As the end of the Fantasy Season draws near,
Det. Tai comes into the office looking to put the finishing touches on a season of hard work.

Det. Tai
So where are we on the Barksdale case?

Det. Minh
You didn't hear?
We've been removed, both you and I.
Reassigned back to homicide.
Det. Tai
What? The fuck for?
We still have a couple of the weeks on the Waiver Wire.

Det. Minh
Chain of command doesn't want us wasting resources on a case they consider finished.
Lieutenant has Det. Joyce and Det. Howard finishing up the case.

Det. Tai
This is bullshit.
And they want to keep Howard on the case?
If they want this done right, they have keep us both.

Det. Minh
You didn't hear?
We've been removed, both you and I.
Reassigned back to homicide.
Det. Tai
What? The fuck for?
We still have a couple of the weeks on the Waiver Wire.

Det. Minh
Chain of command doesn't want us wasting resources on a case they consider finished.
Lieutenant has Det. Joyce and Det. Howard finishing up the case.

Det. Tai
This is bullshit.
And they want to keep Howard on the case?
If they want this done right, they have keep us both.
When it comes to Fantasy Managing, you and me, Minh, we're two of the very best.
When it comes to this league, we're as good as it gets.

Det. Minh
Tell me something, Tai.
How do you think this all ends?
A parade? A gold watch?
A shiny Detective Tai McLuu Day moment?
When you bring in a case so sweet, everybody gets together and says
'Aw shit. He was right all along!'
Det. Minh
The job will not save you, McLuu.
It won't make you whole.
It won't fill your ass up.
Det. Tai
I don't know....
Det. Minh
They all end, Tai.
The handcuffs go click, and it's over.
And the next morning, it's just you in a room with yourself.
Det. Tai
Until the next case.
Det. Minh
Det. Tai
Like what?
Det. Minh
A life, McLuu.
A life. You know what that is?
It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come.
Now we've been instructed to return to homicide.
If they need us for any extra work, they'll call us.
But until then, we're done.
If they need us for any extra work, they'll call us.
But until then, we're done.
"If I hear music, I'm gonna dance." - Det. Joyce
And she will need to win the final two games in order to keep the Circle of Champions in tact.
Ahead of her Week 15 Matchup, she prepares a one last opportunity to wrap up the case the SCGD unit has been working on all season long.
Catching Kenneth "Stringer" Bell.
Det. Joyce
So you think you can help us take down Kenneth Bell?
Albert Wilson
That's who you want right?
I mean, you already got Jesse.
Kenneth is the mastermind behind the organization and if you leave him out there,
don't really mean anything.
If Kenneth Bell still has one hand on the wheel,
all the work you guys have put in.
Wouldn't mean a thing.
Det. Joyce
So how exactly do you plan on taking him down?
Albert Wilson
They don't know where the leak came from right?
Kenneth Bell is going to find a new way to distribute.
With most of his crew behind bars already, I can come forward and offer to help distribute.
After I earn Kenneth's trust, you have me wear another wire and it's checkmate.
Det. Howard
Hey Joyce, I was looking up some old files on the Barksdale case.
You know, some of these players we're killed and none of them have been solved yet.
Det. Joyce
Okay, and?

Det. Howard
Well, it's no secret that Barksdale was warring with Victor Oumar.
Wouldn't it be safe to assume some of these murders are result of Oumar's gang?
I mean, I know he helped us out with the case.
But murder is murder.
We still have to solve these things,
doesn't matter if Oumar is killing the bad guys.

Det. Joyce
I think our time is better spent on this Barksdale case.
I got a lead on Kenneth Bell.
They've shut down operations, only a few small crews remain out in the streets.
But if we can bring in Ezekiel Elliot or Alvin Kamara, their main shooters, we could seriously put an end to that organization, maybe even bring in Kenneth Bell himself.
Albert Wilson says Ezekiel Eliott and Alvin Kamara have been behind a lot of murders this season.
We need to put a stop to this.
Det. Howard
So has Oumar.
You do what you gotta do.
But with Lieutenant telling us to wrap it up,
I think you're just opening up a can of worms.
Det. Joyce
Look, we have a chance to do this right and do some actual good here.
I'm all about following chain of command, but McLuu is right about this one.
We need to put Bell behind bars.
And we have an opportunity to do that.
If I hear music, I'm gonna dance.
Det. Howard
You dance then.
I'm not going to ignore the crimes Victor Oumar has done just because he's helped us out.
Kenneth Bell
We did our thing for D'justin, man.
Everyone showed, it came off nice.
Wish you could've been there.
Jesse Barksdale
Don't nobody want no shit like this to happen.
If I would've known the boy would be doing some shit like that, man...
You know what I mean?

