Amari Cooper
I can't believe we're doing this, man.
We should've never listened to that old man.
Those episodes of Kenan and Kel weren't even that good.
I've already seen them and they're not funny.
Nostalgia really plays tricks on you.
Come on, let's get out of here.
David Montgomery
Come on, man. We're already here.
And I just came off of IR. I'm ready for some action.
We can't leave without the Underchucker's Urn.
Dalvin Cook
Uhh... guys, this might be a bad time to mention this.
But part of the reason I agreed to come here
is because I'm facing legal action in 2021.
I'm in no hurry to go back... and if we die here...
well... what can you do?
Amari Cooper
Are you kidding me, Dalvin?
Amari Cooper
Oh my God... what is that?
David Montgomery
You know damn well what this is...
The lights return as The New Day is faced
with Underchucker and the Minhistry of Darkness.
Dalvin Cook
Oh my God... what did we get ourselves into?!
Episode Eleven - Full Circle
*SC Lesnar's Music Hits*
Jim Ross
And we start things off with the WCCF Champion,
Santa Clara Lesnar!
Last night she defeated Stone Cold Steve Pupstin improving to an impressive 9-1.
At this point, she is the favorite to win it all.
My God, will anybody be able to stop this freight train of a Fantasy Manager.
She has been dominant all season long,
and quite frankly, looks as if she's on her way to a 3rd League Championship, JR.
Paul Heyman
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman
and I serve as the Advocate to the Beast Incarnate...
*Crowd Boos*
Paul Heyman
And what you are witnessing this season is history in the making.
For 9 straight weeks, SC Lesnar has steamrolled over every single opponent.
9 have tried and 9 have fallen victim to
the most dangerous Fantasy Manager in the League today.

Paul Heyman
To the fan favorites like Stone Cold, to last season's League Champion,
SC Lesnar's path of destruction is a list of who's who in the WCCF.
No one has the formula to defeat my Beast
and it is only a matter of time before SC Lesnar clinches
a spot in this year's FantasyMania.
Followed up by the all important first round bye.
Paul Heyman
But it doesn't end there.
In the final season of WCCF storylines,
Santa Clara Lesnar will be the last League Champion of the Storyline Era.
And that my friends... is not a prediction.
It's a spoiler!
*Crowd Boos*
*John Seana's Music Hits*
John Seana
I'll cut straight to the chase, because I ain't here to play games.
Whatever the outcome of last night's match with The Baugh,
I don't even care right now.
But I desperately need to know...
How did you get Rockson Reign's theme music, Paul?
Paul Heyman
I don't know what you're talking about, John.
I know of no such person named Rockson Reigns.
John Seana
I am not playing with you right now and this is about to get very serious.
Paul Heyman
Listen to yourself, John.
You've gone off the deep end.
Imaginary feuds with The Baugh,
time traveling stories, you've completely lost it.
John Seana
How the fuck did you get Rockson Reigns' music?
Jim Ross
John Seana looks like a man possessed.
He's going to snap at any moment, King!
Business is about to pick up on WCCF Preview.
SC Lesnar steps in John Seana's face.
Jim Ross
John Seana just slapped the living hell out of SC Lesnar!
Uh oh! SC Lesnar didn't like at all!
These two are going at it!
Jim Ross
Ahead of their Championship matchup this Sunday at Full Circle,
all hell as broken loose inside the ring!
SC Lesnar and John Seana, we need an army to separate these two.
My God what a matchup this could be.
Call your cable providers and order WCCF Full Circle!
Welcome back to Wednesday Night Preview,
ladies and gentlemen.
And as the playoff race heats up,
we look ahead to FantasyMania XIII.
In what will surely be the biggest FantasyMania in the history
of this Fantasy League, we are in for quite a show-
*The Baugh's Music Hits*
Michael Cole
Wait just a minute!
Corey Graves
There's no way, Michael.
Michael Cole
After last season's deportations,
The Baugh vowed to never step foot in a WCC Ring again.
And my God... this is a shocking turn of events.
The Baugh is here in Atlanta!
*Crowd Boos*
Corey Graves
Listen to this crowd, Michael.
They haven't forgiven him for what he did to our country.
This is absolutely insane.
We've never seen The Baugh get this type of reaction from the live audience before.
The Atlanta crowd continues to boo,
not allowing The Baugh to get a word in.
Corey Graves
These people are not happy at all to see The Baugh.
Michael Cole
This will mark The Baugh's first public appearance
since The Deportations and what a way to return.
He was once The People's Champion,
but right now, he is Public Enemy #1.
