
What the hell is this?
John Warnock
It's what you're after.
The most advanced technology on the market today.
This studio will revolutionize the industry,
and I can't let you have it.
I will fight for it if I have to.
John Seana
This can't be it...
This can't be all you have to offer?
You've got better technology than this!
John Warnock
Better than this?
Mr. Seana, I'm afraid you're gravely mistaken.
David Montgomery
Hey, John....
They don't have it.
John Seana
David Montgomery
They don't have the Fantasy Stone!
I've been in every room, I've been on every floor.
I've searched every inch of this building.
There is nothing! There is no Fantasy Stone!
John Seana
But.. there has to be!
David Montgomery
There isn't...
John Seana
Oh my God.. that means... it means we're out of time.
We won't collect enough Stones before the Nexus Event...
We won't be able to beat him like this...
We've lost...
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