Kenneth Bell
What are the prison people saying?
That he just hung himself, like that?
Jesse Barksdale
Just tied a rope around a knob and just sat his ass down.
Kenneth Bell
I mean, how you supposed to stop a man from doing some shit like that?
What are you going to do?
Stay with him every damn minute.
Every day?
I mean, you can't.
He's gonna find a way if he wants to.
It ain't on you.
... It ain't on you.
I would tell you, if it was.
Jesse Barksdale
So what's up with that leak?
Someone had to snitch to put me and D'justin behind bars.
And we still ain't know shit about what went down.
Kenneth Bell
We're working on it.
Zeke say Albert Wilson been MIA since you were arrested.

Renee Young
At this time, I'd like to welcome my guest.
Winner of last night's FantasyMania matchup against the Underchucker...
The Hiz!
The Hiz
Give me the microphone.
I'm not taking any questions!
WCC Universe, you listen to me.
Have I proven my point?
Have I shown you why I am the deadliest Fantasy Manager left in the game?

The Hiz
Renee, you are just like all of my haters out there.
I've been doubted every step of the way.
But last night, I got my sweet revenge, when I beat the Deadman to a bloody pulp.
The so-called "Phenom" was nothing more than than a failure.
In fact, his entire career in the West Coast Cousins has been a failure.
Seven FantasyMania appearances and absolutely nothing to show for it.
But Renee, I am here for a reason.
I will be the last one standing.
The A-Lister.
And you know something Renee, let me tell you about my next opponent.
Vic Ambrose thinks he's some big shot.
The #1 seed, the favorite to win it all.
What a joke. Everyone knows--

Vic Ambrose suddenly appearances next to The Hiz.
Michael Cole
Chaos as broken out backstage here on Wednesday Night Preview.
But we will have to wait until Sunday to resolve the issue between The Hiz and Vic Ambrose.
The Baugh's music hits.
The Baugh
*Crowd Cheers*

The Baugh
After two, long, years.
The Baugh has returned to the West Coast Cousins.
Which means it's been 3 years since The Baugh has played in FantasyMania.
But when The Baugh stepped foot inside that ring last night, all of the adrenaline came pouring out of the People's Champ.
The goosebumps, the nerves, the electricity.
Feeding off of all 100,00 of The Baugh's fans in attendance at FantasyMania.
The Baugh did what the Baugh does best.
And that's stick his size 13 boot up Single H's candy ass!
Paul Heyman
Is that what you want?
You want SC Lesnar to bring it?

The Baugh
Oh, the Baugh wants you to bring it alright.
Bring that Urn too, so I can shove it up your Rumplestiltskin candy ass!
*Crowd Boos*

Paul Heyman
Well, too freaking bad!
You, just like the rest of the WCC Universe, will have wait for this Sunday.
SC Lesnar vs. The Baugh.
Winner earns their spot in the West Coast Cousins Championship Game!

Michael Cole
We are in for an explosive matchup in Semi-Finals of FantasyMania.
The Baugh versus SC Lesnar.
The Hiz versus Vic Ambrose.
You do not want to miss this.
We will see you on Sunday for the second round of the playoffs.
Only in the West Coast Cousins!
With just two weeks left in the season, the title picture is becoming more clear by the day.
Only Det. Joyce, Det. Howard, The Baugh and Victor Oumar remain.
The final four of what has been a strenuous season of Fantasy Managing.
Of the remaining Fantasy Managers, only Joyce is a former Champion.And she will need to win the final two games in order to keep the Circle of Champions in tact.
Ahead of her Week 15 Matchup, she prepares a one last opportunity to wrap up the case the SCGD unit has been working on all season long.
Catching Kenneth "Stringer" Bell.
So you think you can help us take down Kenneth Bell?
Albert Wilson
That's who you want right?
I mean, you already got Jesse.
Kenneth is the mastermind behind the organization and if you leave him out there,
don't really mean anything.
If Kenneth Bell still has one hand on the wheel,
all the work you guys have put in.
Wouldn't mean a thing.
So how exactly do you plan on taking him down?
Albert Wilson
They don't know where the leak came from right?
Kenneth Bell is going to find a new way to distribute.
With most of his crew behind bars already, I can come forward and offer to help distribute.
After I earn Kenneth's trust, you have me wear another wire and it's checkmate.
Det. Howard reports to the SCGD unit for Week 15.
Hey Joyce, I was looking up some old files on the Barksdale case.
You know, some of these players we're killed and none of them have been solved yet.
Det. Joyce
Okay, and?

Det. Howard
Well, it's no secret that Barksdale was warring with Victor Oumar.
Wouldn't it be safe to assume some of these murders are result of Oumar's gang?
I mean, I know he helped us out with the case.
But murder is murder.
We still have to solve these things,
doesn't matter if Oumar is killing the bad guys.