The Baugh
*Crowd Boos Loudly*
The Baugh
I said... FINALLY...
Corey Graves
I think these people are finally over it.
Not everything he touches turns to gold anymore.
These fans are placing the blame solely on The Baugh.
Everything that this country has been through
in the past 11 months is all on The Baugh.
The Baugh
Fine. You don't accept The Baugh?
I don't blame you.
You want to hate The Baugh?
Then so be it.
Fuck you Baughy! Fuck you Baughy!
Fuck you Baughy!
Michael Cole
We apologize to those of you watching at home
for the language of our live telecast.
The Baugh
The Baugh will have to live with it for the rest of his life.
The Baugh failed. I've failed all of you.
Donald Trump won, and now millions of lives are ruined.
But I didn't come here to apologize.
I can't change what happened.
The Baugh
But The Baugh is back on Preview.
When I left, I vowed to never step foot in this ring again.
I vowed to never work with Single H, again.
The fact is, this company is no longer a McMahon family Fantasy League.
But let the record be clear, The Baugh didn't quit.
The Baugh didn't give up.
He will never give up.
I just promised myself I wouldn't help Single H make another dime.
The Baugh
So why am I back?
I'm back because I received a letter.
A letter from the Mysterious Old Man, otherwise known as Noah.
And the contents of this letter...
if true, it changes everything.
So The Baugh didn't know what else to do.
The Baugh figured, the best place to come find Noah,
is the West Coast Cousins.
So Old Man, Noah, whatever you're calling yourself these days,
I'm willing to bet that you're back there somewhere.
So get your ass out here right now and face me like a man.
The Baugh
You're going to explain to all these people, what's going on.
You're going to show your face
and reveal to the world who you actually are.
And if you don't...
We're really glad that you're our friend
and this is a friendship that'll never ever end.
Minh Wyatt
Oh my Gosh!
Minh Wyatt
Baugh, I am so excited to have you back.
You have no idea! Now, I have a new friend to play with.
And trust me, Baugh.
Despite the reaction from the live audience,
I'm sure most of them are happy to have you back.
It just might be hard to tell... since you know?
Half of them are gone. Whoopsies!
The Baugh
Minh, be very careful with the next words
that come out of your mouth...
Minh Wyatt
I mean, I understand why you may feel that way, Baugh.
It must be tough carrying the burden,
knowing you are the reason why so many lives are ruined.
You said it yourself, Baugh.
As League Champion, you are the last line of defense.
You were meant to protect us from the Big Bad Donald Trump.
But you failed.
The Baugh
That's not very careful.
Minh Wyatt
Let's take, for example, a look at the current state of our country.
Roll the clip, show everyone how our President is doing.
This clip is from last week's press conference with our President.
President Biden
Our country is doing great.
The State of the Union is better than ever.
I really have to applaud former President Donald Trump.
He's given me a lot to work with,
and we're starting to see the positive effects of the Deportations.
President Biden
I was a harsh critic of President Trump,
but he's done amazing work.
Our country is great again.
The NBA is great, the NFL is great.
Lamar Jackson is playing great.
Boy, have you seen that kid play? He's amazing.
One of the great negros of our time, I'll tell you.
Minh Wyatt
Hehehe.... oh, Joey.
Our President says the darndest things, doesn't he?
I've got to applaud his PR team.
Whoever is the mouthpiece of President Biden,
he must be one heck of a guy.
Minh Wyatt
But back to you, Baughy.
The greatest failure of our time.
You wanted to be the hero, you wanted to be the star of the show.
Just like your bad Hollywood movies, you had to be the man.
When really... the man should've been John...
The Baugh
Minh, don't say another word or I'll fucking kill you!
Minh Wyatt
Kill me? You won't kill me.
I'm your best friend. Besides, you need me.
You.. need.. me.. to help you undo this world
that you created when you beat John.
Minh Wyatt
Poor Johnny.
For 11 seasons, he struggled to find his place.
Year after year, disappointment after disappointment.
And then suddenly, from out of no where,
He becomes the guy.
11-2 and as strong as ever.
We all thought he was going to win.
It was his year.
And then, you had to take that all away from him.
All because of you and some schmuck who decided to drop Jeff Wilson Jr.
Minh Wyatt
But how could you resist the temptation?
It wasn't your fault, a Championship Week RB1
just happens to fall into your lap... how could you not?
I often wonder, how many alternate timelines do you decide
to do the honorable thing and keep Jeff Wilson Jr. on the waiver wire?
How many timelines do you decide to go up against John Seana
with your actual team and not one that was gifted to you?
