Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Week 10 Recap: The Survivor Series

Wolf Blitzer
CNN Breaking News.
During a live telecast of the television program
"WCC Wednesday Night Preview"
President Donald Trump re-emerged into the spotlight last week.

Wolf Blitzer
Towards the end of the broadcast,
President Trump is seen stabbing the owner of the WCC,
Shane McMahon and appears to kill him.

Wolf Blitzer
To our knowledge, this segment was not part of the 
scripted television program.
And now President Trump is wanted for questioning
in connection with the murder.
More details to follow as we keep you up to date
on this late breaking news.

Jim Ross
Welcome to Survivor Series, we are in Week 10.
At this time, we would like to address the very
serious nature in which last week's episode of Preview ended.
We here at the WCC, deeply apologize,
for the footage that was shown during our live broadcast.
At this time, we can confirm that Shane McMahon
was killed during the shooting of our program.
Due to legal issues and an ongoing investigation, 
we will not comment further on this matter.

Jim Ross
We take a moment to honor the former 
owner of the West Coast Cousins.
Shane McMahon, dead at age 50.
And in typical McMahon fashion, the show must go on.
We now present to you, the Survivor Series.

Singles Match
Rock's Team vs. Justin's Team

We kickoff Sunday's matchups with Rockson Reigns and Justin Styles.

As fast start by Styles, he scores 17.60 points from Diontae Johnson.

But Rockson Reigns responds,
13.20 points from Kareem Hunt.

Huge reversal by Reigns, catching Justin Styles midair.

Powerbomb and this one is over.


Winner via Pinfall:
Rock's Team

Rockson has now won his 4th straight game,
the longest active streak in the league.

Traditional Survivor Series
Six Man Tag Elimination Match

Jim Ross
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the Traditional Survivor Series,
Single Elimination Six Man Tag.
All Fantasy Wrestling vs. West Coast Cousins.
It doesn't get any bigger than this.
And we can see, Team AFW already out in the ring.

Jim Ross
The team of Vic Moxley, Chris Vinson and Kenny Omega.
Vinson's still got that ridiculous AFW Championship belt.

He's Le Champion, JR!
Put some respect on his name.

Jim Ross
For what? What has he done to earn that title?

Jim Ross
Kenny Omega preparing for this matchup,
John Seana and Sandy Orton staring at him from across the ring
as we await the entrance of their tag team partner, Minh Wyatt.

We're really glad that you're our friend,
and this is a friendship that'll never ever end.

Minh Wyatt
Hello, my Fireflies!
Hello Sandy.... Seana.
You know, I've had some time to reflect on
what happened last week on Preview.
And I've come to a very sad conclusion.
The two of you, don't seem to like me very much.


Minh Wyatt
But that's okay. You see, I'm a forgiving person.
And I had a little chat with my friend Huskus here and he agrees.
He thinks I should give you two another chance,
but only if you apologize for being mean to me.
Because if there's one thing I've learned in my time in the WCC,
it's that we don't tolerate bullies.
So until the two of you apologize,
I won't be participating in tonight's match.
But who knows? ... maybe if you're in some really big trouble...
maybe He will lend you his hand.

Jim Ross
It looks as if it's going to be 3 on 2, King.
John Seana and Sandy Orton heavily outnumbered.

Seana going for the STF!

But Vic Moxley comes in and breaks it up.

15.60 points from Marvin Jones.

Seana overpowers Moxley, hits the AA!


Eliminated: Who's Koo Part 2

Jim Ross
The match is now 2 on 2 as Vic Moxley has been eliminated.
But Vinson taking advantage, drop kick on Seana.

Jim Ross
Tag, in comes Sandy Orton.

31.84 points from Tom Brady,
Le Champion with an offensive explosion against Sandy Orton.

But a fatal mistake off the top rope!
Sandy Orton hits the RKO!


Eliminated: Dalvin's cook out

Jim Ross
Oh, how the tables have turned!
It is now 2 on 1.
Kenny Omega taking on John Seana and Sandy Orton!
The WCC has made a tremendous comeback.

The Best Route Machine comes in and 
quickly does work on Sandy Orton.

Jim Ross
What a maneuver by Omega!

One Winged Angel!

Eliminated: Joyce's Team

Jim Ross
It has now come down to these two!
A dream match for the ages.
John Seana and Kenny Omega!


Kenny Omega and Seana square off,
chain wrestling as we near the conclusion.

Shoulder blocks from Seana!

But Omega responds with a V-Trigger!

John Seana hits Omega with the Sixth Move of Death!

Attitude Adjustment!
Omega is in trouble!

Jim Ross
Wait a minute!
From out of nowhere, CM PUP!
CM PUP nails John Seana!

Where did he come from, JR?!

*Crowd Boos*

What is he doing?!
Why would he attack John Seana?

Jim Ross
I think these folks in Massachusetts are
 thinking the same thing.

Jim Ross
Adding insult to injury! GTS to Seana!
Son of a bitch,
CM PUP covers Omega onto Seana.


Winner via Pinfall:
Team All Fantasy Wrestling

The Boston crowd continues to boo,
as CM PUP looks directly into the camera.
CM PUP has inexplicably costs the WCC the match.

WCC Championship Match
#7tormsComing vs. howard's team (C)

Up next, our main event.
The Hiz defends the WCC Championship against The Baugh.

The Superstars tie up to start the match up.

The Champion jumps out to an early lead,
20.90 points from D'Andre Swift.

Spinebuster by The Baugh!

The Most Electrifying Move in all of Entertainment!
The People's Elbow!

The Arena lights begin to malfunction and shut off.

*The Fiend's Music Hits*

Jim Ross
My God... The Fiend.
The monster. He's back, Jerry.

I'm about to shit my pants, JR.

The Baugh turns his attention to The Fiend,
telling him to just bring it.

But The Hiz catches The Baugh from behind
with a Skull Crushing Finale!


Winner via Pinfall and STILL WCC Champion:
Howard's Team

Jim Ross
The Hiz retains.
Son of bitch, he's done it again.

I think you've got to stop downplaying
The Hiz's accomplishments, JR.
He's a true champion!

Jim Ross
Once again with the assist from The Fiend...

Don't be a hater, JR!
The Fiend didn't do anything,
it's The Baugh's fault for getting distracted!

Jim Ross
Regardless, that will do it for this year's Survivor Series.
We will see you tomorrow night for Wednesday Night Preview!

Against Donald Trump             Projection                 Actual           

Look like I lost                              119.36                      119.70
Rock's Team                                  101.11                     100.60
Will win                                          111.07                    108.66
Joyce's Team                                  104.68                    131.84
No Trade League                           112.76                    101.76
Who's Koo Part 2                            91.64                      63.52
JimmyGeesus                                 100.97                      80.94
Chuckanuts                                    104.89                      77.24
#7tormsComing                              103.64                     74.42  
howard's team                                 96.44                    101.48
John Seana                                     101.07                      94.58           
Justin's Team                                   82.93                      64.72

Week 10: 3-9 (0.250)
Overall: 46-74 (0.383)

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