Det. Joyce
I think our time is better spent on this Barksdale case.
I got a lead on Kenneth Bell.
They've shut down operations, only a few small crews remain out in the streets.
But if we can bring in Ezekiel Elliot or Alvin Kamara, their main shooters, we could seriously put an end to that organization, maybe even bring in Kenneth Bell himself.
Albert Wilson says Ezekiel Eliott and Alvin Kamara have been behind a lot of murders this season.
We need to put a stop to this.
Det. Howard
So has Oumar.
You do what you gotta do.
But with Lieutenant telling us to wrap it up,
I think you're just opening up a can of worms.
Det. Joyce
Look, we have a chance to do this right and do some actual good here.
I'm all about following chain of command, but McLuu is right about this one.
We need to put Bell behind bars.
And we have an opportunity to do that.
If I hear music, I'm gonna dance.
Det. Howard
You dance then.
I'm not going to ignore the crimes Victor Oumar has done just because he's helped us out.
At Fox River, Kenneth Bell visits Jesse Barksdale.
We did our thing for D'justin, man.
Everyone showed, it came off nice.
Wish you could've been there.
Don't nobody want no shit like this to happen.
If I would've known the boy would be doing some shit like that, man...
You know what I mean?
Kenneth Bell
What are the prison people saying?
That he just hung himself, like that?
Jesse Barksdale
Just tied a rope around a knob and just sat his ass down.
I mean, how you supposed to stop a man from doing some shit like that?
What are you going to do?
Stay with him every damn minute.
Every day?
I mean, you can't.
He's gonna find a way if he wants to.
It ain't on you.
... It ain't on you.
I would tell you, if it was.
Kenneth Bell
Too Sweet, man.
Jesse Barksdale
For life.
So what's up with that leak?
Someone had to snitch to put me and D'justin behind bars.
And we still ain't know shit about what went down.
We're working on it.
Zeke say Albert Wilson been MIA since you were arrested.
Barksdale glances at Bell.
Kenneth Bell
I'm on it.

Renee Young
At this time, I'd like to welcome my guest.
Winner of last night's FantasyMania matchup against the Underchucker...
The Hiz!
The Hiz
Give me the microphone.
I'm not taking any questions!
WCC Universe, you listen to me.
Have I proven my point?
Have I shown you why I am the deadliest Fantasy Manager left in the game?
The Hiz
Renee, you are just like all of my haters out there.
I've been doubted every step of the way.
But last night, I got my sweet revenge, when I beat the Deadman to a bloody pulp.
The so-called "Phenom" was nothing more than than a failure.
In fact, his entire career in the West Coast Cousins has been a failure.
Seven FantasyMania appearances and absolutely nothing to show for it.
But Renee, I am here for a reason.
I will be the last one standing.
The A-Lister.
And you know something Renee, let me tell you about my next opponent.
Vic Ambrose thinks he's some big shot.
The #1 seed, the favorite to win it all.
What a joke. Everyone knows--

Vic Ambrose suddenly appearances next to The Hiz.
Michael Cole
Chaos as broken out backstage here on Wednesday Night Preview.
But we will have to wait until Sunday to resolve the issue between The Hiz and Vic Ambrose.
The Baugh's music hits.
*Crowd Cheers*

The Baugh
After two, long, years.
The Baugh has returned to the West Coast Cousins.
Which means it's been 3 years since The Baugh has played in FantasyMania.
But when The Baugh stepped foot inside that ring last night, all of the adrenaline came pouring out of the People's Champ.
The goosebumps, the nerves, the electricity.
Feeding off of all 100,00 of The Baugh's fans in attendance at FantasyMania.
The Baugh did what the Baugh does best.
And that's stick his size 13 boot up Single H's candy ass!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
Now The Baugh says this.
The focus shifts to Sunday.
The Baugh and SC Lesnar.
The Baugh will return to the ring once again --
Now The Baugh says this.
The focus shifts to Sunday.
The Baugh and SC Lesnar.
The Baugh will return to the ring once again --
SC Lesnar's music cuts off The Baugh.
Paul Heyman
And I am the ADVOCATE for the BEAST Incarnate.

Paul Heyman
Baugh, I truly do apologize for interrupting you and that million dollar tongue of yours.
But you see Baugh, SC Lesnar and I were backstage watching your million dollar promo.
And when SC Lesnar heard you call out her name, I had no choice but step out here.
SC Lesnar came out here ready to walk into that ring and... how do you say it?
Layeth the smacketh down?
On your candy ass?
However you say your nursery rhymes, Baughy.
I pleaded on your behalf, Baugh.
I told SC Lesnar to keep her hands to herself.
I told her to wait until Sunday.
And for that, you should be thanking me, Baugh.