Minh Wyatt
How many alternate timelines, do you destroy the world?
Because frankly, you don't have the cajones to get deported yourself?
Minh Wyatt
So as usual, I'll be the bigger man.
A truce, Baugh.
As long as you let me in,
I'll work alongside you in your quest to defeat Donald Trump.
But all you have to do is say the word,
and I'll be happy to discuss with you in anyway you like,
why you sent the Face of the West Coast Cousins spiraling down
a path of destruction and to the point of no return?
But until then, I'm just happy to be your friend.
And all you've got to do is... let me in.
K, BYE!!!!!
Gavin Newsom
In the wake of last season's Deportations,
millions of lives were changed and ruined forever.
Families separated, loved ones pulled apart,
children half way across the globe from their parents.
The man responsible is not fit to be in charge.
Justice will come back around and the American people
will find resolve in these difficult times.
Gavin Newsom
On top of the global pandemic that has wrecked havoc on the world,
these are among the darkest days in the history of mankind.
The Biden Administration has failed to protect the American people
and provide a quality of life that is sustainable in the long term.
In today's age, it is no longer about political lines, agendas
and doing what's right by your political party.
I ran for public office because I believe there is a different way
of governing. And I believe, in the end, we will be judged
not by the efforts we make on behalf of those that vote for us
or those who contribute to our campaigns.
I believe we will be judged by what we provide to the weakest
and most vulnerable.
Gavin Newsom
In my time as Lord of West Coasteros, I have taken on the leadership role
since the dearly departed Queen Santa Khalessi was banished from this country.
And as Lord of West Coasteros, I have enacted many policies to have kept our citizens safe.
We've enforced social distancing mandates, mandatory masks, vaccination rates
soaring above those of many other countries across the world.
West Coasteros is the Paradise that Donald Trump speaks of,
and I can bring the resolve that the United States of America desperately needs.
Which is why today, I am formally announcing that I am running
for President of the United States of America!
Gavin Newsom
My name is Gavin Newsom and I support this message.
Paul Heyman
Did you see John Seana's face when I played that cassette tape?
That was far too good.
How did you know John Seana would react that way?
I don't know who this Rockson Reigns is, but your plan worked marvelously.
And the way this thing is going, I can't wait to see what you have in store
for John this Sunday at Full Circle.
I will do whatever it is you need to keep this going.
You won't be in SC Lesnar's corner this Sunday.
Paul Heyman
Excuse me?
This next step is vital.
You will be leaving 1999.
I will open a Time Portal for you, and you will enter the year 2020.
Paul Heyman
What in the hell are you talking about?
You will arrive in 2020
and you will serve as Special Counsel for the Tribal Chief, Rockson Reigns.
You will help Rockson Reigns get to FantasyMania.
And then, you will instruct Rockson Reigns to drop Jeff Wilson Jr. in Week 16,
allowing The Baugh to become the 2020 League Champion,
thus causing the Deportation and sending John Seana to the year 1999.
Paul Heyman
You have no future in 1999.
If you stay with this company, eventually Vince McMahon will fire you.
You will only be a worker when it comes to the West Coast Cousins.
You will never attain the same status as when you were Head of the ECF.
You will continue to work your ass off, serving SC Lesnar,
then you'll have a run with CM PUP, forming the Heyman Regime.
But ultimately, it won't get you anywhere.
Then one day, you will killed by Donald Trump.
Noah plays a clip for Heyman.
Paul Heyman
Almighty Donald, I, Paul Heyman...
do hereby pledge my undying fidelity....
Donald Trump
Undying? You should choose your words more carefully.
Paul Heyman
You'll... never.... be...
If you stay in this timeline, this is your future.
I'm giving you a chance to start a new life.
You must break the Sacred Timeline and travel to year 2020,
and assist Rockson Reigns in screwing over John Seana.
You will return after your supposed death,
but you won't have any issues staying there.
I've taken care of the Time Variance Authority,
and now we can break the Sacred Timeline.
Paul Heyman
Listen, Noah. I don't know...
We don't have time to discuss this.
You must go.
You must go.
Paul Heyman
That's my future? Dying like dog at the hands of Donald Trump?
What kind of future is that?!
This is what I have to look forward to?
It doesn't have to be.
You can choose a new path, a better path.
You can be the variant.
The starting domino piece that begins a series of events
that will change the future forever.
You will be the one to set in motion the path to the end.
Last night at Bad Blood, you screwed over John Seana.
Now, I need you to do it again... but this time in the year 2020.
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