Paul Heyman
Because if SC Lesnar had her way, you wouldn't make it to Sunday.
There would be no Semi-Finals match between The Baugh and SC Lesnar.
And the fans would demand a refund.
So WCC Universe, you can thank me as well,
for saving your main event.

Paul Heyman
You see Baugh, I truly apologize once again.
I apologize for what is going to happen to you on Sunday.
Baugh, have you heard of the phrase, history repeats itself?
Because I'm afraid truer words have never been spoken.
As you call, my client, SCGD beat you in the 2012 Main Event,
making you 0-2 in the FantasyMania Championship Game.
Which makes you, Baugh, the greatest loser ever.
This Sunday will be no different.
History will repeat itself.
Eat. Sleep. Conquer.
Baugh, this Sunday you meet your end.
Because what I have in my hand, is more powerful than any thing in your possession.

Paul Heyman
This here, is what everyone knows as the Underchucker's Urn.
But I'm afraid it is something far more than just the Underchucker's Urn.
And Baugh, when we get our hands the WCC League Championship...
There will be nothing anybody in the WCC Universe can do to stop us.

The Baugh
After listening to your monologue about God knows what.
The Baugh has only one thing left to say...
*Crowd Cheers*

The Baugh
The Baugh says this.
The Baugh fears no "Beast" that allows a fat walrus to speak on his behalf.
Now Paul Heyman, you say that if SC Lesnar stepped into this ring,
The Baugh wouldn't make it to Sunday.
You say you're doing it for the people.
To save their main event for this Sunday.
Well SC Lesnar, what about the people here in Minneapolis?
They paid for a ticket, why not give them a show right here, right now?
And I am the ADVOCATE for the BEAST Incarnate.

Paul Heyman
Baugh, I truly do apologize for interrupting you and that million dollar tongue of yours.
But you see Baugh, SC Lesnar and I were backstage watching your million dollar promo.
And when SC Lesnar heard you call out her name, I had no choice but step out here.
SC Lesnar came out here ready to walk into that ring and... how do you say it?
Layeth the smacketh down?
On your candy ass?
However you say your nursery rhymes, Baughy.
I pleaded on your behalf, Baugh.
I told SC Lesnar to keep her hands to herself.
I told her to wait until Sunday.
And for that, you should be thanking me, Baugh.

Paul Heyman
Because if SC Lesnar had her way, you wouldn't make it to Sunday.
There would be no Semi-Finals match between The Baugh and SC Lesnar.
And the fans would demand a refund.
So WCC Universe, you can thank me as well,
for saving your main event.

Paul Heyman
You see Baugh, I truly apologize once again.
I apologize for what is going to happen to you on Sunday.
Baugh, have you heard of the phrase, history repeats itself?
Because I'm afraid truer words have never been spoken.
As you call, my client, SCGD beat you in the 2012 Main Event,
making you 0-2 in the FantasyMania Championship Game.
Which makes you, Baugh, the greatest loser ever.
This Sunday will be no different.
History will repeat itself.
Eat. Sleep. Conquer.
Baugh, this Sunday you meet your end.
Because what I have in my hand, is more powerful than any thing in your possession.

Paul Heyman
This here, is what everyone knows as the Underchucker's Urn.
But I'm afraid it is something far more than just the Underchucker's Urn.
And Baugh, when we get our hands the WCC League Championship...
There will be nothing anybody in the WCC Universe can do to stop us.

The Baugh
After listening to your monologue about God knows what.
The Baugh has only one thing left to say...

The Baugh
The Baugh says this.
The Baugh fears no "Beast" that allows a fat walrus to speak on his behalf.
Now Paul Heyman, you say that if SC Lesnar stepped into this ring,
The Baugh wouldn't make it to Sunday.
You say you're doing it for the people.
To save their main event for this Sunday.
Well SC Lesnar, what about the people here in Minneapolis?
They paid for a ticket, why not give them a show right here, right now?
Is that what you want?
You want SC Lesnar to bring it?

The Baugh
Oh, the Baugh wants you to bring it alright.
Bring that Urn too, so I can shove it up your Rumplestiltskin candy ass!
SC Lesnar and Paul Heyman start making their way down to the ring.
SC Lesnar stares down The Baugh from outside of the ring.
Suddenly, she decides to turn back around and walk back up the ramp.
*Crowd Boos*

Paul Heyman
Well, too freaking bad!
You, just like the rest of the WCC Universe, will have wait for this Sunday.
SC Lesnar vs. The Baugh.
Winner earns their spot in the West Coast Cousins Championship Game!

Michael Cole
We are in for an explosive matchup in Semi-Finals of FantasyMania.
The Baugh versus SC Lesnar.
The Hiz versus Vic Ambrose.
You do not want to miss this.
We will see you on Sunday for the second round of the playoffs.
Only in the West Coast Cousins!
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